Hidden Corners

Chapter 446 446 Life 4


A loud arrow shot into the sky, and then two figures in black armor rose into the sky from the bunker and rushed towards Li Chengyi. They were Zhenqi warrior officers.

"It's Shaoyin Yin Shen, retreat quickly!!" Suddenly one of them shouted loudly and retreated halfway. Obviously recognized Li Chengyi.

"It's too late!" Li Chengyi laughed, and a large amount of white gas exploded around his figure.

White air rushed up to a height of more than thirty meters, covering a large area of ​​land around it.

call! ! !

A huge wind blast exploded.

A huge deer man covered in gray and thick bone armor ran out of the white air, lowered his head, and slammed into the black fortress.

He ignored the warriors who rushed out, and ignored the arrows that were hurriedly fired from the bunker.

Li Chengyi only made two actions.

Lower your head.


Boom! ! !

At this time, Li Chengyi's body was already thirty meters tall, and his whole body was almost as high as the bunker wall.

The huge antlers on his head slammed into the wall.

A huge force of more than tens of thousands of tons was poured onto the black wall. This is not even full strength.



The thick gray-white antlers were like two giant spikes, piercing into the wall, cutting, tearing, and smashing it into countless rubbles.

Large rocks sprayed inward like raindrops, knocking down the black-armored soldiers of Tushan Kingdom who rushed up.

Most of the dozens of soldiers were lost at once, and the remaining ones screamed in terror, turned around and ran away.

Amidst the rumbling, Li Chengyi raised his head, shook off the rocks and black soil on his head, and roughly judged the nearest county seat of Tushan Kingdom on the map.

"Try to stop me!" He laughed, letting hundreds of black crows fly up in panic and scatter in all directions to escape.

The black feathers flew down and were swept up in the white air rolling out from below, submerged and disappeared.

Then he sprinted again, and with a loud noise, the bunker collapsed under the huge impact and turned into ruins.

Li Chengyi once again aimed at the next direction, exerted force with all four hooves, and rushed all the way.

The thunderous sound of hooves shook the plain, splashing up large areas of black soil.

In the blink of an eye, the others had disappeared and rushed towards Wuxi County, the next county seat of Tushan Kingdom.

The Shaoyin Kingdom is in chaos, and each city is in charge of its own affairs. The range of his ability to absorb evil thoughts has also increased tenfold in proportion to his increase in size, reaching a range of three hundred meters.

The improvement in this range has been noticed since the last time he launched the Soul Fusion True Seal state.

The scope was not so large last time, but this time it has been improved even more, and it can be used to replicate the method of collecting evil thoughts last time.

Before the thunderous sound of hitting the ground could be heard, Li Chengyi's figure had already left the sound wave far away and rushed further forward.

Tens of seconds later, a huge city built in an oval wall appeared in front of him.

The city wall was no more than twenty meters high, not even as tall as he was at this time.

No hesitation, no hesitation.

Li Chengyi lowered his head and pointed the antlers at the city gate.

"This is a gift in return for your Majesty."

His huge sound wave was like a storm, spreading throughout the county in an instant.

One after another warriors soared into the sky and jumped onto the city wall, looking in shock at the giant gray shadow that was much taller than their city wall.

"It's the fifth Yin God of Quling Mansion!! Julu!! Why is he here!!?"

"No way we can win!! Run away!!"


"Hurry and inform the county guard!!"

At this time, the county guard Shangguan Che had already arrived at the city wall tower. Looking at the huge deer man who began to dig the ground and take aim, he was completely stunned.

One moment, he was drinking wine in the house and embracing his beautiful wife. The next moment, he felt like he was falling into the abyss, and his whole body was cold.

The strongest warriors in the county, needless to say, had already fled in all directions.

The blood warriors with an average speed of sound per person are naturally the fastest ones, followed by the zhenqi warriors with an average speed of 100 meters per second per person.

Then there are the rich and noble people who have mounts of various exotic animal bloodlines.

The crowd was like crazy, squeezing and trampling, and rushed out from the remaining three city gates.

No one wanted to die, but for some reason, the fifth Yin God Giant White Deer did not seem to have any intention of launching a massacre immediately.

But quietly waiting for something.

What is Li Chengyi waiting for?

Naturally, he was waiting for someone to run away.

How can he absorb evil thoughts when everyone is dead? Naturally, he had to wait until people were safer before he could threaten and intimidate them and extract benefits from them.

The dead have no value, only the living are useful.

He had no intention of massacring the city from the beginning. He came here just to absorb evil thoughts.

After waiting for a few minutes, finally, everyone who had to run had almost run away, leaving only the ordinary people who had no time to run and squeezed into other city gates. He just hit the city wall hard.

Boom! ! !

The wall exploded, being squeezed and broken, spraying large pieces of debris inward.

Houses in the city were smashed by raindrops of various sizes.

Li Chengyi shook off the black dirt on his body, walked into the city calmly, and walked among the empty houses.

When encountering a building blocking the road, use your breastplate to smash it and squeeze it away.

Evil thoughts swarmed in from all directions, and as he continued to wander, there were more and more evil thoughts.

Soon, half a minute later, Jie Mao Feilian's evil thoughts quickly filled up to 100.

