At night, Harry slept as an Animagus.

He began to understand why many people who know Animagus are more willing to use Animagus-it is indeed more comfortable to maintain an animal form than a human.

to say the reason

Harry felt that it was probably because in the animal form, the brain was not as developed as that of a human being, and he was forced to empty his head, without so many messy thoughts, so he naturally became comfortable.

The reason why people suffer in life is that there are too many things in their minds.

Turned into a wolf, and unable to think so much in his mind, Harry had a good night's sleep.

Woke up the next day feeling refreshed.

After exercising, drag Sirius and Lupine out of bed while still sleeping in.

Had breakfast.

In Harry's room.

The three sat side by side.

Lupine held out his hand, about to undress himself.

"Uncle Remus, please respect yourself." Harry waved his wand to stop his behavior.

"Remus?" Sirius also asked him cautiously.

Lupine was also puzzled: "Don't you need to check my body?"

Harry shook his head: "I have a few methods in my mind, try those methods first, and if it doesn't work, then see if there are other reasons."


The word made Lupine dizzy.

Wolf's disease can almost be labeled as an "incurable disease". For thousands of years, countless masters of potions and cures who have tried to solve "Wolf's disease" have all failed.

The only thing that can alleviate it is the "Wolfwolf Potion" in recent years, which can only make the werewolves maintain their sanity when they go berserk.

When Harry opened his mouth, it was "how many"?

The gap between people can really be so large.

Harry pulled a piece of parchment out of his pocket and spread it out on the table.

Werewolves were such creatures that he had encountered quite a few during his journey as a demon hunter.

Not unique to this world.

The werewolves of the two worlds are also extremely similar.

The werewolf in this world is a disease called "lustrous disease".

In that world, the appearance of werewolves was due to a disease called "lycanthropy". The onset forms of werewolves in the two worlds are almost exactly the same.

During the full moon, it will turn into a werewolf uncontrollably, lose its mind, and kill regardless of enemy or friend.


In that world, some werewolf patients can maintain their sanity in the wolf state - this is very similar to the performance of taking wolf poison potion, and even some werewolves can freely control their own transformation.

Since the werewolves of both worlds are so similar.

You can also refer to the treatment method.

"The first method." Harry picked up the quill and wrote on the paper, "A garment made of five pieces of parsley, to be worn when you become a werewolf, and to spend the night safely."

"Parsley?" Lupine hesitated, repeating the words.

Harry nodded.

"They don't even seem like magical materials?" Sirius hesitated, too, but he wasn't sure.

"It's really not a magic ingredient." Harry affirmed him, "It's just an ordinary ingredient, and it was included in the side dish last night."

"Can that thing work?" Sirius continued to hesitate.

Harry's tone was calm: "I don't know if it's feasible, but let's give it a try. Besides the pungent taste, parsley has no side effects."

Lupine nodded.

Harry finished writing this one, and then said: "The second method is to use virgin tears to concoct a potion. I will persuade Professor Snape to help with the research."

Both Lupine and Sirius had unspeakable awkwardness on their faces.


Ask Snape to help.

Sirius hesitated to speak, clenched his fists, and finally turned his head away, as if he didn't hear Harry's words, he really didn't want to ask Snape for help, but if Lupin's wolf syndrome could be solved, he thought he could Accept it all.

"The third method." Harry raised his pen, and just wrote a few words, then suddenly stopped, "Forget it, let's forget about this method."

Sirius was in a hurry, and grabbed Harry's hand: "Don't worry, why don't you just use the third method?"

"Although there are already two, isn't it more likely that there are multiple paths?"

Harry remained expressionless: "The third method is for the werewolf's lover to express pure and unconditional love to the werewolf, so that the werewolf will accept and respond with pure and unconditional love from the heart."

Spit out this long paragraph.

The two adults in the room froze.

"Of course I hope this method can also come in handy." Harry pointed the tip of the quill on the table and said softly, "but the question is, what about my lover?"

Lupine looked down, Sirius smirked.

"Not only Uncle Remus," Harry said emphatically, "and my dear godfather."

"You two, together, can you make up a relationship?"

Sirius argued: "Remus is Remus, I am me, I am different from Remus, when I was at Hogwarts, I was still very popular."

"Besides James, I'm the one who gets the most love letters."

Harry was very calm, and continued to ask the question just now: "So, the two of you, together, can you make a relationship?"

