Hidden Corners

Chapter 189: Chapter 189

"This is what you said is very disguised!?!"

Looking at the two people walking in front.

Xie Zhen looked at the goosebumps that naturally appeared on his hands, and now the other party turned around to lead the way.

But these natural reactions in her body have lasted for so long and have not disappeared.

"It's a bit exaggerated"

She touched Li Chengjiu with her elbow.

"He wasn't like this before!" Li Chengjiu gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, staring at the back of his younger brother in front of him.

From this perspective.

This guy's back is also full of muscles, which is so high that it almost bursts the entire suit.

"You can't grow so fast if you take hormones, right? What did this guy practice!?"

"Intensive injections must have been given for more than three injections in a short period of time, or the optimized second-level or higher injections! This happens." Xie Zhen said in a low voice.

"I have seen it from my former friends that the nutrition and medicinal properties in the strengthening needle cannot be fully absorbed in a short period of time, and will be quickly absorbed by the muscle fibers, and then it will be extremely wasteful to become a larger muscle circumference. But this situation Rarely. Because very few people would waste reinforcement needles like this."

"." Li Chengjiu didn't answer, and she still doesn't know how to answer.

It seems that during the time she was away, many things happened at home.

And the one who has changed the most is Li Chengyi.

When a group of people came to the side of the parking lot, a six-seater business car had automatically and quietly parked on the road, and the door opened automatically.

This is the official car that Li Chengyi allocated for himself. It looks like an ordinary car, but it actually has the highest safety performance. It cost him a lot of money.

That is to say, it is supported by the high profits continuously produced by Yi Garden, otherwise this car would not be able to be bought.

"This car."

Li Chengjiu is not a blind person. Standing in front of the car at this moment, he can tell at a glance that this car is not simple.

Since when did Li Chengyi get so rich! ?

Private car pick-up, accompanied by a secretary

She felt that she couldn't understand this guy more and more.

After getting into the car, Fan Yufei kept asking questions stupidly, enlivening the atmosphere, and the car didn't feel as tense as it was at the beginning.

At least the stress reactions of Li Chengjiu and Xie Zhen were not as exaggerated as when they first met.

Came all the way to a local restaurant in Suiyang, and entered the box that had already been booked.

A large table of dishes came up one after another, apparently they had started cooking them before, and they could eat them as soon as they arrived.

"Come here, you're welcome. They are all local dishes, and you may not be able to eat them in other places."

Li Chengyi greeted several people.

Now he seems to have no conflicts with Li Chengjiu at all.

Hello everyone, hello, everything is fine.

"You're too kind, so many dishes!" Fan Yufei exclaimed. "It's a little too expensive."

"It's nothing. Usually, your training must consume a lot of energy. Eating more is good for your health! You can digest it all." Li Chengyi laughed.

"Isn't Li Chengyi and your sister on good terms? She said just now that the relationship between your siblings is not good. She was really joking." Fan Yufei laughed.

"Why? She just likes to joke. Don't look at her harsh words. In fact, we have a very good relationship with siblings. We have always been close since we were young." Li Chengyi glanced at his sister Li Chengjiu. "Right sister?"

Li Chengjiu didn't even look at him, just lowered his head and ate madly.

"You see she's shy again." Li Chengyi laughed.

"Really, I haven't seen this side of Ah Jiu!" Fan Yufei also said in surprise.

"Let me tell you, she used to be a crybaby, with a big temper, and she would burst out at once.

Later, when I grew up, relying on my talent, I started to bully me in various ways. Alas, it was really unbearable to look back at that time. "Li Chengyi sighed.

"Ah? There is such a thing?" Fan Yufei was surprised.

"Really, I stopped doing it later, and being bullied by her is not a solution, is it?" Li Chengyi said, "So I started to practice martial arts and so on. Who would have thought that it would be okay if I didn't practice. After practicing, I found out that my talent is better than hers!"

"Wow!" Fan Yufei was quite appreciative and exclaimed. "Then what?"

"Then? Then I beat her up and made her cry. She was standing opposite me, crying at me, saying what? Why can't she beat me after practicing so hard?" Li Chengyi laughed out loud. He ignored Li Chengjiu, who was getting more and more red on one side.

"And then?" Fan Yufei was also curious.

"Then? Then I told her, do you still need to ask this question?? Do you think I'm one of those idiot villains in TV dramas? You have to explain why I'm so strong when you fight?? Are you saying it's funny!?"

"It's so funny!! How could Ah Jiu be so funny!!?"

"That's right!? She was still teary-eyed, standing there and stomping her feet! If I couldn't beat me, I cried. I was about to die laughing!"

"Stamping!!? My God! Hahahaha!!"

The two sat at the dining table and began to pat the table and laugh wildly.

And Li Chengjiu's face has turned from red to black.


She finally couldn't help it, and slapped the table.

"No.! No stomp!!!"

she growled.

Anger +5.

Anger +5.

"Eat and eat, sister, you can't really afford to joke, right? Let's just make some jokes to cheer up the atmosphere." Li Chengyi opened his eyes and asked in doubt.

"Your friends are all here, so be bold, it's just a joke. Don't get angry." He quickly comforted.

