Zhou Yang is looking at customers who are excited about the crowd. Obviously they are looking forward to the 2 Worlds that will be opened soon.

However, Zhou Yang not at all immediately went to check the upcoming World, but stepped out of the Myriad Worlds Building, and the silhouette appeared in the Bright Elegance District.

“Dīng líng líng ·····”

Zhou Yang wore a ringtone on her phone.

There are only 5 messages, one was sent by Zhou Xiaoling 5 days ago, and I have been working in Sanli Supermarket for over a month, and I have been paid to invite Zhou Yang to eat.

After about 3 hours, another message was sent out, asking him not to work too hard.

The third message was sent by Zhou Wenjing three days ago, saying that Zhou Batian’s health had been fully recovered. She also had a summer vacation, and he would cook him at home and ask him when he was free?

After about an hour, let him stop trying to make money and take more rest.

Looking at the news above, Zhou Yang felt a little warm in his heart, and someone still cared about him.

Whether in high school or college, he is a studyaholic and a workaholic in the eyes of others, silent.

I only know each other with my classmates. If you are familiar, I’m afraid I’ll have a roommate in his bedroom, after all, sleep together every night.

However, after seeing the fifth piece of information, Zhou Yang shook his eyelids. It was sent by the National Police Headquarters. A black clothed person, black-faced monster, was wanted nationwide.

A dark shadow leaping from the top of the building was obviously a side of the camera accidentally filmed.

However, at the first sight of Zhou Yang, Zhou Yang recognized that this person was the only one who entered the Myriad Worlds Building and the same World as him, and after entering the Myriad Worlds Building once, he never appeared in Myriad Worlds again. Chen Feng of Building.

The last time I saw Chen Feng, he met at an alley when he went to the library to buy fire comics with Bulma and Dongfang Bubai.

Chen Feng was beaten hard by a robber to rescue a middle-aged woman.

“Because I was busy on a business trip and forgot to look at my phone, I went to the Zhou Family Park in a while.” Zhou Yang sent this information to Zhou Xiaoling and Zhou Wenjing, and drove to the Zhou Family Park. At the same time, his A video of each and everyone’s interview with Chen Feng was played on the phone.

“This is an era of science. There can be no supernatural phenomenon at all. The weird purple light emitted by him must be caused by scientific instruments. I guarantee it with my personality.” A well-known expert expressed his solemn expression in the video.

“Of course it could be an alien weapon.”

The well-known expert apparently completely forgot that the last time he was on TV, he had failed to predict because of prediction failure.

“Also playing super-human, what a handsome man, he is a pretender and deserves to be wanted!” Said a little sister-in-law foul-mouthed.

“Although I came out of the hooligan last time, although I thank him, I still think he is a selfish person. He has such a powerful ability, why not hand in the country, and why not share it with everyone?”

“He is a trash, one who only cares about himself and totally disregards everyone’s trash. It should be wanted by everyone. If I know his news, he must report him. Fiercely reports all the people in his family for a 500,000 bonus.

“It’s completely personal heroism. Why doesn’t his ability be shared with everyone and why he keeps it by himself? He must have some unspeakable conspiracy.”

“Although I agree with his behavior, I don’t agree with his character. He is a hypocrite. On the surface, justice is just right, but it is just for everyone to worship him, otherwise why hide his true identity?”


Zhou Yang opened a piece of information and video about Chen Feng’s behavior as a black clothed blame in the city, and 99% of people thought that Chen Feng should publish the Superpower method he obtained.

And accept the appropriate research of the relevant section of the country, to contribute to the progress of all mankind.

The remaining 1% think that Chen Feng’s ability is completely scientific and technological equipment. He has acquired alien technology and should be announced.

Whether it is the major media, the major newspapers, or the major television stations, either he is wanted or criticized. It is completely one-sided.

Zhou Yang also saw some supporters of Chen Feng on a few personal forums.

However, only a few minutes later, these forums were blocked. As for whether the water meters were checked, Zhou Yang would not understood.

Chen Feng spent ten years in lifespan and bought a Violet Mist Divine Skill. Later, in a gift box presented by Zhou Yang, it was a pure internal force of a first-rate expert. After being optimized by the system, this internal force can be used by any cultivation secret manual. People easily absorb.

