Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 336: I'm in the water all at once, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh

Chapter 336 I’ll jump into the water all at once, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh~

 "Demo.net Utopia, enjoy watching the game. Welcome to watch the live broadcast of the Seven Powers Tournament, exclusively broadcast for you by Magic.com Utopia~"

“The third level of the Seven Wizards Tournament - Rescue from the Black Lake is about to begin! Audience friends, please be prepared to vote for your favorite warrior with your precious recommendation votes!"

“If the warrior you voted for wins the first place in this round of competition, you will receive Ideal Township Mall points and can purchase mysterious gifts!”

“Sincere thanks to our sponsors: Salted Fish House, Potter’s Toiletries Store, Madam Malkin’s Robe Store, and Weasley Brothers’ Wizarding Wheezes Shop for their strong support of this program~”


Since Professor Flitwick’s hosting last time was a bit dull, Ted decided to find an online host to provide part-time commentary.

 At present, there are more than 15,000 users watching the Seven Wizards Tournament through Magic Network Utopia!

 This number is more than half the number of wizards in Great Britain!

 The radiation range extends to most surrounding countries, reaching as far as northern Africa and even the Americas.

But the few hundred users in the Americas are making a profit at a loss.

 It’s too far away. Not only do they have no experience and spiritual power to record it, but they also have to expend some energy to let them see the live broadcast.

 Just think of it as burning money to increase market share. You wait until my magic net is laid, and then you can cut the leeks!

 First provide benefits to achieve a monopoly, and then cut leeks vigorously. Ted is so familiar with this routine!

The British Isles, Northern Europe, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, several countries in northern Africa, North and South America... At this time, more than 15,000 wizards were watching the live broadcast of the Seven Powers Tournament through the double-sided mirror of Utopia.

 The amount of barrage is very rich, and voting is even more exciting.

Ted and Krum's votes are very strong.

Ted is well-known in Europe, mainly around Great Britain and France.

The number of viewers here is also very large, and users from two or three countries can equal the users from all the remaining countries.

Krum, on the other hand, is an international Quidditch superstar. He has made a name for himself in various competitions at a young age and is very popular with the public.

 Furthermore, they performed very well in the last two games.

 Although it is still worse than Ted.

The top post in the forum's Seven Powers Contest section is "Inventory of Famous Seven Powers Contest Scenes". The top post is Ted's Dragon Spell to suppress the Australian Oval Eye.

The second ranked one is the Forbidden Forest Night Raid, for which Ted got many titles, such as "Dragon Controller", "Forbidden Forest Death God", "Night Raid" and so on. Pretty middle school~

The third ranked one is the scene of Krum overtaking the Fire Dragon—riding on his newly acquired Firebolt and swinging the Fire Dragon in the sky with Thomas spinning the cobra.

And friends are also in the scene, such as Ron's I will attack in Gundam form, Harley's magic hand seal, Neville's holy sword Patronus, etc.


On the edge of the Black Lake, Ted and his 35 warriors were spaced every two meters, each standing in a circular teleportation circle with a diameter of one meter.

This magic circle is very similar to the one in the Forbidden Forest last time, but this time everyone has one, which is very generous.

I don’t know if Lao Deng wants to flex his muscles or if he wants to exchange magic. This is a teleportation circle developed by the school after getting information from the four portrait professors. It is very useful.

This magic circle did suppress the other school teams when it was taken out. The Black Monkey Principal of Wagadu just muttered and did not dare to say anything loudly.

This thing really shows off the secrets! Millennium Magic Academy, the best in the world!

The network host and commentator we hired was very smooth-talking and kept chattering before the game started. The excitement of the scene never dropped and he kept chatting:

"Have you seen that rockery that is four or five meters high? It is made of stones piled up one by one. It is said that it was originally a habit developed by our Hogwarts warriors in the first grade. Every time I work out in the morning, I pick up a stone and throw it here..."

“Later, more and more little wizards were infected and began to do the same. Over the past few years, a small rockery has appeared beside the black lake.”

This is the ritual magic that Ted first experimented with, and now we can see some prototypes...

Professor Flitwick stood on a high platform conjured by a magic spell, staring at a pocket watch in his hand: "Ready, start!"

 At the command, the warriors who had been prepared took action one after another.

There are those who stuff herbs and potions into their mouths, some who hold magic props to activate them, some who cast spells on themselves, some who activate teleportation circles under their feet, and some who simply plunge into the water...

 Ron looked confident and proud, and looked at his friends around him: "Let's start! Transform~"

With a loud shout, Ron raised his left arm. There is something like a watch on his wrist.

With the injection of magic power, blue magic lines appeared like circuit boards and began to spread to the whole body, and then a thin armor of unknown material spread from the wrist to the whole body.

In just ten seconds, Ron has been wrapped in a completely enclosed layer of magic armor. Even his head has an artificial crystal screen, and there is also a defensive bubble spell on the outside to isolate water and filter the air~

 This is the personal underwater armor that Ron worked hard for more than 20 days to create.

