Hidden Corners

Chapter 493 493 Practice 3

The evening breeze blows.

At the bottom of the Faceless Sword Sect, there are living areas for many ordinary disciples.

Groups of sword sect disciples gathered together to talk and laugh and exchange sword skills.

Most of them are relatively old, because the ten-year test period has forcibly widened the gap between them and their direct disciples.

Therefore, in order to balance the superior and inferior and exchange feelings, the Sword Sect stipulates that direct disciples must go to the external area to communicate with ordinary disciples every other year.

Of course, it is said that it is to solve doubts, but it is actually to give ordinary disciples a chance to challenge the direct disciples.

As long as the challenge is successful, you will be qualified to be promoted to a direct successor in one fell swoop.

After all, qualifications can only be seen on the surface. It takes time for the deeper layers to appear slowly. Some special qualifications that last for a long time may not be visible.

This kind of opportunity is the remedy.

At this time, in the huge external dojo, a group of direct disciples were sitting together alone. There were many old wooden chairs and tables placed in their places. A group of people just sat on the chairs, bored and waiting for advice and challenges.

"As long as you sit here for a whole day, you can go back. I hope no one challenges me."

A young disciple with dark blue eyes rested his chin on his hand and said lazily.

"What are you afraid of? The people from Si Xiaojian didn't say anything. With them sitting in charge, it won't be our turn." A female prostitute on the side said that she didn't care.

"How do you say this?" The male disciple with dark blue eyes was a little surprised.

"Usually there will be several challenges at the beginning, but most of them aim at the weakest ranking. The rest of the time is spent asking for advice, and asking for advice naturally aims at the strongest. And the Four Little Swords are the most powerful four of our generation. However, for those of us who are in the middle, we are here just for decoration." My father was said to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, but he seemed to be quite skilled. Apparently attended more than one such event.

"It makes sense." The blue-eyed man nodded immediately.

"Actually, among the disciples in white, there are some who have detailed rankings for us. The rankings are usually based on the sword sect competition, so there is no need to worry at all, just wait and watch the show." My father said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, have you found those people who disappeared after returning from training?" A head came over from the other side, a little girl with an average appearance but clear eyes.

After hearing this, the two of them shook their heads in silence.

Experience is dangerous, not just monsters, but also certain dangers and minions hidden in the dark, which threaten the lives of these newcomers anytime and anywhere.

The four factions are not absolutely invincible. There are also many opposition forces secretly that need to be suppressed from time to time.

The biggest negative force among them is the mysterious organization called Anxiang. It is rumored that this organization is composed of rebels and traitors from various factions. Its composition is extremely secret and is vaguely related to monsters and beasts.

"Even two of the Four Little Swordsmen suffered serious injuries during this training. I'm afraid the two missing junior brothers..."

Several people felt heavy in their hearts. He couldn't help but look at the four people sitting in the middle.

White deer, white crane, Zhaoyuan, autumn morning.

The current ranking has been adjusted to this based on the experience results.

The strongest one is Bailu, followed by Baihe, and then Zhaoyuan and Qiuchen are tied.

The white deer is Li Chengyi. He is sitting cross-legged on the futon, his mind is quiet, and he is constantly comprehending the third level of Holy Spirit Skill.

He wants to combine the Flower of Evil version with the original version, which naturally requires a lot of time and energy.

A strong, ferocious-looking squirrel was standing quietly behind him, with his hands folded around his chest and his eyes closed to rest.

"What time is it now?"

Li Chengyi opened his eyes and asked softly.

Squirrel Huoshan looked up at the sky and said in a dull voice.

"Four o'clock in the afternoon."

"In other words, it's almost over. You can go back at six o'clock." Li Chengyi said with a smile.

"Hello. Senior Brother Bailu, I'm in Dingyuan. I would like to ask you about the starting point of Purgatory in the Faceless Sword Jue."

At this time, a shy girl with a ponytail came forward with a sword and asked for advice.

"How to speed up the starting speed and coordinate the gap between locking the enemy and taking action? It's actually very simple."

Li Chengyi explained it to the other party in a gentle and easy-to-understand language in his own language.

The girl looked suddenly enlightened, showing an expression of enlightenment.

Then after asking two more questions about hookah swordsmanship, she turned around and left reluctantly. The time limit stipulates that each person only has ten minutes to ask for advice.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed as if a valve was opened, and one after another ordinary disciples began to come up to ask questions about the Four Little Swords.

Occasionally, someone comes up to challenge, but it is not a challenge to them, but to a few direct disciples at the end.

Li Chengyi had a smile on his face, and anyone who came forward to ask for advice was easily answered by him. His way of explaining things in simple terms and his kind and gentle attitude are very popular among ordinary disciples.

The other four Xiaojian sitting next to him listened to the occasional questions, and sometimes they actually benefited a lot.

"It's amazing," Bai He praised in a low voice, "As expected of Bai Lu, who has experienced many victories. His aptitude and understanding should only be weaker than those of Senior Brother Qingkong back then, right?"

"Speaking of which, have you noticed that Bailu is actually somewhat similar to Senior Brother Qingkong?" Qiu Chen whispered.

"How are they similar? How can he be compared to senior brother!" Zhaoyuan's beautiful eyes were filled with displeasure.

"They are all equally friendly, and they are all liked by everyone." Qiu Chen whispered.