Obviously, after gaining strength, Chen Feng embarked on the same path as Captain America, but unfortunately his luck was much worse, others became heroes and he became a wanted criminal.

Zhou Yang lamented that, fortunately, she did not use force to force, otherwise the orphans in Zhou Family Park would be in trouble.

His strength now has no fear of most weapons, and the real world cannot threaten him at all.

Chen Feng appeared in the silhouettes of Huai’an City and the surrounding 2 cities, leaving one and Taifeng City on the edge of 3 cities not to go.

And Taifeng City conducted a census not long ago.

As long as people who are taller than 1.7 metres, whether they are men, women, young or old, or severely ill with a disability, all are checked from house to house by the police.

As for Huai’an City and the other 2 cities, the investigation was also very tight. Traffic trips, intersection cameras, airports, and bus stations can be said to have been checked.

Zhou Yang brows slightly wrinkle, such a careful search, should have suspected Chen Feng, he is just an expert, can not leave no clue, and will not fly through the skies or escaping through the ground.

Could all these actions be national plots, and Chen Feng’s whereabouts were discovered long ago?

Chen Feng appears in three cities at the same time, but the scope of these three cities has one thing in common.

A half arc, this distance may be the time Chen Feng can rush home in one night.

He can see that it should not be difficult for those elites in the country to see that Chen Feng’s range of activities has formed a semi-arc.

With this arc-shaped dot, the probability of Chen Feng living in that area is as high as 90%.

Of course, it is not excluded that Chen Feng is a person like Conan, who can detect the relevant section’s detection methods and conduct anti-reconnaissance.

However, I’ve seen Zhou Feng’s Zhou Yang a few times, but I don’t feel that Chen Feng has such a high IQ.

And most importantly, Chen Feng never showed up before the wanted was issued across the country.

There is only one possibility. He also found that someone was monitoring him, or monitoring his area. This is a Sixth Sense from Martial Path powerhouse, which is a danger perception of the surrounding environment.

For a college student who is new to university, one side is the national elite. This all-round wanted and condemnation is likely to be a psychological warfare.

Chen Feng’s heart must be uncomfortable now, and even feel wronged.

At this time, if any country leader appeared in front of him to comfort him, or even affirmed his behavior.

The results can be imagined.

What about him?

Zhou Yang’s mind suddenly broke, and he suddenly appeared a large number of inheritances to buy a house. This Zhou Yang didn’t care much.

The system arrangement is very reasonable. Even if the country goes to check, you can also find a reasonable source in USA, which is a large amount of common heritage.

As for buying explosives and armor, these two things were all done after he changed his appearance, and they couldn’t find them.

The place most likely to be exposed to him is when he took Dongfang Bubai and Bulma to the library, Dongfang Bubai softened many people.

Without Chen Feng, those people may think that their bodies are out of order, and they would sneak into the hospital for a check.

However, after the appearance of Chen Feng, it is easy to reminiscent of martial arts colors or fantasy colors. Their three people will definitely be photographed by the cameras in the library, and that silhouette is the true face of Zhou Yang.

However, due to Zhou Yang’s sensitivity to the surrounding environment, if someone monitors him, even if it is a few thousand meters away, he can feel it with Telescope.

But what surveillance did he never feel?


Zhou Yang just remembered a very important question, the camera!

He always ignores the surveillance of the camera automatically.

Ni-Ma, but there are not many cameras on the roadside, and the appearance has not changed.

“System screened all the networks in the country to see if I was exposed?” Zhou Yang sighed softly. He was not afraid of trouble himself, but was mainly afraid of causing trouble to the Zhou Family Park.

“It takes 20points, is it paid?”


“Host’s information was not at all exposed. Of the people attacked by Dongfang Bubai, only one was normal, and the others were originally soft.”

Zhou Yang, “······”.

“What about the rehabilitation of orphans with disabilities in the Zhou Family Park?” Zhou Yang brows slightly wrinkle said, so many children with disabilities can recover so quickly, it is impossible not to be suspicious.

“Yong medicine hurts people!”

“It’s nice to have a rich man to be a big brother!”

Zhou Yang, “······”.

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