"Yeah, Ah Jiu, your brother said a lot of funny things about you in the past, it's so funny, aren't you cute?" Fan Yufei assisted in a foolish way.

Xie Zhen sat on the seat, looked at Li Chengjiu's trembling expression, and sighed inwardly.

She really saw that the relationship between the two siblings is really bad

She now understands why Li Chengjiu has that expression when he mentions going home.

If it were her, she would probably be in this situation when she returned home, and she would also be blown up.

"Eat, eat." Li Chengyi greeted everyone.

"Don't eat! Come out and fight one-on-one!!" Li Chengjiu pushed away the chair and pointed at Li Chengyi.

"Last time I was lucky enough to let you win a game, this time I'm going to beat you to death!!!" Her eyeballs were bleeding from anger, and they were all red.

Li Chengyi raised his eyebrows and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

"If you don't eat like this, wouldn't you be wasting the food on this big table?"

"Come out!" Li Chengjiu couldn't bear it this time. Pointing at Li Chengyi, the anger in his eyes could not be suppressed at all.


Li Chengyi pushed away the chair and stood up.

"Then accompany you to move your body. Xingtong, contact the venue."

"Okay." Zhou Xingtong was a little confused.

She has only started working as a secretary in the past few days.

It was a bit of a shock to her.

First, we had a meeting before and went to the Federation Building.

Then I had dinner with my sister at night, and I was so nervous about eating.

For Li Chengyi, who she thought she knew a little at first, after these days of contact, she became more and more unfamiliar.

At first, she thought Li Chengyi was just an ordinary office worker.

Then she knew that Li Chengyi was a small boss who opened his own company.

Then, she was shocked that Li Chengyi was qualified to join the Federation. Is he actually a boss of the Federation? !

And now... this guild leader actually wants to fight with his own sister? ?

What the hell is this unfolding! ?

Zhou Xingtong kept his facial expression as good as possible, and quickly searched for a suitable location with his mobile phone.

Where should I go to find a venue for fighting?

After spending two minutes searching for an answer, she quickly called and booked a spot at a fight gym.

Fifteen minutes later.

Brawl Club.

In the backyard is a large green lawn.

The white stars hang high, and the moonlight is evenly falling, staining the green lawn with a layer of silver gray.

Li Chengjiu stood upright and gently took off the medical tape wrapped around his arm one by one.

This is a medical bandage used to speed up her muscle repair.

The original look coat on her body has been taken off, revealing the tight basic clothing underneath.

The base suit is one of the military suits commonly used by the army to add various modules of uniform specifications at any time.

There are many slots on it, which can be added at any time such as force field modules, encryption modules, anti-hacking modules, detection modules, and other external equipment.

Some are similar to exoskeletons, but without the clumsiness and high protection of exoskeletons.

It is generally the standard uniform of military pilots.

The black tights made Li Chengjiu feel vaguely standing in the night.

She bundled up her long hair and looked up at the opposite side more than ten meters away.

Li Chengyi was standing there, taking off his outer suit and unbuttoning the top buttons on his chest.

From this perspective.

This guy is much bigger than her in terms of size

Muscles all over his body completely filled the shirt, his hands had thick joints, his five fingers were like steel bars, and they looked like the sharp claws of some kind of giant beast, giving people a strange sense of ferocity.

"Ready?" Li Chengjiu asked in a deep voice.

When it was time to fight, she understood that she must not be controlled by anger, otherwise she would use 70% to 80% of her strength at most.

As the true biography of Yanhumen, she has also learned the inner method to make herself stable.

At this time, her body arched slightly, and her eyes slowly became fierce.

Muscles all over the body squirmed like a rhythm.

An inexplicable tiger-like aura rose from her body.

At this time, she was like a vicious tiger about to choose someone to eat.

Li Chengyi moved his hands. The upper body stood upright, and the muscles of the whole body also squirmed slightly.

He looked at Li Chengjiu who was ready on the opposite side.

He tilted his neck, stretched out his hand, and hooked his fingers at her.

"Who do you think will win?"

lawn edge.

Xie Zhen, Fan Yufei, Zhou Xingtong, and a few club staff and boxers who were watching the excitement all gathered.

Fan Yufei asked Xie Zhen in a low voice.

"I thought that Ah Jiu would definitely win, but her younger brother also looks very confident." She thought.

"I don't know, but I still think that Ah Jiu has a much better chance of winning. Those who have not received real internal military training will not understand what that kind of intensity means." Xie Zhen said seriously.

They are all selected from it.

So it is clear that it is impossible for ordinary people to have that kind of resources and intensity to train.

Not to mention that training takes a lot of time.

Most people have to work and do other things, how can they come to training all day long?

"Exactly." Fan Yufei nodded.

"What about you? How is your boss? Are you the secretary?" She turned her head and asked Zhou Xingtong again.

".I...don't know." Zhou Xingtong shook his head in confusion. "However. I think the boss should win if he doesn't do things that he is not sure about, right?"

"It sounds like a layman." Xie Zhen shook his head. "Sister, you have to understand that this is the age of technology, and that kind of big muscle lines are actually the most useless. The really powerful ones depend on the utilization rate. Equal emphasis on speed and strength is the kingly way. When you are big, the burst of speed is also the most important thing." It’s going to come down. Need to find a decent middle point.”

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