Hidden Corners

Chapter 686 686 Premeditation 4

The armor stood quietly, with a huge figure-eight straight knife on its back, like wings. On the diamond-shaped helmet, two dots of silver serve as eyes, staring at Li Chengyi at this time.

The purple-black armor is more than two meters tall, and Li Chengyi, who has restored his original body, is only 1.7 meters tall.

Their eyes met instantly.

"You" Li Chengyi recognized it.

He recognized the other person.

That was the armor in the darkness that first appeared when he first activated the Flower of Evil.

Once, he thought it was the Flower God Clothes he might wear in the future. But later he found out it wasn't.

And now.

"I didn't expect you to be the real best adapter." A young male voice as clear as spring water came from inside the armor.

"Who are you?!" Li Chengyi thought, and the time and space around him suddenly became fixed.

Now, according to the principles of magic in the underworld, he can still simply freeze time and space briefly.

It is nothing more than stopping all changes and flows of everything around a certain range.

A stronger holy position can also do this. It just requires a lot of energy to fight against the instinctive flow of all things.

"I'm just a loser." Armor replied. "I guessed that you would definitely come back here, back to the original starting point. So, I have been waiting here."

He gently took off his helmet with one hand, revealing a head of bright purple hair that was as bright as flowing water, and also revealed a soft and gentle face like a woman.

His eyes were the same purple-black color, and there was a black mandala flower mark between his eyebrows.

"Manzhushahua. Flower language is a prediction of death!?" Li Chengyi reacted instantly.

"That's just elementary flower language. And the ultimate ability is death interception." The armored man said softly.

"Forcibly cut off the inevitable death ending, and then you can do it again and rewrite your own inevitable death ending."

"!!!" So strong!

Li Chengyi was shocked.

If you encounter certain death, you can try other possibilities again and again until you find a solution.

"Very strong, right?" The armored man showed a wry smile. "It's a pity. In the end, I still lost. The fate planned by the first generation has no other possibilities. There is no other chance of survival. All the lines of fate and cause and effect are converged into one, that is... certain death!"

At this point, Li Chengyi actually knew the identity of the other party.

‘The second generation flower emperor! ’

"So, my arrival was all caused by you?" He took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

"I used the ultimate ability of flower language to seek the final surprise from the unknown. Then the unknown responded to me." The second-generation Flower Emperor said softly.

"This is the only way I finally figured out after trying countless times with death cuts."

He looked at Li Chengyi.

"And you are also my last hope to get rid of everything. It's just a pity..."

He walked forward slowly, walked to Li Chengyi's side, reached out and pushed the door gently.


The door opens outward.

Outside is the blind spot that Li Chengyi entered for the first time - the underground garage!

In the dim, square and empty field, the pale white light extended all the way in, until it reached the dark end in the distance.

On the black and somewhat reflective ground, you can still see the blurred white lines of the parking spaces.

Everything familiar before him was exactly what Li Chengyi saw when he entered for the first time.

"Come in and chat." The second generation walked slowly into it.

Li Chengyi paused and followed him into the blind corner.

The door closed behind him and closed.

The two of them walked slowly in the underground garage.

"What's your name?" Li Chengyi suddenly asked.

The second generation stopped and turned around. The two stood still about three meters apart.

"Xie Rong." He answered briefly. "The name has no meaning to us anymore"

He paused.

"Just like Yong Ling, I fought with him and tried to use his name to locate his figure, but it was useless. He could change the effect of his real name in an instant.

In just a moment, the mystery contained in the name was completely eliminated. The pinnacle of totality, the level close to the limit, is the top powerhouse in any world and any time and space. "

"What about you?" Li Chengyi asked. "You have also arrived in Quanli?"

"Yes, but I was just Yong Ling's former puppet." Xie Rong said with a bitter smile, "He once used the source of evil to design the royal city system, unearthed the power of the twelve flower gods, gathered it into the flower god's clothes, and stepped onto the supreme throne. position.

But success is also a source of evil, and failure is also a source of evil. The power hidden in the source of evil is far beyond what is known. Also includes unknown areas. "

"So he failed?" This was the first time Li Chengyi heard such secrets.

At this time, the mind is highly concentrated and the flower language ability is activated to ensure that the other party does not lie to him.

Even if there is a lie, he can tell it instantly.

"Don't be so vigilant. I have been dead for many years. The source of the resurrection ability of my consciousness was robbed by Yongling. It is now a candle in the wind and may be extinguished at any time." Xie Rong seemed to be aware of it and glanced at him.

"Why did the source of evil cause Yong Ling to fail?" Li Chengyi asked. He ignored the other party's explanation.

"I don't know." Xie Rong shook his head slightly. "I only know that in order to fight against the threat of the evil source, Yong Ling wrapped the royal city system around it and forcibly divided it. The evil source has an extremely special characteristic, and it will gradually acquire it as the host continues to use it. Purification. According to my initial speculation, when Yong Ling got the source of evil, he got the purified version, so that he could use it to build the royal city system of the twelve flower gods."

"Afterwards, the source of evil became turbid and began to show opposite power, threatening Yong Ling. So he had to peel it off and throw it out again, letting it find a new consciousness to stay in and purify it again."

"What is the purification process like?" Li Chengyi frowned, seeming to have thought of something.

"What you think is right." Xie Rong nodded, showing a hint of approval. "That's it."

