(Thank you for the 100,000 yuan reward from alliance lord)

At this moment, Shen Lang was shocked.

It’s so cool.

Even Mulan’s lovable body is shaking slightly.

Two people stood on the top of the mountain and snuggled together to watch the tsunami, watching the disappearance of tens of thousands of people.

Really romantic.

The Wu Lie, Nirvana army, and Jin Family warriors behind him saw this scene.

Suddenly felt the teeth are sour.

This dog food has already eaten all the way.

Young Master, we want to quietly watch a tsunami now, can you both show love?

However, the pair of monks Shen Lang and Mulan are only a beautiful embellishment of this drama.

The hearts of all people were taken away by this tsunami.

It’s really shocking.

It’s really a blink of an eye, Kung Fu, the whole fleet is gone.

More than 30,000 people have disappeared.

Then the thrilling tsunami was still madly swept away.

“bang bang bang ……”

Soon the stormy waves hit the island of joy.

This moment, it is shaking again.

The entire island is shivering.

This is the real roll of snow.

In an instant, the raging waves of the monks rushed up, as if to drown the entire island, as if to flood the entire island and take away all the people on the mountain.

But after all, no…

The waves rushed over the island and hit a high water of several hundred meters.

Even Shen Lang can feel the wetness of his face.

Then, the tide went down.

The island still blocked the tsunami, and the remaining tsunami continued to move toward the east along the sea on both sides of the island.

Maybe it will go far and far.

But this time I can’t go down the mountain.

Because after the earthquake, there are waves of aftershocks.

Therefore, the tsunami is more than one.

It was followed by a burst of time.

Only the tsunami behind it is much smaller.

After almost half an hour!

The sea level finally calmed down a bit.

Then another scene was staged.

On the sea below the island, there are countless pieces, countless.

More than 100 ships of the Xue Family coalition fleet were all smashed.

This tsunami forformable power is too strong, no matter how strong the ship is, it will be broken in an instant.

Then there was the corpse that rushed up.

Countless bodies.

The sea was densely covered and swept by the waves to the shore.

There is hardly a living person.

The 30,000-strong coalition army was destroyed.


“Yangzi, can you use it to look around and see if there is any living? We killed it together.” Shen Lang said.

Mulan is speechless, I am able to perceive nature, I can also feel the danger, but you can’t do this.

In the view of Shen Lang, Mulan closed his eyes and shot radar waves, scanning all creatures within a few kilometers.

In fact, there is absolutely no such thing.

Mulan’s perception is only for the natural environment such as the sea and the weather.

The perception of living things is very vague and particularly acute in the virgin forests of the Sand Barbarians.

The ocean is not actually her home.

Next, Shen Lang ordered, searching the entire island, and once it encountered any live, all killed.

As a result, nearly 3,000 of his men searched for a whole night.

Hard is a live mouth not found.

Shen Lang is shocked, is it completely dead?

After a tsunami, 30,000 people did not even have a living person?

Not so smart!

But it does not find it.

Return to the bay of Happy Island.

Yesterday he had already made every ship fixed on the reef with chains.

And the bay is not directly affected by the tsunami and is protected by the entire island.

But the results are still very miserable.

Eighteen warships directly sank and disappeared eight, and seriously injured five.

The rest is relatively good, only five ships.

But there are nearly 3,000 people on the island. No boat can ride.

Shen Lang ordered the ship to be trimmed and then waited in the bay.

It’s been about three more hours.

There were 19 more warships on the sea.

Where did these ships come from?

Of course it is still his fleet.

When Yan Nan Fei took him to the sea of ​​fangs, Shen Lang and Mulan discovered his plot long ago.

However, if you do not pretend to be in the middle, then Yan Nan Fei will not count.

It must be very weak and can’t escape. Yan Nan Fei will order the fleet to chase after it, and will be led to this tsunami area by Shen Lang. Otherwise, Yan Nan Fei’s cunning will surely find Shen Lang tricks.

In fact, there were only two ships in the Shenlang fleet that actually rushed into the reef area of ​​the sea.

It only makes a variety of sound effects in the fog.

