"Please don't say that, it will make people misunderstood. Teacher, you are still a beautiful girl in your prime."

"Stop talking nonsense, go back and rewrite it for me!"

Chapter [-] Quantity matters

The new day was sunny but not hot, and the occasional breeze brought coolness, which should have put people in a good mood.

But thinking that last night, the time that could have been happily surfing the Internet and playing video games had to be spent on rewriting homework, it really didn't feel good.

It’s rare to become a middle school student again (although not voluntarily). If you can’t do what you wanted to do at the time but couldn’t do it, you simply feel that the only benefit of time travel doesn’t exist.

After entering the teaching building, changing shoes, going up the stairs, walking through the corridor, and pushing open the classroom door, after completing this series of necessary processes, Hikigu walked the last distance and finally arrived at his place, successfully giving himself to himself in his heart. Sit down after squeezing out some pleasant emotions.

The surrounding environment is no different from the original. Not only the family, but even the name of the class and school where they belong is the same, and the quality of the girls is also very high. It is indeed a three-dimensional version of the anime world. Most of the girls seem to be above average.

If it is used as a background creature, it is really qualified.

Before the start of the first class, the "backgrounds" were very energetic. People with friendship gathered together, forming distinct small circles in the classroom, discussing topics that were very interesting to each other.

In such an atmosphere, it was difficult for Bikigu to integrate into it. It was not that he was unwilling to make friends, but it was because he was not interested in those topics and could not devote himself to it.

Expressing the emotion of "Old" in his heart, Hikigu took out the books and stationery and put them on the table. Of course, there are history books that he likes to read.

Recently, he was reading a book describing the history of civilizations in the ancient Middle East.

Compared with the original Hikigu, the subject that Hikigu is good at now has changed from literature to history. Although other subjects are not very good, they can still reach the level of the upper-middle level. In terms of grades, they can also It is regarded as a student with better grades in the teacher's mind.

Before the time-travel, Hikigu was very interested in the history of human beings in the time before the time of the time-travel, especially the viewpoints that were different from those accepted before the time-travel were also very interesting to him, and this interest did not disappear even after the time-travel. Changed, or rather more intense.

The Middle East is the earliest birthplace of human civilization. When human beings in other regions were still living a life of drinking blood, civilization had already existed here, and because the time is very ancient, it is full of mystery in the eyes of future generations.

From an entertainment standpoint alone, such books are very readable.

As usual, he opened the book and read it with gusto.

I also bought this book before Bikigu Crossing, but I never read it at the time. It had been on the bookcase for many years. When I remembered this, I crossed.

The author of this book has a very unusual demeanor. He believes that Moses the Great God was the leader of the Hyksos in Egypt at that time. Because of internal contradictions and religious differences in Egypt, he finally negotiated with the pharaohs in Upper Egypt and extorted blackmail. Those who swaggered out of Egypt after collecting countless treasures of gold and silver were simply unreasonable, not as hard as the Bible describes them.

Moreover, the author did not write a book, but a series directly, which is said to have made the brothers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam very unhappy, and then it sold very smoothly.

When he found out that this world actually had this set of books after traveling through it, Hikigu bought it without hesitation, and started reading it with the idea of ​​not letting himself regret the second time.

To be honest, Hikigu doesn't really understand some (actually most) of the things mentioned in it, especially some things that involve bell peppers. He doesn't know the meaning at all, but this doesn't prevent him from watching with a sense of ignorance. go down.

It's not a problem if you don't understand it, because it's just because you don't understand it that you're amazing!

"Bizuo, I read books in the morning, what a good student who loves to study." The loud-speaking tablemate brought his head close, but then exclaimed, "What the hell is this? I don't know what it was written. What is it!"

"It's rude," Hikigaya, who was disturbed, cast a condemning look at the other party, "As a junior, should I respect the history of my seniors?"

"But I'm not Egyptian..." The tablemate showed an embarrassed smile.

Speaking of which, Hikigu couldn't remember the name of this guy at all. In other words, as a high school student, his communication situation didn't seem to be as normal as he thought.

But at this time, if you ask the other party "what's your name", it will be even more embarrassing. In this case, it is better to just pretend that you don't want to talk for the time being.

I felt that this was a good way to avoid this embarrassment and Hikigaya made such a happy decision.

It seems a bit sad when you think about it, but it's not something worth caring about for yourself.

At the end of the day, Xin is no longer a high school student. Although there are some things that I miss very much, once they change, they will definitely not go back. There is no problem in enjoying them as a background, but it is very difficult to participate, and there will always be a very reluctant feeling.

In short, Hikigu got the quietness he wanted.

For those who have something to pass the time, time always passes quickly. At noon, after eating the bento made by my sister, I brought my things, and walked to the top floor more slowly than Qigu. There was basically no one here. The sun is not too strong today, it is a good place to rest.

After finding a clean place, Hikigu found a place to sit, spread out a newspaper and sat down, opened the book, and continued reading.

However, it doesn't seem to be suitable for quiet reading today, because he soon noticed that someone walked in front of him - the shadow directly covered the book he just opened.

Helplessly, he moved his eyes away from the book, and what caught his eye was the most beautiful and stature teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka in the school.

I don't understand, why can't Mao find a boyfriend?Doesn't it mean that men like to use the following thinking?

As a man, Hikigu felt that this sentence was very reasonable, not nonsense.

"Hikigu, do you remember, what did you forget today?" Hiratsuka Jing's beautiful melon seeds had a pleasing, but also dangerous smile on her face.

Yes, homework!Forgot to hand in!

As a high school student, being urged to hand in homework is undoubtedly a very humiliating thing, but considering the virtue of the urging party, it seems that the humiliating thing is not the fact that the homework is not handed in.

"Oh? At such a time, do you actually think that complaining is more important than life?" Hiratsuka Shizuo sighed, "I misread you, Hikigu, you are unexpectedly a brave brat."

Damn I didn't say anything!

"I'm done, I'll hand it over immediately." Hikigu finished the sentence quickly.

"Well, that's fine, but it's not very interesting to simply make concessions to reality instead of confronting me." Although it was only for a moment, Hikigu always felt that Hiratsuka Shizuo had a disappointed expression on his face." In fact, you don't have to give up, teacher, I prefer the kind of guy who doesn't give up even if it's wrong, um, it seems that I'm a little twisted."

Did she know that she had a problem with her personality?It's really rare, I thought she didn't have this self-consciousness at all.

Just thinking about it, Hikigu found that his arm had been caught, and the powerful force directly attacked his elbow joint in the next moment.

Then, with the thud of his heels on the ground, he was dragged away.

Chapter [-] The Unpredictable Future

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