Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 341: Magic Flag: Four Kingdoms Kill

Chapter 341 Magic Battle Flag: Four Kingdoms Kill

 Speaking of which, the International Federation of Wizards is not an ordinary organization.

 Although in the original work, it seems to have no sense of existence.

 But that is mainly the plot of the original work that revolves around Great Britain, and the content outside the British Isles is not mentioned at all.

If you really take a closer look at their "records", you will know that this group of the best wizards in the world has great abilities and energy.

It's like reprimanding the Minister of Magic of a certain country. If this kind of thing were done in the Muggle world, wouldn't it be a violation of sovereignty?

Who has heard that the United Nations can reprimand a leader of a country and even affect his re-election?

  At first, Grindelwald tried to wage an all-out war with the Muggles and establish a new world with magic as the core and wizards as the leader. As a result, he was defeated by the Wizards' Federation.

Although Grindelwald himself was defeated by Dumbledore himself. But those who created this condition, as well as restricted and destroyed the so-called one hundred thousand saints, were all members of the Wizards' Federation.

 Speaking of which, Dumbledore himself is the honorary president of the Wizards' Federation.

But since twenty years ago, he has been focused on the interior of Great Britain, or to be precise, the trouble he left behind - Voldemort.

He plans to solve this problem that he personally introduced into the magic world in his lifetime. As for the union, he has long since ignored it.

 After the last Paris incident, Ted entered the vision of the International Federation of Wizards as an "Outstanding Young Wizard".

 Once the investigation started, it felt a bit legendary!

Orphans have become the first in the British young wizard in just a few years -this is not the evaluation of self -boasting or the Federation, but the comprehensive evaluation of Ted in the British magic world.

Even those pure-blood families who have eyes higher than their heads and are accustomed to looking at people through their nostrils began to look at Ted seriously two years ago.

At that time, Ted and the others solved the basilisk in the secret room and were thanked by many wizard parents.

It was also at that time that Ted began to establish friendship with the Longbottom, Black, Weasley and other families.

 By the time the influence of Salted Fish House spreads, no one in the British wizarding world can deliberately ignore him.

Many families have reminded their descendants not to have conflicts with Ted Epiphany. It would be great if they could become friends.

Now, the magical network of Utopia has been spread out, and a change has occurred that is happening but is difficult to detect because of being inside it. The personal networks Ted previously operated are intertwined to form a large network.

From demi-humans to dwarves, from pure-blood families to elite wizards with a certain status like Mr. Giggs...

In fact, many pure-blood families have shown goodwill to Ted in various ways, mainly from Sirius. In the past, many rare magic materials were provided by those pure-blood families. They were difficult to buy, and they were priceless. city.

 So, although there is no high-profile advocacy, it is actually widely accepted that Ted is the number one person of the younger generation.

Not to mention anything else, 90% of the young wizards at Hogwarts would be willing to do something with Ted if he raised their arms.

 What will it be like when they all graduate and enter the magical world?

 In this situation, the International Federation of Wizards wanted to take a closer look at Ted. If suitable, you can develop it into a reserve force!

 After Dumbledore flew to Heaven and met the Western Magic Buddha Merlin, Ted was allowed to join the Federation as the British representative.

However, when I looked at it again from here, it was different.

Utopia explodes!

Especially through this Seven Wizards Tournament, the scope of influence suddenly radiated to the entire Europe and scattered other continents.

 In the past, wizards were few in number and distributed throughout the world. They were like a little salt in a pot of stew. They had a little flavor but no trace at all.

This is also the reason why the Federation is strongly opposed to Grindelwald - they clearly realize that Muggles are the leaders of this world. The wizard cannot win.

 One of the consequences of the vast land and sparse population is looseness! Too loose! Much looser than bulk Suzhou.

 Not to mention anything else, there are only 30,000 wizards in a big place like the UK, and most of them have only seen each other during their school days.

 After graduation, many classmates do not see each other once every ten or twenty years, which is quite normal. Most wizards are very homely.

  Not to mention the exchanges and contacts between wizards from different countries.

 Rely on newspapers? It took two or three days for foreign newspapers to arrive. It is also caused by the slow pace of life of wizards.

 However, the emergence of Utopia directly changed this phenomenon.

Although in reality, we are still thousands of miles apart, or even separated by an ocean, but in the magic network, we are holding hands with each other and heart to heart!

  Recently, the daily transaction volume in the salted fish trading area has reached 800 pieces!

 The transaction amount on the auction website exceeded 1,500 gold galleons!

Had it not been limited by logistics and could only be carried out in a few nearby countries, this figure would have skyrocketed several times.

