Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 345: Lord Demon King, go this way!

Chapter 345 Lord Demon King, go this way!

By the time the audience finished lunch in front of the double-sided mirror, it was already the third day in the game.

Many viewers said that the levels were well organized this time, and even had a fast playback function. It was like the third level in the Forbidden Forest, which took too long, and they had to stay up late to watch the game and wake up before the game is over. , or you can only watch the replay then.

 How good it is now! You can also eat while watching the warriors fighting hard, or being beaten to pieces by wild monsters, and fleeing for ten miles...not to mention eating too much.

Some French spectators claimed that they accidentally ate three more baguettes and were now sitting on the sofa unable to move. It was because some warriors were too lazy.

It doesn’t matter if you blame the warriors, after all, they are 17-year-old young wizards who have just come of age. Let alone them, even among the adult wizards in the magic world who have been in society for many years, how many of them have the experience to command an army?

This is already extremely simplified. The soldiers recruited have no sanity, obey orders, do not need to eat or drink, are not afraid and do not run away, and are only subject to various numerical restrictions.

 Otherwise it will be even more ugly.

 For example, do you know how an army of several hundred people arranges to go to the toilet? ~

 What if there are tens of thousands of people? Several public toilets can be filled in one night~

As for commanding the battle, most warriors’ idea is to circle all the soldiers and go up together.

 Those who are more flexible also know how to cast spells themselves to provide assistance.

Now the warriors have more magic at their disposal. But most of them are large-scale battle magic, such as atmospheric shield, slow magic, quicksand trap...

Like a lucky red-haired boy, he actually got atmospheric magic in a ruins: he can see through the atmosphere and detect scenes ten miles away from a distance.

It's even more fun now. You can avoid those powerful monster groups and concentrate on picking up various supplies, occupying lumber camps, quarries, etc., or exploring ruins, buildings, and visiting magician cabins and goblins. Spring water or something.

At this time, Ron's troops have reached hundreds, and he has 8 level 4 iron puppets. Although his command skills are terrible, he bullies the weak and fears the strong!

 Pull out all the troops and go up to A and you will win!

 It feels so good to play him, it’s like playing Golden Mountain Ranger!

How many spectators are gearing up and wishing they could take their place - I can do it too!

However, there are also those with strong command skills.

For example, Hermione, although she only had less than fifty troops at hand, and the highest level only had 12 level 3 lancers, after careful planning, she formulated tactics that could bring out the full combat effectiveness of her troops. With a weak force and the three magics he mastered, he captured a dilapidated castle with a strength of 230!

 There is also a level 5 mini-BOSS among them!

 Praised by many viewers. It is also a very popular favorite!

 As for Furong, it’s still the same business. Directly use the Charm spell to make full use of the charm attribute to summon a large number of troops cheaply.

  Others can recruit 10 farmers with 100 gold coins, but she recruited 26 with 100 gold coins!

 You can also get preferential treatment in special buildings or special NPCs.

  It simply destroys the balance!

 Krum also performed very well. He took a bit of a magical route. He went everywhere to find towers and ruins where new magic could be obtained, but he didn't pay much attention to the troops.

 The soldiers he selected were those who moved slowly but had excellent defensive capabilities.

 He deals all the damage by himself, and the troops are just human shields.

 He even got a treasure ring in a cave that could quickly restore magic power, which made it even more powerful.

Other warriors also had their own adventures. Some fought a **** battle with a group of skeletons in the catacombs and lost all their troops, but got a high-level undead treasure.

 He directly transformed all the dead troops into skeletons. Including those recruited from the tombs, the number was four to five hundred!

Like the only remaining female dolphin warrior in Wagadu, the path she takes is even more special.

 She actually used her own advantages to recruit a large number of beasts.

 Compared with those types of soldiers, the price of recruiting beasts in wild lairs is much cheaper, and they all have their own abilities, and it is difficult to lose morale.

 The warriors on the South American side directly joined a force called "Jungle Barrier". This is a large NPC force, dominated by the elves.

 Originally, the role of this force is to guide, issue tasks, recruit troops, etc.

 In the end, he joined directly!

What a different approach!

 The friends are also interesting. Except for Ron and Hermione, who are doing well, everyone else is having a hard time.

Neville was the most unlucky. He fell into a hole and came directly to the underground world.

This was originally a semi-finished map. The judges overestimated their work efficiency. Only 70% of the underground world was completed, so they reluctantly sealed it up with no intention of opening it.

 As a result, there was a "trap entrance" that was forgotten to be closed, and Neville fell in.

 At the judges’ table, several people showed painful expressions—a kind of painful feeling like a virus in a computer.

It can be said that it is full of dangers down here. It is much more difficult than on the ground. The wild monsters and soldiers here are more advanced, and the levels of wild buildings and treasures are also higher.

  Neville was even captured by an NPC force!

