His "generosity" was greeted by Harry's silence and sharp and indifferent eyes. This made him understand that just two floors would not be able to pass.

Lu Duo looked at Harry painfully: "This is already a lot."

"I'm not interested in these." Harry responded to him, "I don't even know what the third project is, so how can I guarantee it."

As he said that, he paused slightly, and looked over meaningfully: "You are so eager to drag me into the water, are you planning to let me bear part of it if you lose the bet?"

Ludo laughed a few times in embarrassment: "How could I do that!"

Harry didn't speak, George and Fred didn't speak, and Hermione sighed.

How could this person have such a wrong perception of himself.

"Harry, you really don't plan to try?" Ludo was a little unwilling to give up, and then asked again.

This time it was Harry who simply shook his head and refused.

While it did seem like a lot of money, Harry didn't want to have too much to do with a gambling dog, especially one who would do anything for money.

Ludo frowned.

For him, there is nothing more worrying than this.

"Then Harry, will you?" Ludo hesitated, hesitating to speak.

Harry interrupted him: "Don't worry, I won't be so indecisive."

Ludo nodded thoughtfully.

After Garen counted, Ludo jingled and left.

George and Fred swung the Galleon bag like a bolas.

"Let's go to Hogsmeade!"

"I've been wanting to try Ms. Rosmerta for a long time!"

George stopped immediately and looked at his younger brother with a complicated expression: "No, you can't, she is very old, even her father would not accept it, let alone her mother."

The "Ms. Rosmerta" they call is the owner of the best tavern in Hogsmeade, "The Three Broomsticks", a very charming lady.

She is not that outstanding in appearance, not as good as Hermione.

Not even among ordinary people.

But she is very attractive, regardless of personality, or figure.

A mature, wealthy woman who is the dream girl of many fifth, sixth and seventh year wizards at Hogwarts.

Sometimes, when the seniors got too drunk, men and women gathered and discussed how they could chase Ms. Rosmerta and make themselves the master of the Three Broomsticks.

Fred shook his head in horror before he realized what he had said. He opened his mouth and was about to explain: "No, I didn't mean that. Mrs. Rosmerta is very charming, but how could I?"

George became more frightened than Fred: "No, that's even more unlikely, Ms. Rosmerta is a decent person."

"I mean Dragon's Blood whiskey!" Fred's ears turned red with anger, and his voice was super loud. "A bottle of Dragon's Blood whiskey is one Galleon!"

George doubted: "Really?"

"Any other ideas?" Fred gritted his teeth and launched a money offensive, throwing money at George.

George was not to be outdone, they fought, dragged Hermione, and met Ron, who was notified by Harry's patron saint, at the door of the three broomsticks.

Once in the tavern.

Mr. Weasley lavishly dispensed two Galleons: "Ms. Rosmerta, two bottles of Dragon's Blood whiskey."

There are twelve uses of dragon's blood, which does not include being made into alcoholic drinks.

This is just a product of a bunch of drunks entertaining themselves.

As the most famous whiskey in the wizarding world, it is dangerous, especially pure dragon's blood whiskey.

Ms. Rosmerta dug two bottles from the wine cellar.

He took out five thumb-sized wine cups, glanced at Harry, hesitated, and replaced one of them with a normal-sized cup.

Glancing again at Hermione and Ron, she retracted the two cups.

The liquor was extremely viscous, with a snot-like texture, and the smell of alcohol and blood surged out together, making Hermione's eyes dazzled by the choking, and tears rolled out immediately.

George and Fred also looked a little ugly.

Oops, a little rushed!

Harry's expression remained unchanged, he shook his glass and took a sip.

The scorching breath sliced ​​open the throat and cut down the esophagus, almost wanting to burn the body.

There was a gleam in his eyes.

In the future, I will never scold the wizard's wine for not having enough taste. In terms of the taste and the stimulation it brings to the body, it is not much worse than that of the white seagull.

Harry blushed!

George and Fred turned greener.

They all know that Harry is a very drinkable person. After blowing a bottle of vodka and whiskey, his face does not blush and his heart does not beat. It takes all the young wizards of the Lion Court to drink Harry to this level. degree.

But now it's just one sip.

"Don't you want to drink?" Ms. Rosmerta looked at their hesitation and joked, "Of course, it's okay not to drink, after all, this is dragon's blood whiskey."

"Even the most mature man wouldn't order it, let alone you two little wizards."

George and Fred, who were about to walk down the slope, raised their hands in a gesture to push the wine over to Harry.

Ms. Rosmerta sighed and looked at Harry: "Unfortunately, Harry is too young, and"

She didn't speak, just smiled and looked at Hermione.

"If only I could meet a man who can drink dragon's blood whiskey in the future."

