The so-called upper class, the so-called celebrity class, is generally an elite class composed of members with a net worth of hundreds of millions-at least one billion, and with good official status. It sounds like it is quite tall. In fact, it is true. It still belongs to the third class. There is also an upper class composed of real high-level directors of major well-known companies, local officials, and parliamentarians, as well as the top class composed of chaebol leaders, cabinet ministers, bureaucratic family leaders and core heirs. Class.

Layer by layer, the general social level of the island nation has been constructed, and it is very unbreakable!

There are basically no special opportunities. Ordinary people can reach the third stratum before they are over.

Therefore, if you want to become a pivotal figure in the island country, you must not climb up.

"...You think very well, but it's a little unrealistic." Machida was silent for a while, shook his head, and some said not so optimistically. "You have to understand that the island country is a patriarchal society after all, although in recent years it is because of women. Awareness increase, coupled with the increase of independent women, on the surface, it seems that the status of women in the island country has improved a lot and become influential, but most people will return to the family after all. If you want to influence those women to influence Their husbands get convenience, they don’t have much to do with small things, they are not so effective in big things, and they may even backfire and cause trouble for themselves."

Following the meal, Machida Yuanzi added, "In addition, Fengxue Pharmacy is only a product after all, not an irreplaceable thing. It is okay to use it as a profitable commodity, but it is still a lot worse as a bargaining chip to tie a woman. ."

"So if you really want to set up the club, you still need more core products."

"I also master a set of fat-reducing techniques, which can make people lose weight quickly in a short period of time. Can you use it as a core technology?" Qin Heqing changed his expression twice, and he also understood the possibility that Machida Yuanzi said. It was the fact, without hesitation, he took out another hole card of his own.

"Oh? How effective is it?" Machida Yuanzi asked surprised.

She didn't realize that there were so many weird technologies in the hands of her nephew, which opened her eyes.

"You can lose a pound once you lose weight!" Qin Heqing said.

Of course, if the firepower is full, it is not impossible to directly extract all the fat in the human body. It is just that it is a bit too shocking and not good for health, so Qin Heqing withdraws and asks for the second best thing, saying a very conservative digital.

But even so, it was amazing enough.

At least Machida Yuanzi's expression on her face was surprised when she heard it, with an incredible feeling.

"There will be no sequelae?" Machida Yuanzi said in astonishment.

"Of course, if there is one, how could I even take it out? I am afraid of trouble."

"If that's the case, it's really possible that your club will be opened." Then, after a pause, he asked expectantly, "Other than that, what other techniques do you have for pressing the box?"

"Does detoxification and skin whitening count?" Qin Heqing thought for a while.

Since he can extract fat from the human body, there is no reason why the melanin and other cosmetic residues buried under the skin can't be removed?

This coupled with the spiritual healing effects, detoxification, beauty, and skin whitening is really not impossible.

"Is the effect obvious?" Machida Yuanzi asked.

"En." Qin Heqing affirmed bitterly.

"Wait, give me a set to try the effect." Machida Yuanzi said with bright eyes.

As long as a woman, she doesn't care about her skin.

Naturally, Machida Sonoko is no exception.

Otherwise, what are the moisturizing masks in the refrigerator and the cosmetics in the bedroom used for?

"En." Qin Heqing was speechless, nodded and agreed.

"Go on." Machida Yuanzi said with a smile.

"Furthermore, I plan to add special amulet and spirit removal services to the club's service items, increase the club's attractiveness and mystery, retain customers, and increase influence."

"Well... it's not impossible, and it may even be the finishing touch. It seems that you have really considered the way of opening and operating the club. Okay, I can ask someone to help you pay attention to related properties... …" At this point, Machida Yuanzi paused, and then asked, "By the way, where are you going to put the clubhouse? Are there any requirements for the property? What is the upper limit of funds? Other homes have found a suitable place by then. , But you don’t have the money to get things done, that would be a shame."

"For the location, let’s put it in Setagaya District, where the traditional rich, celebrities, and entertainers gather. There are relatively more wealthy people, and the identity is enough to be used as a stepping stone and pathfinder. The price is...I Now I can spend about 30 million yuan, so the price is naturally the cheaper the better. It is best to be a single-family building. After all, my customers are all women. In the future, there may be various stars and celebrities, so the surrounding environment should also follow It can’t be too messy, nor too bad...Unfortunately, I don’t have enough funds, or I can consider buying the whole building to transform it into a clubhouse.” At the end, thinking of the current embarrassment, Qin Heqing sighed helplessly. Tao.

"I also bought the whole house... Do you know what the land price in Setagaya area is? It starts at an average of 100,000 yuan per square meter! The core area has risen to about 200,000 yuan! If you buy a property according to your ideas, there will be no more than a billion you I can't buy it at all!" Machida Yuanzi widened his eyes when he heard this, and said with an angry face.

"I know, so I don't change my mind. I plan to open the club by renting, accumulate the original funds, and then wait for the funds to be sufficient before proceeding with the large-scale property sale."

"Then you still restrict the circulation only let the potion of Fengxian circulate inside?" Machida Yuanzi said silently.

Obviously there is no use of Jinshan to open a resort on Jinshan, this is no one.

How could she have such a foolish nephew.

"Isn't there no way for me? After all, its existence is related to the competitiveness of the club. I can't put such a weapon without using it, and instead use it to seek money? Not to mention the troubles and risks during that period. The approval process alone is not a short period of time. I can't sell the medicine to chaebol capital in order to get the medicine on the market quickly, right? That's not the result I want to see." Qin Heqing spread his hands and said helplessly. .

"Uh... I forgot, your medicine is now a three-no product." Machida Yuanzi looked stagnant, and said speechlessly, "Then you can't always'unlicensed business', right? A small scale is fine, if you follow you If it spreads in a certain circle, it becomes the handle for some people to seek it! Since you don't want to cooperate with capital, you'd better give it a legal identity, and it will avoid the future. trouble."

"So, didn't I come to see you, Sister Yuanzi." Qin Heqing smiled and said with a big face.

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