 Fortunately, he finally completed a mission and gained freedom and the qualification to join the underground dwarf tribe.

He could only bump around on this very dark map with a confused look on his face...

Jerry was also unlucky. After escaping the initial intimidation, he accidentally picked up a mission-triggering item on a corpse. He originally thought it was some kind of hidden mission, but it turned out that there were several rounds of missions, and in the end it turned out to be a trap!

He struggled to kill the level 5 **** horned demon who had set up a trap, but in the end, it was still a ritual and he directly joined the **** force.

Even the species has changed. There are many red magic lines on the body, and the two round ears have also turned red, with sparks popping out of them!

However, the forces of **** and the forces of the undead are really rats crossing the street here and there, and everyone is shouting to beat them up!

 What a bad luck!

Jerry: I knew it would be bad for these old Bidens to get together. Damn old man, all of them are leaking pus!

 Harley is even more funny here. Through a series of unreliable tasks, she became the chief of a barbarian tribe.

  When she sat on the big wooden chair wearing a crown of tree branches and a magical beast skin, and the system prompted her to join the barbarian force, she realized what was going on.

 It is said to be a barbarian force, but it actually includes many barbarian races, such as gnolls~

 Another example is that Harley can recruit a level 4 Cyclops at half price.

However, if the barbarian forces do not fight for a long time, their morale will automatically drop.

She could only lead a group of idiots to fight non-stop.


On the fourth day, Malfoy led a small group of remnants and fled quickly towards a mountain pass.

Behind him is a troop of Durmstrang warriors, numbering more than 400, including 15 level 4 troops.

 Having good luck and working very hard to expand his strength day and night, his troops are quite powerful.

 The first moment he encountered Malfoy, it caused a crushing effect. Killed two-thirds of Malfoy's troops without losing even one-fifth of them.

 Now he is determined to catch up and eliminate this Hogwarts warrior.

Although they had temporarily formed an alliance with the Hogwarts team, they have always regarded the best-performing Hogwarts team as their biggest enemy.

Now, we finally have a chance to eliminate the Hogwarts warriors, excited!

 I want to make a contribution!

 Then, a large number of barbarian troops rushed out from the mountain roads on both sides, directly cutting the pursuing troops into three sections.

Malfoy, who was escaping, immediately turned around, released a "Heroic Art" to boost morale, and then turned around and came back with the remaining soldiers.

This is exactly the plan set by Malfoy and Harry.

 At the cost of two-thirds of Malfoy's troops, attract the opponent into a trap and be ambushed.

 Magic and various types of troops began to pour down, and after ten minutes, all the enemy troops were dead or injured.

 In fact, if you are careful and experienced, you can still see that Malfoy's retreat was a bit too orderly. But you can't blame a 17-year-old young wizard for falling into the trap.

The Durmstrang warrior had a look of despair on his face, and the mask of pain had already been put on.

In this round, there was a high probability that I could pass the level with a high score. Now, it's over, it's all over!

 He even quit the game because he was so desperate that he didn't wait for Harley and the two to take action.

Karkaroff’s face suddenly turned dark at the judges’ table outside.

  The old black monkey in Wagadu immediately laughed: "It's normal, after all, he is still a child. Go back and educate him more, and don't be so fragile next time. You have to fight to the end~"

Karkaroff is still arguing: Ah, why are you struggling when you know you can't beat him? Our rules are that you lose half if you surrender?


 At this time, what was Ted doing? He is in the middle of the map, wandering near the Demon King's Castle.

 After three days of completing missions, he had already neutralized his relationship with the Demon King's Army.

During this time, he has been thinking about how to pass the level.

Let's unite, we must hold back those people together, and we must be careful of them backstabbing and causing trouble.

Let's not make an alliance. With the strength of the Demon King's army, even if they don't have 3,000 troops, they can't even think of breaking into the castle.

Moreover, the Demon King's Castle also has a large number of high-level troops.

Ted saw thirty or forty level 5 mini-boss monsters in the Demon King's Castle, and even saw level 6 high-level monsters! Black unicorn, black dragon, hydra!

This thing can't be used to defeat a hundred level 1 soldiers?

what to do?

 It is not impossible to pass the level normally, but it is foreseeable that it will be very difficult, cumbersome, and frustrating.

The levels set up by these old guys are really despicable, and they are treated like chess pieces.

Ted thought about it again and again, but decided not to take the usual path.

 The designer's own ideas are one thing, and whether the players comply with them or not is another thing.

 He planned to join if he couldn't beat them.

 I’m going to join the Demon King’s Army!


Ted brought several mission items and handed in several missions. Once he had enough connections, he joined the Demon King's Army!

 All the remaining warriors have their own small bases, and their gold coins, resources and troops have been replenished relatively steadily. Strength begins to grow.

 There are about 15 warriors still there.

However, Ted came to the door with the troops of the Demon King's Army!

