Hogwarts: Harry Returns From The Witcher

Chapter 156 Letter from Austria

For most people, a birthday is a special day.

For Harry, birthdays are nothing special, just a bunch of presents.

He got up early to wash up, and as soon as he went downstairs, he saw the gifts piled up in the living room, pointing to the top.

Fremont joked, "Happy birthday, my dear Harry."

"Thanks." Harry smiled, nodding at him.

"You are much more popular than James." Fremont sighed, "He said that on his birthday, he would receive twenty or thirty presents."

"I counted the owls all night last night, and I wanted to see if my dear grandson was popular at school, but unexpectedly, I couldn't count them all, and there were still owls here until just now."

As he was talking, an owl came in through the door opening and dropped the presents into the pile of presents.

But it didn't leave immediately, landed on Harry's shoulder, and cooed twice.

"I don't know where Hedwig is, she went out early in the morning." Harry responded to it.

The owl cooed and nodded its thanks, flapped its wings, and flew away again.

"There are still owls coming over." Fremont immediately changed his words, "At least fifty or sixty gifts?"

"You have to be careful, there are always some little witches who like to mix love potions in gifts, even James almost suffered from this."

Harry nodded: "My potion level is not bad."

With a flick of his wand, the gift flew to a corner that was not in the way. He didn't rush to unwrap the gift, but went to the kitchen first to cook for his two elders.

When you're done, pull them out of the bedroom skillfully.

On my birthday, I still have to continue training.

It was like this every year, the year before last, last year, after training, having a drink with Professor Flitwick was enough.

Today's training is over.

The sun went down, and the stars climbed out of the sky.

Sirius lay faceless on the ground, gasping for breath. He was "humiliated" by Professor Flitwick just now, praising him for finally being able to barely reach Harry's level when he just had the summer vacation last year.

"Professor, go for a drink?" Harry waved his wand and picked up his godfather, "I'll call Uncle Remus."

Flitwick smiled mysteriously: "Why don't you go home?"

"Alright." Harry nodded, "I still have a lot of wine left."

They walked back slowly, and when they were near Potter's house, Sirius struggled for Harry to put him down.

This was very unlike what Sirius was supposed to do.

After every practice session, he wished Harry could put him in bed.

You have to walk by yourself before you get home?

He even waved his wand, gave himself two clean-ups, and even a beauty charm.

Wait until Potter's old house.

Harry looked towards the yard, there were some scattered footprints, very new, from noon to just now.

Inside the door, next to the door, there was the sound of nearly ten hearts beating, and there were some whispers. It was George and Fred. They were discussing which kind of fireworks to use, and their opinions were not very unified.

"An inviter?" Harry turned to look at his godfather.

Sirius was surprised: "How do you know?"

"Harry is very keen." Flitwick rubbed his face, "Did you find any trace?"

"George and Fred are too noisy." Harry nodded. "They were discussing whether to use number two or number three fireworks."

Sirius tried to poke his head through it, but he heard nothing.

Harry flicked his wand, and the door opened.

snap --

Several fireworks and ribbons exploded and sprayed out of the door.

But the door was empty.

People in the room watched as the longest ribbon dangled and fell off Harry's toes.

"Harry, how can you be so lazy!" Fred gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, "You even use magic spells to open doors."

"Firework No. 2?" Harry raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you didn't convince your brother, Fred."

Fred scratched his head.

George chuckled.

Although Ron also held fireworks in his hand, he muttered: "I knew I couldn't hide it from Harry. He is very sensitive and can hear his heartbeat."

"Okay, then I wish you a happy birthday!" Fred clapped his hands, and he said with a smile while digging in his robe, "I found out that we didn't give you a gift this morning, are you a little bit disappointed?"

The last sentence, he said to Sirius.

Sirius tried his best to recall, but he could retrieve the memory. All day today, except for the fact that he made a mistake and was seized by Professor Flitwick, and was almost killed in one blow, Harry showed a sigh. At other times, he It's all that slightly paralyzed look.

Thinking back further, he was slightly taken aback: "Harry hasn't opened the present today."

He hurriedly turned his head, looked at Harry, and said loudly and in surprise, "Harry, you haven't opened the present yet!"

"Don't worry, they won't fly away." Harry shook his head.

Sirius looked stern, and pulled his hair: "Damn, I'm really not a qualified godfather, and I dragged you to find Professor Flitwick together today."

"Sirius." Flitwick said hesitantly, "Is there a possibility, I'm just talking about a possibility, that Harry dragged you to come to me for extra lessons."

"Godfather, I'm already very happy that you can survive under the professor for a while longer today." Harry smiled, "At least you started to use your brain, this is the best gift you gave me."

Sirius snorted softly: "The gift I give you is more than that."

He pushed Harry inside.

The small, tense heartbeat was hidden behind the crowd.