It was also a warning ringing the bell, and it was a peng peng loud noise, and it was shouting in the middle of it. It hit the reef and the ship sank.

Shen Lang’s main fleet is divided into two, one side winding around and going east. Another fleet has been going north.

One of them hid in the bay behind Happy Island, and the other one completely left the tsunami area. After the calm, come back to the island.


After a long time!

Thousands of Shen Lang’s thousands of people boarded the battleship and left Happy Island.

So far he brought out a total of forty ships, leaving only twenty-four ships.

Inadvertently hitting the Xue Family fleet, a ship sank, pretending that the center sank two ships in the sea of ​​fangs, and was destroyed by the tsunami and destroyed 13 ships.

Four thousand people squeezed and twenty-four ships still sat down.

Next, Shen Lang did not immediately stay away, but continually patrolled around Happy Island, trying to find any one.

The results are still not found.

“Young Master, what do you do next?”

“Is it going to attack the Nanzhou Islands directly?”

If he wants to attack the Nanzhou Islands, he will always go west.

Shen Lang said: “Go east, search all islands.”

In Shen Lang’s view, if there is a live mouth, it is likely to be swept away by the tsunami.

The tsunami is moved towards the east, and it is likely that it will board some islands in the east.

He definitely never let go of the fish that slipped through the net.


I don’t know how long it has been!

Xue Family Shi Zi, Xu Zi, opened his eyes.

“Voice, vomit, vomit…”

He constantly vomited the sea.

He really thought he was dead.

His martial arts is already very high, but it is still fragile in front of the tsunami, and there is no resistance at all.

Almost in an instant.

The entire fleet disappeared, and the ship he was riding was also shattered.

Almost the instinct to survive, Xue Pan hugged a piece of wood and did not relax.

I did not expect to actually survive.

Work hard to climb up.

It was discovered that this is a small island with dozens of people in front of the fire.

“Young Master wakes up. This is a grilled fish. This is the juice of the plant’s roots. You should hurry.”

A sailor handed a bowl of white night liquid and a fish.

This bowl is woven from leaves.

Xue Pan took it and ate it hard.



“This is where?”


Xue Pan 惊诧,这么远?


然后Xue Pan 发现,自己带在身边的under personal command 高手都不在,这幸存下来的几十个人全部都是面孔黝黑。




“我叔父Yan Nan Fei 呢?”


Xue Pan 吃着烤鱼,喝着汁液。



Xue Family 几十年的心血,瞬间就没了。

没有了这支舰队,如何维护southern part 海域的贸易?

Xue Family 重在海洋在,所以军力的重心也在海上的。

Xue Pan 百思不得其解。

这是Shen Lang 将他们舰队带向地狱吗?

那他凭什么知道会有seabed 大地震,会有海啸?



而且Shen Lang 提前就把舰队停靠在欢喜岛背后的海湾里,而且还带人全部登上了岛上的山顶。


此人真是太terrifying 了,简直无所不知无所不晓。


如今Xue Family 舰队全军覆灭了,接下来应该怎么办?

向Stupa Mountain 求援,向帝国求援?

Shen Lang 利用海啸消灭三万人,这等能力太惊悚了,应该不能容于Stupa Mountain 和帝国的。

Xue Pan 决定接下来想办法离开这个荒岛,然后先去Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion ,再去Stupa Mountain 人马在的黑岩岛。

拼命游说这两个超脱势力出手,灭掉Shen Lang 全族。

他可以大肆宣扬Shen Lang 神奇之处,简直startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping ,有通天彻地之能。

他把Shen Lang 描述得越夸张越厉害,Stupa Mountain 和Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion 就越容不下Shen Lang 。



就算靠Xue Family 的力量弄不死,也要借力弄死。

Xue Pan 吃完了烤鱼,喝完了汁液之后,道:“你们几位是我Xue Family 的水手?”