Sirius opened his mouth, lowered his head, and stopped talking.

"So this method is not feasible." Even so, Harry still wrote the passage on the paper, "Of course, if you can find me an aunt, Uncle Remus, this method can still be tried .”

Lupine smiled wryly.

How did he find it?

No one is willing to fall in love with a werewolf, let alone marry and give true love.

Sirius sat and watched the joke.

"If you find it difficult." Harry added, "You can help my dear godfather find a lover first, and learn from it."

Sirius was taken aback.

What does it have to do with me?

I am not a werewolf, so I don't need detoxification!

"I agree." Lupine nodded. "The sole heir to the Black family, this title is very popular."

Harry followed with a sigh: "Young, handsome, rich, and alone."

"If I were a woman, I'd like to marry him." Lupine echoed.

Sirius got goosebumps from their disgust: "Forget it, don't, this is not good."

"Same age." Harry maintained a blank expression, "James' children are already fifteen years old, and I went to see them when they were sixteen. You don't even have a girlfriend."

Sirius was ashamed: "Harry, please, stop talking."

"Why are you like my great-great-grandfather?"

Last year, he had been to the headmaster's office, and his great-great-grandfather, the most unpopular headmaster, had stopped him and said much the same thing Harry was saying now.

Black is the only one left. It's time to get married, learn from the Weasleys, and have more children. Even if they can't surpass the Weasleys in quality, at least they can't fall behind in quantity.


When he returned to Potter's old house, his great-great-grandfather would come over boldly and even persuade Fremont to urge the marriage together.

Harry stopped talking.

Lupine nodded and emphasized: "This is very important."

"There's a fourth way," Harry went on, and Sirius heaved a sigh of relief.

Lupine sat down again and listened carefully.

"Find what turns you into a werewolf," Harry said softly.

Lupine was taken aback.

He looked past Harry, past the closed door, and across the turbulent river of time rolling forward, seeing the events of that day again.

"I was born into a wizarding family." He took a deep breath and said slowly, "My father is very good, and my mother is also very good. I should have had a very happy childhood."

"But because of some conflicts."

"My father had some conflicts with Fenrir Greyback, one of the most notorious and brutal werewolves."

Speaking of which, Luping paused.

"I've complained and hated my dad, but I never thought he did something wrong."

"Greyback did to every little wizard he hurt, turning me into a werewolf at the age of four."

Harry asked: "Bite, or by cursing?"

"Bite." Lupine replied very calmly, "It's a pity that my parents treated my injury immediately, otherwise I would have let you see the scar."

His voice gradually became cheerful: "Let me tell you, that scar is really scary. At that time, I didn't realize how scary werewolves are. I cried because of that scar."

"Where is Greyback usually haunted?" Harry asked.

"You want to hunt him?" Lupine was keenly aware of Harry's intentions.

Harry nodded.

"I don't recommend it." Lupine shook his head immediately, "Harry, I know you are very powerful, but it's not worth letting you take such a big risk, that's a werewolf."

"Even if you are bitten, you will become..."

Harry said softly, "I know."

After speaking, he paused: "It's just that the godfather is right, one more method, more possibilities."

"Also, if the first few methods don't work, let's try this method again."

Harry paused again: "Uncle Remus, if you don't want me to go to Greyback, then please hurry up and find true love, otherwise I think it's more reliable to catch that thing."

Lupine smiled wryly and nodded: "I will fight for it."

the next half month.

Harry has been reading books about werewolves, and occasionally went out for racing with Sirius and Dudley—of course, in more cases, the Sorting Hat went out to race himself, and sometimes returned to Hogwarts to paint the portrait of Gryffindor. steal out.

The letters between him and Snape became more and more intensive, even more than the letters between Hermione, sometimes several a day.

Hedwig relives the exhaustion of her second-year summer vacation.

Mr. Snape didn't have a telephone at home, even though Hedwig stuffed him with several telephone leaflets, it didn't have any effect.

At first, Snape didn't want to say yes.

But when Harry revealed that if Professor Snape was unwilling to help, he could only go to Knockturn Alley or other gathering places of dark wizards to find Fenrir Greyback's intentions.

Severus Snape immediately agreed and listed this as Harry's summer homework. If he didn't do well, he would be deducted twenty house points for a class after the term started.

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