Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 252: The best way to overcome fear

  Chapter 252 The best way to overcome fear

  Starting from the second week, the Quidditch teams of various colleges also began to select new players.

  After all, veteran players are gradually graduating and need fresh blood to join.

   And this time, Ron signed up, and he really chose the goalkeeper!

  Jerry tried his best to persuade him: Do you want to be a hero, even if you only play for 10 minutes, or be a coward for the rest of your life? !

  Ron: This doesn't affect my meal, does it?

  So, the reason why Ron ran for the election was mainly because he boasted in front of Lavender.

  Well, the beginning of love is often the starting point of a boy's growth~


   Potions class has no improvement for Ted now.

  After the Firelands incident, Snape's view of Ted has also changed greatly.

   After all, Ted is not the kind of idiot Snape hates the most, but an elite, which makes sense.

  So, now Ted's Potions are all on the sidelines.

  For example, only students in the sixth grade potion intensive class have the opportunity to come into contact with the "Skapin Revealing Curse",

   This spell can analyze the ingredients and effects of a potion.

  The spell is: Scapin potion revealed~

  In the original book, Professor Slughorn introduced this spell in the sixth grade Potions class. However, among the students in the class, Hermione was the only one who had heard of it. She could even cast this spell silently.

   It's just that Ted and Lupine got very close recently, which aroused Snape's displeasure.

  Although it was James Potter who had the greatest animosity against Snape, it was Sirius who had the worst antagonism.

   But Lupine, as the dog-headed military strategist in the team, is naturally also the object of resentment.

  When the two met in school, either Snape left the scene with a cold snort, or they exchanged yin and yang words, which was very disharmonious~

  During this period of time, my friends have also used the "Book of Adventure" for exciting adventures.

   Now you have cleared the eighth chapter!

  Before there were gangs of robbers, there were tricksters with some magic tricks, there were strange magical animals and so on.

  However, Gryffindor obviously didn't compile all the adventures into the book, and chose chapters that were meaningful to him or had combat value.

   Like a person facing eight vicious robbers with crude weapons or something, that was the first time Gryffindor killed, at the age of 12.

  But this eighth chapter of the adventure "Adult" is not easy.

   This is the second year that Gryffindor has officially embarked on the wizarding path. At the age of 13 and a half, he was involved in a righteous incident while delivering things independently.

   A village was ravaged by a magical creature of the dragon genus, not to mention crops, and livestock were destroyed.

   Is that a monitor lizard of the genus Dragon? Or it can also be called Lu Xinglong, with a five-meter-long tail, invulnerable to swords and guns covered in scales, and a magic resistance of level 2!

   It is said that he is a 13-year-old little wizard, far from being a teacher, and he is still unable to deal with this kind of existence. But he's still on top!

  The main reason is that there is a 16-year-old gentle big sister in that village... It can only be said that the boy grew up overnight!

  It's a pity that the little friends want to know more about Gryffindor's growth process, but Gryffindor has briefly mentioned this aspect-their audience blinked, and the sky dawned!

  I can only figure out what happened~

  Walking dragons in that place is really hard to deal with. The friends tried repeatedly but couldn’t get through. The village was destroyed seventeen or eight times! Only Ted made it through once.

   After more than a week of grinding, the final Ron and Jerry barely made it through—and with some crooked tricks.

  After that, Harley boldly suggested: "Shall we come together once and see if we can deal with a few more!"

   In the end, there were eight ground dragons, and they almost didn't line up to trample the little friends into fertilizer.

  After that, the friends temporarily stopped the adventure, because the difficulty was a bit too high.

  They have to work hard for a short period of time to prepare, so as not to be trampled into mud as fertilizer again.

  Although it is said that death is harmless, the experience of dying once is indeed very uncomfortable. Especially being trampled to death by a ground dragon, or eaten in one bite, I don't want to experience it again in a short time.


