High Magic Earth

Chapter 230: Time

Since Yi Biao has become the new owner of Neverland, he will no longer be trapped on the island. He can travel between Neverland and the original world at any time, but only when there is no mission.

That's right, Yi Xiao still has the task of this world hanging on him. Although he has become a wizard, he still needs to follow the rules of the second world.

Complete the mission and leave the island.

In addition to direct access to the original world, Fantasy Island has no other channels. If you go to sea, you don’t know how long it will take to drift. So in other words, Yi Chou is still trapped on the island, unless he puts The task is done.

But not being able to leave the island means that the mission can never end, which on the surface seems to be an endless loop, but Yi Chou only thought about it for a while and thought of the only solution.

The shadow will bring those unlucky guys to the island, and then Yi Chou can use them to go to the world where they are, so to speak. . It seems that the person captured by the shadow to complete the task is the only way now, but it is not known how long the shadow will bring a person back.

If the time is too long, it is somewhat like the previous task, Yi Xiao frowned, why the task suddenly changed from a hundred years of redemption to escape here.

What's wrong with this, fleeing here, what exactly is here?

Yi Biao had no place to move for breakfast, thinking quietly there. After taking over Fantasy Island, Yi Biao’s age merged with the Second World. A hundred years of time is nothing for him, if he Willingness, as long as the energy of the soul dissipates as long as it is not replenished. He can even ignore loneliness.

just. . Winnie and Levine couldn't wait. Their age. But it is limited.

With a sigh again, Yi Chou got up and walked to the side building. It was a magic experiment building. If he didn't understand, he wouldn't care.

Anyway. . It's still a long time.

. . .

The time is really long. The fastest and slowest thing in the world may be time. It will flow inadvertently in your blink of an eye, and will stagger under your helpless gaze.

When the sun did not know how many times in the early morning, the sun hung again over the mangrove forest of Neverland, Yi Biao slowly opened his eyes, the simple and elegant hanging bell ticked, and the huge curtain on the bedside was closed by Yi Biao Got up.

The mahogany floor is not cold at the foot of Yi Huo, because the whole castle is covered by magic.

Perhaps many of the things in the room are not of good quality, and they are very unmatched, but on this island with no people flowing, don't ask for so much.

This is the fourth year that Yi Biao has come to Neverland, and four years have passed.

The fantasy shadow Yi Yi once and again will bring some useful people. But the guy wandered through the black forest like a lost beast.

Yi Chou controlled it, and then got the answer that it has not found a suitable target now.

The time has passed. . Waiting. It was four years in a flash.

Yi Chao's appearance has not changed at all. The advantage of being integrated with an hourglass is that youth stays forever, and of course, some lethal crises can still threaten Yi Chou’s life, even starving to death.

However, Yi Chou will not starve to death. Not far from the castle, there is a field of golden wheat waves undulating with the wind. That is the seed that Yi Chou carried in the original world. Under the care of a wizard, even if the food does not grow vigorously, but think It's hard to die.

In these four years, Yi Chao was not waiting idly. The exploration of the magical path was endless. Originally, Yi Chao thought that his experiment would be stopped because the materials were exhausted, but he did not expect that Dream Island Give yourself an accident.

The lakes on the west side are full of mermaids. They have all kinds of magic materials in their hands, and Yi Chou also happens to have some modern interesting things in their hands. Unfortunately, Yi Chou can’t follow them because they don’t have special energy.

In the Black Forest to the east, although there will be no strange creatures such as terrestrial mermaids, the legendary creatures such as unicorns and Tianma are not uncommon. Yi Chou knows through an hourglass investigation, which is caused by some energy overflow The cavity of the world makes some creatures from other worlds come in chaos.

However, because of the protection mechanism of Neverland, the wise magical creatures and humans will not come in. If they unfortunately encounter a cavity, then it will not be a fantasy journey, but death.

Yi Chao uses these natural magic materials to start his own magic journey again, on the one hand to refine his own magic and to dress up his castle.

The humble castle became beautiful and graceful under the careful carving of Yi Huo.

For example, the two monster stone statues crouching inside the castle gate will be transformed into gargoyle-like magic creatures when necessary.

They are not really gargoyles, but they are made by crushing powder after carving a lot of creatures with Medusa.

The castle is also much prettier than before. There are portraits and armor everywhere in the corridor. Of course, neither of these two will move, otherwise it will be too scary.