 Some time ago during the World Cup, there was an explosion of posts in the Sports Day area.

 Several wizards made an appointment to meet privately to organize a Quidditch match. This was difficult to do before—we couldn’t get enough people together.

Even according to incomplete statistics of some wizards who can’t find a partner but really want to find one—in the Emotional Paradise area of ​​the Utopia Forum, the number of wizards who have started “online dating” exceeds a hundred!

Looking at it this way, the fertility rate is also expected to improve!

This thing is great! Want ~

 However, when the double-sided mirror terminal was taken back, a group of outstanding wizards dismantled it and finally came to a conclusion—no!

This thing cannot be copied at all. It is not just a matter of unique magic. This is simply a unique innate ability—the same as Disguisemagus and Parseltongue.

It is the core of the magic network that Epiphany used his own unique abilities to build. Without this thing, the double-sided mirror terminal, the magic network signal tower, the earth wave fluctuation magic network, etc. are all waste!

How to do it?

  It will definitely not work if you come hard.

That's not a serious operation. Only Sabi would do that. The Wizards' Union is not the otherworldly Sabi organization in those novels.

How can you force such a promising young man to the other side?

Are you attracted to his Supreme Bone, or are you attracted to his childhood sweetheart, or some strange beast that lives with you?

 Besides, you are Dumbledore’s breadwinner. Even if he doesn't care about anything, he is still the honorary chairman!

 So, they have to use gentle means to win over Ted.

Not only that, but also to ensure his safety and correct growth.

 So, Mr. Piris Terman, the representative of the International Federation of Wizards, came.

 He wants to test the effect of Utopia himself, and the way is to hold a competition!

The judges discussed the plan, and Ted organized a development team to create a simple level.

 It’s not difficult, it’s really simple.

Compared to the Weasley Twins' complex plots, many mysteries and Easter eggs, and other insidious and unbeatable levels, this kind of magic chess is a backward project.

 The little wizards of the development team heard this - they were able to build a virtual level for the Seven Wizards Tournament! This is so cool!

 Working day and night, it was completed in two days and three nights.

The judges tried it out for themselves and seemed to be very satisfied—to be precise, they were so surprised that they couldn’t close their legs~

"Can this, this, this kind of thing... be able to do this?" Principal Black Monkey from Wagadu was completely shocked, and the shock in his heart almost overflowed to the ground.

He touched the magic chess pieces and the mottled stone slabs on the ground, feeling the real touch, and his whole body was trembling.

It’s so shocking to the world. If this were placed in the Eastern world, the Taoist heart might be broken.

Even now, he has completely lost the idea of ​​making Wagadu great. He only has one idea now - times have changed~

However, although others were not as rude as him, they did not bother to laugh at him.

 Because their composure was also fake, their pupils were shaking, and they were even a little confused about the difference between this magical virtual world and the real world.

 Can’t see it, can’t see it at all!

 It wasn’t until I pinched myself hard and found that it only hurt a little that I felt relieved.

Of course, what they don’t know is that this is because the default real touch of Utopia is only one-tenth, and they are worried that it will be too painful and real, which will damage the player’s spirit and psychology.

 But you can actually adjust your senses to 300%!

Hermione tried it once with Ted... and then she never dared to try to mend magic in the game again.

 In fact, even the members of the development team feel that Utopia is really powerful now!

This was not the case more than ten days ago, until Ted came up with the "Virtual World Infrastructure Improvement Plan." In fact, it is the core of the oasis.

Once the oasis core is launched, it immediately changes from shotgun to cannon. Under normal circumstances, if you rely on "magic programmers" to optimize, it will take hundreds of people to work on it for ten or eight years before there is any hope.

 With the number of wizards, it may not be possible to achieve this effect at all.

 After all, because there are few people, there is no pressure on servers and data, and there is no urgency and motivation for competition and optimization.

 Now, with a ready-made plan as a reference, Utopia has been super evolved!

That was so casual, it will scare you!

It's just a magic war chess level, and the little wizards have already begun to optimize the projects they are responsible for.

Someone even suggested a "dating game", but Ted stopped him.

Although Lao Sepi is the primary productive force, you are too active.

Cyber ​​lovers should not do this!

Finally, thanks to exchanges between seven schools and online dating, the fertility rate can be increased. Once this thing comes out, wizards may become extinct within a hundred years!

 One of them would have perished sooner than the Nanbang Kingdom!


Due to their status as warriors, Ted and the others did not participate in the development of Magic War Chess.

 After the development was successful, I didn’t ask too much about it, but listened to the judges’ explanation about the next level.