  During this period, the twins have been trying to improve their toy products, and their roommate Li Qiaodan is their sales manager, responsible for external sales.

   Still made some money, but quickly reinvested the money into new product development.

   Generally speaking, the capital chain is tight, and it will break if you are not careful.

  The twins are extremely enthusiastic about making magic joke toys. So much so that I often experiment with myself.

   Like now...

  Ted used the healing potion, white fresh essence and dispelling magic to remove the big red bumps on their faces. This thing will explode when it grows to a certain extent! It only takes six and a half minutes!

  Willie Ted has seen it before. Although he won't be injured, it's really ruthless to blow his face black!

  This is too dangerous, are you sure this is a joke prop?

   It all caught up with Tang Bohu's mother Zhu Xi's hidden weapon - Thunderbolt Thunderball!

   "You two, I forbid you to use yourselves to do experiments again! If you come to me to wipe your butts again, I will make your inner thighs and buttocks covered with pustules, and you will scream in pain when you walk!"

  George immediately screamed exaggeratedly: "Ted! My God, even the most evil dark wizard can't think of such a terrible punishment!"

  Fred nodded again and again: "You really should go to Azkaban to be the warden."


  Defense Against the Dark Arts is not a purely theoretical class after all, practice is still required.

  In view of the accident on the train at the beginning of school, Lupine felt that not all teaching content should be carried out around the exam, but to apply what you have learned.

   At least learn to face fear, so that if they encounter enemies like dementors again, little wizards will not be helpless to fight back, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

   You know, even Hermione failed to cast a spell the first time she faced a dementor.

   She's still inside the train car, no close-up frontal dementors.

  Halley, who faced the dementor at close range, was useless at all due to her own reasons, and fell down directly.

   This can be regarded as Lupine giving a little treat to the child of an old friend!

  A few days ago, Lupine asked Sirius to buy a "teaching aid" in Knockturn Alley - a Boggart.

   This thing likes to hide in narrow and dark places. What in the closet, under the bed or something like that.

  They belong to the category of strange monsters, able to perceive the fear in the hearts of intelligent creatures, and thus become their fear.

   This practical class is very lively, it can be called crying father and mother, and shit!

  That Boggart was having a blast today, scaring thirty or forty little wizards.

  What female ghost, what big spider, what walking hands, what Snape... all kinds of strange things!

   If it can scare people and gain experience, it will be upgraded now!

   Several students immediately softened and couldn't stand firmly.

  The other students were also trembling and stuttering.

   Although Lupine had told them about the spell against the Boggart - funny funny.

  But the little wizards couldn't overcome their fear, just chanting spells was useless. Need to mobilize emotions.

   This thing is not as simple as in the original book. Most people can overcome their fear in one class.

  Like Jerry, his fear is a Shadow Panther!

   This thing is actually rare in Great Britain, but it is more common in the forests of Germany and France on the European continent.

   But when Jerry was a child, when Diamond was still waiting to be done, a wandering Shadow Leopard attacked the village. Killed seven or eight livestock, and almost took Jerry away.

   More than a dozen villagers joined forces to scare it away.

  Little Jerry left a shadow at that time, do you think it can be solved with a sentence of "funny funny"?

   Not to mention Harley.

  Her fear, though too young to remember her parents' sacrifices, has now become a dementor. Facing the dementors popping out from the closet, he almost passed out again.

  In comparison, the big spider that Ron was afraid of was nothing.

   After all, Ted burned a nest in the Forbidden Forest last year, which greatly alleviated Ron's fear of spiders.

  After class, Jerry and Halle asked Ted what to do?

  What else could Ted do?

   Could it be possible to hypnotize them, or implant them with hints, to overcome fear?

   Then lose the meaning of teaching.

   Only by overcoming fear can the mind grow tremendously.

  Ted can only pour chicken soup into them: "The best way to overcome fear is to face it! Persistence is victory~ Come on, be funny~"

  (end of this chapter)

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