"Master Demon King, go this way! I know where those brave men are! I will lead the way~"

Hey, warrior~ The Demon King asked me to bring you a message! As long as you can surrender to the devil, you are guaranteed to live a lifetime of prosperity and wealth, with huge gold galleons!

 On the first day, the strongholds of three warriors were brutally attacked by Ted.

 Another day passed, Ted found Fleur's stronghold. After some persuasion to surrender, Furong decisively "take refuge" in Lord Demon King.

Then the stronger warriors' crusade continued, and two more warriors were quickly eliminated. Ted met Hermione.

 Hermione saw that these two people were mixed together, how angry! Refuse to surrender.

Ted "persuaded him to surrender" for ten minutes, and he had dried up his saliva before he changed his mind - don't delay important things because of your petty temper.

Of course, in the part about persuading surrender, Ted drove away the filming snitch and stopped broadcasting it.

 Then the warrior expedition team met Krum. At this time, he had gathered two other opponents of his own. It can be said that besides Ted, they were the strongest force, with a force of one thousand! There are also about twenty level 4 mountain giants!

However, after all, Ted has the devil's backing.

Ted directly wrote a letter asking for support - Mr. Demon King, these warriors have united and are so powerful that it will be too late! Cut the grass and root it out!

 The Demon King is also very particular and directly sent 500 troops, as well as 5 different level 6 soldiers.

 After a **** battle, Krum was so angry that he shed a tear of humiliation before he died - Peter, you cheated!

  It was a **** battle. Two of the five level 6 troops supported by the Demon King died.

The warrior expeditionary army was also severely weakened and had to be reorganized.

 At this point, there are not many warriors left in the game.

 Neville, who had been struggling underground for many days without seeing the light of day, finally completed a hundred tasks, unified the underground forces, and came up directly with 800 troops and underground special forces.

 He soon met Ron who was running around, almost forgetting to fight the Demon King and focusing on picking up rags everywhere.

 The combined strength of the two parties exceeds 1,500 troops! There are nearly 200 level 4 troops! 8 level 5 troops!

Not long after, I met Harley and Malfoy, with more than two thousand troops, including level 6 Titans, Behemoths, and Hydras...

 At this time, the battlefield has been clearly defined.

 Among the remaining warriors, except for the seven from Hogwarts, it is Fleur.

I don’t know if I should call it good or bad luck for the remaining two or three warriors. They have always been in the corner of the map and have not been able to develop. Instead, they have not been targeted and have been left until now.

At this time, Ted had recovered his strength and completely controlled the demon king's army of 1,200 men and his own 600 troops.

 He started to contact his friends in various ways...

 One day later, the Demon King's crusade began.

Ted also retreated to the Demon King's Castle to guard the most generous Demon King.

The Naviron coalition began to attack the city, and Jerry, who appeared out of nowhere, also appeared with a group of high-level **** troops.

He has only a little over a hundred troops under his command, but they are all above level 4, and there is also a big demon at level 6!

  He actually passed an earth treasure and burrowed directly into the ground to reach the inside of the Demon King's Castle.

Jerry led people to open the city gate and directly let the warrior coalition break into the castle.

 The brutal battle began. Every step was covered with flesh and blood, and soldiers fell every second.

The wizards who watched the live broadcast were stunned. This thing is better than the special effects blockbuster movie "Shadow"! Isn't it too exciting? !

At this time, the Demon King could no longer sit still. The Demon King, the highest level 7 in the entire map, also participated in the battle with his guards.

The Warriors Alliance was finally no match for them and began to be pushed back, leaving the battle line in jeopardy.

Ted and the others also had high morale and fought hard.

 Then... everyone released the magic at the same time with great tacit understanding.

 There are those that cast spells on the Demon King to reduce his strength, those that lower the morale of the Demon King's army, those that create restricted terrain, and those that increase protection for friendly forces.

 In addition, Ted, Hermione and Fleur directly defected, and the situation was reversed instantly!

Although at the last moment, the Demon King simply gave up on the warriors and slashed at the two or three people who betrayed him with the three-meter-long sword in his hand.

Ted defended two ladies from knives and died tragically. But the Demon King was also overwhelmed by the surging troops.


it's over.

 At the expense of Ted's reputation and life, he penetrated into the enemy's interior. Turning sides in battle became the key point, and the warriors defeated the devil!

 “That’s too much nonsense!”

 “They confused me!”

 “This **** game can surrender to the Demon King, but how can he rebel against the Demon King again?!”

"Why do I feel so pitiful about the Demon King? No wonder the losses in the previous extermination of the warriors were so great. It turned out to be intentional!"

"But...he also took the opportunity to wipe out other warriors!"

 The judging panel was completely silent now.

Those warriors who were eliminated by the Warriors Crusade Team were even more indignant.

Now, how do you rate it?

 (End of this chapter)

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