Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 287: beg for mercy

  Chapter 287 Begging for mercy

  Where wizards gather, strange things tend to happen, or some weird magical creatures breed.

  As Hogsmeade is the only all-wizard village in Great Britain, many strange things will naturally happen.

  But wizards are all ruthless people who are not surprised, so they don't care too much.

   And a hundred years ago, there was a famous haunted shop here.

  The shop is a century-old shop, but if there are no descendants, no one will inherit it.

   Later, the Ministry of Magic planned to auction it out for some funds, but it was returned after being sold several times. Because of being haunted.

  The owner here used to be a brilliant wizard, and in the age when black magic was still relatively popular for hundreds of years, he studied the magic of puppets.

  He built a huge studio and residence in the ground below the house, and made various dolls in it.

  They didn’t do any evil, they just developed hobbies and made figures, so no one can say anything.

   But after his death, for a long time, strange things happened here.

  The remaining magic power began to activate some puppets, and more importantly, a fine creature was born here—the troublemaker.

  It is similar to Peeves, but although Peeves is skinny, he is still afraid of the professor.

  This troublemaker can make trouble for whoever comes.

  Three buyers successively thought they were unlucky and returned the goods. So that it is empty.

   It was later heard that a powerful wizard bought the shop, but it closed after a few years.

   After that, the wizard disappeared, and the house returned to the public.

  After so many years, it has never been sold again.

  Ted paid attention to this underground palace, and made this layout by using waste.

  Now in this underground labyrinth, there are many monsters, most of them are dolls recycled from waste, and some are smokers that Ted put in.

   This thing is powerful, it cannot cause physical damage, but it can directly attack the enemy's lungs.

  Because it's just a puff of smoke, most spells are useless, and the Iron Armor Charm can't be prevented.

  The wind will not disperse, the fire will not burn, the water will not soak, and nothing will fall apart.

   Friends encountered this thing for the first time, and all kinds of methods were used, and those who were forced could only run away.

   But "fortunately", the lame Ron who was being hunted down by the puppet spider was saved on the way.

  The puppet spider is a leg made up of more than a dozen doll arms and thighs, and a head made up of many doll heads. Not to mention Ron, Harley was terrified!

   This shape inspired Ron's potential, and he ran at a speed of 100 meters with a limping leg~

  The "Book of Adventure" and the battle with wizards gave the friends a lot of fighting experience and a mature mentality, and Ted was very satisfied with their performance.

   Now to see if they can stimulate their potential, use the Patronus Charm.


   And here, the two Sirius finally had to accept the cruel truth that Peter was still alive and might even be the culprit back then.

   And Peter, has already run to the screaming shack very skillfully.

   There are quite a few haunted buildings in Hogsmeade, and this Shrieking Shack is one of them.

   But this is because of the movement caused by Lupine's transformation when Sirius and the others were in school more than ten years ago.

  Perhaps it was because he was so familiar that Peter chose to hide here at the first time.

  He will wait until evening, and then go away!

   At this time, he hadn't thought about going to find Voldemort, after all, he might as well be a mouse if he was under Voldemort's hands.

  The main reason is that now Ron's friends all have pets, and they are always eyeing him. In addition, Ted brings him too much pressure, just like a young version of Voldemort.

  He was worried about getting caught, so he took this opportunity to leave.

  However, Ted has already planted coordinates on him, let alone the Screaming Shack, as long as he is in Great Britain, he has no choice but to run.

  His two best friends have gone to him now.

   However, there is a change that Ted did not expect.

   It was Lupine who was discovered by Snape when he was going out.

  Because of his status as a werewolf, Lupine is actually a bit introverted and inferior. He is usually in school and rarely goes out. Let alone Hogsmeade.

  In addition, Snape saw Sirius who met halfway, and he immediately felt that the two of them had something to do!

  Follow up!

   And so fate intertwined again at the Shrieking Shack, where this friendship began.


   "Hermione! Another one, I can't hold on anymore!" Ron called for help in the bear mecha.

  Hermione is clever after all, so she casually brought the bear mech, which was already a development souvenir.

   This prevented Ron, who had a broken leg, from being held back, and could become a fighting force.

  In this underground corridor, the first machine is too big to be used, and the bear mech is just right—the language function has been repaired~

  Ron, as the front row, blocked the attack of seven or eight different dolls. As the front row, his hatred is really steady.

  RON: Why are they always targeting me?

  Jerry: The shortest fence is the easiest to cross!

   However, the puppet is not a problem, but there is a smoker who is hanging around, and I want to take the opportunity to get into the mech and kill him. There is no way to prevent this!

   This thing has caused the friends to suffer enough. The only thing that is certain now is that Neville's golden holy light is useful, but he can only use it on himself.

   Now Ron is calling for help, hoping that Hermione will use that thunderbolt-slapped bottle again.

  But Hermione just said angrily: "No more! There is only one bottled lightning on the shelf. I have used it just now!"

  Alchemy Bomb·Bottled Lightning, put a powerful lightning chain into a bottle, just smash it when you use it. The effect is powerful!

  In English, the expression "Catch lightning in a bottle" (Catchlightninginabottle) is used to express the impossibility.

   Ted This is making the impossible possible.

  Finally, it was Neville's wand that emitted a golden light, and took the risk of slashing with the smoker in close combat to force him back.

  There are a lot of doll accessories scattered on the ground. Those bald doll heads and empty eye sockets make people feel hairy.

  Jerry kicked away the heads of several dolls, and suddenly saw an iron box in the corner, "Ha! There is a treasure box!"

  In the underground labyrinth, there are not only monsters, but also boxes that hide a lot of things, including coins, materials, or other strange or valuable things.

  Jerry had already driven two before meeting up with his friends, and the harvest was at least 10 galleons.

  So I rushed over immediately to open the treasure chest.

   Who knew that the treasure chest opened by itself, and a sticky purple tongue several meters long protruded from it, wrapping around Jerry's waist, wanting to eat it!

  Looking at the treasure chest again, there are actually two big eyeballs, and there are two rows of fangs inside the treasure chest—it’s a **** monster!

  Who, so insidious!

  Ron drove the little bear mech, and rushed over with one charge, with two bear paws supporting the monster's big mouth: don't hurt me!

  Harry also jumped up, and a magic stick hit the monster's head: die to me!

   Treasure chest monsters are easy to deal with, as long as one does not open the box and get caught, it is easy to deal with.

   But there are more and more smokers in the maze, and even Neville is tired of coping.

   Hermione: "This kind of monster can only resist that magic!"

  Ron: "What magic?"

  Harry, Neville, and Jerry said in unison: "The Patronus Charm!"


  In the Shrieking Shack, the mouse-shaped pettigrew was immobilized, and then was forced out of the prototype by Lupine with a spell.

  He will face the terrible wrath of two old friends!

   "Don't! Don't! Sirius, Remus, I'm controlled by the Imperius Curse, I can't help myself..." Pettigrew began to cry.

  He knew that neither of his two friends were ruthless and cruel people. If he cried enough, he might have a chance to save his life.

  But at this time, a black figure was hiding outside the door, quietly listening to the words of the three of them...

   Thanks for the 100-point reward from "Chu Ei Ci" and "Tail Number 4544"!



  (end of this chapter)

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