那几十个水手said with a bitter smile :“我们这等小人物,世子果然记不得了。”

Xue Pan 确实记不得,他长期都在陆地上,很大部分时间都在Heavenly Exceed City 内。

不过这些水手身上全部穿着Xue Family 的衣衫,脖子上也有Xue Family 的纹身。

“接下来,你们打算如何离开?”Xue Pan 问道。

Xue Family 水手道:“我们打算在这个小岛上呆几天,确保Shen Lang 舰队已经远离了之后,在点燃浓烟,吸引商船前来,将我们接走。”

Xue Pan 道:“有没有可能扎一只木筏,然后做一些船桨,做一张帆,自己离开这个小岛。这里距离Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion 有多远?”


Xue Pan 道:“那我们做的木筏,能够航行两千多里吗?”


Xue Pan 道:“那你们赶紧动手,我们用最快速度离开这里去Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion 。只要成功了,我一定大大有赏。”

几十个水手见之,然后点了点头:“many thanks 世子。”





“Young Master ,可以动身了!”

“走,现在就走!”Xue Pan 下令。

他觉得Shen Lang 奸诈,肯定会搜寻周围所有岛屿,必须赶紧离开去Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion ,游说Ning Han ,游说Zhu Hongxue ,放下所有的矜持,弄死Shen Lang ,弄死Jin Mulan 。

Xue Pan 乘坐上了木筏。

一边调整风帆,一边划船,moved towards 某个方向划去。




“你们立下了大功,只要成功将我送到Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion ,一定让你们发达,过上荣华富贵的生活。”Xue Pan 道:“你们报出名字来。”




Xue Pan 复述了一遍,然后和这些人攀谈,打听家中境况。




Xue Pan 道:“everyone 辛苦了,要不然喝点东西。”

几个水手轻轻抿了一点,道:“距离Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion 还很远,我们要省着点喝。”

Xue Pan 轻轻抿了一口。

“Young Master 若是困乏了,可以稍稍睡一觉。”

Xue Pan 心中冷笑,怎么可能睡?



Xue Pan 觉得整个身体开始麻痹,眼前一阵阵发黑昏眩。

“Not good ……”




“自我介绍一下,我叫李大头,曾经是莫愁岛的海盗,跟的许大当家。几年前许大当家被你Xue Family 灭了,我们也被收编了。”

“当然,我们没有要背叛Xue Family 的意思,也没有要为许大当家报仇的意思。”

“但是我们无意中发现了世子您,思来想去我觉得Shen Lang 可能大方一些。您一定要相信,我们确实犹豫了很久。但您没有说回家,而是要去Heaven Horizon Sea Pavilion ,所以大概我们很难拿到巨额的赏金,所以还是把您交给Shen Lang 合适一些,我们早就听说Shen Lang 是一个败家子了,把钱不当钱的。”

Xue Pan 浑身颤抖,张嘴嘶声道:“你,你们给我喝的是什么?”


Xue Pan 颤抖道:“我给你们一千金币,你们带我回南洲群岛。”

水手头子道:“对不住了,Xue Pan Young Master ,要是刚才您说这话,我们一定to be wild with joy 。但我们已经下手害您了,还怎么回头?”

Xue Pan 暴怒,忽然猛地暴起。




Xue Pan 拿起船桨,拼命地划。



整整又等了一刻钟后,确保Xue Pan 真的全身中毒,他们才凑上前来。


“点火,点火,让Shen Lang 那个败家子的舰队发现我们。”


Xue Pan 再一次醒来。



他耳边传来了激动的声音,仿佛从beyond the topmost clouds 传来。



Shen Lang!

顿时Xue Pan 绝望了。


那三个水手带着面罩,跪在Shen Lang 的面前。

“你们要多少钱?”Shen Lang 问道。


“什么?一千金币?”Shen Lang 怒道:“你这是看不起我?还是看不起Xue Pan 世子啊?才要一千金币?”





