Hidden Corners

Chapter 695 695 Final Scene 3

The ability of destiny is never to simply reverse cause and effect, but to forcibly twist many seemingly impossible and extremely unlikely possibilities into the main line.

Any creature, when thoughts flash in its consciousness, will intentionally or unintentionally have some strange and distracting thoughts that it cannot imagine.

And Tianyun can forcibly turn the parts that are beneficial to the host body from these distracting thoughts into the main line.

At a speed of 10,000 times an hour, destiny takes effect instantly.

An invisible twisting force forcibly twisted and entangled the only fragment of light that had been in Li Chengyi's body, and integrated it into Li Chengyi's dimensional consciousness.

It would have taken at least hundreds of years for this fragment to integrate into itself, but here, everything was forcibly accelerated.

The compression of destiny caused the only light to instantly turn into a spot of light, quickly integrating into the vitality dimension where Li Chengyi's body was located.

ah! ! ! !

Yong Ling sensed something was wrong instantly, but it was too late.

He solved the second generation back then and hid himself, spending a lot of time and energy to collect the only light, hoping to gain more basic conceptual power and gain more confidence when he finally crossed the boundary.

But now, after the fragments of the One Light are fused, he will forever lose the possibility of replenishing the One Light!

Unless Li Chengyi is killed!

But what Li Chengyi hooked up with was the existence attribute of the giant beast Asladuni!

Its will is integrated into the concepts of existence, making it impossible to kill!

The concept of the Behemoth's existence is a concept of eternity that is higher than him, which is the power that exists after crossing the boundary.

He uses the realm below the limit to try to shake and destroy the realm above the limit. That is impossible.

Moreover, Li Chengyi's consciousness is far inferior to him, but under the influence of eternal vitality, the solidity of his consciousness has almost reached an indestructible level.

He is helpless.

Ahhhhh! ! !

The anger in Yong Ling's heart surged out instantly.

He held the sword with both hands and slashed like lightning to bring out a golden light net, covering Li Chengyi.

Tsk tsk tsk! ! !

Every second, there are countless billions of sword lights, slashing at the appearance of Li Chengyi's flower god clothes.

Dense white marks appear and disappear, disappear and reappear, over and over again.

"I want you to die!!!" Yong Ling has been planning for tens of thousands of years, not counting the time spent in certain time solidification areas and time acceleration areas.

If all were added up, it would probably last millions of years.

Such a huge time and huge energy consumption were simply unacceptable to him. It was calculated at the last moment when it was about to succeed, and the only fragment of light was integrated into the indestructible dimension of eternal life.

After a random vent, everything calmed down, and the surroundings quickly returned to a sea of ​​flowers.

Yong Ling gasped and stared at Li Chengyi, who was standing stiffly opposite.

"Since you choose to devour the final puzzle piece of the only light that merges with me, then just stand here forever."

His eyes seemed to be able to see the innermost consciousness of Li Chengyi through the layers of protective wrapping of the concept of eternal vitality at this moment.

"I will wait for you."

The only way to spend the time is because of Li Chengyi in front of you, and it cannot be completed.

This resulted in Eirin's power remaining incomplete.

He has never been able to return to his peak days.

The second generation's calculations, the Behemoth Sect's calculations, and the failure of his own plan finally came together, leading to the evil consequences at this time.

In the sea of ​​flowers.

At this time, countless dazzling lights flashed in Yong Ling's eyes.

Suddenly he raised his hand, his palm facing Li Chengyi.

"Tense acceleration."

A layer of transparent distortion spread out from the palm of his hand out of thin air, covering Li Chengyi.

"Infinite state!"

Boom! ! !

A layer of terrifying loud noise, centered on the two people, suddenly exploded.

Invisible fluctuations are like ripples, spreading crazily around in circles.

Immediately afterwards, a huge amount of energy began to be absorbed and enveloped in Li Chengyi.

The result of infinite acceleration of time is that the space and time in the area where Li Chengyi is located instantly consumes everything in it, forming a black hole of concepts such as matter and energy.

So the surrounding space and time were instinctively pulled, trying to balance and make up for this black hole.

A large amount of material energy, whether known or unknown, rushed into the space around Li Chengyi crazily.

Their external manifestations are countless fluctuations of transparent shapes.

Yong Ling could not stop such compensation and supplementation, because if he stopped it, he would have to withstand the huge pressure created by himself both internally and externally.

At this time, he had already tried his best to speed up Li Chengyi's time.

As time goes by, the internal pressure of Eternal Life will increase rapidly, eventually causing the internal pressure to exceed its strength, and then completely explode.

And Yong Ling had this idea.

He stared at Li Chengyi with a cold expression.

The conceptual rules of accelerating time and space are constantly maintained in the palm of the hand.

Time accelerated from just ten thousand times.

It increased to a hundred thousand times in the blink of an eye.

And then a million times.

Ten million.

Hundreds of millions.

And this speed has not stopped yet, it is still climbing crazily.

Soon it broke through to the order of ten to the tenth power, and then to the hundredth power of ten, one thousand to the power, and ten thousand to the power.


The Flower of Evil disk on Yong Ling's chest suddenly cracked a gap.

"Haha. I thought there was no limit to the universe. Now it seems that even I have realistic limits."

It's not that Quanli cannot continue to accelerate, but that time and space have reached an unbearable extreme.

Half of the Flowers of Evil suffered slight backlash.

Accelerating time and space is like winding up the power of consciousness. At the same time, it must also withstand the reciprocal reaction force.

The current situation is that he can still continue, but the clockwork is about to break.

Putting down her hand, Yong Ling stared at Li Chengyi who was completely motionless.

