Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 383: Chaos is coming

Chapter 383 Chaos is coming~

Umbridge is not smart, always has been.

 Otherwise, she wouldn’t have made herself disgusting.

Just like when she first started working, she pursued her boss crazily, hoping to get some resources through her "sacrifice", which scared the old man.

Even now, whether it is the Ministry of Magic or Hogwarts, there are ten times more people who hate her than people who like her.

However, she still managed to achieve the status of a senior investigator and senior official.

 Because although she is not smart, she is ruthless enough.

People are most afraid of being neither smart nor indecisive.

Those kinds of people are nothing to worry about, because even if they do evil, they can't do any great evil.

Those who are ruthless, cruel, and ruthless, although not smart, often surprise people.

 With better luck, he will be able to achieve things that he would otherwise be unable to achieve.

Of course, if you are unlucky...then learn to be smarter in your next life.

When Umbridge was just sent to Hogwarts by Fudge, she thought she was being treated as a confidant by Fudge and that she was going to come here to do a big thing—to take the school away from Dumbledore, or at least to help Fudge take it. Get some control.

 However, after these three months, she finally understood.

 That’s not the case.

Dumbledore has been a professor and principal here for sixty or seventy years.

 No one can take Hogwarts away from him, even if he isn't here now.

 And she herself was just sent by Fudge to try, or to disgust Dumbledore.

 In this situation, Umbridge is in danger.

 Because if he did nothing, by the time Dumbledore came to his senses, he would no longer be able to be a professor.

And if he is kicked out of Hogwarts, he may not be able to gain a foothold in the Ministry of Magic.

If it were an ordinary person, it would probably be ruined.

 But Umbridge has one advantage—persistence!

 Her ambition started when she was in school, and over the years it became more and more intense, like a flame licking her heart and torturing her.

  She is able to accept that she does stupid things and even sells herself in order to climb up. But she absolutely cannot accept that her ambition will be destroyed!

 So, she is going to become even crazier!

Since it’s not over yet, since you can still struggle, then you have to struggle with all your life!

No matter who you are, don’t even think about destroying yourself like this! Not even Dumbledore!

 This month, she has requested six education orders from the Ministry of Magic, more than in the previous ten years.

 And Fudge was also happy to see this woman's madness.

This was exactly his purpose. He saw Umbridge's characteristics, and he wanted to see if he could gain some advantages for himself by relying on this woman.

 In any case, even if you lose, you have nothing to lose.

 After all, I have already given her the opportunity. She has not made any achievements, and no one can say anything about herself.

Ted now often gets to know Fudge through Barty Jr., and he can’t help but sigh: This old guy Fudge is really growing up so fast!

  It is as if Dumbledore unlocked the power limit of this world and progressed on the magical path, while Fudge progressed on the political path.

 At this time, he has become more and more like a mature politician. Despicable, shameless, cold-blooded, and very clever.

This kind of use of some disposable subordinates as pawns is simply a standard feature of mature politicians!

However, this world is not an ordinary world after all.

 Politicians are often ridiculous.

As long as order still exists, such people can thrive like a fish in water.

 And chaos is coming!


 Umbridge is constantly doing tricks in school, although most of the time her efforts are in vain. It will only make the teachers and students in the school complain and make more people tired of her but there is nothing they can do about it.

There were even several attempts to raid Ted's secret base in an attempt to arrest the friends for violating the education order and gathering illegally. This is how to control Ted's small star group.

 However, the other little wizards had nothing to do with the professor and senior investigator, but Ted and the others were not polite.

Ted and the others can no longer be treated as normal little wizards, no matter in terms of means or mentality.

 So, after two raids on the secret base, Umbridge stayed in the school hospital for a week!

It was okay the first time, but I don’t know what happened, but the soles of my feet felt like they were greased, and they fell every step they took. In the end, Umbridge and her lackeys went back on their stomachs. With a bruised nose and swollen face, he went to the school hospital to ask for medicine.

 Those losers didn’t dare to go the second time—are you sick for asking Ted for trouble?

However, Umbridge has made sure that she wants to gnaw on a hard nut!

Without taking down Ted Epiphany, who is the most difficult person to bite, there won’t be many people in the school who are really afraid of themselves!

As for those losers, they had no choice but to go if they didn't want to, so they were forced to take the lead. Do you want to get off the pirate ship after boarding it?

As a result, seven of them, including Umbridge, had dozens or hundreds of large red and purple bumps on their faces because they tried to break into the secret base. They were burning and extremely itchy.

Even Madam Pomfrey couldn't do anything this time. Umbridge ran to St. Mungo's and worked for three days, but the symptoms were only relieved.

After she came back, she tried to punish Ted for "attacking teachers and students with black magic", but was directly shot back by Professor McGonagall.

"Professor Umbridge, for your own safety, you'd better stop running around like a headless fly. There are many secrets hidden in this thousand-year-old famous school, and some places are very dangerous! Maybe next time it won't be so It’s such a minor injury!”

