Hidden Corners

Chapter 476 476 Straight Line 2

"That guy is looking for the Hidden Stone, and Mina is not in the royal area." The middle-aged scribe sighed. "But it is indeed a bit too much to rush directly to the royal area and destroy the White Emperor's body."

"Return! Go back and kill that guy!" Black-tailed squirrel Huo Dao said.

"The leader will not allow it." The scribe shook his head.


"No but. Bai Ying is here, she will handle it after she returns." The scribe added. "What's more, Bai Emperor himself didn't say anything, why are you excited?"

"Too arrogant! That guy!" The man with the mustache gritted his teeth. "I just defeated a few little dragons, but how dare I do that."

In this world, they are invincible and immortal.

No matter how many times you are killed, you will come back stronger the next time.

If it weren't for that side effect, they would have become incomparably powerful.

"Forget it, it's just a little guy who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. When we finish our business, we can come back and cooperate with Bai Emperor to deal with him." The middle-aged scribe advised.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, behind the spacecraft, there was a deafening explosion in Ibeth, the Sky City where the White Emperor's Palace was located.

A ball of dazzling bright flames completely exploded at the highest point of the city.

The flames were mixed with a lot of dark red and gold, and the entire palace continued to collapse amidst the rumbles, as if something was destroying crazily inside.

"That guy destroyed the entire palace! There are still your favorite super-ancient fragments of documents inside, right?" The black-tailed squirrel looked at the scribe.

The middle-aged scribe's body trembled, but he still suppressed his emotions.

"The leader's orders are important. In addition, most of my fragments are in the royal family's secret vault, so there is no need for them."


Another loud noise came from behind.

"There was also an explosion in the direction of the secret warehouse." The black-tailed squirrel said quietly.

"I" the middle-aged scribe's hands were shaking, but he still tried his best to control himself.

"Regardless of the leader's orders"

It doesn't matter, there is a more secret royal secret vault, where the real and most precious secret volumes are stored.

"He seems to have discovered a new secret vault." The words of the black-tailed squirrel came at this time.

The middle-aged scribe was completely frozen.


"I'm going to kill him!! Kill that kid!!! Ahhhhh!!!"

Suddenly he turned the control panel of the spacecraft, his face turned red and his eyes looked crazy.

"But it's the leader's order," the man with the mustache interrupted to remind him.

"Kill him and I will go to the leader to apologize!!" The middle-aged scribe's eyes were bloodshot and he was going crazy.

"It's really crazy." The man with the mustache was not in a hurry.

"Get ready, resolve the battle in an instant, and then return immediately. There should be no time wasted." The black-tailed squirrel said irritably.

The silver-white spiked spacecraft broke away from the state of preparing for a long-distance jump, drew a rapid trajectory in mid-air, then accelerated wildly, and rushed straight towards Li Chengyi, who was sabotaging in the direction of Ibeth.

The distance of thousands of kilometers took only ten seconds due to the terrifying burst of acceleration of the spacecraft.

Soon, the spacecraft stopped above Ibeth, and the three of them were about to jump out.

In an instant, a golden light burst out from below.

Like a sharp knife, it hit the spacecraft.

laugh! !

The spacecraft was hit in the middle, and the shield force field was like paper, being broken open without any resistance.

The three of them were shocked and angry, and their bodies swelled up in a hurry. A large amount of silver metallic liquid poured out of the pores of their skin, and they began to deform.

"Annihilation Form!" X3.

The three people rushed out of the spacecraft, and their bodies instantly transformed into three huge pure silver human shapes.

Before they could complete their transformation.

In a thousandth of a second, a huge gray-white trident was swept out from below.

Fourteen times the speed of sound!

From bottom to top, sweep across with one blow.

Three people were hit in the middle.

Bang bang bang! ! !

Three loud bangs exploded, and the air was shaken and instantly exploded into ripples, which were visible to the naked eye and spread around.

The three figures dispersed and shot away, ramming through the three support warships behind them in the blink of an eye.

