Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 356: Look what Dumbledore will do!

Chapter 356 Let’s see what Dumbledore will do!

Seeing that it was already two against one, Ted naturally could not stand idly by in the face of this unfair behavior.

So he also took action, three against one!

Of course, he certainly can’t attack Senior Tom directly, can he?

  After all, Senior Tom had been his professor for one semester, and the black magic and biological modification technology he had learned back then could be said to be unforgettable.

Besides, with Dumbledore and Grindelwald taking action, it’s his turn to play drums at the same time?

 He was a little worried about Senior Tom.

 He took action not to fight, but to protect.

Just now, Dumbledore and Voldemort just tried to test each other, but they destroyed this remote garden to pieces. Now the three of them are fighting in a melee, and they are going to overthrow the school.

Hogwarts has some protective magic, but now that Voldemort has sneaked inside, many of the magic has no effect.

 After all, those measures are external, not internal. This is a school, not a prison.

And Ted's purpose is to protect the school and prevent Voldemort from blowing it up.

This will also relieve Lao Deng’s worries and allow them to play happily.

Ted hid behind several walls, not showing his head at all, lest Senior Tom would regard him as a soft persimmon.

 He squatted on the ground, put his palms on the floor tiles, and injected magic power.

 The azure magic power flowed in the cracks of the bricks like a blue crystal liquid, and soon turned into a blue light and began to spread.

With the backdoor authority of the Ravenclaw Chamber of Secrets, Ted has activated some of Hogwarts' magical defense systems and began to inject a large amount of magic power into the alchemy circle he arranged in the secret chamber.

A magic network copy of Hogwarts based on Hogwarts with all real data has enveloped the school...

 In other places in the school, the virtual and the real are superimposed, and there is no way to find any differences. But in this garden, the virtual Magic Network Utopia world has quietly arrived.

This technique was used by Ted once before in the Paris Catacombs, a kind of confusing use of virtuality and reality.

This is a bit like the mirror world of the ancient wizard Kama Taj, where three people fight to the death without disturbing the real Hogwarts.

In this way, let the three legendary level wizards beat them hard, and Ted would also watch the fun.

 When the mirror image of Hogwarts enveloped this place, the three of them were aware of it. But there is no time to worry about this, after all, the enemy is not a weak person.


Grindelwald's modified version of Blue Fire directly extinguished Voldemort's dark green flame three-headed snake, and then turned into a dark blue flame three-headed snake, roaring and spitting tongues of fire at Voldemort in mid-air!

 It can only be said that Grindelwald has a talent for attracting hatred through ridicule.

This behavior was undoubtedly a slap in the face to Voldemort.

  After all, he has always used snakes as his symbol. Now you're using a snake to deal with me? !

Although it can be seen that Dumbledore's assistant is really powerful, Voldemort, who has been resurrected for almost a year, is not timid at all.

Since he dared to sneak into Hogwarts in disguise, he naturally had a certain amount of confidence.

 Do you think that he has been working as a lackey under Ryan for several months? Don’t you think he learned nothing at all? If he hadn't learned anything, he wouldn't have had the chance to plot against Ryan.

 Seeing Voldemort's mouth open wide, like a snake with a dislocated jaw, he spat out a ball of rich black liquid.

The liquid trembled and expanded in the air like a living creature, turning into a black python and fighting with the three-headed blue flaming snake! Blue fire and black water splashed on the ground, turning it into ruins in a matter of seconds.

At the same time, Voldemort waved his wand again, and a dozen skulls composed of gray-black mist, wailing and screaming, rushed towards the flaming phoenix released by Dumbledore.

Not only did the flame phoenix pierce through, but two skulls even pounced on Dumbledore. Then he was destroyed by the white light ejected from Dumbledore's wand.

Ted was stunned - this technique was a bit like Neville's Holy Sword Guardian! Lao Deng, you actually copied the students' magic? !

 Voldemort was well prepared for this, and even if he was one against two in a short period of time, he would not be at a disadvantage.


Ted hid and watched for five minutes, and he could see that Grindelwald now seemed to be half weaker than the other two.

  So, the reason why Grindelwald came to Hogwarts to be a professor may not only have his own purpose, but also because he really couldn't defeat Lao Deng. What was the compromise?

It’s understandable if you think about it. Grindelwald was defeated by Dumbledore in 1945, and spent the next few decades in Nurmengard.

 The wizard's magic power is affected by his consciousness after all. During that time, his ideals were shattered and he was defeated by his friends. He was so disheartened that his strength may have declined rapidly.

