Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 203: Demihuman Village Deckard Mond

  Chapter 203 Demi-Human Village Dikamond

  A handful of light green Floo powder was thrown out, and the flame in the fireplace instantly expanded and turned emerald green.

  Ted carries Psicrystal Parker in his arms, several "Magic Poké Balls Version 2.2" hanging from his waist, and a huge Ansu on his shoulders.

   He gathered his wizard robes together and strode into the fire.

  A special force of rotation and attraction enveloped the whole body, and the whole person disappeared with a whoosh...

  Half a month has passed since the summer vacation, and it is already July. After Ted exchanged this month's alien knowledge, he briefly explained the matters related to Xianyuwang, and now it's time to go to Jerry's house.

  At the beginning of the summer vacation, Jerry was still helping out in Diagon Alley, earning some money to subsidize his family. But something happened at home in the second week, so I stayed at home and didn't come.

   Now Ted is planning to go over to see if he can help. After all, according to Jerry's letter, things seem to be getting more and more complicated.

   Now I am not a first-year student with no strength and no connections. I am also capable of helping my friends solve problems.


  The border between England and Scotland, the Livingkel area, the Lost Mountains.

   This place is called the Lost Mountains by the locals of Livenkel, because there are often heavy fogs that cannot be dispersed in the continuous mountains here.

  And if someone walks into the mountains, they will often get lost in the fog, and after going around, they find that they have somehow walked out of the mountains.

  Fortunately, here is a mountainous and hilly terrain, sparsely populated, consultation is not well-developed, and most people don't go to the mountains, so outsiders don't know the strange phenomenon here, so the demi-human village has never been discovered by Muggles.

   That's right, the demi-human village of Deckamund is located in a certain depression of the Lost Mountain Range.

  According to the data from the Division of Demihuman and Humanoid Management of the Ministry of Magic, there are now a total of 476 people in Deckard.

  Most of the mouse-eared, rabbit-eared, cow-horned, dog-eared, and cat-eared tribes are sub-humans.

  Each ethnic group ranges from a dozen to dozens of people. Among them, the Niujiao tribe and the Mouse Ear tribe have the largest populations, both of which are over a hundred.

   As for the three intelligent races from other worlds like dwarves, dwarves, and elves, their treatment is much higher.

  The dwarves dug an underground town in the mountains deep in the Misty Mountains—Hammer Castle, with a population of about 200 people.

   There are more than a hundred dwarves, because they have a good relationship with the dwarves, so they live together in Fort Hammer.

  The elves receive the highest treatment, and their gathering place is at the northernmost tip of the Pennine Mountains, which is a little further south.

  The British Ministry of Magic allocated a large piece of land to them and allowed them to govern themselves.

  It is said that the elven village of Tamriel was equipped with multiple magic circles, making the four seasons like spring.

  Like other races, they are all under the management of demihumans and humanoid creatures; but the elves have a separate elf reception office! It can be seen that the status is not ordinary.

  Ted opened his eyes, built a pergola to block the ashes in the fireplace, and then walked out of the fireplace.

   Clean yourself up first, then look up and look around.

  A small, even slightly shabby store—the wall boards are full of traces of handwork, as if they were planed by themselves.

  Looking at the shelves and simple wooden counters, the goods are quite complete, ranging from daily necessities to some commonly used herbs.

   And behind the wooden counter, there was a middle-aged and elderly Rat Ear tribe with gray hair.

  He pushed his thick glasses, and asked in a deep voice: "Young wizard, welcome to Deckard, how can I help you?"

  Ted looked at the old man whose beard was turning gray, and asked, "Excuse me, are you Uncle Puli?"

Before Ted came, he had heard from Jerry that there were only two fireplaces connected to the Floo network in the whole village. One was the office of the Ministry of Magic in the village, which was considered an official use, and the other was in Uncle Pooley’s grocery store. .

   "Oh? Don't dare to be an uncle, I am Puli. May I ask who you are?"

   "I'm Jerry's classmate, Ted. Ted Epifani." Ted reported himself.

   "Oh! Ted, I heard Jerry talk about you. I also read about you in the "Daily Prophet". Amazing boy..."

  Old Puli was a little surprised. He didn't expect Jerry's classmates to come. It seems that Jerry is doing well in school.

   "Oh, is this Anzu the Raven? Jerry told me." He asked when he saw Ansu on Ted's shoulder.

   "Oh, it's me, I'm Ansu." Ansu bowed triumphantly, and then looked at Ted: Look, I already know someone here!

  Ted: Don't you know whose light you borrowed?

   I heard that Ted was looking for Jerry, and Uncle Puli was very enthusiastic to show him the way.