 Because I was in a hurry, I didn’t have any very cool functions. It was regarded as personal diving equipment, with water insulation and heat preservation.

 The protection is average, but it is lightweight and very easy to use.

 Other friends also deployed their own underwater armors.

 Looking at each other, they activated the teleportation circle under their feet and disappeared into the black lake.

At this time, most of the warriors have already entered the water, and the methods are various.

 The more noteworthy ones include:

Hibiscus, she activated a garland-like magic tool on her head, and her whole body seemed to have changed. She entered the water easily, without any hindrance, and seemed not to feel the low temperature. Being underwater is as easy as being in the bathtub at home.

That is a blessed magic wreath. After being triggered, the wearer can obtain the characteristics of the water elf nymph for a certain period of time.

  Nymph is a beautiful water elf. Like Veela, it is a special and charismatic existence.

Now Furong possesses the strengths of both, swinging her long legs like a mermaid in the black lake, as relaxed and comfortable as a mermaid.

 At this time, her live broadcast audience directly exceeded Ted and Klum combined. LSP is the one with the most!

The furry girls of the Maozi team are also very athletic. They seem to have released a cold-resistant magic for themselves and just dived directly into the water.

 The cold lake water gave their snow-white skin a faint rose-red color, but that was all.

 As expected of Maozi~

 Wagadu's warriors are more advantageous at this time. They are generally good at at least one underwater form.

Some turned into a giant hairtail with a mouth full of fangs, some turned into an octopus (this person is suspected of being a Cthulhu believer, and it is recommended to be closely monitored~), and there was even a particularly eye-catching one who turned into a huge walrus!

These guys are taking advantage of everything in the water!

Ilvermorny's warriors have a variety of methods. Some drink several kinds of magic potions and then dive directly. Some trigger special magic equipment and stay underwater like astronauts. Although they look very protective, they move slowly. ah! Rescuing hostages can be a bit difficult.

Most of the South American teams ate gillyweed and drank potions to maintain body temperature.

 Oh, I also used some herbal paste and smeared it all over my body, making it look like a deep-sea seaweed mud beauty treatment.

 In the end, Ted and Klum were the only ones left on the shore who had not yet set off.

Ted is not in a hurry, but Krum is competitive.

 It has the meaning of youjmupijump if you don’t move and I don’t move.

Ted was a little helpless when he saw him staring at him, as if he was going to die here.

Principal Black Monkey at the review table was extremely happy, wishing that these two people would just waste away like this, and no one would get involved.

 Ted waved his wand and blessed himself with an enhanced version of the Safety Barrier Spell. A transparent shield wrapped around Ted like an oval bubble.

 Then he triggered the magic circle and teleported into the black lake.

Krum also acted quickly at this time. He first drank a bottle of potion that was as sticky as black mud, and then cast a spell on himself.

This spell seems to be not simple. It takes more than ten seconds to cast the spell.

 Finally he became half a shark-man with a fish head and a human body.

The shark's head is like a great white shark, with black stripes on a white background. The black stripes faintly form the natural magic pattern of a curse.

 The judges at the judging table are all great wizards who know the magic. Although they don’t know this spell, they can see how difficult and extraordinary it is.

 It should be a kind of advanced black magic!

 With the help of magic potion, Krum successfully cast it. Karkaroff watched his beloved disciple disappear into the magic circle with a proud smile.

 Showing your face! Comfortable~


  Everyone entered the water, and a huge screen floated above the black lake, live broadcasting the performance of the warriors to the audience and judges.

 Because there are seven less people this time, everyone’s small screen is much larger.

Ron watched the Bubble Head Charm display nervously.

After all, he is the main force in making underwater armor, and he still has a little backdoor.

 He left some external interfaces for his underwater armor, which can be connected to the plug-in system he used on the No. 1 machine.

 The big ones are definitely not useful, but the small ones are very useful.

 For example, this one is about the size of a baby’s fist and is like a small radar.

This thing is a perceptual scanning module that can sense magical things around it. It will be displayed on Ron's facial armor at that time. The water is dark, and the sound transmission is also blurry. It is very necessary to master a method of detection.

As expected, many monsters were thrown away by the jury in this river.

 Ron started scanning as soon as the teleportation was over, and found four magic feedbacks within thirty meters! Is it too dense?

There is a scorpion-tailed shrimp, which is two circles larger than a king crab. Its tail is as arched as a scorpion, and it has a tail stinger, which is poisonous.

The sting will cause extremely severe edema, and the neck and face will be swollen like a big steamed bun. Sometimes it will even block the trachea, so there is a high chance of death.

And its two pliers are not bad, and can even destroy the bottom of a wooden boat.

This thing was first reported in a lake in Italy seven years ago.

