Hogwarts: Harley from The Witch Way

Chapter 278 The murderer is actually me?

In the blink of an eye, the rune horse landed smoothly.

Those golden, elephant-sized horses shook their huge heads and silver mane on their backs, their fiery red eyes rolled, and they quickly noticed Harley.

Several horses snorted in a friendly manner, and one of them neighed, which startled the little wizards around.

Harry remembered that when Fleur took him to visit the stables of the rune horses, he personally fed several barrels of high-quality malt whiskey to this group of delicate young masters and young ladies.

I didn't expect them to have such a good memory, and now they recognized Harry so quickly.

The carriage also hit the ground heavily following the rune horse, splashing a large amount of dust.

After the car came to a complete stop, the door with the pattern of two golden crossed wands with three stars emerging from each wand opened.

A boy in a light blue robe jumped down, bent slightly, and opened a golden spiral staircase from the floor of the carriage.

Then he took a step back respectfully, lowered his head slightly, and waited for the other people in the carriage to appear.

Many students gasped as the shiny black high-heeled shoe protruded from the carriage.

What a big shoe! Is this the shoe size a normal person should have? I'm afraid only giants need shoes of this size!

Ms. Maxim led Beauxbaton's students gracefully out of the carriage and stood in the open space.

She was still wearing the same exquisite decorations as when she met Harry last time, but this time she changed into a black satin dress.

Professor Dumbledore first led the students to applaud, and then kissed Ms. Maxim's hand without bending over.

Dear Ms. Maxim, welcome to Hogwarts!

Professor Dumbledore, Ms. Maxim said slowly in a low voice, I hope you are all well.

Very good, thank you. Professor Dumbledore responded.

This is a student I brought, and I will trouble your school to take care of it this year. Ms. Maxim waved her hand, revealing a dozen students behind her.

Among them was a tall witch with a turban on her head, holding a little girl about eight or nine years old who was also wearing a turban, and was looking around.

After seeing Harry, Fleur blinked her blue eyes in a friendly way.

Harry stood behind Professor McGonagall without moving, only showing a smile in response.

After all, what she represents now is the face of Gryffindor, and she can't make big moves at will on such a serious occasion.

However, Ms. Maxim quickly helped Halle solve the problem.

After she and Professor Dumbledore muttered for a while, the headmaster called Harry over.

This made the little wizards around whisper their ears and talk again. Unexpectedly, Harley knew the principals of other magic schools.

Is this the network and influence of a genius?

Harry walked forward quickly, with his legs slightly bent, and slightly raised the sides of the robe: Good evening, Ms. Maxim.

Good evening, Harry. Ms. Maxim nodded, Long time no see, I haven't asked you to thank you yet.

Hey~ Harry tilted his head slightly, and looked at Ms. Maxim puzzled.

It was the last Quidditch World Cup final, the riot. Ms. Maxim explained softly.

The mob almost affected Beauxbaton's students, and almost injured Fleur and Gabriel.

It's a good thing you stopped them. So I want to thank you.

This is what I should do, ma'am. Harry said modestly, It's just a little effort.

Oh, you are such a wonderful child, why isn't it Beauxbaton's?

Ms. Maxim sighed, and started poaching in front of Professor Dumbledore,

Nico likes you so much, and many of Beauxbaton's students admire your appearance that night.

If you come to Beauxbatons, I can guarantee that you will become the principal after graduation.

Ms. Maxim, it's not a good thing to poach a wall in front of me. Professor Dumbledore interrupted her with a smile,

Even if Harley wants to be the headmaster, he's still the headmaster of Hogwarts. I'm an old man, and I'm ready to retire a long time ago.

You are really boring, Dumbledore. Ms. Maxim complained casually, while looking around,

Haven't the other magic schools come yet?

They will come anytime. Professor Dumbledore smiled slightly,

Would you rather wait here to greet them, or go in first to get warm?

Then warm up first.

Ms. Maxim was about to say something, when several thunderclaps suddenly sounded in the sky, and the strong wind began to howl.

