Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 266: The path of catalytic magic is suddenly clear

  Chapter 266 The path of catalysis and magic suddenly becomes clear...

  Ted took away four accompanying grandparents from the relics left by the guardians, and thus had four living dictionaries.

  Although I learned a lot of information about ancient magic from the materials left by Ravenclaw and Slytherin, it is not comprehensive and systematic enough.

   And these four are probably the most numerous and most extensive generation of guardians in the past.

  Like the guardian of the previous generation, there is only one.

  As for this generation, it is not yet known whether the successor will be born or not.

  Of course, even if one has the talent of the heir, whether one can get in touch with ancient magic is still a matter of chance.

  The decline and even loss of ancient magic seems to be an irreversible trend...

  Of course, isn’t Ted dug up by them now?


   On the wall of the secret base, the female principal shouted angrily: "This kid is lying to us, he is fooling us!"

  The other three professors could only laugh and cry in the portrait: What's the use of saying this now? Do you expect him to send himself back?

  The four of them together would have been three or four hundred years old when they were alive. Counting the age in the portrait, they might not be two thousand years old. They were actually deceived by this 13-year-old little wizard!

   Oh, this kid doesn't look like a 13-year-old third grader at all. When the four professors were in the underground ruins, they thought Ted and Neville were at least fifth graders!

  Strength is one aspect. The main reason is that Ted's every move is too mature, and he has mastered the rhythm of the whole process almost at the moment of meeting, and finally succeeded in leading their thinking astray.

  Now they know that the modern magic system is not as powerful as they show.

  Ted and the others showed what they were good at.

  Although they did get the inheritance of the Big Three, there is no information about ancient magic in it.

   And what Ted said is the same as that the Big Three have entrusted the future to them, and he fooled three old men and an old lady without talking about martial arts!

  Ted replied with a hippie smile: "Professor Fitzgerald, don't say that. We are all Ravenclaws. We should understand that powerful magic is a kind of power, but wisdom is even more a kind of power."

   "I just took advantage of the unequal information and exerted the power of wisdom. You should understand me, right?"

  The headmistress immediately rolled her eyes, I can't wait to pierce your head with a magic wand now!

   But she really has nothing to say, because she is a Ravenclaw, and Ted uses methods that may not be very glorious, but they are definitely Ravenclaw.

   Moreover, he did find Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets, and even revealed that he found information about Ravenclaw's crown, which is a precious legacy that has been missing for nearly a thousand years from the Eagle Academy!

   We have reached this point, what else can we do? If you can't resist, enjoy it!

   You see, Professor Bakar, who was born in Slytherin College, is very knowledgeable about current affairs and is very active in teaching.

   He also kept saying that Ted was a pity and should have entered Slytherin House. The headmistress rolled her eyes again.

  Professor Bakar, that is, the Baotou Asan professor.

  In his memory, when the four professors fought against Morgana, he decisively gnawed a big melon and sent Morgana away who hadn't had time to contain the magic of emotions in the future.

   Snake Yard’s big melons are really quick to use~

  In the past two days, Ted got a lot of knowledge about ancient magic from the four professors who had basically accepted their fate.

   Also carried out certain attempts and experiments.

  The four professors hung on the wall and watched the whole process, and they couldn't help admiring in their hearts. Although this kid's mouth is not reliable, his talent is absolutely beyond words.

   Or in this group of young wizards, no one is mediocre!

  In fact, this kind of situation where geniuses and outstanding talents emerge together has happened from time to time in history. It happens once every two or three hundred years.

  Generally, at such times, there will be huge turmoil.

  The more talents there are, the more chaotic the world will be. For example, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, such as the end of Qin Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms...

  Things have come to this point, the four professors only hope to guide them on the right path, and don't go astray, bringing more chaos and disasters to the world.

  After trying ancient magic, Ted also had to admit that this thing does have something.

   To a certain extent, it far exceeds the modern magic system!

  Ancient magic is more like a way to develop the magic source of the wizard itself, which is quite dangerous, because if you are not careful, you will over-magnify a certain part of your own characteristics.

  Became very "pure", not like a person.

  For example, if a person is too vigilant to not fit in, he will end up being extremely withdrawn and subconsciously wary of others, and finally live in isolation.

  The other person is too brave and heroic, and in the end he will have no selfishness at all, like a stereotyped hero, diluting other human nature.

   Moreover, the research and in-depth study of ancient magic are very difficult!

   After all, it is easy to learn knowledge, but it is not so easy to discover yourself.

  Maybe this is also the reason why the ancient wizards were so biased. In short, they worked hard in one direction and one line, and they were line wizards.

  Most modern wizards are hexagonal wizards and circular wizards. It's rare that something doesn't make any sense at all.

  It’s easy to understand with an analogy, it’s like those outstanding people in ancient times, they were often outstanding in certain aspects.

   But if you let him do some arithmetic, or some knowledge of chemistry. Medical knowledge and so on, they look confused - they have no relevant education at all, and some have not even been exposed to it.

  In ancient times, only a small number of people were proficient in arithmetic, and perhaps only Taoist priests and some medical doctors were proficient in chemistry.

  It's not like now, after nine years of compulsory education, at least they all know a little bit.

  Of course, there were geniuses in ancient times.

  They are often able to dry out all the fields they have touched!

  From astronomy and calendar, geography and hydrology, arithmetic and medicine, articles and poetry, mechanical physics...it doesn't seem to be the same species!

  There is also Lord Newton on the west side. An all-rounder like Da Vinci, he even wrote more than a dozen books on alchemy!

  In general, both sides have their own strengths.

  Ancient magic can maximize the potential of a wizard, while modern magic can make up for the shortcomings of ordinary wizards as much as possible.

  Of course, born in sorrow and died in peace.