 Several Muggles were attacked by unknown underwater creatures, and their whole bodies were swollen like water balloons.

Later investigation discovered this kind of thing.

 This thing appears more often in places like swamps. However, because it is an alien species, it will also appear in unsuitable environments. At that time, it will be extremely aggressive and will fight anyone it sees.

What’s even more frightening is that these things live in groups, with dozens or hundreds of them at every turn. When a Muggle ship encounters it, it's basically a dead end.

But it’s a competition after all, so we can’t be so cruel. Ron faced only one.

Just one would be easy to deal with. Ron stretched out his hand. There was a round hole in the palm of the underwater armor.

“Wave~” A sound wave pushed the water flow to spread out layer by layer.

The menacing scorpion-tailed shrimp was immediately knocked unconscious.

 Ron picked its shrimp line at random and stuffed it into his own space bag - this thing should taste good when it is cooked, right?

The remaining magic feedbacks are also magical creatures, but two of them are magic fish, which are not aggressive and ran away on their own. The remaining one is a Grindylow.

This thing looks like the upper body is a humanoid goblin head, and the lower body is a mollusk with eight arms and legs.

 They have slippery mucus on their bodies and are very flexible in water.

 This thing is aggressive and often attacked people who were fetching water or swimming by the river in the Middle Ages.

This thing is not powerful, but the quantity is still large.

There are originally a lot of these things in the Black Lake, and the jury has crammed in a lot of them, so that basically every warrior has encountered them.

The Hogwarts Warriors have attracted the most attention because of their home games, and their performance in the previous two games was very impressive, so there are many viewers.

What's more, Ron's underwater armor was unveiled this time, although due to time constraints, there was no time to apply a cool paint. But this thing is very eye-catching and has a very good shape. So many people are watching the performance of our friends.

 Ron simply defeated two enemies without even using a wand, and many people posted comments praising him.

 More people ask where to buy this armor? I want to buy a set for my two-year-old son!

 Nearly every one of the warriors has encountered enemies, and the teleportation location is "safe". Although there are enemies, they are all low-level minions. The purpose is to make the warriors nervous and the audience excited. So no one is eliminated.

However, there are still good and bad performances.

 Some warriors defeated the enemy in a few strokes, while others were in a hurry or even a little panicked.

However, the South American team is a bit special. Those low-level aquatic magical creatures actually stayed away from them and did not go near them at all.

Soon, the online commentator got an explanation from the scene. It turned out that the mud they applied on their bodies before going into the water had the effect of expelling monsters.

Those low-level magical creatures couldn't bear it at all and fled one after another.

Although it is a trick, it is also part of the assessment. In the end, it gave full play to its own advantages.

Thirty-five warriors approached the center of the lake in a fan shape in the cold water under the ice.

Fights continued along the way, and all kinds of strange aquatic monsters emerged one after another.

  Someone was eliminated soon, this time it was the female warrior from Durmstrang.

 She is not the type of warrior who fights head-on. She is good at long-range spells and curses.

As a result, two consecutive levels were not good for her. In the last level, she was lucky and met her teammates quickly. This time, she was unlucky. Not long after, she encountered a huge catfish toad with a diameter of more than one meter!

This thing hides under the water with only the top of its head exposed, sneaking up on passing prey.

 Good guy, if the judges hadn’t taken action in time, the female warrior would have been swallowed up. After landing, my face turned pale with fright.

 It was only twelve minutes into the match and she was almost guaranteed to be eliminated.

 After that, another unlucky guy was eliminated.

The Beauxbatons boy lost his way underwater, swam further and further, and unfortunately got into a large aquatic plant.

 It was also because he was not vigilant enough and forgot all the knowledge he had before entering the water in a panic.

Grindellow likes to live among large aquatic plants. He is like a deliveryman who knocks on the door and delivers the food to his home.

 At least forty or fifty Grindylows surrounded him. Although this thing was only one meter long, it had eight arms and legs!

Even if the judges acted quickly, this guy was severely beaten when he was rescued. Not only was the protective spell broken, his clothes were in tatters, and several arms and legs were inserted into his mouth!

It looked so miserable, it made those who heard it sad and those who saw it shed tears. They are all worried that he will leave a psychological shadow.

 Many viewers typed the word "miserable" in the barrage!

There are also a few gentlemen audience members who said "shuang"? !


At this time, Ted was floating quietly in the water, his eyes closed.

 Many viewers were wondering: Is this a bath?

 In fact, he is integrating spiritual energy into the water and then spreading it out to increase the scope of his psychic powers.

 The main thing is to try to see where the so-called hostages are.

However, he didn't expect that he would sense several people approaching him!

 “Oh? Still not giving up? This time it’s still the coalition forces!”

Today I started to cough again, feeling very weak and short of breath.

Alas, over and over again.

No wonder people in ancient times always came to enlightenment after a serious illness, which was really torturous.



 (End of this chapter)

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