‘! ! ? ? What happened to that guy! ? How could the power be so great! ? ’

The silver humanoid figure transformed by the middle-aged scribe is fifteen meters tall, with a huge white halo suspended behind him, and silver ribbons wrapped around his body, just like the god general Arhat in an ancient temple.

At this time, he was hurriedly twisting his body, slowing down and turning around.

The three markings on his chest are shining with bright fluorescence, which means that he has mobilized all the markings at this time to resist the huge impact that just invaded his body.

'hateful! If it weren’t for the fact that my seal is not of the power type.!!’ The scribe was furious, his whole body was shining with silver light, and a large number of energy furnaces in his body were supplying kinetic energy at full power.

The speed finally eased.



A black shadow suddenly and silently caught up from behind.

The scribe felt a chill in his heart and looked back.

Another huge trident chopped off his head.

‘Space annihilation cannon! ! ’ The halo behind the scribe suddenly erupted with white light.

A circle of ring-shaped light cannons burst out from the halo behind him, hitting the trident swung in the middle.

However, a large amount of white gas surged out to offset the impact of the light cannon. The trident swung down against the beam and hit the target with a bang.

In the blink of an eye, it took less than a second.

The middle-aged scribe's silver human form was slashed across the waist, exploded with a bang, and turned into a fireball.

This huge white fireball with a diameter of more than 100 meters almost completely illuminated the entire Ibeth, as if there was an extra sun in the sky.

Countless people looked up and looked there.

But in the white firelight, what he saw was a tall black armored man covered in white aura.

Behind him was a big hand condensed with white energy, holding a giant trident, floating in the air.

"One." Li Chengyi withdrew his gaze and looked at the other two places.

"Where is the Hidden Stone? If you hand it over, I will spare you the chance to die."


Two silver human figures flashed in front of Li Chengyi at the same time, also floating in the air, eyes fixed on this side.

"You actually dare to kill us!?" The silver human form transformed into a black-tailed squirrel began to lose its silver color, and its size began to grow larger and larger.

Ten meters!

Twenty meters!

Thirty meters! !

In the blink of an eye, it expanded into a terrifying giant squirrel thirty meters tall, with muscles like twisted tree roots all over its body.

There was a boom.

His legs landed on the ground and stomped hard on the roof of the building, shattering a small area of ​​the palace into rubble.

Three engravings flashed silver on it.

Huge force, accumulation, hardness.

Li Chengyi instantly recognized the type and meaning of the engraving.

"Is it also an engraving system?" His eyes lit up with a fiery red light, and traces of hot smoke escaped from his mouth and nose.

"This kind of huge strength imprint is just right. Let's try to see how much strength I can achieve after absorbing the Dragon King's essence."

After many actual battles, he has roughly understood that the engraving represents the state reached by an existence, or the number of sublimations.

Some beings are powerful enough. Even if they sublimate once, they are still stronger than many people with weak bodies who sublimate multiple times.

This is what radix multiplication is all about.

Now his vitality has reached an unprecedented level of terror, he has also absorbed the essence of the Dragon King, and used the language of flowers to upgrade to the pure blood of the Dragon King.

Its essence is high enough to be used as advanced experimental material.

Li Chengyi's eyes darkened, and the pride that had just risen was instantly suppressed.

The memory of being crushed to death by the Green Mother, the Golden City's Light Pillar and the natural disaster storm came to mind again.

Ouch! ! !

The giant squirrel below raised its head and roared, hammering its chest crazily, and its whole body was covered with a large piece of rock-like armor.


It waved a huge claw and hit Li Chengyi hard.

"Yin Dian·Fu Kong."

Li Chengyi controlled the blood element and waved the trident upwards.

call! !

Amid the huge roar, the trident rotated at high speed, turning into a phantom and slashing upward.

The sharp blade pointed upwards, hitting the squirrel's claws.

Boom! ! !

The deafening thunder flattened the roof of the building once again.

Squirrel and Li Chengyi's whole bodies were shaken at the same time, with a huge force of more than 100,000 tons. In the confrontation, Squirrel actually fell behind! !

