Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 292: The black dragon that devours emotions and the Ravenclaw diadem

  Chapter 292 The Black Dragon That Devours Emotions and the Ravenclaw Crown

  Ted and Dumbledore came to the deep underground of the castle, where Morgana's emotional secret library was located.

  Standing under the huge goblin magic silver magic sphere with a diameter of six to seven meters, watching it slowly rotate in the magic circle. quite splendid!

   Dumbledore spoke: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

  Ted said: "You have also seen the results of the experiment, and it is effective."

   "But we don't know if there are any side effects yet."

Ted shrugged, "No way, everything has a price. We can't always be so safe. At worst, I won't use this magic anymore. But if it succeeds, we will solve the big trouble. "

Seeing that Dumbledore was still staring at the big ball without speaking, Ted continued: "You have also seen that whether it is the magic circle or the magic silver ball, it has been damaged to varying degrees over hundreds of years, but There’s really no shortage of negativity.”

   "Although it seems that it will not be a problem to survive for another one or two hundred years. But we can't just muddle through everything, trust the wisdom of future generations, right? You will probably be gone by then, but I will still be here!"

   "Besides, if it succeeds, my Dharma Guardian will be greatly strengthened. Even if it fails, I will treat it as a loss of magic, but if I solve this historical problem, I will earn more or less."

  When Ted first transformed the Patronus Charm, he had already planned to use it to deal with this thing.

   Now it's finally time to implement.

  If a person or an individual is allowed to absorb these negative emotions, he will definitely not be able to bear it. Human beings have limits, can we not be human?

  The massive amount of pain plus the tearing of dozens of consciousnesses tore apart the personality in an instant.

But Ted thought of a good way, that is to refer to the legends of the East, those Bodhisattvas and Buddhas, they always set up a Dharma protector, they are all those who are angry and destroy the incarnation... Isn't it just to concentrate those negative forces Go to a Dharma protector!

  So there is this guardian **** who devours the dragon.

   Now, Ted is going to swallow these negative emotions collected by Morgana through the Dharma Protector...

  For three consecutive days, the friends have not seen Ted.

   Asking no one where they went, Hermione was very worried, and asked Professor McGonagall, and Professor McGonagall said that she and Dumbledore had gone to work. Only then can I feel relieved.

  Three days later, Ted came back.

  The problem left over from hundreds of years has been solved.

  Ted’s idea is successful, the only problem is that he has to control the Dharma Protector when he uses it, this thing is really vicious now!

   If one day I suddenly die tragically, then this thing will definitely become the strongest magical creation, or a particularly vicious one.


  The issue of the secret library is over, and I have already talked to the four old professors. They could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

   And the next step is the Ravenclaw crown.

   This is also interlocking in Ted's plan.

  He thought over and over again, but decided to deal with this matter with Dumbledore.

  In fact, he is quite confident in handling it himself, but he has decided that if he can restore the tiara to its original state, he will dedicate it to the school.

   After all, this is the legacy of the Big Four, and it should remain in the school like the Gryffindor sword.

   I have obtained the knowledge of Ravenclaw, but I still try to occupy her crown, it is a bit too shameful.

  Since it is always to be returned to the school, how good would it be to let Dumbledore contribute?

  Ted, Dumbledore, Snape, Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, five people appeared in the utility room of the Room of Requirement.

  Ted had already opened the door, and he didn’t tell them about the existence of the Room of Requirement. It’s better not to tell the professors this kind of secret that belongs to students.

  He had already found the crown through the miniature magic puppet worm he made before.

   This thing is indeed a bit evil. When Ted came to look for it before, he couldn't find it.

  That’s right, I almost used psionic power to rummage through the sundries, but I couldn’t find them.

   But Ted could feel that it was in this huge "garbage dump".

   It should be that Voldemort cast a curse on this thing, or it may be that this Horcrux can automatically avoid beings that are too powerful and difficult to bewitch.

   But for the second time, Ted brought a box of flying insects, only the size of a grain of rice, able to fly, without any attack ability, but the number is huge, and it will respond to magic power.