The opponent's body now completely turned into a human-shaped black shadow, with no color outline visible.

The extremely fast flow of time puts Li Chengyi in a state of rapid change every moment.

The birth and death of a universe in an instant is not an exaggeration for Li Chengyi at this time.

For areas outside of acceleration, his time is indescribably fast.

But for Li Chengyi in the acceleration zone, his sense of time is still normal.

I was just trapped in this tiny space, unable to move.

The first generation in front of me was like a sculpture, completely motionless.

All the surrounding flowers are like solidified scrolls, motionless.

It was as if at this moment, everything around him stopped flowing.

‘Has my time been sped up? ’ Li Chengyi understood in his heart.

But he had no better way.

The difference in realm is obvious. He is more than capable of protecting himself, but far from being able to clear sieges and counterattack.

If it weren't for the protection of eternal vitality, even his last consciousness would have been completely eliminated by Yong Ling.

However, he had already understood this before he encountered Yong Ling.

The second Xie Rong had already told him everything he could say.

Therefore, after deducing and simulating countless possibilities, the scene before him was also within Li Chengyi's expectation.

Infinite acceleration is a change in the speeding rules that forcibly drags down all of Li Chengyi's consciousness and dimensions at the expense of Yong Ling's entire strength and will.

In such a state, the detachment of the concept of mobility can no longer be maintained. This small piece of time and space is locked and has no meaning in maintaining it.

Li Chengyi stretched out his hand and gently touched the peripheral space in front of him.

Soon the fingertips touched the strong and flexible special isolation layer on the outside through the armored fingertips.

This is the blockade layer isolated by Yong Ling's power.

He was now in a cobblestone-shaped narrow space.

You can move around, but you can't go out.

‘If you are forcibly blocked by Yong Ling, don’t worry, practice slowly, calm down, and wait for the opportunity to escape. ’ Second Xie Rong’s voice sounded in Li Chengyi’s mind.

There are still many things that he has never understood about omniscience, and he just needs this time to digest them all.

‘In addition.’ Li Chengyi raised his hand, and the mark of the Flower of Evil on the back of his hand was quietly glowing with a colorful halo.

The second generation taught him everything, the vast secrets of omniscience.

At this time, the fusion of the only remaining light fragments made Li Chengyi's already strong body even stronger.

He stood there, quietly closing his eyes, and his consciousness entered the earth, moon and stars stored in his body.

Everything on the earth and moon was also frozen and motionless.

He landed in a suburban corridor with countless wisteria flowers.

Stroll through the purple cloisters.

His mind was rapidly trying to understand and test the next step of the whole number.

Consciousness is consumed like running water and quickly recovers automatically.

He reached out, grabbed a bunch of brilliant wisteria flowers, picked them off, and held them in his hands.

'The whole method is to first read a large number of attributes of the things in front of you, and then use a large number of similar things to instantly flip the original surface and let them turn into the surrounding air, or change into other things. ’

Li Chengyi was thinking in his mind.

His consciousness was suddenly raised to the extreme state.

In this special state, everything in front of him, including the wisteria flower in his hand, suddenly appeared on the surface as a transparent, countless facet.

The countless spherical faces, illusory and transparent, overlap with the image of the wisteria flower.

‘. First raise it to the extreme, and then use the prying method, combined with the support of unlimited energy, to forcefully move its original surface. ’

Supported by infinite energy, his own consciousness quickly poured out crazily.

The vast amount of consciousness turned into an invisible wind, blowing on the original polyhedron of the wisteria flower.

In a very wasteful and extravagant way, madly agitating and shaking the polyhedron.

In an instant, Li Chengyi's consciousness consumed one-tenth of the total amount.

If it weren't for the rapid replenishment of infinite energy, he would have been drained in a few strokes.

'No wonder other realms cannot reach the level of omniscience. This is simply rolling a dice weighing at least ten kilograms by blowing air.'

'Only omniscience with unlimited energy can do this and dare to do this.'

Li Chengyi sighed in his heart.

But the consciousness still did not stop, and it was still using a massive amount of consciousness to push the original polyhedron in front of it.

This original polyhedron is not the real original thing, but just an illusion created by condensation and simulation in his consciousness.

This is the key point that serves as a fulcrum to leverage the original.

‘This feeling is a bit like working a miracle with great force. ’ Li Chengyi was thinking hard while working hard.

‘I use a massive amount of supreme consciousness that even the dimensional demon can’t imagine, to blow one side of the original object, causing it to gradually deflect and rotate due to the force. The method is very simple, but the difficulty is that only omniscience can do it. ’

'No wonder the prerequisite for entering omniscience is to raise consciousness to the extreme. Whether it is quality or quantity, it is consumed at this speed. If the quality is not enough, you can't even touch the edges, and it is all consumed in vain. ’

Distracted thoughts flashed through his mind, but he was still looking at the bunch of wisteria flowers in front of him.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.


The wisteria flower disappeared instantly, shrunk, and turned into a puddle of mud.

Only a little flower in the center remained, untouched by consciousness, and all the other flowers disappeared.

"This is all the levels." Li Chengyi stopped consciously with some fatigue.

It took him more than ten seconds to fumble out all the edges.

The consumption of consciousness is almost equivalent to the total amount of a dozen of him.

This finally reversed the total number of wisteria flowers at this point, and reduced the remaining number of wisteria flowers.

‘It seems that the gap between the whole number and the whole image is still very big. Continue to improve and test hard to see what kind of ideological form can be more effective. ’

Anyway, time has been accelerated, and his body and consciousness are indescribably strong.

Even if he stood still and allowed others to chop him, no one would be able to chop him.

He simply continued to study all levels.

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