Hogwarts: Harry Returns From The Witcher

Chapter 127: The Wise and Great Minister Fudge (3rd update~please subscribe~)

Dumbledore looked at Peter's head: "Sirius knew all this, they used to be good classmates, but Harry, how did you know?"

"I have brains." Harry said blankly.

Sirius drank half of the wine in his glass again.

"During the summer vacation, Ron mentioned Scabbers—that's Peter's name when he pretended to be a mouse, and mentioned Scabbers' age." Harry explained, "After living for thirteen years, Hermione and I have guessed something. "

"Later, I pressed Uncle Lupine and learned that they were all illegal Animagus."

Scrimgeour stared round, subconsciously grasping the wand.

Three illegal Animagus, what a feat!

Can react quickly.

Two of them are dead, and there is one more person whose performance is much greater than that of illegal Animagus.

Harry went on.

"Peter's a rat, and it's all about Scabbers."

"Uncle Lupine and I caught him and locked him in the office all the time, Professor Dumbledore, this is the little secret I told you before."

Dumbledore smiled: "You told me, you told me in half a month, it's almost three months now."

"If you told me, you'd trust the Ministry of Magic." Harry shook his head.

Scrimgeour gritted his teeth: "Of course the Ministry of Magic is trustworthy."

Harry let out a mocking laugh.

Sirius shook his head too.

Lupine showed no expression, but he clearly thought the same thing as Sirius.

"So, how did Peter die?" Dumbledore pushed back his glasses, sat upright, and stared straight at him with his sapphire eyes hidden under the mirror.

"I killed it." Harry was blunt.

Dumbledore was taken aback for a moment, as if venting his breath, and his sitting posture became loose again: "I thought you would make up some reason, after all, killing people is not a good thing."

"But it's obviously a good thing to avenge your parents." Harry shook his head. "Professor, you surprised me. I thought you would still lecture me."

Dumbledore looked at Peter and nodded: "Of course, I always don't agree to use violence to solve things, and I prefer to let the Ministry of Magic solve it."

"But it's a little bit different."

"And Harry you're fine, you're different."

Speaking of these words, he looked heavy.

Was there a past?

Harry noticed, but said nothing.

Scrimgeour was a little restless.

On the one hand, nothing in the world is more legitimate than a son avenging his father.

But on the other hand, Harry finally crossed the Ministry of Magic and killed someone.

"Mr. Potter." He struggled, glanced at Dumbledore, and took courage.

Harry directly blocked his words: "The Ministry of Magic can understand it this way. I broke through Peter's plot. He wanted to attack me. I had to fight back and accidentally killed him by mistake."

As he spoke, he paused slightly: "When you came here just now, the traces you saw were the traces of my fight with Peter."

Scrimgeour swallowed what he wanted to say just now, and asked another question: "Then how can you confirm that what you said is true? It's not a lie of Black and Lupine."

Then, he paused: "I have to remind you, your Uncle Lupine..."

"A werewolf?" Harry interrupted, his tone urgent and impatient. "I already said I had brains."

Scrimgeour was startled, very surprised.

Lupine is a werewolf!

The kind of ferocious black magic creature that will assimilate into a werewolf once it bites.

He turned his head and looked at Hermione and Ron, but even these two normal little wizards had no surprised expressions on their faces.

Hermione watched quietly.

Ron played with his own owl.

Lupine only sighed secretly, and had no other reaction to Scrimgeour's words. He was used to this kind of treatment.

Harry took out a bottle from the sorting hat, waved his wand, and it floated down to Dumbledore's hand: "Before I killed Peter, I took it out of his brain."

Scrimgeour's voice choked: "Potter, you can say that before killing him..."

Harry turned his head, eyes cold.

Scrimgeour turned his head to one side, forget it, no one else heard anyway.

"That memory?" Dumbledore was a little surprised.

Harry nodded.

"It seems that I have to notify Fudge." He waved his wand, and the contents of the parchment slowly emerged, "Fox, I have to work hard on you."

Fox was dissatisfied, and yelled at Hedwig who was squatting on Crookshanks.

Hedwig flapped her wings, flew onto Harry's shoulder, and made two coos.

Fox yelled more fiercely, reluctantly fell on the table, pecked Dumbledore hard, then picked up the letter and flew out of the window.

Less than half an hour.

Fudge pushed open the door violently, and the voice came into the room before his fat body: "Principal Dumbledore, what trouble have you caused me again? Black has pleaded guilty, how can he..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

He noticed the head on the ground and was startled. His face, which was flushed from running, quickly turned pale, and he staggered back two steps, hitting the cabinet by the wall before stopping.