Several huge white giant sculptures harnessed the wind and electricity, and came towards Hogwarts.

The frequency of their wings beating is extremely uniform, and the direction of flight and formation are also completely consistent.

It is a magical animal unique to North America, the thunderbird.

There is a hut in the middle of these thunderbirds. There is no rope between the hut and the thunderbirds, but they move forward quickly under the leadership of the thunderbirds.

Miss Maxim, I think the friends of Ilvermorny have arrived.

Professor Dumbledore watched the Thunderbird approach, and said softly,

I'm afraid I need to ask the Hogwarts Care of Fantastic Beasts professor to take the rune horse away for a while to make room for Ilvermorny's guests.

Of course, I hope your professor can take care of it... Well, I think he can do it, at least he won't get hurt.

When Ms. Maxim saw Hagrid walking up and down leading the horse, she couldn't help but nodded.

However, Hagrid's current performance is not particularly good, and he always sneaks to see Madam Maxim unconsciously.

Fortunately, Professor Dumbledore is here, otherwise he should have gone up to communicate with Ms. Maxim.

Forgot to remind you, Beauxbaton's rune horse only drinks single malt whiskey! Ms. Maxim suddenly reminded.

Oh, yes! Hagrid subconsciously replied loudly, and was about to go to the Pig's Head Bar immediately to buy dozens of barrels of the purest high alcohol.

What? The vice principal hasn't approved the money yet? What a joke, it's true that Hagrid, the invisible rich man of Hogwarts, has no money!

Isn't it just out of pocket? purchase!

Thunderbird was about to land, and there was another school arriving at the same time as them.

A green light suddenly bloomed in an open space by the Black Lake of Hogwarts.

Countless seeds quickly took root and germinated, grew rapidly, pulled out branches and leaves, and turned into trees.

The trees just formed a circle, leaving a clearing in the middle.

In the clearing lies a seed that shines like an emerald.

This emerald bloomed only after the other trees had grown, but instead of turning into a tree, it quickly formed a giant pink flower that was about to bloom.

The flowers shone with light and slowly bloomed, and a group of wizards wearing robes with the Castelobushe school emblem emerged inside.

This novel way of appearance made the students exclaim in surprise. After all, the way that Beauxbaton and Ilvermorny, who had not yet landed in the sky, came here was at least understandable to everyone.

But this way of Castrobuscher... I have never seen it, really I have never seen it!

The Thunderbirds of Ilvermorny landed quickly, and the hut hit the ground as hard as the previous carriage.

Welcome, both of you, welcome! Professor Dumbledore strode forward to meet her, and Ms. Maxim followed closely behind.

Good evening, Dumbledore. Joseph Oliveira, the principal of Castello Busche, walked out of the newly formed forest first,

Thank you for planting the seeds in advance, otherwise we wouldn't be able to arrive so smoothly.

It's easy to do. Professor Dumbledore nodded, and looked at the middle-aged wizard who had just appeared on the other side.

Agilburn, is the journey going well?

Of course. The principal of Ilvermorny, Agilburn Fontana, waved his hand lightly, and the breeze dispersed the surrounding dust.

Long time no see, Dumbledore.

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers casually.

The Thunderbirds nodded to Headmaster Fontana, quickly flapped their wings and took off, disappearing into the clouds.

Looking at the probing gazes of several principals around, Principal Fontana smiled politely:

Thunderbird is proud, and Ilvermorni and these powerful magical animals are just equal contractual relationships.

We can ask Thunderbird to help, but we must pay corresponding rewards.

Now that they have completed their contract, they will return to the Thunderbird Sanctuary in North America.

A very harmonious relationship. Professor Dumbledore took up the conversation, so as not to let the silence here,

I was discussing with Ms. Maxim just now when you will arrive.

Should I go in and warm up first? Friends from the magic institute and Durmstrang haven't arrived yet...

Before Professor Dumbledore finished speaking, a very strange voice suddenly floated from the darkness.

