Hidden Corners

Chapter 149: Chapter 149 Convergence 1

"." Li Chengyi had never felt this way before.

It was obviously a matter far away from him, but the reminder from Ding Ning made him feel like "such a big event will happen to him".

"Anyway, the boss went back early, probably because he got the news a long time ago. Hongjin Company transferred your shares to you, and it is probably to avoid risks in this regard." Ding Ning said, "There may be some chaos in various aspects in the future. If you encounter any trouble, you can call me this number. If I can help, I will do my best."

It has to be said that although Ding Ning has been helping for Syndra's sake, he really has nothing to say to Li Chengyi.

After all, it is basically the limit for the two of them to make such a promise at such a critical moment, except for family members.

"Thank you, Brother Ding." Li Chengyi thanked earnestly, "If you need help with anything, Brother Ding can also tell me."

His tone is serious.

Even though Ding Ning didn't need it, he felt comfortable hearing this.

The phone hangs up.

Li Chengyi ordered a glass of juice as usual, scanned the QR code to pay, and sat at a table and chair under the shade of a tree.

The news is still being reported, and customers around are also discussing this topic.

Li Chengyi took out his phone and checked the news forums. Almost everyone agreed that it was Bai Xing who hit him!

As an emerging empire that once split from the earth and the moon, the development of Baixing is getting faster and faster, and new things and new technologies will appear every once in a while.

Yiguo has been gradually unable to keep up.

At this time, instead of just sitting back and watching the gap grow wider, it is better to drag Baixing into the vortex of war and drag down its economy and resources.

While drinking juice, he checked the news.


Suddenly the phone rang again.

It's father Li Zhao.

Li Chengyi quickly connected.

"Xiaoyi, your sister has returned to school, and the above said that she can directly join the army through the recall channel, and get free omnicist training rewards!"

"When did it happen?" Li Chengyi paused and asked out loud.

"Just this morning, Xiao Jiu called back." Li Zhao's tone was faintly worried.

"Don't worry, this is a danger, but it is also an opportunity. My sister knows it well." Li Chengyi was silent for a while, and he could only comfort him in this way.

After these days of beatings, he gradually understood Li Chengjiu.

This man was just a bit of a quirk, even though he was often beaten, the evil thoughts he felt towards him were always anger, and he never had a single murderous intention.

So her nature is not bad, but she was completely spoiled by Li Zhao and her mother Feng Yurong.

"That's what you said, but..." Li Zhao seemed to say something, but in the end he only sighed.

"Don't worry, Dad, sister is fine. She is just a military student, a preparation in preparation. In this era, fighting is not about fighting for life, but fighting for industry. Drones transform people into smart fighters, which is no better than pure people going up to control them." How tough?" Li Chengyi comforted.

"It's a good thing you didn't apply to the military academy." Li Zhao could only sigh and choked out such a sentence.

Li Chengyi said a few words of comfort before hanging up the phone.

Although I was a little disappointed that Li Chengjiu, the evil thought supplement, was missing, but fortunately, there was Zhuang Yijing.

This guy has been introduced to Longxumen by him, and is now undergoing the electric shock board test.

According to her willpower, passage is inevitable. At that time, it will definitely make up for the evil thoughts of my sister's departure.

Li Chengyi turned on the phone again and asked about the situation of the other members of the Destiny Garden team one by one.

Everyone was not affected much, on the contrary, the business of Daxiong's family became more prosperous, and some orders from the military went to her family.

After confirming that nothing happened, Li Chengyi heaved a sigh of relief.

Picking up the juice, he gently took a sip through the straw.


At this moment, a half-grown boy in white clothes ran over and put a small note by Li Chengyi's desk.

"I was asked to give this to you," he said softly.

"Who?" Li Chengyi glanced at the note, but did not touch it.

"I don't know, but he said it was written on the note." The boy shook his head and replied.

Li Chengyi waved his hand, indicating that the other party can leave.

Then he picked up the note, opened the covered part, and checked the handwriting.

On the note was written in crooked handwriting: 'No. 339 Shiqing Road, Yulong Restaurant Qingquanjian. '

A white skull was drawn on the back of the note.

This is an address, an appointment.

Li Chengyi's eyes sank slightly, and the white skull made him think of who the other party was.

See you, or not?

White Skull, the provincial high-level executive of Ideal Township, must have a deep purpose when the other party wants to see him at this level.

After hesitating for a while, Li Chengyi stood up and decided to meet her.

If the other party can find his location in real time, it means that they have been paying attention to themselves.

Compared with the Federation and the Security Department, the threat of Utopia is real.

He thought about reporting it, but the other party dared to send the address so aboveboard, obviously it was prepared. To report directly would be to tear your face apart completely. There is a high probability that you will not be able to catch anyone, and it is not good for him now.

Standing up, Li Chengyi casually took a taxi on the side of the road and went to the address written on the note.




No. 339 Shiqing Road is a farmhouse called Yulong Restaurant.

The location is in the outskirts of the city, and there are only a few horizontal roads away from the farmland and barren hills further away.