Harry didn't run away.

snap --

Hermione jumped out suddenly and pulled the fireworks in her hand. The golden-red ribbons and fireworks exploded and slowly fell from the top of his head, dousing him all over.

Fred laughed loudly: "Harry, you're still tricked!"

George nodded, very proud: "This is all our plan. Little Ronnie said that you can definitely dodge it, so we have to feint and Hermione is our main attacker."

"Happy birthday." Hermione smiled sweetly at him.

"Thank you." Harry smiled back.

Ron winked at Harry: "Hey, Harry, don't you notice that Hermione is different today?"

"I straightened my teeth and got my hair done." Harry waved his hand, responding to him, "And put on makeup."

Hermione's ears turned red, which soon spread to her face.

"Purple eye shadow is not suitable for you, you can try light gold." Harry suggested sincerely, "The lipstick color is also a bit too dark, I recommend cherry red."

Ron rubbed his face: "How did you find out so quickly, I didn't notice this until my mother told me."

The Weasleys all came.

Except for the two who were working outside, but their birthday presents were not left behind.

Charlie sent a set of dragon models, and a book "Deadly Fire Dragon", which is different from the alchemy books Harry usually reads that use dragons as materials. This book introduces in detail the living habits of different fire dragons, and relative Weaknesses in terms of.

Bill sent a model of a pyramid, and the top cover was lifted, and there were a few mummified dolls crawling inside.

Hermione sent a watch, an explorer with a white dial, with a faint magic lingering on it, which has existed for at least half a year, and she was preparing this gift before the holiday.

Sirius' gift was slightly pompous.

Two Triumph Speedmasters, one painted in black, while the other was transformed into a golden-red "lion" by Sirius. He originally wanted to change it into a griffin, but it only had an eagle's head, far less than a lion's head Domineering.

Arthur was very interested in this, and took Sirius to discuss in a whisper.

Snape also gave presents this year.

Lily's five potion notes, and his own two potion notes, as well as a slightly scribbled letter, which asked whether Harry's body could withstand the manic magic power, and how he felt about it. Suggested improvements to Thunder Potion.

Toxicity was reduced as much as possible without affecting the magic effect.

This gave Harry a lot of inspiration. He could stuff in several highly toxic and effective ingredients to make the Thunder Potion more effective.

Sirius was very dismissive of this.

Professor Dumbledore sent a copy of his magic experience.

Gifts from professors and adults are fairly reliable, but gifts from young wizards are not.

I received twelve copies of the chocolate alone, all of which were filled with love potions without exception.

There are others, love potions mixed in drinks and potions.

They were all picked out by Hermione and thrown aside. After Crookshanks wreaked havoc, they were burned to pieces with a Fire Curse, and then the Vanishing Curse was used to finish it off.

as well as.

Under all the presents, the plain black box seemed to have a kind of magical power, no one else noticed it, only Harry saw it, he picked up the box, light blue ink, left on the surface of the box next line of text.

The handwriting was unfamiliar, Harry had never seen it before.

"Happy birthday, Harry Potter."

"Please open the box, there is my gift and a letter to you inside."

Harry tested it with a spell, and after making sure there was no danger, he opened it carefully.

In the box, there is only one letter.

What about birthday presents?

Harry opened the letter.

"Don't be so careful, I mean no ill will to you, dear Harry, Albus' most satisfied student, destined to be a great Gryffindor."

"You don't have to think about where my gifts are, they are all in this letter."

"Then, let me give you a birthday present first. The place you want to go the most is in Glastonbury, but don't go now, it hasn't come yet."

Harry's expression turned serious in an instant.

"Then let me talk about what I care about the most, Harry, I thought Albus and I would both be this old, but fate has changed, please allow me to say this and express my sincere thanks to you."

"I have seen some turning points. Albus and I can both survive. Of course, this requires your cooperation."

"Promise me a request. Go to Albus on Thursday night before Christmas, and tell him that you want to set off with him. Please don't mention me. You can use your own clues as an excuse. After all, Riddle The surname, in that area, is quite famous."

"Albus will take you, and then, you must stop him, and use all means and means to prevent him from putting on that ring."

that ring

Harry frowned.

What happened half a year later, was written so clearly in this letter?

Only a short section of the letter remained.

Harry read on.

"And, be careful of the resurrection stone, that kind of thing can't bring about any change. Although I believe in you, the desire of the human heart can sometimes overwhelm the guidance of fate."

"Finally, I would like to sincerely wish you a happy birthday."

The letter ends here, without any signature.

A vague figure appeared in Harry's mind.

Professor Dumbledore's old lover of the fortune teller.

The handwriting and style of writing on the credible letter are clearly written by a man.

I seem to have discovered something extraordinary? No wonder Professor Dumbledore has been so taboo about his past.

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