Umbridge finally slammed the door and left, and gave Professor McGonagall a fierce look.

Ted found Peeves that same day.

“Dear Peeves, how have you been lately? I haven’t seen you playing any pranks. Have you changed your temper?”

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! The great Peeves is planning a bigger mischief!"

"That's right! I knew it. Now there is a person in the school that everyone hates. You should be able to feel it. Do you think she will be a good match?"

Ted used the back door of the secret base to lower the defense level and magic supply of Umbridge's office to the lowest level.

 Leave the rest to Peeves.

 Let Peeves play with this old lady slowly. If you don't give her something to do, she will be really disgusting!

  It is also time to mobilize the students' autonomy and never lose their resistance.

 It’s time for those monsters and monsters who want to oppress others infinitely if they have some power, to taste the vast ocean of people’s struggle!


 Next, Harley and Jerry began to connect with other little wizards.

 Don’t you prohibit illegal gatherings? We just want to form an organized resistance. This kind of behavior actually makes us more united!

Aren’t you relying on your status and reputation to humiliate and oppress students wantonly? We'll give you a taste of the power of concentration.

 From this day on, Umbridge began to feel sad.

 During the class, many strange phenomena began to appear. There are even traps!

As soon as you enter the door, you will be showered with a bucket of ice water on your head, or if you look over your head, you will step on a banana peel and your shoes will fly off!

There is a magic trap set on the podium, and once you step down, it will be a mousetrap.

 The blackboard eraser on the desk was transformed into a toad. It often made strange noises, suddenly grew in size when she picked it up, and even licked her face.

No matter where you go, there are people pointing and whispering behind your back.

Someone had cast a spell on the shoes, which made them make the sound of toads every step of the way. The toads kept making noises along the way.

She tried to catch a few people to establish authority, but those people jumped out to fight for the culprit.

Being locked up in confinement is like a glorious expedition, and will be cheered and applauded by everyone.

 It feels like studying in a bitter kiln and enlightening oneself in a long field.

Once something becomes powerful, it becomes pervasive from all directions. Therefore, they should be afraid! When awe is lost, this power will appear!

Umbridge now finally sees something terrible - Minister Fudge is right, Dumbledore is using these students to form his own evil army! He wants to rule over all wizards!

 Actually, Fudge never said that it was impossible for him to say such explicit words to Umbridge.

These are all ideas that Umbridge persuaded herself to come up with under great pressure.     However, this is not over yet.

 Peeves was originally a bit timid towards professors, but not professors like Umbridge.

Peeves is an elf formed from the suppressed emotions and magic power of the students. When he faces Umbridge, his magic power will increase sharply.

As a result, Umbridge now has trouble even sleeping at night.

 While sleeping until midnight, more than a dozen toads came out of the bed. Who wouldn’t be disgusted if they came?

Someone had a pig tail stained on the back of his clothes, with the words "I am a pure pig" written on it.

 Umbridge suffered a nervous breakdown within a few days, with **** circles under her eyes.

However, she is really tenacious. In this case, not only did she not restrain herself, but she began to double down on the pressure on some wavering students to join her. This was Xiaozhi using emotion to move with reason. He constantly mobilized his bad-tempered students to create conflicts with other students.

Even though he was so miserable and embarrassed, he still didn't flinch at all.

 She now goes to Hogsmeade to sleep at night!

 In other words, the best thing about villains is that they are indomitable!

It can be seen that it is not easy to be a bad person!

Ted had no time for her. With all the research I have done, a few lines of words are worth more than Umbridge's life.

 The reason why he did not take any serious action was mainly due to his identity.

 Since you are a student yourself, there is no reason to be harsh on the professor. Otherwise, what would Professor McGonagall and the others think? What would the rest of society think if word got out?

 Order and rules are a powerful force. We must learn to use this force instead of fighting against it.

 You see, Umbridge is already very anxious now. She is filling several bottles of potions every day.

Not to mention disgusting Ted, she had a hard time dealing with even those little wizards.

 This is also the power of rules!

 Umbridge also understands this, so she uses her status as a professor to gather a group of students who "want to make a difference" and let students confront students. This is in line with Hogwarts past practice.

Even the parents of students will only feel that this time the "competition" between students only involves an additional professor. He is still a professor with status in the Ministry of Magic, so he might as well let his children have more exposure!

 Just, how long can this kind of rule be maintained?

Look at Utopia, look at the intrusions from other worlds all over the world, and you will know that chaos is coming!

 Let the storm come more violently!


 In a blink of an eye, it’s late December.

The confrontational and tense atmosphere in the school has finally dissipated a little.

 Because Christmas is coming.

 A large number of students are already preparing to go home for the holidays.

 Even students who are not going home are preparing to celebrate the holidays.

  Christmas is, after all, the biggest holiday in the West, and it will not be a holiday.

  Or to put it another way, people grow up rapidly in competition and battles with each other.

Though people like Umbridge, who have no brains, have already put on a false smile on Christmas Day, brought some gifts purchased in bulk, and distributed them to their students. We don’t do anything on this day, everyone is peaceful and harmonious.