The floors and carpets are also more detailed. The perpetual magic lights and near-automatic facilities make the castle more convenient. The flowers in the garden are open all seasons and are trimmed into various magical creatures.

But none of these can hide the fact that it is. . The central fantasy island of the second world is lonely.

"Shaun, today we are going to the beach, why haven't you gotten up!" Winnie pushed open the door of Yi's room and jumped in.

As soon as he entered the door, he threw himself into the big bed, and the white dress twirled in the air, exposing the smooth and white thighs below, and then Winnie fell on the soft bed.

"I've gotten up early, you are still in bed." Yi Huo looked back helplessly and looked at Winnie who buried herself in the quilt. "We go to the beach every week, you don't have to do it every time. Excitement, if you don’t wake up, just sleep a little longer, anyway, don’t hurry."

For four years, although no traces of years have been left on Yi Chou's face. But Winnie has changed from a little loli who is only half-waist to a slender girl.

Two precocious conditions of Caucasian and seventeenth century. Let Winnie now have a person close to 1.6 meters. If there is no accident, she will continue to grow taller in adulthood, or that's it.

However, her long golden hair and snow-white to incredible skin have already represented her from an immature fruit to a green fruit. Her waist and legs have shown a thrilling curve, and she has a considerable weight on her chest.

"Ah... it's not because it's too boring. I have to stay in the castle every day, and Sean doesn't play with me." Winnie rolled on the bed. The original thin layer of the dress was rolled over the waist, revealing a large hidden hidden scenery under the skirt.

Yi Xiao glanced at her, and there was not much turmoil in her expression. Four years was enough for strangers to become close friends, not to mention the two people who had a good relationship.

Winnie and Yi Biao have already established their relationship, or that she unilaterally determined, because there are only three people in the castle, and there is another one who is her nominal brother.

Fourteen years old was originally an ignorant age. After reading the books in the castle library in Winnie, including some bad books. I started to play Yihuo every day to play some strange games.

But Yi Biao's main interest is magic, and Winnie is still too young.

For his loyal servant, Yi Biao did not forget that he immediately started to study after discovering that Levine's soul behavior was a little weird.

Then he discovered the defect of the meditation basin, a very serious defect.

If only the memory of the meditation basin is viewed by oneself, there is no problem, but if it seems to watch other people's memories and indulge in it for a long time, then the personality in the memory of the meditation basin will merge with the viewer.

This is more terrible than split personality, it is the collapse of personality.

It was a little late for Levine. Because he had been observing the memory of the old housekeeper for a long time, he could not tell whether he was Levine, the old housekeeper, the father of the old housekeeper, or his lord.

For a long time, the collapse will happen sooner or later, and the situation is irreversible. This is the first time that Yi Biao has encountered a major magic accident.

But he cannot continue to let Levine go on like this, otherwise he will become a lunatic-like existence, it is surely a murderous devil, but directly erase Levine's personality, he will become a vegetative.

At least he will forget who he is. After Yi Huo's deliberations, he decides to wipe out only Levin's memory, and then rewrite it with the energy of the hourglass.

The process is very troublesome, but fortunately, some hypnotism guidance led Levine into a humanoid like an intelligent robot.

Although it is better than vegetative, but in a sense. . Levine is still dead.

Yi Biao didn’t tell Winnie, after all, Levine was her brother~www.ltnovel.com~ and her only relative, so Winnie just felt that her brother’s behavior was becoming more and more strange, and the sense of strangeness was getting stronger, but Never imagined that Levine had become a kind of artificial man in a sense.

This matter did not make Yi Chou blame himself. To know that the two had a magic contract, Levine's life belonged to Yi Chou.

Maybe when Yi Biao is full of soul, he will feel a trace of regret, but it is definitely not now, but this thing reminds Yi Biao that magic experiment is always dangerous, although he has not encountered it yet. . . It does not mean that there will be no future.

"Okay." The memory ended for a while, Yi Piao turned his back to Winnie and poured himself a glass of red wine, took a sip, "You are still young, I have said it many times."

"Then you are very old, Sean. Even if you are not an old man, drinking red wine in the morning is not a healthy practice." Winnie's slightly gloomy breath permeated behind Yi Huo, even visible to the naked eye.

"Have fun in time." Yi Xuan shrugged, turned around, and pulled Winnie out of the bed. "We should go. If I remember correctly, the annual tri-color sun flower will bloom today. In the Red Forest, that is an important magic material." (To be continued...) ()

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