 This level is a bit interesting.

 Maybe it’s because the Hogwarts warriors performed so well that the other judges wanted to restrict them.

 So, there is no need to form a team at this level, and you may even have to play against each other.

That’s right, it’s probably similar to the type of Three Kingdoms+Werewolf+board game Monopoly.

 It's just that they have to extract their respective identities, then enter the war chess board and compete according to the rules of the chess board.

 Because the identity is extracted and kept secret, the identity and camp will be broken up.

 Your previous teammates may be the "lord" on the opposite side, or they may be the "traitor" on your side.

 And the team is four in total!

 You have to get to the end of the board first to get high scores.

Of course, using rules or props to severely punish other teams and create opportunities for teammates will also increase the rating.

 But be careful, because your identity is kept secret at the beginning, and you might be eliminated directly by your teammates.

 Or maybe it was actually the opponent's "lord" who helped, allowing the opponent team to take first place! You will definitely have to lose points by then!

I have to say, this rule is awesome.

 First, the seven Hogwarts people were directly dispersed, and their huge advantage was reduced to nothing.

 And it can also directly smooth out the disadvantages of weak teams.

 And those alliances and other things that were agreed upon in private are no longer possible.

 Everyone is back on the starting line all of a sudden, and since their identities are unknown, it’s interesting to see.

As soon as the competition rules for this level were released, the Utopia forum exploded.

 Many people are analyzing the ingenuity and excitement of this level, and have listed many possible situations.

 Just reading the analysis of these people is too exciting.

 As a result, double-sided mirrors were sold like crazy again, and the newly increased productivity was no longer enough.

Wizards from further away countries have taken the initiative to contact Xianyu House, asking to be agents of double-sided mirrors, and will also fund the joint construction of magic network signal towers to connect the magic network to their homes.

 Nowadays, the popularity and popularity of the Seven Wizards Tournament has reached its peak.

Every day there are dozens of highlights of the Seven Wizards Tournament alone. The number of active users in Utopia has exceeded 60,000, which is already twice the number of wizards in Great Britain!

So, Ludo Bagman, the director of the Dog Sports Betting Department, started to make moves again.

This wave, this wave I will definitely be able to make a comeback!


The little mermaid Ellie, who was trapped in the prefect's bathroom, was finally "rescued" by Ted.

 Because his lower body has a fish tail, it is difficult to move, and he cannot stay out of the water for a long time, so Ted developed a "blister spell".

 A water bubble that floats on the ground and can control its movement to keep it moist wraps a little mermaid in a beautiful dress and walks slowly in the corridor of the castle.

Of course, Ted was definitely not doing it for any other reason than Dumbledore suggesting that he talk to the Little Mermaid.

 Because her relatives have been contacted, and now the British Ministry of Magic is negotiating with the mermaid tribe.

The other party’s attitude was quite good, and the two sides had a good conversation.

After all, we are in the midst of major changes unseen in a millennium, and both sides are interested in further contact.

 So, for the time being, the Little Mermaid is "schooling" at Hogwarts.

 It turns out that Ai Li is only 12 years old and can only attend the second grade. People should not be judged by their appearance!

  It can only be said that the growth trajectories of mermaids and humans are still different.

During this time, Jerry’s childhood sweetheart Sydney came to school as a guest.

 Because the judging panel decided after discussion to invite the warriors’ families to watch the competition live.

 Jerry’s mother and Sydney are here.

Aunt Molly will also come before the game starts, and Sirius and Lupin will also come to watch.

As for Hermione, because of the identity of the Grangers, after discussion, Ted gave him a pair of double-sided mirrors that could be used without magic. They were powered by a magic crystal, and Hermione had to recharge them every time she went home for the holidays. of.

As long as the double-sided mirror network is activated for the magic crystal, a VIP channel will be opened in Utopia, which is mainly consumed by Ted's spiritual power.

During this time, Ron and Lavender had some relationship problems, during the Cold War.

Harry and his Gryffindor classmates all said that they haven’t seen Lavender sucking Ron’s soul for several days.

 And Nakrum also became very close to a sixth-year Gryffindor girl.

Girls in Ravenclaw don't seem to be very interested in such athletic boys. I am very interested in Beauxbatons students.

Hufflepuff girls are a bit transparent, but they get along well with the South American team members because of Herbology.

There are many girls in Slytherin who are interested in Krum. After all, he is an international sports star and has a high level of black magic.

 But Krum did not choose these overly reserved pure-blood girls, but chose a Gryffindor.

 Undoubtedly, this matter will be another reason for conflict between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

 (End of this chapter)

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