She leaned over the bar and rested her chin on her hands.

Hermione's eyes went straight.

George and Fred looked at each other, they took a deep breath, and saw the courage in each other's eyes, and Mrs. Rosmerta said so much, this wine must not be drunk.

Suffocated down.

The sky turns dizzy, the world is in their eyes, and they suddenly put on clothes.

It didn't take long for the two of them to start talking nonsense about marrying Mrs. Rosmerta back as Jordan Lee's wife when we finish the Weasley brothers' joke workshop.

The relationship was so messed up that Hermione and Mrs. Rosmerta couldn't even figure it out by snapping their fingers.

Harry was about to take money out of George's pocket and take them away, at least without throwing it out of the Gryffindor common room in embarrassment.

Hagrid pushed open the door and walked in.

With a dejected face on his face, he didn't look up at the people in the tavern. He lowered his head and walked familiarly to a corner, waving towards the counter in a half-dead way.

Madam Rosmerta waved her wand, and a box of wine that had been prepared earlier flew towards Hagrid.

Harry glanced at them briefly, and they were all high-strength alcohol.

"What's the matter with Professor Hagrid?" Harry let go, leaving George and Fred behind, who were giggling and arching forward like caterpillars.

"I'm not too sure." Rosmerta shook his head. "He's been like this since Christmas. He comes almost two or three times a week, and he comes every day during the holidays."

"While it's a good thing for me, Professor Hagrid is now the Three Broomsticks' biggest client."

"It's only been two months, and he spent more than a hundred Galleons with me."

The consumption of the three broomsticks is not high, after all, the little wizards of Hogwarts are also an important source of customers for this store.

Even if you come every day, or in a year, you may not be able to spend a hundred galleons on the three broomsticks.

"But I'm really worried about him. Although he is very strong, something will happen sooner or later." Rosmerta frowned, and his tone was sincere, not the kind of hypocrisy aimed at the guests.

Hermione tugged at Harry's sleeve.

"I heard it was because of feelings?" Rosmerta lowered his voice, "Have you heard of it?"

"It seems to be pursuing Ms. Maxim"

Ron responded to her: "Of course we know, or in other words, almost no one in Hogwarts doesn't know the news now."

"How could he think of pursuing Ms. Maxim, she is the principal of Beauxbaton." Ms. Rosmerta sighed again, "That kind of woman."

Harry interrupted her: "Ms. Maxime is just an ordinary headmaster."

Rosmerta looked at him in surprise.

As the headmaster of one of the three most outstanding magic schools in Europe, how could he use the word "average".

But on second thought.

With Harry's current achievements and performance, it is not too much to use such a word to describe Ms. Maxim.

"Hagrid is more than enough to match her." Harry emphasized his tone solemnly, "Although Hagrid looks clumsy, he can even easily make people feel incompetent."

"But he's the best master of magical creatures in the wizarding world right now."

Harry paused and added two words: "One."

Madame Rosmerta was even more surprised.

How could Hagrid get such a high opinion from Harry?

Harry got up, dropped two Galleons, paid for Hagrid's drink, and walked towards him.

He hadn't drunk much, and his head was still clear: "Harry, when did you come?"

"A little earlier than you." Harry sat down.

Hagrid waved his hands: "Sorry, I didn't see it, so you are now"

"Accompanying you for a drink, aren't you welcome?" Harry picked up a bottle of wine, tapped his wand, and the cork flew out.

Hagrid glanced enviously and nodded, "Of course, I welcome it."

Harry stopped talking, but had a drink with him in silence.

A witcher, a half-giant.

Alcohol is hardly a problem for them.

A case is quickly consumed.

Rosmerta hurriedly picked out the strongest batch from the remaining wine and sent it, frowning and waving his wand, using food magic, to brew the strong wine.

I also asked Ron for help to send a letter. There are not many materials for brewing wine in the tavern-magic cannot conjure food out of thin air, and food magic is just to speed up the production steps.

With company, Hagrid drank more.

Until it got dark, he was finally drunk and lay unconscious on the table.

Harry was also a little half drunk, waved his wand, floated Hagrid away, and added three Galleons.

"Mr. Potter, are you all right?" Mrs. Rosmerta's face turned pale. On the one hand, she was tired from constantly casting spells, and on the other hand, she was also frightened by them.

She had never seen such fierce two people.

Three cases of spirits!

Normal people can't even drink so much water!

Harry shook his head: "Don't worry, it's okay."

He took out a bottle of potion from his hat, and after drinking it, the drunkenness slowly subsided.

The next day, after Hagrid sobered up, Harry continued to drink with him.

Until Sunday night.

After being hungover for three days in a row, Hagrid cried out with a wow.

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