"Professor Dumbledore, what's your new hobby?" He took out a towel and wiped the cold sweat from his brow, "Put something like this in the office?"

"This is Pettigrew Peter." Dumbledore said slowly.

Fudge's face became serious: "Student victim?"

"But you didn't write that Blake was innocent?"

Dumbledore nodded at the table: "He is Pettigrew Peter."

Fudge was taken aback, trying to recall the somewhat familiar name. After a while, he realized: "Peterina Peter? Are you kidding me, isn't he..."

Harry interrupted him: "Looks like I'll have to explain it all over again, Minister Fudge, sit down and listen to me take my time?"

Fudge looked at him and nodded.

After Harry told the whole thing again, Fudge frowned into a huge knot, and he sighed: "Mr. Potter, you have really caused a lot of trouble for our Ministry of Magic."

"Thirteen years ago, Black pleaded guilty, and the results that have been confirmed are now said to be false. Sirius is not the culprit."

"My God!"

Fudge covered his face, as if he could already see the headlines of the "Daily Prophet", mocking the incompetence of the Ministry of Magic, his approval rating dropped again and again, and there would even be voices that he would be kicked out of the ministerial position.

"Potter." After a while, he raised his head and looked at Harry with a firm tone, "I'm afraid the Ministry of Magic can't do anything, Peter is dead, if you kill him..."

"Memories." Harry interrupted him.

Fudge shook his head quickly: "No, no, who knows if that memory has been tampered with."

Harry said calmly, "I pulled it out with my own hands."

"Perhaps Peter's memory was changed before he was alive." Fudge insisted.

Harry continued: "Sirius has never touched Peter."

Fudge rolled his eyes, and his eyes fell on Lupine: "Maybe he has a helper."

He didn't point to anyone, but he said everything.

Dumbledore held his wand, knocked on the table, and said in a serious tone, "Connelly, you shouldn't doubt the professor I have chosen."

This time Fudge was very confident, and restrained himself from mocking: "Yes, maybe I shouldn't doubt it."

"But it's been two years. Hogwarts, the safest place in the world, has had accidents for three consecutive years including this year. The first two years were the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors you personally selected."

Dumbledore was dumb.

"Then you are doubting me?" Harry said calmly. "Doubting me will help the person who killed my parents get away with it?"

Fudge was taken aback, and waved his hands: "No, that's not what I meant."

"Minister Fudge, it's a good thing for you that Sirius was exonerated." Harry put his head on his hands and leaned forward slightly.

Fudge was taken aback: "Good thing?"

"The Ministry of Magic is incompetent." Harry said slowly, "This is already an indisputable fact."

Fudge narrowed his eyes, some anger welling up on his face.

Scrimgeour's complexion was not very good either.

"But the great and wise Minister Fudge is different. Since he took office for three years in 1990, he has been working hard to change the Ministry of Magic and make it a truly effective institution for managing all wizards."

Fudge was about to swear, but when he heard Harry praise himself, he was stunned and listened patiently.

"And the first thing to solve is the past mistakes of the Ministry of Magic."

"Under the leadership of Minister Fudge, we checked out an incident thirteen years ago, when the Ministry of Magic made up lies and covered up the truth in order to close the case sloppily."

"He saw clearly, saw the incompetence of the former minister, or the former minister, and quickly remedied it to find the real murderer of the Potters."

"Return the innocence of Sirius Black, the sole heir of the oldest pure-blood family, who has been wronged for thirteen years."

"As for Pettigrew Peter, he was trying to kill Harry Potter while fleeing. Under Potter's counterattack, he was unfortunately killed by a legitimate counterattack."

Speaking of which, Hare paused and looked at Fudge: "What do you think of this, Minister Fudge?"

Fudge's eyes brightened.

The incompetent Ministry of Magic needs to be rescued by the wise and great Fudge. Most importantly, there is no Dumbledore in this matter.

All credit goes to Minister Fudge, who "sees every detail".

"You're right, Mr. Potter." Fudge stretched his brows, smiled slightly, and stood up. "The Ministry of Magic's duty is to manage every wizard well."

"Punish every crime and keep good people safe."

As he said, he puffed up his chest, like a truly wise Minister of Magic: "Rufus, take Peter's body, oh yes, and that piece of evidence, and that bottle of memory."

Scrimgeour stood up: "Yes, Minister."

Fudge rolled his eyes: "Where is Black?"

Right beside him, there was a muffled voice: "I'm here."

Fudge turned his head hurriedly, looked at Black who was close to him, smiled and nodded, and made a promise: "Don't worry, Mr. Black, the Ministry of Magic will definitely clear you up."

There is one more, before ten o'clock!

Grinding is a bit slow today, tomorrow I will speed up~

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