Its huge eyes showed an incredible look, and its body was knocked backwards by the shock. It staggered back, missed the target with a splash, and almost fell into the gap between the buildings.

Li Chengyi was about to pursue forward when suddenly golden and white death lights from around him took the opportunity to shine over and hit his body.

The terrifying high temperature burned his body rapidly.

But soon his body turned black and he became invisible and disappeared into the air. It was as if what had always existed before was just an illusion. This is the source of shadows.

"Available? I can do it too."

At this moment, a similar black figure gave Li Chengyi a hard slap from behind, knocking him out of the shadow source state.

The figure's body also disappears and appears, as if it is illusory and may disappear at any time.

It was the man with the mustache.

From the moment the middle-aged scribe was instantly killed, he knew that he and others had underestimated Li Chengyi.

This man was so powerful that he could threaten their lives.

So after an instant exchange, the two decided on a strategy, one to attract attention head-on, and the other to attack secretly.

Although they are not afraid of death and can be revived after death, recovery comes at a cost.

If you don't want to become a blind corner monster that has completely lost your mind, you must strictly control the number of deaths you have.

The moment he knocked Li Chengyi away, the three marks on the mustache's chest lit up at the same time.

His imprint is completely focused on strengthening the virtual talent.

Therefore, he can not only blur himself, but also others!

In his annihilation form, he can completely blur a building into reality and disappear into real space in an instant.

And now, he also used his ability towards Li Chengyi.

‘Shadow of Exile! ’

The innate ability enhanced by the three seals took full effect at this moment. Darkness covered Li Chengyi's body, quickly pulling him into a completely silent and deep mysterious world.


People disappear.

The man with the mustache breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the black squirrel.


Suddenly, a gray-white sword blade penetrated the back of his head and stabbed out of his forehead.

Mustache was stunned.

The black squirrel was also stunned.

"How can it be!?"

"Obviously he has been exiled! Why!!? Why!??" The shock in the two people's hearts at this time was beyond words.

This guy... exactly is it! ?

"Sorry, what I am least afraid of is the ability to teleport." Li Chengyi held the sword in one hand behind him and slowly drew it out.

Mustache roared angrily, but still turned into black smoke silently, dissipated, and waited for recovery.

The last one.

Li Chengyi stared at the last black squirrel.

"You can't kill me!! Just wait, we will come back in the future."

The black squirrel hit Li Chengyi with an angry paw.

Among the three, its ability is the most monotonous.

No. Compared with the strong men on Shaoyin's side, the strength here is very monotonous.

In an instant, a gray-white trident emerged and hit the black squirrel's claws with one strike.

This time was different from last time. A large area of ​​golden light shone at the same time, and a piece of blood crazily spread and climbed up the huge body of the squirrel.

At this time, Li Chengyi began to really use the terrifying corrosive and poisonous properties of the blood element.

This powerful system originating from Midran is naturally extremely toxic and contagious.

All creatures touched by the blood element will gradually be contaminated and become infected with the same pinkeye disease.

Li Chengyi wanted to give it a try to see if the blood element effect could also be shown on Earth Moon White Star.

Moreover, the flower language ability that I just acquired, which is specially designed to target monsters in blind spots, can also be used when the opponent is weak.

He actually has high expectations for New Flower Language.

It's a pity that things always don't go according to one's wishes.

Quietly, the sky was filled with dark clouds.


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and landed in the air dozens of meters behind Li Chengyi.

A large amount of electric current gathered rapidly, condensing into a blurry blue human shape.

Before the human form could be condensed clearly, Li Chengyi paused and saw the five shining patterns on the opponent's chest.

That's an unknown engraving pattern!

At the same time, behind this person, there was also white light condensing into a white female figure, and there were also four engraved lines shining on the chest.

The engraving is glowing, which is a sign of full ability.

"This should be our first meeting, right?" The blue humanoid slowly said, "King of Flowers Li Chengyi."

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