Later, it was not until Voldemort was defeated that the drastic changes in the world, especially the emergence of magical races from other worlds, rekindled Grindelwald's hope.

 Now, I am afraid that his strength is still far from the peak.

On the contrary, it is Dumbledore and Voldemort. The former has seen the upward realm when the ceiling of the whole world is loosening. The latter obtained some unexpected knowledge from Ryan that was not part of this world. They are all stronger than him.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and the scene was extremely grand. It was completely different from ordinary wizards' magic-based shooting, attack, defense, and dodge.

A wizard at this level will launch a large-scale attack, overwhelming fire, extremely strong serial explosions, complete deformation of the entire ground and buildings, and a summons that blocks the sun...

Ted, the mirror image of Hogwarts, has been demolished by a third. Even the nearby Gryffindor Tower had fallen.

 In a wizard battle of this level, it would usually be difficult to determine the winner within two or three days.

 Their magic power is too abundant, and they have many recovery methods. Their methods are endless and they can use them every time.

And the difference in strength is not that big, and it cannot be determined by a few shots.

 At this time, Voldemort was determined to give up.

 After all, he didn’t come here originally to kill Dumbledore or destroy Hogwarts.

 He wanted to take advantage of this big event to make a big move, severely damage Dumbledore's prestige, and announce his return at the same time.

 It would be better if we could take the opportunity to kill Neville Longbottom.

 If that doesn't work, it would be great to kill a few more professors and principals from other countries.

 Dumbledore will definitely be tortured by the questioning!

 But now, they have only killed one Death Eater traitor, Karkaroff, and maimed an African black monkey, and they are already under control.

Dumbledore has a very powerful assistant who can intervene in the battle, and he is trapped in this Utopia world, making it difficult to do anything.

Better to go back!

The strange wand in Voldemort's hand suddenly twisted like a living snake, and even spit out a core!

He threw the wand above his head. In the blink of an eye, the wand turned into a giant blue snake with a diameter of more than one meter, rose into the sky and turned into green magic that filled the sky.

 “Click~” The sky in the mirror world instantly shattered, like a glass dome shattering.

Voldemort suddenly turned into a puff of black smoke, rolled up his wand, and shot straight into the sky. Before leaving, he also dropped a huge Dark Mark in the sky.

Ted was not surprised at all that Voldemort was able to destroy the mirror world and escape.

With his strength and means, he can destroy the mirror world by force - but that will take time, and it is estimated that Lao and Deng will not let him go so smoothly.

However, after all, Voldemort is someone who has entered Utopia, played magic games, and even personally participated in the construction of magic levels. I am actually very familiar with Utopia.     Originally, the mirror world is not very strong, and it is not prepared to trap people. So it’s not surprising that it was destroyed and ran away.

Even Dumbledore and Grindelwald were not surprised by Voldemort's escape.

As long as Voldemort is not out of his mind and wants to fight to the death with Lao and Deng, his escape is inevitable.

It is too difficult to keep a wizard of this level.

 Besides, there are also Horcruxes.

So Dumbledore didn't even chase him, and watched the black smoke disappear into the night sky in more than ten seconds.


Speaking of which, Voldemort actually disguised himself as a hook-nosed professor for more than half a year, and was deeply involved in the formation and later evaluation of all projects, especially the development of Utopia. It’s hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

 In fact, at the beginning of the game, Voldemort was paying attention to Neville and Ted.

Needless to say, Neville is a lifelong enemy. If he does not deal with the boy-who-lived who almost died, it will be difficult for him to truly return.

 He ​​is very suspicious, and his rule over the Death Eaters relies entirely on authority and fear. Neville's existence is the ultimate challenge to his position.

 Many Death Eaters have various selfish motives. Once their authority is shaken because of Neville, it's hard to say what will happen.

 As the saying goes, when the people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team.

 Voldemort has been studying how to return to glory during this period. Don't let the Dark Lord's reputation slip.

And after Ted subdued the big female dragon with the Dragon Subduing Curse in the first level, Voldemort had to pay more attention to Ted.

Of course Ted knew about it. Voldemort taught Ted a lot of things when he was in first grade, and he thought he could secretly bury a chess piece. Unexpectedly, Ted wore an invisibility cloak and gave Voldemort a big surprise, which made him look disgraced.

At that time, a guard against evil knocked the weak and remnant Voldemort to the point where he cried for his father and mother. Although it did not cause any substantial harm, it really hurt! And it even shocked him!

He didn't know much about the second grade, but he heard that a group of young wizards dealt with the basilisk in the secret room.

This made him feel cold, but because he hadn't found Lucius yet, he wasn't sure what happened to his Horcrux diary.