   After finding hundreds of debris with magical reactions, Ted found the hidden crown.

   Facing the five people, the crown didn't respond at all, like a broken and dirty iron ring.

  Professor Flitwick wiped away tears immediately: "Oh my God! Just look at what he has done to this precious diadem?"

  As the head of Ravenclaw College, Professor Flitwick was heartbroken.

  It would be great if I could find this heritage that has been lost for thousands of years in my own hands? Enter school history!

   "Very vicious magic!" Snape frowned slightly, staring at the diadem and the ugly dummy below.

  Since he killed Peter in the Screaming Shack some time ago, he seems to have improved again.

  He is level 17! He hadn't been promoted in years, right?

  Does Peter have so much experience?

  Of course, it can't be because of Peter's rich experience. It's probably because Snape's mentality has begun to change, right?

  Dumbledore may be the only person present who is a little better than him in his knowledge of black magic. When he said vicious, it must be extremely vicious.

   "We have to take it away first, it's not suitable for handling here..." Dumbledore said.

  The environment here is too complicated, with dozens of hundreds of years of piled up rags weighing more than a dozen tons. Doing things here, accidents may happen at any time.

  Horcruxes are different from other very magic, they are more high-end and more changeable. Have to guard against.

  Ted suggested: "Maybe we can go to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets?"

  Professor McGonagall smiled: "Good idea!"

   Could there be a more interesting option than dealing with the Slytherin Heir's defiled Ravenclaw diadem in the Slytherin Chamber?

  Oh, yes, Dumbledore also brought the sorting hat, and he can pull out the Gryffindor sword at any time, and cut the crown in half, which I don’t know if it can be saved~

  Why is this matter full of black humor?

   Another few days have passed, and the progress of purifying the crown is very good.

  Dumbledore used a very complicated ancient ritual magic to trap the diadem and the dummy in the magic circle of the Chamber of Secrets.

  At first, Mian Guan pretended nothing happened, she was a piece of shit.

   But when Snape poured the concentrated anti-magic juice on it, it reacted. He actually started a spiritual dialogue with Snape and began to confuse him.

  Ted had been paying attention to the changes, so he also took the opportunity to sneak into Snape's shallow mind to see what the two were talking about.

  The crown directly aimed at Snape's weakness—saying that he could resurrect the dead!

  Snape said nothing, but strengthened his Occlumency and continued pouring juice.

It seems that he is not affected by the magic of the crown at all, but Ted is not sure. After all, Snape is a real master of intuition and brain shielding, and is good at constructing false memories and superficial thoughts. Even Voldemort can't see it. Transparent.

  So, in the corridor, Ted whispered: "Professor, you won't believe... right?"

Snape never saw his feet when he walked, but he stopped without turning his head. A deep voice sounded in the corridor: "I know better than you what I'm facing. I also know that there are no dead people in this world." Resurrection. Only that kind of old fool would dream of such a thing!"

   After speaking, Snape flicked his robe, and his whole body floated away like a black cloud.

  Ted shrugged, glanced at the corner of the corridor, and left.

  Dumbledore came out, stroking the old wand in his hand, and muttering: "You are right, I often indulge in old fantasies and cannot extricate myself, maybe I am already an old fool..."

  Ted was right that he didn’t touch the diadem in private before. Maybe Voldemort wasn’t the most terrifying when he made the diadem Horcrux, but the magic he added to the diadem was really dangerous.

  The crown has many tricks, from the sudden resurrection attack of the dummy, to the vicious curse, to the best at bewitching the mind...

   Later, even Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall stopped approaching, because they felt that even if they were prepared, it would be a bit difficult to cope.

  But Ted and Snape were not affected, their spiritual defenses were unbreakable.

   More than a week has passed, and more than a dozen magic procedures have passed, and its heart has been peeled off layer by layer.

   Now Dumbledore is thinking about how to break the magic without damaging the crown.

  (end of this chapter)

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