Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 300 Return to the original intention of magic

As a wizard, a spellcaster with magic flowing in his body, what is the original intention of magic, or in other words, the origin of a spellcaster?

These things are not taught in Hogwarts and cannot be seen in bookstores. This is not because people have forgotten them, but because they do not want to understand them.

Because it is useless at least for the vast majority of ordinary people.

But sometimes, these seemingly useless things can become an indispensable force in promoting progress.

Harry had only vaguely known that Grindelwald and his Wiccan Party started a revolution in magic and a reform of magic education fifteen years ago, but what exactly did this reform look like and what did it do? What, Harry had no idea.

But with the arrival of the letter, this mysterious veil is also being revealed.

What Grindelwald did was very simple, that is, to find and return to the original intention of magic.

The first spellcasters in the world were not Awakeners. Awakeners were killing tools created to fight against the abyss. Before the birth of Awakeners, there were already human wizards in the world.

The first wizards may be naturally born humans with magical powers, or they may be hybrids born from the combination of humans and magical creatures, but no matter how they appear, there is something else that appears along with the spellcaster.

That is the medium through which spells are cast.

Compared with other magical creatures, most human spellcasters are inferior to them in talent, but what humans are best at is the use of tools. The birth of spellcasting media is inevitable and natural.

A spell-casting medium is an extension of a spell-caster's body. This is not only to make up for the lack of talent of human spell-casters, but also has become an indispensable part of human spell-casters over thousands of years of evolution.

Even the Vagadu spellcasters who don't like to use 'magic wands' have definitely not given up on the spellcasting medium. They cast spells with bare hands so as not to affect the spellcasting after transformation, not because they deliberately don't use it because they don't want to use it. They are useful. An alternative spell-casting medium that replaces the wand - a magic tattoo that can imprint spells on the body surface and be used at any time.

This is true even for awakened beings who are stronger than human spellcasters and can easily cast spells with their bare hands without the need for any spellcasting medium.

Harry initially thought that awakened people did not need the so-called wand, and also believed that casting spells with bare hands was a more 'advanced' method. However, after actually stepping into the door of the awakened people, he realized that this was the wrong thing.

It’s not that the Awakened don’t use spell-casting media similar to wands, but not everyone can find and make their own spell-casting media. If the quality is not high enough, it will be completely ineffective and will get in the way. The good ones are not that good. It's easy to get, but it's very troublesome to rub it in with your own hands. Some people who have regained consciousness simply don't mess with it. It's almost enough anyway.

In the photos Harry watched on Paradise Island, the image left by the unknown awakener wizard showed him taking the magic core of the demon king to strengthen the longbow wand. Before, Harry thought that this person was probably someone he liked. A gambling dog looking for excitement, but now it seems that using the demon king's magic core to strengthen the wand is probably really useful?

If the above is just speculation, then the sword box behind Li Jiannan is proof. It was what Qinglian Sword Immortal used until he died in the battle, although most of the awakened wizards have entered the abyss and the seven-in-one The demon is determined to die, but letting the demons come to the magic world is even more terrifying. Who knows if the endless abyss demons will come to the magic world to suck up the natural magic power, and then hatch a new demon in place.

This kind of weird thing that feeds on magic power and can absorb magic power as a way to advance cannot be allowed to do anything. Even an awakener as powerful as Qinglian Sword Immortal can't retreat when he clings to the passage. Fighting until exhaustion, until death, this is probably the way ants kill an elephant.

When people in the European wizarding world took this "original intention" for granted and did not study it, Grindelwald picked it up again. The wizards in the European wizarding world should have done this long ago. Harry was in Taipei It was discovered during the beginning of the Celestial Dynasty that although they were all gun-type wands, the spellcasters of the Taishi Celestial Dynasty had already used the gun-type wands that were most suitable for their spell system for countless iterations. If they were distinguished by style, they had probably already used them. In the era of 'science fiction', things that look cooler than the electromagnetic rifles and laser rifles in the Muggle world are actually fundamentally different from the gun-shaped wand in Harry's hand.

However, a backward version does not necessarily mean that you will be beaten violently in the magic world. The right one is the most important. The European gun-shaped wand was made for the European spell system at the beginning of the design and transformation, and was used in the Taishi Dynasty. The spell system may be outdated and inapplicable, but it will not appear outdated when applied to the spell system.

Although the number of iterations of gun-shaped wands in Europe over the millennium is much lower than that of the Taishi Empire, they are still improving. Today's gun-shaped wands can barely be regarded as the ultimate answer to the spell system, although there is room for improvement. , but not much.

Although the Soviet wizards came up with a "new wand system", this change did not change the fundamentals of the gun-shaped wand in the European magic world. It only strengthened the caliber of justice and made it more suitable for their violent and ferocious style. The future of Soviet wizards The painting style is basically based on the appearance of all the big guys, and the big guy carries a 20-30mm anti-aircraft gun on his shoulders. It can only be said that it fits the style of the painting very well.

It is not cost-effective for Grindelwald to redesign a new wand or perform in-depth optimization on the current wand version. Although he can do it, the investment and output are not advantageous, and there is little room for improvement here. It is better to open up a new track than to study hard in a certain place.

To study how to better use today's wands, let wizards learn how to use their 'third hand' - a spell-casting medium that serves as an extension of the limbs.

Making good use of tools is an important guarantee for the rise of human beings in nature, and learning how to make good use of spell-casting media is one of the few options for European wizards who have lagged behind other regions by several versions to catch up. It is also the most efficient and cost-saving option. .

The letter sent with the notice also contained a book that was not too thick. Harry, who had read it through, chewed on the contents and looked out the window. There was this line written on the black-covered book. The golden characters read "Wizard's Guide to the New Era: Custom Modification and Upgrading of Firearms".

The first step in Grindelwald's innovation is to completely abandon the ancient name of "magic wand". A gun is a gun, not a fire stick or a wooden stick to whip a sheep. That kind of outdated name will die in history. It's healed in the dust.


After this chapter, normal updates will resume. Things have been dealt with, weddings have been attended, and there is no need to fly around anymore.

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