"From the initial moment when you were pulled into a blind spot, to the later period when the entire Black Sea rejected you and kept putting you in crisis after crisis, these were all caused by evil sources. Moreover, the danger of evil sources is not fixed, but is proportional to your strength level. Fixed quota. In other words, the stronger you are, the greater the danger you will suffer. Of course, you are much better now, and the source of evil has been purified a lot. It is conceivable that Yong Ling is coming soon."

He sighed and continued.

"The purification method is actually to release these malicious intentions, reverse the cause and effect of your destiny, and make you fall into death. And the most fatal thing is."


"Alienated consciousness."

Li Chengyi frowned and didn't understand the meaning.

"What kind of fatality is this? Whether it's alien or not is just a relative concept."

"Yes, but the fatal thing about the source of evil is that it completely alienates an individual compared to the entire Black Sea. It makes you rejected by everything. No matter how hard you try, the Black Sea will instinctively reject you and try to kill you. .”

Li Chengyi was silent.

He remembered that he seemed to be not the way people here saw him. He was a natural alien.

Then this fatal ability.

Seemingly sensing his thoughts, Xie Rong shook his head slightly and continued.

"Essentially, I still haven't figured out the nature of the source of evil until my death. Maybe Yong Ling knows better than me, and you may have more opportunities to find out. But now, what I want to explain to you is that without any accidents, Yong Ling is coming soon.”

"Then what is your purpose? You are waiting for me here, waiting in this past history. What is your purpose?" Li Chengyi said in a deep voice.

"I'm waiting for an opportunity." Xie Rong showed a smile.

"What opportunity?" Li Chengyi narrowed his eyes.

The entanglements that occurred between the second generation and the first generation were all just one-sided words from the other party. Naturally, he would not be gullible, but his ability to speak with flowers showed that none of the other party's words were lies.

"Yong Ling still has half of his omniscient power left with you. Moreover, he thinks that I have failed completely and completely failed. But he can study the source of evil and build a system of twelve flower gods. Although I am not as talented as him, But it can still be done by imitating and plagiarizing.”

Xie Rong smiled.

"He thought I was completely defeated and had nothing left. But I still had my own trump card hidden.

When he comes to recover half of your power, I may be able to give him a big surprise."

"I hope what you said is true." Li Chengyi said calmly.

"I don't need to lie to you. I have been dead for countless years, and now I only have a fragment of my mind left, just to avenge Yong Ling's hatred of destroying the world." Xie Rong said seriously.

He looked at Li Chengyi carefully.

"Does your body contain the Eternal Vitality Taboo System?"

"Yes." Li Chengyi was not surprised that the other party could see that he was the pinnacle of Qianli after all. This strength is still there.

"Do you want me to help you?" Xie Rong smiled, "Interesting. Eternal vitality is the broken path left by the once giant beast Asladuni. It is based on the concept of infinite variables and is a determined path to strengthen unlimited vitality."

"Wait, you mean... broken?" Li Chengyi was stunned.

"Yes. I once talked with the remaining consciousness of Asladuni. At that time, it had not completely integrated into the unknown, and there was still a little sense left." Xie Rong nodded.

"Eternal vitality itself, on the surface, refers to the chance of life, but in fact, the hidden concept is to regard all things as life, all things are eternal, and vitality is also eternal."

He turned sideways and looked upward, as if he could see the endless black sea outside through the garage.

"In terms of existence and change of all things in this world, what is not always living?"

Hearing this, Li Chengyi seemed to have many distracting thoughts in his heart.

"In other words, treat everything as a living thing? Isn't this the way of essential reality? If everything in the dimension is the thing itself, then this dimension!!"

He suddenly woke up with a look of shock on his face.

"Yes. So, the so-called eternal vitality." Xie Rong nodded, "It is reality itself with existence as the dimension."

At this moment, Li Chengyi suddenly thought of the legend of the giant beast Asladuni.

‘Everything in the world, everything in the world, is a dream created unconsciously by Asladuni in his sleep’

If a dimension is measured based on the existence of all things itself, then this dimension may include the concept of the base point of all other scales.

Because no concept can escape the foundation of existence.

At the moment when he understood this fundamental, the consciousness in Li Chengyi's mind, the terrifying consciousness as huge as the ocean, instantly caused earth-shaking changes.

The consciousnesses that have long been integrated with the dimension have undergone drastic changes in their cognition, which immediately caused drastic changes in the vitality dimension at this time.

"The giant beast is sleeping, and you are still missing the last piece of the puzzle." Xie Rong sighed as he looked at Li Chengyi, who was standing still, caught in the storm of consciousness.

Eternal Vitality is simply the incomplete path left by a behemoth that has already achieved omniscience and crossed the boundary.

Therefore, if you want to rely on this incomplete path to reach omniscience, it is basically a desperate situation.

Unless Li Chengyi completely destroys the giant beast now. Retrieve the remaining fragments.

But, this is simply not possible.


Suddenly Xie Rong's eyes narrowed, as if he had discovered something.

His eyes instantly became extremely sharp, like blades, staring at Li Chengyi.

"Is this the source of evil!!?"

The source of evil is making up for the incomplete eternal vitality! ! ? ?

How can it be! ! ?

Xie Rong couldn't understand it at all.

How could the evil source help the third generation to take the initiative to complete eternal life? ?

Although the ability of the evil source itself has the concept of complementing the mechanism, no matter whether he is the first generation, he must be cautious when he wants to use the evil source. A slight mistake will lead to huge dangers, and he will swallow half of his body and body in an instant. will. And there are huge limitations on the use of time.

But now, the evil source is actually taking the initiative to help the third generation! ? Completing the system? ? ?

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