Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 392: The Lord of the Rings, my Lord of the Rings!

Chapter 392 The Lord of the Rings, my Lord of the Rings!

 Umbridge has not shown her presence for several days.

The last time was three weeks ago, Hermione and two other students signed up to participate in the Potions Championship. As a result, they were blocked, saying that the quota should be determined by the school, and the school had to follow the arrangements of the Ministry of Magic. In short, they wanted to participate in the competition. Listen to yourself!

 Give me a certificate first so that you can participate in this kind of international competition.

Umbridge: You have allowed me to find out your weaknesses!

 It turned out that she was too careless, or had not adapted to the current post-magic era, so this conversation was recorded by Ted.

  It was posted directly to the Internet and made the headlines of the Daily Prophet - shocking! Hogwarts may have to give up its participation in the International Wizarding Schools Potions Championships - because the Ministry's senior adviser won't allow students to participate.

Umbridge received a double critical blow from both online and offline!

There were twelve howling letters from Great Britain alone, and four more from thousands of miles away from abroad, which almost gave her a scolding blow! Ascend to heaven on the spot!

That day was simply a carnival day for the little wizards at Hogwarts. There were a total of sixteen roaring letters, one after another, criticizing Umbridge.

 There are several letter writers among them, their quality is really not good, they are scolded! That's fun...I mean it's not good. Had a bad impact on the children. But it's really enjoyable.

 The most important thing is the letter from Fudge.

The International Pharmacists Association, the organizer of the Potions Championships, wrote to Fudge, strongly condemning this bad behavior.

 This has caused the prices of herbs in Diagon Alley to fluctuate. They control 70% of the herbal medicine production and magic potion trade on the market!

 Umbridge had to take three days off to return to the Ministry of Magic to **** up to a very annoyed Fudge.

 Fudge: I’m very angry now~

Now, three weeks later, she feels like she can do it again.

She requested Education Order No. 78 from the Ministry of Magic, and happily ordered Filch to stick it on the wall - the notice board had already outgrown it.

 Then, the two were attacked by Peeves.

Ordinarily, seventh graders are about to face the most important graduation exam, which will be directly related to the employment of young wizards.

 But the Weasley twins have already let themselves go. They no longer plan to be employed, they plan to start a business.

 So, they have already started their own product research and development.

This morning, they gave the new product to their “product experience officer” Peeves, and now it’s time to try the effect.

 Super concentrated long-lasting horse dung eggs!

 This is one of the super evolved versions of the Dung Egg.

Peeves took a photo of these two people with a pack of ten, which was not polite at all and made the twins who were secretly watching feel distressed!

 But the effect is also very good. Filch and Umbridge, who were holding the notice on the ladder, were "shot" one after another!

There was a muffled bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, that was the big stuff coming with soup and water!

 At the same time, a heavy yellowish-brown smoke dispersed instantly.

Something fell on her head. Umbridge reached out and touched it, and found a sticky yellow piece...

"Oh yue~" She was about to scream, but she yueed as soon as she opened her mouth. She burst into tears and had a lot of runny nose, and she felt dizzy.

Filch fell off the ladder and screamed in pain. Then the stench entered his mouth and he fainted on the spot!

And the most terrible thing about this thing is not the strong smell, but the long-lasting smell of horse manure!

 The twins conducted more than a dozen experiments and finally succeeded in blocking out the effects of six common magic cleaners on the market.

This smell will last from ten days to a month! It can't be washed off!

 It smells like sleeping in a pile of horse manure at night.

This resulted in Professor McGonagall having to politely cover her nose with a handkerchief during lunch and ask the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor to have a snack in his office.

The smell is too great, so the professors just give it up and the students can’t eat. How can this be done?

Umbridge was almost furious, feeling humiliated by Professor McGonagall!

Umbridge: If I don’t take revenge for this, I swear I won’t do anything to others!

I didn’t expect that at the end of the month, Professor Umbridge would still be working so hard, trying so hard to disgust everyone and spoil everyone’s appetite.

 The current situation is that she cannot retreat. If she really retreats despite the difficulties, she will be completely doomed!

Not only did Fudge abandon her, but the two or three hundred students in the school scolded her behind her back, which completely cut her off from the magical world.

 Now there is only one road in Huashan since ancient times!

 Umbridge's ideas began to become more and more extreme, a bit like going crazy or living without it.

 Just like that, March is here.


“Ding~The talent [Knowledge of Other Worlds (gold)] is triggered, and the [Forging Method of the Ring of Celebrimbor (Purple)] is discovered.”

  【Celebrimbor Ring Casting Method (Purple)】, the Middle-earth world shrouded in the shadow of war has countless heroes and enemies. What I have to mention is the Lord of the Rings! Celebrimbor, the forger of the Lord of the Rings, learned the most profound method of casting the Lord of the Rings from Sauron. It requires 2999 experience points to redeem.