  Out of the door, Ted found that the place is indeed relatively simple. Although the ground has been compacted, it is a dirt road after all, and only a section of the road in the center of the village is paved with stones.

  The surrounding houses are mostly wooden houses and earthen houses, and the two-story building is already the tallest.

  And the only house with the best decoration, which looks quite foreign, is the office of Aris.

  In fact, for wizards, building a stone road is actually very simple.

   But the Asians had never had their own wizards before, and the Ministry of Magic was not willing to directly waste effort on building infrastructure for them—although it was almost a matter of effort and did not require much manpower and material resources.

  This is also the reason why Jerry and his little demi-human wizards attach great importance to their status as wizards. Races without wizards in the magic world are inferior and unwelcome.

   On the road, Ted saw several buildings and residences with different styles.

  It has the style of sheds and log houses, and there are bullhorn buildings with carved totem poles erected at the door.

   There are also bunny-eared houses whose roofs are covered with grass and trees.

  The mouse ears are not tall, and their buildings also have their own characteristics. They are usually built on the hillside, which is a "double-layer building" with an underground and a ground.

  Another log cabin has been built on Bag End, which at first glance looks like a hobbit.

   "Here, this is Hillary and Jerry's home. It was not easy to build this cabin." Uncle Puli knocked on the round wooden door.

   It took a long time before the door was opened. A slender middle-aged lady of the mouse-ear clan opened the door.

   "Uncle Pooley?"

   "Oh, Shirley, I'll bring Jerry's classmates over." Uncle Pooley stepped aside so that the lady who opened the door could see Ted behind him. Ted was actually half a head taller than him.

   "Jerry's classmate? Is, is it Ted's classmate?! Jerry said that you will come over these two days. Come in quickly." Ms. Hillary was a little surprised.

   After delivering the person, Uncle Puli left. After all, he had to look after the store.

  Jerry's mother asked Ted to sit down and poured him hot tea. Speaking of which, this black tea seems to be a gift from Ted!

   Take a sip, um, sure enough! Special product of Muggle society~

  Ms. Shirley explained: "Jerry went out and followed the people in the village to investigate in the mountains early in the morning..."

  Ted put down his teacup, he came here for this purpose.

He asked: "Aunt Shirley, Jerry didn't go into details in the letter. He just said that there was something strange in the nearby mountains. Under the leadership of the Asian Management Department, the village organized a manpower investigation, but there is no result. May I ask what happened? What's the matter?"

  Ms. Hillary looked sad, and began to tell the cause of the incident.

  The thing first happened before Hogwarts was on vacation.

   Strange vibrations began to appear in the Lost Mountains. At first I thought it was an earthquake! However, due to its small size, it was ignored.

   It didn't take long for the vibrations to become more frequent!

  And many creatures in the mountain began to rush out of the mountain for no reason.

  The hunting-oriented villagers like the Dog Ears were greatly affected, because some magical animals in the mountains started to go berserk, and even started to attack the village!

  The cattle-horned tribe, whose main source of income is herbal medicine, was also affected, and their income dropped a lot.

   There was a lot of panic in the village, so I found the wizards in the office—they took turns to guard here. It was hard work, and it was remote and boring.

  But the wizards in the office can also procrastinate, one day at a time and another day at a time. Waiting and going means "already notified to the higher-ups, waiting for news".

   It’s good to wait until something goes wrong!

  A violent stone-toothed wild boar in the mountains rushed out of the range of the mountains, directly into a Muggle town outside, injured eight people in a row, and almost demolished two shops and several houses!

  Finally, the police from several nearby towns came to support them. With long and short guns, it took dozens of shots to bring down the violent stone-toothed wild boar of five or six hundred catties—magical animals are very resistant to firearms.

   Guys, this is on the news!

  The local police chief said in an interview that this wild boar is as strong as an armed armored vehicle!

  Afterwards, many hunters who thought they were brave from all over the world came to this remote town with shotguns and hounds to hunt big wild boars enough to be glorious for a lifetime!

  The Magical Accidents and Disasters Division's Reversal of Incidents Team, Amnestics Training Department and Muggle Moderation Committee could barely hold the matter down.

  In the end, fortunately, a Muggle expert was invited to take action, saying that "a special mutant individual has a one-in-a-million chance, there is no need to panic at all, and it is difficult to encounter a second one", which is barely justified.

  So, you have to believe in science~

  As a result, because of this incident, the Asia Management Department was criticized by the superiors, and they were asked to find out what happened quickly and not allow it to happen again.

   No, the Asia Management Division organizes the people in the village to start investigating? But it's been more than a week, and there is no useful news at all.

  (end of this chapter)

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