我的目光没有错,Shen Lang 果然是一个超级败家子。

“many thanks Young Master ,many thanks Young Master 。”

三个人moved towards Shen Lang 叩首道:“以后Young Master Shen 但凡有吩咐,只要一声令下,风里来雨里去,brother 绝无二话。”

Shen Lang 挥了挥手道:“well said ,well said 。”


Shen Lang 又来到Xue Pan 的面前,颤抖道:“表哥,自从你上一次去Jin Family 退婚,你可知道我有多么的想你啊。”

“自从二十几年前,你Xue Family 害我Jin Family 的时候,你可知道我有多么想你啊。”

Xue Pan 心中大骂。


但是他的脸上却露出了一丝笑容道:“Shen Lang virtuous brother ,我们可以谈谈,好好谈谈,你是一个绝对的聪明人,知道什么交易最划算……啊……”


因为Shen Lang 手一松,锋利的刀子直接掉了下去。

直接落在了Xue Pan 的双腿之间。



Shen Lang 一惊道:“对不起表哥,对不起表哥,我手中的刀没有拿稳,正好掉在你的蛋上了,你千万不要怪我啊……”





Shen Lang 另外一手拿着菜刀猛地剁下。


this time 完全干净了。



“Shen Lang ,我杀了你,我杀你全家,杀你全家……”Xue Pan 厉声吼道。


Shen Lang 道:“表哥啊,世间烦恼多因为这尘根而起,断了也好,也好!”

“Shen Lang ,我杀你全家,杀你全家……”

Xue Pan 疯狂咆哮。




Xue Pan 再一次醒来了。



“表哥啊,上一次在Heavenly West Province 你威胁我之后,我真是辗转难眠,夜不能寐,你可知道我有多么想你。”

Xue Pan 颤抖道:“virtuous brother ,有话好well said ,好well said ……啊……”

Shen Lang 手中拿着烧红的铁饼,直接按在了他的脸上。


I don’t know how long it has been.

Xue Pan 再一次醒来。

“表哥啊,自从你爹上一次刺杀Ning Zheng 殿下以来,我不知道有多么想你。”

Xue Pan 颤抖道:“virtuous brother ,有话好well said ,好well said ……啊……”


I don’t know how long it has been.

Xue Pan 再一次醒来,他的躯体置身于一个坛子之内。


“Shen Lang ,杀了我,杀了我……啊……”


I don’t know how long it has been.


这次Xue Pan 再也没有醒来。



Shen Lang 黑板上的仇人名单,被划掉了一个。

Xue Pan !


此时,Xue Pan 的首级在一个箱子里面。

Shen Lang 望着他的眼睛,道:“表哥,想你。”

“来人啊,把Xue Pan 世子的脑袋送去南洲群岛,送去给Xue Che 大人,并且转告他,我有多么的想他!”



Shen Lang 没有立刻去攻打南洲群岛。

而是疯狂地偷袭Xue Family 幸存的舰船。

Xue Family 主力舰队覆灭之后,还剩下一部分舰队,维持整个航线的安全。

不过这些战舰基本上都是分散的了,全部被Shen Lang 的舰船各个击破。

Shen Lang 击沉海面上的任何船只。

不仅仅是战舰,还有Xue Family 的一切商船。



短短几日之内,整个southern part 海域两千里内的所有Xue Family 战舰,所有Xue Family 上船,全部被消灭得干干净净,总数量超过上百艘之多。


没办法,Xue Family 这些巡逻的舰船,还有商船都是沿着固定航线行驶的。



Shen Lang 麾下的舰队当然不会猛到直接把人头送去南洲岛,而是中途拦截了一艘商船,让他们把Xue Pan 的人头转交给Xue Che ,顺便还送上了Shen Lang 的亲笔信。

Inside Nanzhou City.

Xue Che 正在陪同Yan Er 和Ning Qi 说话。




因为Yan Nan Fei 率领主力舰队去攻打Raging Tide City ,早已经远离了地震区域了。

但是最近southern part 海域频繁地震,有些不妙。

这一切好像是Stupa Mountain 开发上古遗迹后开始的。

southern part 海域是Xue Family 的根基,如果频繁发生seabed 地震,对贸易非常不利。


但是来往的商船很明显少了20% 。

对Xue Family 的利益损失很大。

但Xue Che 并不打算向Stupa Mountain 诉苦,让对方暗暗记住这个人情便可以了。

“算时间,Yan Nan Fei 的舰队几天之间就已经到Leizhou 群岛海域了,已经彻底歼灭了Jin Family 的舰队。”

Yan Er 道:“薛Senior Brother ,之前Kingdom of Wu 也派了三万大军攻打Raging Tide City ,结果损失惨重,无功而返。”

Xue Che 道:“Kingdom of Wu 是Kingdom of Wu ,我们是我们。”

接着Xue Che 又道:“而且今日之Leizhou 岛和两年多前也不一样了,已经多了七八万移民,这些都是Jin Family 的子民。Jin Zhuo 的缺点是什么?正义、正直!”

