High Magic Earth

Chapter 269: Bai Shulin

How powerful magic is, this question may not even have a precise understanding of Yi Biao himself.

Because it does not have an exact standard, and because of the weird power of magic, it is often impossible to define the strength of magic in terms of the strength of an enemy.

Although Yi Biao has absorbed the knowledge of wizards from many worlds like a sponge and accumulated a lot of magic power in Neverland, he still does not take the battle lightly. He can easily solve the death knight, it does not mean that the death knight cannot Solve him easily.

To deal with an unprepared wizard, perhaps only a sword is needed, and once the wizard has the heart of defense, some people may never be able to stab that sword.

In this regard, Yi Biao did very well. Cautiousness, or timidity for himself, was his instinct.


A dull gunshot sounded in this white wood, and unconsciously it seemed that a mist was coming over and surrounded the saviour squad of Icarbod.

I don’t know how many enemies are hidden in the invisible mist. The strange silence of this white forest is only a rustling sound like a beast foraging.

"Pay attention to concealment!" Icarbad shouted loudly. There is no need to remind you of an enemy. People who come here know what they will face.

And the gunshot came from a distance. Since it was not an attack from a companion around him, it was naturally the other party.

Icarbode jumped and hid to the side of the white tree, and covered his body firmly. After years of baptism, the forest sniper battle did not know how many games were played. Icarbode’s experience was enough to let him Make the most correct choice at the most critical moment.

The direction of the sound is. . To the north, Yi Huo slightly closed his eyes to perceive, in this case. Often the supernatural sixth sense is better than visual.

He took a step behind, blocking Winnie behind, so that enemies from the north would not attack her. Yi Xiao glanced at Icabard's hiding place, and from this direction, she could not find it at all.

Although usually not reliable. But the professional standard of the protagonist is really not low.

Jennifer disappeared at the same time as Icarbode. She stayed in the psychiatric hospital all year round without contact with the outside world. She had a beast intuition. This intuition would let her avoid danger and be more fierce.

But the worse thing is Mills. The sneak attack from the enemy made her raise her gun to fight back at the first time, but it may be that the other party was treated as a robber or a gangster. She did not find the bunker at the first time. Instead, he slightly pressed down his body and shot directly against the opponent while moving.

Of course, if the other party is really like a robber, it may be injured, but unfortunately, they are not as simple as Mills thought. Yi Chou has not found these things for the time being, but they are nothing but strange creatures or they can move. The corpse, of course, the greatest possibility is the human being possessed by the demon.

Yi Xiao reached out his left hand, and a liquid of mercury appeared. A ghost image of a magic wand was formed in his hand, and then turned into a dark cane.

He tamed the death wand, but he always held it in his hand, just like the iron armor curse and the deflection curse had always been on his body. It's just being invisible.

With a slight sigh, Yi Chou's wand moved forward, and an invisible force threw Mills aside. Although the force caused the speed quickly, it didn't hurt her when she landed.

Just when Mills was just pushed away by Yi Chou, the white trees on her side were splashed by the bark of the powerful shrapnel.


The air in front of Yi Biao splashed out to Mars, and at the same time made the sound of iron collision, he knew that it was the reaction of the bullet hitting the iron armor curse, such a big target. It must be a good target for the other party.

Fortunately, the armored mana's defensive power is easy to understand. With this fire rate and powerful firearms, it is still difficult to penetrate it.

Winnie has disappeared from behind him. Yi Xiao usually makes small accessories with various effects for her, such as bracelets that can be invisible.

of course. It may not be a wise move to stealth in the field where bullets are flying, but the same iron armor spell on her body will ensure that she will not be bruised by stray bullets.

"I hate cover-up enemies," Yi Huo whispered softly, "It's like hating being hit by inexplicable enemies every time I go back."

The dense fog around it expanded again, as if to suffocate these people, and the airtightness filled all the air in the forest.

The visibility in the vicinity is getting lower and lower, and the gunfire can only be heard in the mist, and there are both sides.

"The mist is too thick, I can't see anything!" This is Mills' voice. Yi Chou can't see where she is anymore, but listening to her state, she was not injured.

But as soon as her voice fell, there was a intensive shot going towards her position, which is why the experienced guys like Icarbod didn't say anything.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" At the next moment, Yi Chou's ear moved, and he heard heavy footsteps. Those who can make such a sound on the soft forest soil must be very heavy.

The Moroccan side has this characteristic. . Can only be a war knight.

"Quickly disperse!" The dark fight is not Yi Yi's strong point. He feels the need to clear these mists, just as there are spells in the magic of Harbin to clean up the mists.

This was the first magic that Yibiao learned. At that time, he wanted to clear the fog from the city of London, but of course it was not successful, but now it is different. Although I don’t know whether this magic can clear the fog of London now. Title, but there is no problem to deal with the fog caused by the magic in front of me.

It seemed to have reacted with something in the air, and the fog in front of me began to subside at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Pieces of ~www.ltnovel.com~ looked like parchment that had been burnt.

Those guys who like to shoot cold guns, I want to burn you all to ashes! Just as Yi Xao was about to see what was so annoying, a huge sense of sharpness pushed him back to the side for several steps.

After stabilizing the body, Yi Biao didn't raise his head, but a few flying spells returned. In the critical moment, the simpler the magic is, the better. For the wizard, not powerful magic is the best.

The so-called best magic should be the most effective magic released at the most appropriate time.

For example, when he was attacked by a close attack, Yi Chou could now face the opponent calmly. He saw a tall armored warrior climbing up and down, and the long one in his hand Sword should be the culprit of sneak attack.

"The external armor of the war knight." Yi Xiao also pulled out his long sword. He stared at the empty eye position under the armor of the armor warrior, as if he could penetrate it to see the real war knight who was operating the armor behind him.

"I accepted it." (To be continued)


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