During the third grade vacation, Voldemort was resurrected by Ryan. He was simply used like a cow or a horse or a mule, without any dignity of the Dark Lord.

 Fortunately, Ryan was taken care of by that old guy Dumbledore in the end. Of course, there was also a sneak attack by Voldemort at the critical moment~

I heard that at that time, this boy was also very popular.

Finally, this year, the Magic Network Utopia that made a big splash in Paris shined in the Seven Wizards Tournament.

Even Voldemort himself was shocked after trying the Utopia game and personally participating in the virtual magical world built by the competition.

This kind of thing was actually made by a little wizard and a group of little wizards?

This stuff is deeply involved in many fields such as alchemy, magical literature, charms, transfiguration, legilimens, magic...

This was actually done by a group of little wizards? !

Ted Epiphany is a genius!

 A genius that no one can ignore, a genius that even made Voldemort feel jealous and threatened.

 So, in the last level, Voldemort would sacrifice the chess pieces at hand and try to get Ted.

 In fact, Voldemort regarded this latent operation as a reconnaissance.

 The investigation of Hogwarts, the investigation of Dumbledore, the investigation of the outstanding students. Making trouble by the way~

 Neville is the one who must be killed, Ted is very threatening and must be removed in time if it cannot be used to my advantage, and the other warriors are also very good and eye-catching.

Those Death Eaters under Voldemort were still playing small hexes at this age.

 It’s just that Harry Potter is a descendant of the Order of the Phoenix, Jerry is a sub-human, and Hermione is from a Muggle family. These are unacceptable to Voldemort.

 After all, his slogan is to make purebloods great again.

 Demi-humans and Muggle wizards are all targets of suppression and exploitation.

 So, finally…Draco Malfoy.

 The last Hogwarts Warrior.

Slytherin, the only son of Lucius, simply perfect.

 Although Lucius has his own cleverness, he is not that loyal. But it works!

 If, if he throws away his diary. How should I punish him?

 Let his son make atonement!

Voldemort has temporarily retreated, but for his future comeback, he has even designed the follow-up chess pieces.

 On the other side, another plan of Voldemort is also going on.

The Death Eater who had been assigned a task before also took action with the helpers he "recruited"!


Everyone who was holding a banquet was startled by the loud noise.

When someone saw the green Dark Mark in the sky outside the window, they immediately screamed and panicked.

What was originally an unforgettable and perfect farewell dinner was ruined like this.

 Amidst the panic, Professor McGonagall and other professors and principals calmed the students, and then the banquet ended hastily.

 A group of people found Dumbledore, and then saw Karkaroff with a deathly pale face lying on the ground, and the old black monkey with a broken arm.

 Karkaroff is dead, that’s why his face is so pale.

That was Voldemort's Killing Curse after all. Even if Dumbledore was struck, he would probably die. Karkaroff is naturally not immune.

And the stubble on one of the old black monkey's arms was completely black, as if it had been coated with asphalt. Whether it can be restored is a question. There is a high probability that it won't work, after all, it was Voldemort's work.

“So, what happened?” Professor McGonagall asked seriously.

Dumbledore hesitated for two seconds: "Voldemort, it was Voldemort who did it."

After all, the people present were either professors or principals. They were not so panicked or shouted out, but they still looked serious and troubled.

For someone like Madame Maxime, France is right next to England, so she is naturally very familiar with Voldemort and finds it very difficult to accept him.

 Isn’t Voldemort dead? But it was Dumbledore who said this...

 So, was it really Voldemort who did it?

This incident reached Fudge’s ears in less than twenty minutes.

It is suspected that Voldemort appeared, fought against Dumbledore at Hogwarts, and placed a Dark Mark before leaving.

Karkaroff, the headmaster of Durmstrang, is dead, a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts is missing, and the headmaster of Wagadu is disabled...

Fudge was startled at first, and then laughed: "I knew it! This kind of thing is not that simple! The more you try to do something, the more mistakes you will make! Dumbledore is no exception! Let's see what he does this time! Haha~ "

 After a while, staff from the Ministry of Magic came to ask for instructions. What should we do? Is there any action required?

Fudge looked serious: "I don't know what dark wizard can invade Hogwarts silently, even Voldemort! Besides, Voldemort has been dead for more than ten years! Someone wants to use Voldemort to cover up some facts... We will definitely Investigate and find out the truth!”

You have to say that after Fudge became a fun-loving person, his political IQ suddenly improved!

 Is it possible that as soon as your feet leave the ground, your political IQ takes over the high ground?

These words put the **** basin directly on Dumbledore's head!

 (End of this chapter)

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