'finished. ’

Li Chengyi was satisfied, this move was so useful.

When I was in Earth and Moon, I was worried about the mass destruction of modern weapons, and I was worried about the suppression by top powerhouses such as Dong Junna.

But here, confrontation between enemy countries is a matter of course. He can intimidate others without restraint, intimidate others, and quickly obtain a large amount of evil thoughts that he needs.

After his evil thoughts were fulfilled, Li Chengyi immediately retreated. His figure absorbed the white air, shrunk suddenly, turned into a black shadow and flew towards the direction where he came from.

From the time he appeared to the time he left, there was no warning and it only lasted three minutes and fifteen seconds.

The county magistrate Shangguan Che was ready to live or die with the city. The knife was already placed on his neck and he was ready to kill himself. But when he raised his head, the giant deer disappeared! ?

"What's going on!?"

He stared blankly at the empty county town. If the broken city wall hadn't still been there, he would have thought that everything that had just happened was an illusion.

"Sir!! Sir, we survived!! We survived!!"

The deputy magistrate on the side hugged him and laughed wildly, with tears streaming down his face.

A large group of nobles who had not run far also noticed the situation at this time. They looked at each other and hesitated for a while. They did not return immediately, but stopped to observe.

But the civilians in the city who had no time to escape started a carnival. The nobles and rich people fled in a hurry, and the large amount of property and resources that they had not taken away were all at their advantage.

Anyway, no one was watching, so everyone rushed into each mansion and looted it.

The entire Wuxi County fell into jubilation.

In the midst of great sorrow and joy, two black lines in the distance came in an instant, approaching the Wuxi County Expressway. They were the Mingshuai of Tianjing Mansion who came to support!

But their support was destined to be in vain.




Earth and moon.

Outside the Jade Cauldron Fortress.

In space orbit, groups of fighter planes lined up in the distance to replenish ammunition and energy, waiting to take off.

The black automatic mechanical vehicle transporting energy blocks moved at high speed along the main track, passing back and forth beside Ding Meng.

She was walking alone on the platform at the edge of the main track, thinking about her mistake just now.

‘I didn’t do anything to Faen’s body, I just did something to the Dragonborn under their control, but it was discovered so quickly. It seems that there are two problems. ’

‘One, their control over the Dragonborn is tighter than I thought. ’

‘Second, their own brainwaves are likely to be different from ours. If we can have relevant samples for research, we may be able to complete a new mind-confused module upgrade for the Shadow Dragon. ’

The structure of the brain waves is different, and the reactions during invasion are also different. She has encountered this before, but she didn't react as fast as this time.


Just as she was thinking, a small sound suddenly came from behind her.

There is an isolation force field on the track connecting the fortress. There is air and simulated gravity. The environment is not much different from that of the earth and the moon.

So there is also sound wave transmission.

"Who!?" Ding Meng turned his head suddenly, turned around, and looked behind him.

If you are an ordinary person, you may think that this is the noise you hear, environmental noise that just happens to be close to you.

But she is different.

As one of the Jiuyi, and a relatively high-ranking Jiuyi, her warning range and perception range, even if they are weakened here, are still more than fifty meters.

In other words, any individual or living thing within fifty meters is clearly visible in her mind.

Even the slightest change in the metal track under your feet cannot escape your control.

She could feel that the sound was not coming from beneath her feet.


'wrong! Not behind him, but Ding Meng suddenly woke up and looked at his own shadow.

But it's too late.

A dragon shadow silently jumped out from the shadow and rushed towards the door in front of her.

‘The Lost Castle! ! ’

Buzz! !

The protective force field started automatically, but there was a crisp sound in the shadow of the dragon.

Fan's face flashed away, and Ding Meng seemed to see something crushed in his hand.

That thing seemed to be a ball, a silver ball with white light.

At the moment it was crushed, a large invisible distortion suddenly exploded around it, and the colorful light ribbon that spread out from the Mystery Castle was frozen for a moment.

Just for a moment.

The shadow dragon suddenly approached and entered the protective force field.

Immediately afterwards, there was complete darkness, covering the surroundings.

The silver-gray track disappeared.

Instead, there is a dark space with no visible boundaries and no distinction between up and down.

"Welcome to the shadow space we have prepared for the ceremony." Fan's figure emerged from behind Ding Meng and spoke softly.

"Shadow space...?" Ding Meng's heart sank. At this moment, he didn't know that there was something wrong with his previous actions and he was ambushed by the opponent.

But it's useless to think about it at this moment. We must find a way to break through here and warn Dongjun!

"General Fine, what do you mean?"

Her beautiful eyes were gloomy, staring at him with a hint of coldness.

"The ceremony to lift the Dragon King requires the throne to be built here. The three of us spent a lot of effort to use a large number of living shadows to create such a pure shadow space." Fawn sneered.

"Through this space, we can use this as a transit point for each other at any time, meet here, and complete the exchange of resources and information."

"What do you mean!?" Ding Meng's eyes shrank with silver light, and he instantly understood what the other party meant.

"Just as you thought."

On the other side, Thrall's figure slowly emerged from the shadows.

Then, the third direction is Ying.

Three shadow dragons, crossing a large distance in an instant, gathered here.

"It's not just me you need to fight against."

"It's us." Thrall said mockingly.

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