Since it is The Lord of the Rings + Middle-earth, it must be the knowledge of the world of "Lord of the Rings".

This Celebrimbor is the elf craftsman who forged 19 rings of power.

Ted thought for a while and realized that he actually had a copy of the method for casting the Lord of the Rings.

In the mountain peak that seems to have "flowed" from Middle Earth to this world, there is a stone tablet recording the method of casting the Lord of the Rings.

Later this thing was posted on the Internet, and a wave of sharing spirit immediately came.

At that time, wizards shared many posts online about their process of forging magic rings.

Even elves and dwarves publish their own casting processes.

All kinds of weird magic rings can make everyone laugh out loud - some people create magic rings with hilarious effects!

Have you ever seen that your **** will become smaller after wearing it? It was jokingly called the Ring of Shrinking by netizens!

Ted himself also tried to create a magic ring.

 Now Fleur still wears the magic ring that can increase her charm.

However, although this thing is much stronger than many magic props in this world and surprises many wizards, it is still far from the Lord of the Rings in Ted's mind.

This is far worse than the 19 Rings of Power in The Lord of the Rings.

It is very likely that it is an incomplete monkey version of parallel import casting method passed down from the elves.

So Ted didn’t pay too much attention to this matter later.

  I recently got the Pharaoh’s gold plate, and I’ve been making figures for fun.

"Since it is rated as purple quality knowledge, it is definitely not simple. It is nothing more than 3000 experience, and a few days are enough. Change it!"

 TED exchange knowledge.

For a moment, I felt as if I had entered a pale world made of spirits, or as if I was looking at other people's memory fragments in a pensieve.

Ted transformed into a white humanoid spiritual body, watching a tall, handsome man with pointed ears hitting an anvil with a magic hammer...

This is Celebrimbor, the greatest craftsman of the Elves in the Second Age, the grandson of Feanor, the second High King of the Noldor Elves, and the lord of Eregion.

 One after another, rings of different shapes, inlaid with gemstones and engraved with inscriptions were successfully cast by him!

 Ted watched the whole process, and then saw another handsome man taking away the 16 rings in front.

 But Celebrimbor was obviously unwilling to give in and had not had enough.

So, he secretly forged three more Lord of the Rings according to the method taught by Sauron. Sauron did not know it, so these three were not controlled by the Supreme Lord of the Rings but were connected to the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

These are the three elven rings!

Originally, Ted thought it was finally over, but he didn’t expect there would be a follow-up!

Celebrimbor secretly forged the Three Rings of the Elves, but was discovered by the tall and handsome Sauron. He kidnapped Celebrimbor's wife and children and forced him to help him forge the final Lord of the Rings!

However, just when the casting was finally successful, Celebrimbor put on the One Ring and successfully escaped. He quickly raised a large army and attacked Mordor.

Celebrimbor, wearing the Lord of the Rings, is so powerful that he almost overwhelms Thorolo!

As a result, at the critical moment, the Supreme Lord of the Rings fell off on its own and flew into Sauron's hand - it rebelled!

 In other words, this ring was originally infused with most of Sauron's power and was part of him.

Celebrimbor died of course, but the story is still not over!

Ted was like an invisible ghost overlooking the ground, watching the vicissitudes of life pass by for many years.

One of Sauron's men raided the Black Gate, captured a ranger and his wife and children, killed the priests just like Celebrimbor's family of three, and performed a ceremony to recall Celebrimbor's soul.

As a result, Celebrimbor took the opportunity to possess the dying ranger...

The ranger's throat had been cut, and it was Celebrimbor's spirit that held him alive. In this way, they embarked on a journey of revenge.

 During this period, Ted saw Celebrimbor's mental oppression and control of the orcs. This is probably from the ability gained from wearing the Supreme Lord of the Rings!

 While they were subduing the orcs, they were preparing an army to seek revenge from Sauron again.

However, if they want to defeat Sauron, they must deal with the Supreme Lord of the Rings, so they plan to build a new one in Mount Doom!

Ted watched the whole forging process again, saw Celebrimbor pouring his power into the new Ring, and then his soul was snatched away with a puff of black smoke? !

Ted quickly "ascended" after that and quickly recovered from that state.

Ted did not expect that the harvest would be so great this time.

Not only the Lord of the Rings, but also the creation process of the One Ring, twice!

And he also saw a lot of fighting, especially Sauron's action. Very informative!

 I wonder what happened to these two people in the end?

 Perhaps it failed. After all, Sauron was defeated by the Fellowship of the Ring.

Frodo threw the One Ring into Mount Doom and destroyed it, and Sauron died.