If she ruins the atmosphere on this day, she will really be the sinner of everyone, even the students under her will be dissatisfied.

If it were the stupid Umbridge who was self-centered, ambitious, and expressive in the past, she would definitely do something and make everyone disgusted.

 But now, she has begun to win over people's hearts!

Although those who hate her definitely don't buy it, some middle-aged people have made her feel much better. Professors and senior officials of the Ministry of Magic personally give you gifts and say blessings. It feels different!

This little fighting game is really interesting.


 Ted collected the gifts given by his friends. I hope they like the gift you prepared. You will definitely like it!

 What he gave to Hermione was a magic book "Useful Magic Summarized by Ted".

 It contains detailed records of many practical and systematic ice, fire and arcane magics. It will be of great help to Hermione's magic system construction.

 Because she has been working very hard to increase her magic power, her current magic power is no longer a shortcoming—it has almost become an advantage!

 So you can start trying these large-scale mana-consuming magics.

 The gift given to Neville was a bottle of elixir that Ted brewed himself. The materials for this stuff are difficult to find and the brewing is complicated. It takes two months to boil one pot! One wrong step and everything will be ruined, and there is basically no one for sale on the market.

Ted has tried it, and after drinking one bottle, he gets +4 luck for 24 hours. It can be called a must-have medicine for killing people and setting fire when traveling at home!

Ted felt that Neville was almost perfect as the golden boy, and hoped that this thing would make him more lucky.

 The gift given to Harry was a "new wand".

 Because the current wand can no longer keep up with Ted's strength, he has tried to make it several times. However, most of them have flaws, and a satisfactory wand has not yet been produced.

 The one given to Harley can be said to suit her very well. The core of the staff is made of mithril and fairy silver, and the body of the staff is made of tungsten steel. It was also refined with Harley's blood.

 It only has the normal size of the wand at ordinary times, but it can be enlarged or reduced at any time during battle! (Magic stick~)

It also has the ultimate magic attachment and amplification effect!

  Harley used all her strength to infuse magic into it, forming a huge magic stick with a diameter of nearly one meter and a length of more than ten meters! Very condensed!

 Use this thing to perform Huanglong Yanyue, and you will immediately find a drainage channel, and you can feel the vibration of the ground from more than 200 meters away!

Let’s call it the Ruyi Golden Cudgel~

 What was given to Ron was a pseudo-philosopher's stone, which could convert 1 galleon of gold every day, and could also be used as a secondary energy supply for the magic mecha.

This thing was also made by Ted. After all, he inherited Nicoléme's legacy, including the knowledge of making the Philosopher's Stone.

Ted improved it through his own steelmaking alchemy. But still failed to produce a complete magic stone, only a semi-finished product.

This thing is the "failure" of the experiment.

The gift Jerry received was two "iron plates".

Ted wrote how to use this thing in the gift box - it needs to be infused and flushed with magic power every day, and then it will be converted into the shape of the flying knife in your heart according to your heart!

It’s actually magic nanometal that can change shape at will!

 At that time, the controllability will be much better than that controlled by flying knife magic.

Jerry is very talented and interested in the magic of flying knives. He even thought about the magic of flying knives in addition to using the power of shadow. Ted's two latest pieces of mind alloy will definitely be able to help him.

 The last thing given to Malfoy was a bracelet. Carved from the bodhi root, it has a clearing effect.

 This year, because of his father's "unfortunate death", he was under great psychological pressure.

Although he has grown very quickly, in line with his father's expectations, Ted still hopes that he can take it easy.

 The training of aristocratic families is too cruel~

Hagrid’s gift is a dinosaur egg, bought from the black market.

 Professor McGonagall’s gift was a long trench coat made of Muggle woolen material. It was off-white and suited her very well.

 Professor Flitwick received a Swiss watch, a gold Rolex~

There is also Furong, who gave her a brooch "Psychic Shielding Brooch" to make ordinary people ignore her superhuman charm. Ted had already reported this gift!

“Hermione, look, Fleur has sent you a gift. It would be rude not to return the gift!”

What she gave as a gift was a hand-woven plush scarf with a refreshing fragrance. I didn’t know what kind of animal hair it was.



At the Christmas dinner, Ted sang Christmas songs, conjured up a sky full of ribbons and candies, and used the magic of transformation to conjure four beautiful girls dancing into four little swans.

 The cheers in the auditorium almost knocked over the transparent ceiling.

Umbridge on the professor's chair clenched the knife and fork in her hand, and while avoiding Hagrid, who occupied a large area, she quietly observed Ted.

 She now feels that it may be impossible for her to defeat this boy in school.

  When this person is singing, even he forgets his resentment and all the unhappiness. How to fight? !

 Think about his resume and abilities again—I am no match!

 And he will definitely become a big shot in the future. There's no need to fight to the death with him, right?

 Umbridge’s goal began to change unconsciously—or, find a way to replace McGonagall!

 That’s right! This is a good way out!

 (End of this chapter)

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