The sound was a muffled rumble and suck, like a giant vacuum cleaner moving along a river bed.

The calm water surface of the Black Lake suddenly became choppy, and huge waves turned up on the water surface, and the waves slapped the wet lake shore.

Then a great whirlpool appeared in the very center of the lake, from which protruded a slender pole, followed by sails and rigging...

An ancient sailing ship that looks like a skeleton is emerging from the black lake!

But an accident happened. When the boat was just fully surfaced, a huge gourd suddenly rushed over from the upper reaches of the Black Lake.

The gourd slammed into the sailboat hard and made a loud bang.

So while the wizards of the four schools were stunned, the sailboat tipped over to one side, and the gourd flew out in the opposite direction.

It's broken, there's an accident!

Professor Dumbledore reacted quickly, pulled out his wand in an instant, and slashed down hard.

A large number of iron cables suddenly stretched out in mid-air, instantly tied the mast on the sailboat and some handrails on the ship, and pulled it back forcefully.

At the same time, an invisible giant hand seemed to appear on the surface of the Black Lake, supporting the hull from the other side, and pulling the boat back bit by bit.

Principal Fontana of Ilvermorny also drew out his wand, releasing the power of the gust of wind, trying to stop the gourd that was crashing towards his hut.

Principal Oliveira of Castrobusche naturally couldn't just sit idly by, since his own camp was also nearby.

The branches of the trees on the shore suddenly grew and spread rapidly, forming a tree wall, protecting the shore of the Black Lake.

At the same time, there were countless thick branches bound towards the gourd in an attempt to stop it.

Ms. Maxim also symbolically pulled out her rolling-pin-like magic wand, turning the lake water into walls and blocking the gourds.

At the same time it can be seen that there are also magical forces at work on the boat and gourd, working to stabilize both.

In the end, with the magic help of Professor Dumbledore, the sailboat did not fall, and the gourd was intercepted by the other three principals.

A middle-aged man wearing a bright silver fur cloak suddenly came out of the cabin of the sailboat in a huff:

Who is it! Who is attacking us, the Durmstrang School of Magic!

You are making an enemy against the entire Durmstrang, and you are also making an enemy against most of the Nordic magic world!

Behind them, a group of young wizards wearing black fur cloaks also rushed out of the cabin, holding wands in their hands, looking around in hatred.

Professor Karkaroff, it was the gourd that hit you.

Professor Dumbledore pointed to the yellow gourd that was docked on the shore like a house,

There seems to be... people from the Magic Institute.

The stopper of the gourd was opened, and a group of wizards in robes mixed with Japanese kimono styles jumped out.

The leading wizard also had a look of anger mixed with inexplicable confusion: Who is using lightning to attack us? Who is it!

If it weren't for those inexplicable lightning bolts, there would be no problem with our imitation Shuten-douji's gourd!

Headmaster Fontana's face suddenly became a little ugly. After all, the area around Hogwarts is a rare sunny day tonight.

If there is lightning... it seems... it seems to be the Thunderbird of Ilvermorny?

Probably because they saw a giant gourd floating in the water and felt very curious, so they threw a few lightning bolts with their paws?

The murderer was myself?


After Professor Dumbledore's detailed explanation and reconciliation, Principal Fontana finally apologized to Karkaroff and the principal of the Magic Institute, Kamo Doman, and promised to bear the maintenance costs of both parties, so that the matter could be turned around.

The little wizards feel very lucky that they can finally go back to enjoy dinner in the warm hall of Hogwarts!

After such a large series of events happened earlier, an hour had passed since the time for dinner.

It is no exaggeration to say that the little wizards are almost starving!

Even if they found Krum on the way back to the castle, it didn't raise everyone's interest much.

Only a few ardent fans gathered around, wanting Klum to sign his clothes with lipstick.

After all, if you can't get enough to eat, who has the strength to watch the international Quidditch superstars?

Stars can be chased at any time, if you miss this meal, you will really die!



(Thanks to Nine-tailed Flaming Fox and Budenglou for their rewards!)

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