High Magic Earth

Chapter 748: Unknown moment

"What do you mean?" Barry immediately asked. At this moment, the two seemed to return to the time when they captured the power criminal together in the cutting-edge laboratory. Sisko was the logistics support, and the Flash Barry was the combatant. 【..】

But unfortunately, after all, I can't go back to the beginning. Even if time can go back, some people will disappear forever.

"As long as we can go back to the past, we can stop him, stop all this from happening."

"Don't you think we have thought about it, nickname kid." Snet said again, "The man next to the Flash is the current time master of the time court. They have agreed to change the time line, but they are not at all. Unable to lock to the time of that person."

"He has long known that the time court is monitoring his time, so he cut off his connection with time, and neither the future time nor the past time can lock him. There is no way for the time court."

"But Barry isn't right," Sisko said. "Barry doesn't need to rely on and use the time court. His ability is super speed. He can run back to time, and what does the nickname mean."

He stared at Snet in an unsightly manner. Obviously there was still an old enmity. Before Snet threatened him with Sisko’s brother, Sisko had not forgotten it. Sisko is not that hand now. A researcher without the power of j, but one of the members of the superpower group.

"Oh... that." Sneaker said lazily, "I don't like your name. Captain Frozen sounds good, but I don't like what you call my sister."

"Gold glider...not bad." Sisko said to himself strangely.

Found that Snet leaned in the corner and looked at herself with an idiot, Sisco quickly woke up, "Not to mention these questions first, I want to say that Barry's power does not depend on the time court, he The shuttle time also does not require the court’s time spaceship, just use the speed."

"As long as it's set to a point in time that can reverse the entire history. Then let Barry go back to the past and stop the dead wizard."

"Death Sorcerer... isn't it." Snet continued to spit out, "Aren't you better to call him Yihuo."

Barry next to him ignored the argument between the two, but bowed his head in contemplation. Sisko reminded him and reminded him of something asleep in his memory.

Since the integration of the multi-Earth, the environment of the entire world has been instantly raised to an incredible level. First, the creatures in myths and religious legends appeared one after another, and then immediately fought fiercely with the wizards and magical creatures.

The battle soon ended. But this is not a lucky thing, the surviving wizard power has begun to make a big leap, as if there is nothing in the world that can suppress them anymore, grisly monsters, spaceships from other planets, and countless others Star creature.

Eventually it was their turn to the new human beings, which made Barry think of Martini Muller's words. Although Barry thought it was unwise for the earth to fight inward when there were large-scale alien creatures. . He had to admit. The power of the wizard has far exceeded the limits of the earth.

At least it's easy to deal with them, and the same is true for those alien creatures.

So they didn’t put anything in their eyes at all. In order to resist them, the new humans retreated, and at the same time they were hidden. The courts and mutants who had just emerged from the integration of other diverse earths also came, but still Not their opponent.

However, because of the appearance of the Time Court and Doctor Mystery, Barry even forgot that he could travel through time and concentrate on fighting and confrontation, and now calm down. Sisko's proposal seems very likely to succeed, but there are still many problems.

For example, how to go back as well. . Specific time nodes.

"Oh... let's look at this little baby who lives in a dream." Snet said with a long tone. "You haven't woke up yet, use me to remind you, that Batman once said that our great Flashman enters a state where the brain is overclocked to see the future temporarily, rather than enter the future or return to the past, he simply Nothing can be changed."

Sisko and Barry looked at each other. Then he looked at the master of time next to it, and then solved the mystery, "No, Barry is okay, he can really travel through time."

"When the frequency of his magical power reaches a certain level, he will cut into a special medium, thereby opening different gaps. At that time, he is no longer in the overclocking state of the brain, but in reality..."

"Speak human..." Snett said with a long tone.

"Okay." Sisko said. "When Barry is not fast, he can occasionally see the future, making him seem to be back in the past, but when his fast power is fully exerted, and after some fluctuation, he has There is a certain chance that it will go back to the past point in time and go back in real meaning."

"You mean... time wave?" Dr. Banner, who was silently listening to him all the time, said suddenly, "I accidentally saw our actual time wave when I searched the energy source with the instrument, but I think its data seems to be wrong, which is different from what I have in mind, but I have no impression."

"You changed the time, right? You have changed the time once, my state is reset at zero, right, I mean... he..."

Dr. Banner pointed to Barry, and then tried to ask like Sisko, Sisko did not hide, he nodded, "Yes, this is the case, Barry once changed the past, our world passed a zero hour. Set, that was the first time we failed to fight the dead wizard, we called it the flash point event, to be precise, we are only me and him."

Sisko pointed to Barry and said, "No one else knows."

"Did you bring Barry back to the past with shock waves?" Dr. Banner said hurriedly, "Why did you do it? How many did you do?" Count frequency? Is it stable? Is it controllable or unreproducible?"

In the face of the question, Sisko couldn’t withstand the challenge, and Snet saw the c-stitch spit, “So well, our little baby’s dream of a rainbow pony will come true. , But even if Barry can go back to the past, is he capable of going back now, do you know where to go back?"