这话一出,Yan Er 懂了。

Yan Nan Fei 的三万大军不打算直接攻打Raging Tide City ,而是打算对Leizhou 岛上的移民,对Jin Family 的子民大开杀戒。

那些村镇肯定防御不了Yan Nan Fei 大军。

杀死Jin Family 子民几千人,几万人。


但Jin Zhuo 肯定不会见死不救。

所以,Jin Family 守军一定会出城。

“但是Shen Lang 的Nirvana army 非常强大,尤其是第二Nirvana army 神射手。”Yan Er 道。

Xue Che 道:“确实非常强大,但是我从来都没有让Yan Nan Fei 和他们正面对战。”


Xue Che 道:“把整个Raging Tide City 付之一炬,烧光!”

这话一出,Yan Er 不由得一颤。

事实上,Xue Che 的计划远远不止如此。

比如暗中让Jin Family 子民服下Stupa Mountain 的毒药,然后让他们逃入城堡之内避难,引发terrifying 的瘟疫。

关键时刻,他还准备动用Stupa Mountain 的蛊毒。

整整几个瓶子的蛊毒,秘密装在Yan Nan Fei 的舰队之内。

用投石机把蛊毒投入到Raging Tide City 大城堡之内。

总之,他Xue Che 的手段多的是。

他从来都没有打算和Jin Family 打什么正常的战争。


哪怕把整个Leizhou 群岛所有人杀绝,把整个Raging Tide City 的人杀绝,也要夺下这座城池。

也要把Jin Family 亡族灭种。

然后,他再让Yan Nan Fei 的舰队封锁整个东部海域。


他明白帝国King of the Blood Lian 的意思,绝对不能让Raging Tide City 方向成为breakthrough 口。

在Xue Che 看来,King of Wu 还是太年轻,太有底线了。

“三殿下don’t be impatient ,相信我,您的时代马上就要来了。”

Xue Che 没有再说话。

甚至对Raging Tide City 的战局没有多谈。

他相信Yan Nan Fei ,这个brother 足够狠毒,绝对能够把事情做绝。

送Yan Nan Fei 出征的时候,Xue Che 就说得清清楚楚。

Scribbled roots!

至于他Xue Che 会留下什么骂名?


所以大概用不了多久,便能够得到Yan Nan Fei 的捷报了。



杀绝Raging Tide City ,杀绝Jin Family 的通报。

“殿下,这是送给您的礼物。”Xue Che 送上了一本书。



Ning Qi 接过沉甸甸的经书。


果然是Xue Che 的笔迹,





那这是谁的血?肯定不是Xue Che 自己的。

事实上,这是Xue Che 敌人的血。

每次杀掉一个重要的敌人,Xue Che 就会取他的血,用来刻写一页经书。




你Xue Che 这是何意?

接着Xue Che 又拿出来了一本空白的紫檀书。


希望接下来用Shen Lang 、Jin Zhuo 、Jin Mulan 等人的鲜血,再刻一部经书。

Shen Lang 小儿口口声声天下无仇。

倒是和我Xue Che 有共同的理想,我也想要天下无仇啊!

And it is at this time!


“主人,主人,有人送来一个箱子,说这是给您的礼物,Shen Lang 送给您的!”

Xue Che 面孔一阵抽搐。


Xue Xue 道:“殿下,我陪您去下一盘棋吧。”

Ning Qi 和Yan Er 离去。

Xue Che 静静望着桌子上的箱子,屏住了呼吸。




露出了里面的一颗人头,他儿子Xue Pan 的人头。

Death is not eye-catching.

Xue Pan 的脸上还烙着几个字:“三万海军,全军覆灭!”

Xue Che 刹那间如同雷击。



注:今天更近一万七。everyone 大人,若有月票,千万要给我,感恩涕零!


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