The farmhouse is located on the side of the road, and it was originally used for meals and breaks for passing truck drivers.

But at this time in the backyard of Yulong Restaurant, in a separate large private room.

Li Chengyi pushed the door open and entered.

In the rectangular private room, there are white walls and gray floors, and a rotating ceiling fan hangs on the ceiling, which is old and gray.

Several rattan chairs are placed against the wall.

There is a large wooden table in the middle, which is round and can turn, and there is a pot of green plants on it that looks like lettuce.

A white cigarette case was casually thrown on the side of the table, with the lid open, most of the cigarettes in it were gone.

Strangely, there was no smell of smoke in the house.

Most importantly, there was no one in the room.

Li Chengyi stood by the table and paused.

"What about people?" he asked.


Behind him, the wooden door was pushed open again.

A tall old man with gray hair and wearing a black wide-sleeved robe was walking in from behind him.

"Why are you standing at the door? Go in and sit down. I just went out to smoke." As soon as the old man opened his mouth, Li Chengyi's well-spoken Yi Guoyu came into Li Chengyi's ears clearly.

He turned around and recognized at a glance that the other party was the Utopia whom he had met once before—the White Skull.

The old man's eyes were brown, his hair was also brown, and his face was very kind. Like last time, he was still leaning on a wooden cane.

His facial features are the kind of appearance that can be recognized as a foreigner at a glance. It is completely different from Yiguo people.

"Mr. Bai?" Li Chengyi asked.

"Yeah, you remember. That's nice." The old man smiled.

He walked past Li Chengyi and sat down at the round table.

"Don't hold back, don't be afraid. I won't do anything to you."

Li Chengyi also approached and sat down on a chair.

"Mr. Bai is looking for me, what's the matter?"

The White Skull is also Bai Chong. What is strange is not that he will suddenly come to Li Chengyi, but that he will still appear here.

"Actually, I shouldn't be here at this time." White Skull nodded softly.

"Everyone has evacuated, and most of the chief executives in the ranks have been wiped out. They may all be waiting for recovery in the Red Temple. I'm still here. Presumably, Jiuyi's people will follow soon."

"So, why are you looking for me?" Li Chengyi asked again.

"Because you are very different." White Skull smiled.

"Different?" Li Chengyi narrowed his eyes. "What is Mr. Bai talking about?"

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little dignified and tense following these words.

"Before coming here." White Skull said, "I first asked Zhou Tan and Su Tan's director of the test field, Simon, and they all spoke highly of you."

"Zhou Tan." If Li Chengyi remembers correctly, he should be the leader of Utopia who was forced to blew himself up before.

I didn't expect to get the news so soon.

He was terrified that the utopia was everywhere, and at the same time, he also had some headaches. No matter how hard these people were killed, they could come back.

In a sense, it is really annoying to completely transform people!

"Zhou Tan is arrogant and confident in his own strength. But he still lost to you." White Skull continued.

"You don't know yet, do you? Her complete body, most of the modules are designed and manufactured by herself. Most of the designs of the Whisperer model have her direct participation."

"Awesome!" Li Chengyi nodded sincerely.

"Yes, he is a very powerful young man." The White Skull still kept smiling.

"So, look."

He stared at Li Chengyi.

"So many people are proving to me from different angles in disguise that you are excellent, very excellent. The mysterious team behind you has great creativity and execution. Such a team can hide so deeply, so good."

"You are born to never be inferior to others. You have quietly built such a complex and perfect team, you definitely don't want to hide in such an ordinary and peaceful way?"


Li Chengyi really wanted to say that he didn't have any team at all, just me.

From the White Skull's point of view, it is true that transforming people requires a lot of technical support and resource support.

Aside from other things, those materials such as metal casings require various large-scale machines to manufacture.

After establishing such a large manufacturing and maintenance chain, who would just use it to live an ordinary life willingly?

It just doesn't make sense at all.

So the other party's guess is very normal.

"So, Mr. Bai is here to tell me how good we are?" Li Chengyi asked back.

"Of course not." White Skull smiled.

He stood up, leaning on crutches, and paused.

"I am here to continue the last proposal. I hope you will join us."

"Do you think it's possible?" Li Chengyi said calmly.

"Why is it impossible?" White Skull asked back.

Leaning on crutches, he walked to the door.

"Three days."

"Three days."

He turned his back to Li Chengyi and said.

"As long as you agree, we can quickly evacuate everyone, including your parents, to a safe place."

"Leaving Yiguo?" Li Chengyi asked.

"Yes, leave." White Skull turned to look at him, "Time is tight, you need to make a decision as soon as possible."

"What if I don't want to?" Li Chengyi said.

"No? It's up to you now." White Skull shook his head. "Jiuyi is coming soon. Do you think you can hide it from them with your disguise?"

"I'm a law-abiding citizen, why did Jiuyi attack me?" Li Chengyi asked seriously.

"Whether you abide by the law or not, Jiuyi can't allow an existence like you to wander out of control, so at that time you only have two paths, to be incorporated, and to be destroyed." White Skull explained.

"There is no third way?"

"I'm giving you a third way right now."

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