This question obviously also stumped Sisko, because this is one of the obstacles that allowed Barry to successfully return to the past, "the flash point refutation. Barry does not need to travel too long, my shock waves and abilities are sufficient to support him , But now... we don’t know how long we need to travel forward, but it will certainly be very long. After all, magic night has been coming for almost ten years now."

"My shock wave is probably not enough to maintain." Sisko said with regret.

"Maybe we can go to Ando," Liv reminded weakly. "His ability can increase anyone's superpowers. With him... Barry can go back."

"The abilities of the members of the superpower group are flawed. And he can't even break the correct time anchor on Nakamura Kuai, I am afraid that it will not exhaust much energy and die." Sisko said with a deep thought.

Although he has been away from the cutting-edge laboratory for a long time, his basic scientific literacy is still maintained. And the understanding of science seems to be more and more powerful, which is also a normal thing. After all, there have been more abilities and special creatures in these years than they had added up in his first half of his life, and there is still a big crisis hanging. Everyone's head.

Humans always progress fast under the coercion of a sense of crisis, don't they? Even the new humans are no exception.

Sisko quickly sorted out his thoughts, and he continued, "And the most important thing is that the members of the superpower group have long lost contact, and the magician of time was murdered just as the magic night came. There are also people who copy abilities. Anyway, all things related to time have been cleared out, and Nakamura has also lost contact not long ago... I am afraid..."

It’s not finished, but everyone understands Sisko’s meaning, Nakamura Kuan has been more aggressive, although Nakamura Kuan’s ability to travel through time can’t really change time, because he is more like a passer-by in time, although he can Contact and communicate with time, but always set the time to the original position for various reasons.

But as a member of the confrontation alliance, Nakamura's disappearance still makes everyone feel sad.

Sisko felt even more desperate, because even if he sacrificed himself. The energy that burst out is not enough to send Barry back to ten years ago. Time is not so good to cross, especially the fixed time.

Perhaps the Flash and Flashback can all pass through time, but it is only by chance that they can easily pass through. All fixed-point and autonomous time traversal often require great energy support. There is no particle accelerator and related equipment to continue their energy. They can only rely on Sisko's shock waves, but this is not enough.

Thought of the method, but it was blocked in the first step. Is his footsteps really unstoppable?

But at this time, sitting on the bed, shrinking his body will make his temperament look like a house lady whenever and wherever he suddenly said, "So add me, count me."

Sisko's eyes suddenly lighted up because he remembered it. It wasn't just him who was a shock wave. The shock wave girl Skye was also here. Although she was an alien, the alien was also a new human being, and At this time, the only purpose is to stop that person, nothing else matters.

"This...it seems very feasible..." Sisko said hesitantly. He had already started calculating quickly in his mind. He was a little distracted, and then he was led by Barry to the counting board, and began to calculate together with Dr. Banner.

None of the formulas written by two people can understand them, but it does not prevent them from holding great hope for them. Since the magic night, the positive forces of various countries are the first to be hit, or The challenge is not that the wizards have to deal with them, but that they must give everyone an explanation, and then the crushing battle begins.

After the messy organizations have been disbanded, the heroes and abilities can only gather together. Fortunately, most people are already familiar with this time. Even if they are not familiar, they have heard of each other. They are scattered in various places. And then gathered together to fight the magic night.

Everyone is comprehensive, from ordinary people to logistics support, from combatants to scientific researchers, such as Felicity and Harrison Wells, etc., and Dr. Sisko and Banner are this The person in charge of the equipment in the hidden base.

Many excellent equipments can be produced in the hands of Sisko, and everyone believes in him.

Sure enough, Sisko did not disappoint them. After a while, he came back from the computing board with Banner excitedly, and simulated the calculation with the latest wisdom brain. "Yes, there is no Problem, my energy frequency plus Skye’s energy frequency is enough to support Barry to open the time gap and even let him lock the time node."

"How to determine the time node?" Some people asked that the actual problem is more important than how to open the time gap.

If it is late to go back, obviously Barry alone can't play any role. When he goes back to find, Barry doesn't know what will affect the future.

More importantly, all the records about that person in the time court are deprived, and he deprived him with magic, so the time court can’t lock and judge him through the records or what happened, or even see what happened. This is also one of the reasons why the time court is powerless.

"Uh~www.ltnovel.com~ Sisko was stunned. Obviously this is another problem, and he has not solved it. He just thought about whether the sum of energy is enough, but the problems are solved one by one. There will be a way, Sisko's idea is very optimistic.

"Maybe...I know..." But at this time, Barry hesitated with some uncertainty, "I know when I should go back and what to do..."

"Are you sure?" Dr. Banner asked. "Time travel is not a joke."

"Every trip is fine," Barry said. "I know this better than you."

"But I know a critical point in time, which caused all of this point in time." Barry said, his voice gradually lowering, as if he was caught in distant memories, "He was not like this before, I knew before He is not like that."

Barry said in a constricted voice, but was quickly interrupted by Skye, "Forget it, I used to think so." (Unfinished.)




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