  Graduation is the moment with the highest level of magic in life for many wizards in Great Britain today.


  Ted has found a good idea to improve his lightning magic and blizzard from the principles of ancient magic.

  The safety helmet curse that "has independent property rights" has evolved again and has become a safety barrier spell. The effect is quite powerful, and it is a bit unreasonable!

  Shenfeng Wuying Ted also has some ideas, but he has not successfully conceived, so he has to continue to try and experiment.

   After all, it is not a magic spell developed by myself, and I still don’t know the root of it.

  If Snape had mastered ancient magic, Shenfeng Wuying would definitely be pushed to level 9.

  Ted also followed the teleportation circle in the coffin in the tomb as a template, and finally successfully localized the last spell that was not mastered in [Dalaran Junior Battle Mage Training Manual (Green)], "Teleportation: Dalaran".

  Now Ted’s teleportation technique only needs to mark his own secret imprint in a certain place in advance, and then he can open a portal! The kind that can lead people!

   Equivalent to a teleportation spell that does not require a Portkey.

  He also got some ready-made ancient magic circle and magic puppet making knowledge from the four professors.

  Although the problem of the magic power source is still unresolved, with the magic circle, the puppet can realize autonomy in the designated area.

  Of course, the way of driving the golem mecha like Ron has also been praised by the professors, saying it is very creative.

  Using his newly acquired knowledge of puppet making, Ted has already started to make a stronger, bigger, and more handsome magic armor.

   After all, the bear mech has a bit of innocence~

   And Ron also exploded with unprecedented enthusiasm. Not only did he forget to eat and sleep to learn the design of the magic machine, but he also participated in the production by himself.

  From material selection and testing, mechanical mechanics design, magic circuit design, magic function device addition, rune effect enchanting... Seven or eight major links, dozens of small links, participated in the whole process.

  Although it was a bit like going crazy, it was really extremely devoted.

   That means there is light in the eyes and a dream in the heart!

  And according to the bearded old man Professor Rackham: In ancient times, there was a kind of puppeteer who poured all his emotions and magic power into making dolls. Legend has it that those dolls have their own emotions, almost no different from humans.

   So, Ron participated in the production almost with passion.

  Even staring at the magic machine in a daze every day, stroking lightly and talking to himself when he has nothing to do.

   Ted was even a little worried, did he hear some indescribable whispers?

  I shouldn't have said something like "machine soul" to him, why are you making this joke?

   Look at those who harm children, you are stupid, and you still lie to others!

  Ted quickly bought a large bag of melon seeds for Ron as a snack.

  But Ron grabbed a handful of melon seeds and put them in front of the semi-finished magic machine that had just seen a shape, one person and one machine smashed against each other!

  Jerry panicked. He had never seen Ron not eating chicken legs for eight hours, and when he didn't think about it, he called repeatedly: Go to the women's dormitory and invite Lavender Bodhisattva!

  It would be better for a good friend and a girl to have a sour smell of love than to be obsessed with a semi-finished magic mech!

  In addition to Ron who found his own way of magic machine, his two good brothers finally made up their minds to take a road that no one has ever traveled—the road of magic substitute!

   This may require sacrificing a lot of things. For example, in the future, the categories of spells, herbalism, and transfiguration may not be able to improve.

  Even if they are more talented than ordinary people, they can only get half as much progress by spending three times as much effort.

   That is to say, it is impossible for them to make any achievements on these roads.

   But what they got in exchange was that they devoted themselves to the way of substitutes!

  Bigger, taller, stronger, faster, and more functional stand-in!

   They will have an invisible magic warrior who will never leave him!

   After all, the two of them are two years older than the other friends, and they are the two years when the little wizard made the fastest progress.

  So their understanding and absorption of ancient magic is also faster, second only to Ted's breakthrough.

  Based on ancient magic, it is embedded with modern spells of magic substitutes, making it break through the existing upper limit and reach a level beyond the scope of wizards.

  Naville Halle and the others are still groping, but they have also absorbed some things that suit them from ancient magic.

  Ted tried to give them the lightning magic he had just improved.

  But it's a pity, unlike the magic of ice and fire, this kind of lightning magic is really special, and none of the friends have learned it.

   Instead, Neville took the lead in improving the new magical plant under the guidance of the bearded Professor Rackham.

  The bearded old professor was Head of Hufflepuff when he was alive.

  Big mouth flower + devil's net + strangling vine + dragon scale magic iron tree + poisonous tentacles cultivated according to the alien knowledge of plants vs. zombies, a magical cross-grafting and pollination, a new variety was created!

  The speed of this thing drilling holes in the ground is faster than people running on the ground, and it sprang out as thick as a thigh. It can be tied, entangled, stinged and eaten. Its hardness is comparable to steel, and its magic resistance has level 2.

  Suddenly sprang out from under his feet, took a sip of bitter tea, I'm afraid even those 3X4X magical animals would have to give it a second!

  Ted: I wanted to teach you the Lightning and Thunder Fist, but you learned the method of wooden stakes by yourself?

  Halley is similar, she found a straight and simple path—magic power strengthening and external release!

  It takes a lot of trouble to turn magic power into magic through a spell?

   Directly use magic power to enhance your own attack, or release the magic power enhancement to attack the enemy, how simple is it? !

  She has fallen in love with this kind of magic stick, the refreshing feeling of hitting the enemy seven or eight meters away with the stick!

  And her method is quite suitable for Neville.

  Neville learned something from it, and successfully added it to his magic power of holy light!

  In short, it is quite amazing.

  Ted felt a little confused, why did it just like this, like that...? You can't learn lightning magic!

  Don’t tell me, this kind of path is more suitable for the physique of a simple rectal baby~

   Jerry Hermione None of them are very suitable.

  (end of this chapter)

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