"And they are all equally handsome!" She was this kind of silly and cute girl. Her fair and pretty face was peeking at Li Chengyi from a slightly behind angle, and she seemed to be a little bit nymphomaniac.

It has to be said that after purifying his bloodline, Li Chengyi's current appearance is still good. Compared with the simple strong and heroic temperament before, he now has many more selling points of a perfect and beautiful boy.

Pure and fair skin, facial features that are becoming more and more symmetrical and perfect, and handsomeness with a hint of cold and special temperament, which is a special change after the aura of the Shadow Dragon King merges with his body.

In fact, at this time, his body was no longer an ordinary person, but the White Deer body that he had completely changed in order to integrate the first martial arts seal.

It is not accurate to say that he is a giant white deer. To be precise, he should be a hybrid human race with the appearance of a giant white deer.

Because those white deer characteristics on his body were all self-controlled growths in order to deceive the original spirit of the true seal.

"You know nothing!" Zhaoyuan suddenly became angry. What she couldn't stand the most was that Qiu Chen was acting more and more like a nymphomaniac. It was a shame for her that he had the nerve to share the four swords with her!

"What? Do you want to fight?" Qiu Chen was immediately dissatisfied.

"Come on! Draw your sword!" Zhaoyuan is also a very angry master.

The two women stood up immediately, found an empty space and started fighting as soon as their figures flashed.

Not long after, there was a clanging sound of various sword blades clashing. Obviously, this was not the first time they had fought. Judging from their proficiency and ability to control the scope of damage, both of them are extremely familiar with each other's moves and habits.

Seeing this, Bai He pushed Li Chengyi gently.

"The fight started again."

"." Li Chengyi was speechless. He had a strong hearing, so he naturally knew that Qiu Chen admired him. And Zhaoyuan didn't know why, but she was still dissatisfied with herself.

He originally planned to pretend not to see it, but Bai He pointed it out and could only turn his head and look over.

"They have their own sense of proportion, don't worry."

"But they started fighting because of you." Bai He added.

"Actually, such more exchanges can also improve practical experience." Li Chengyi was unmoved.

"." Bai He had no choice but to look at the two people over there and found that they were indeed measured, so he shook his head and ignored them.

"Okay." Taking advantage of the opportunity when one person just finished asking for advice, he thought for a while and asked curiously.

"Have you passed the third level of Bai Luqian's Faceless Sword Art? Have you obtained the Holy Spirit Technique? How are you now?"

"Keep it secret. You'll know when the competition is held." Li Chengyi smiled.

He already had some clues about the third level of the fusion of the Holy Spirit Skill. Originally, it was impossible for him to have an idea so quickly, but who told him to find a special kind of help in a targeted manner, which greatly improved his fusion process.

Originally, because of his talented flower language ability, he acquired a lot of incidental engraving knowledge.

Now with the help of a new flower language, his understanding and perfection of the technique has been greatly enhanced.

At this time, a new requester was dismissed. Li Chengyi picked up the bamboo thermos cup and took a sip of the hot tea in it.

Then his attention focused on the Flower of Evil mark on the back of his hand.

There, a new flower god's throne lit up with soft goose-yellow fluorescence.

The faint yellow is occasionally mixed with a touch of delicate dark brown silk thread.

The strange thing is that this soft yellow light is completely different from the previous sunflower, and there is a special purity in it.

‘It’s a pity. It would be nice if the variants were easier to find. This flower language is simply a perfect aid to the Faceless Sword Sect’s practice of flower language. ’

Li Chengyi sighed in his heart, and his mind fell on that new mark.

The eleventh main flower - snow lotus.

‘Snowdrop: a perennial herb that often grows on hillsides, valleys, rock crevices, watersides, etc. in high-altitude areas. It is regarded by many ethnic groups as the embodiment of holiness, perseverance and purity. It is bitter and warm in nature and has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and relieving pain, and is anti-cancer to a certain extent. ’

‘Flower Language: Holiness (passive ability, no need to use, can greatly purify the mind, improve concentration, increase understanding by 100%, and purify all mental abnormal side effects)’

Snow Mountain Sacred Flower, this is the strange flower that Li Chengyi got from the Gate of Time, and it is a thousand-year version.

He thought for a long time. Although there were other exotic flowers and plants over there, and their flower language was not weak, none of them were more suitable than snow lotus.

The biggest problem of the Faceless Sword Sect is the possible mental abnormality caused by the skills. In addition, he now needs to integrate and create a new Holy Spirit Skill that suits him.

Therefore, the improvement of understanding and concentration are just a timely help.

This is also the reason why he was able to quickly make breakthroughs in his skills after returning to the sect.

The effect of doubling his understanding not only allowed him to make progress in Holy Spirit Kung Fu, but also greatly helped the practice of any other Kung Fu.

‘It’s coming, it’s coming. The side effects of the Holy Spirit Skill have been determined and should occur naturally during the practice. That’s why the Flower of Evil version requires the Holy Infant to practice, and then the body directly absorbs half of the skill. In this way, all side effects will be borne by the Holy Infant. ’

'The main reason why the Holy Infant can practice so fast is that the Holy Spirit Kung Fu they practice is actually a simplified version. Only two parts of the version are retained, one part is the trunk that produces side effects, and the other part is the branches that produce power enhancement. ’

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