 …Looking at it this way, this Supreme Lord of the Rings is simply Sauron’s Horcrux! And only the Doomsday volcano that created it can be destroyed.

“No wonder it’s purple knowledge. If it includes the method of casting the Supreme Lord of the Rings, that’s not an exaggeration! Ha! How cool!”

However, Ted thought again, and there seemed to be something different.

This plot, I vaguely remember, seems to be a supplementary plot in the game!

 Middle-earth: Shadow of War!

That's right, you can also conquer the strong orc chiefs in the city, train them for battle, etc., and they are known as orc Pokémon!

Ted has watched Celebrimbor for half his life, so he naturally knows how powerful the Lord of the Rings is.

 I wish I could cast my own Supreme Lord of the Rings right now.

However, good things come with high requirements.

The same goes for the Supreme Lord of the Rings. First, there must be a place with very powerful magic power, such as Mount Doom, and then enough power needs to be injected into it.

 Ted estimated that level 20 was the minimum standard for casting the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and it might just drop from level 20 to level 10.

 It’s equivalent to injecting massive experience points into the ring!

 However, that is the Middle-earth way.

 In this world, you don’t necessarily have to follow their methods exactly.

 Once you know the theory, you have to change the plan according to your actual situation.

 For example—Magic Network and Utopia!

Magic Network Gathering Point, as long as a strong enough Magic Network gathering point is found, it can serve as a special magical terrain in Mount Doom.

And with the massive experience, I also have a good way - use the spiritual power provided by most wizards in the world gathered in Utopia!

 As for the material of the ring, this is actually easier to deal with.

 It feels like starting the arrangement from now on is not a big plan that can be completed in a few months!

 It seems that we have to give out another wave of benefits to the players!

 Increase their online time and engage in some exciting gaming activities!

  《Strangle Valley Fishing Competition》!

 "Gurubashi Arena Treasure Chest Battle"!

 "Stimulating the battlefield: Good luck eating chicken tonight"!

 It’s a pity that Valentine’s Day has passed, so let’s create a holiday of our own—Monster Killing Day on March 3rd!

 Thirty holiday activities and daily tasks have been organized to give back to the majority of game players!

 While Ted is increasing the strength of the players and stimulating them to provide more experience and spiritual power, the changes in the world are still accelerating.

 A post on the Utopia forum caught Parker's attention, and he forwarded it to Ted.

Ted read "A wild ancient city appeared in Sweden, and there were many alien monsters in it".

 In Sweden, where an orc mountain appeared before, this time, I don’t know whether it was bad luck or there was some inherent pattern, but another orc city appeared.

It was a very dilapidated city, full of a wild and rough atmosphere.

 Dirty, smelly, stains and blood everywhere.

 However, there are thousands of orcs in the city.

 And there are many varieties, some are short but very fast, extremely agile, and good at javelins, throwing knives, and crossbows.

 Some are extremely huge, more than three meters high and more than three meters wide. They can fight endlessly. Their weapons are stone hammers with a diameter of more than 60 centimeters!

The tribes and occupations are different, but the division of labor is clear and the classes are obvious. It can be regarded as entering the primary stage of civilization.


Some time ago, there have been various strange news all over the world, and even many Muggles have begun to nervously "prepare for the end of the world."

 Hence, the local wizards in Sweden are already more vigilant. After all, something has happened once before.

The local wizards were careless, and even the Muggle town was wiped out, but no abnormality was found.

It was the Muggle army, armed with light and heavy firepower, that fought for three or four days before finally clearing out all the ugly and brutal orcs.

This time, the wizards were more vigilant and discovered it earlier.

 Two hours after the city appeared, a wizard was discovered and reported.

 Four hours later, Swedish officials also knew about it.

However, things are different this time.

There were too many orcs this time. Long-range detection estimated that there were at least 4,000 orcs in the city, each with strong strength.

The wizards also tried it once, and a tall orc with a special explosive javelin blew up a wizard and killed four Muggle special forces. He retreated hastily.

These orcs actually mastered gunpowder? !

There is even a native flamethrower? !

  While Muggle officials and Swedish wizards are still discussing how to respond?

 In case of fighting, how to cooperate in the attack? The orcs actually figured it out on their own!

 Two Assassins, three Assassins, a Tracker and a Warlock followed the traces of the retreat of the previous wave of people and raided the temporary frontline headquarters.

Three wizards died, two of whom were senior officials of the Swedish Ministry of Magic.

Sixteen Muggles died, four of whom were high-ranking military officials - a major general in the Ministry of Defense and three special forces colonels. Two more are senior government officials!

  Even the heads of the orcs were chopped off and taken away!

 Hey guys, the camp was blown up over there!

 (End of this chapter)

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