From the south of Great Britain to the northwest of Great Britain, two hundred miles.

They worry about Harry.

Those Death Eaters were far more loyal to their master than they seemed. At least that's the case with Barty Crouch Jr., who hasn't been seen since he replaced Professor Moody.

Although many people in the Order of the Phoenix suspected that that person was not Barty Crouch Jr., no matter whether that person was or not, it was an indisputable fact that there was a servant who was extremely loyal to the mysterious person.

Even if Harry was strong, stronger than most of them.

But in their eyes, he was still a child, a child who had no choice but to stand up and undertake these things.

The next day, Tonks and Arthur set off, followed by Sirius. He didn't like the gloomy old house of Black, and he hardly had any good memories of it. In his life, he could be compared with Azkaban place.

Arthur agreed to Sirius' request and let him drive.

Although motorcycles and automobiles are fundamentally different words under the two roots.

But they are all Muggle machines driven by wheels, and a car is nothing more than two more wheels than a motorcycle.

Arthur didn't think there was any problem, and Sirius swears by it.

They come back at night.

From Hermione's pale face, Tonks' haggard and yellowed hair, from the scratched exterior paint, and the smashed headlights, it can be seen that this was not such a pleasant journey-although Sirius and Asia Se was very excited.

Of course, the most exciting thing is that with Blake back, they can finally clean up the house.

Cleaning up is useless.

There were counter-curses almost everywhere in Black's old house, and the magic couldn't take effect. Molly tried to break it by force, but the price was the damage of a table, which scared the Weasleys enough—how much would a medieval table cost.

Sirius didn't care.

He wanted to throw out everything with the Black family crest.

Harry and the others, after studying every day, will clean up with Mrs. Molly.

The dirt in the corners and crevices of the room is fine. Although magic can't directly affect these things, it can still manipulate cleaning tools. The most troublesome thing is those magic creatures that don't know where they will come out.

Especially Hu Meizi.

This kind of magical creature with vitality and reproductive ability far surpasses cockroaches. They usually live in curtains and cabinets. They have no fixed mating period, and they have no concept of controlling the population according to the ecological environment.

One mating can produce five or six hundred eggs, which usually hatch in two to three weeks, grow and mature in half a month, and start a new round of egg laying.

Black's old house has become a paradise for foxes.

Moreover, this kind of creature is small in size, but the danger is not low. Their teeth are poisonous, and one or two are fine, but if they are bitten by dozens of foxes at the same time, the poison is fierce and even life-threatening.

Sirius and Lupine took on the job of eliminating the foxes, and the progress was very slow-Harry hoped that they could collect the foxes venom by the way, which is a rare commodity that rarely appears on the market, not because it is precious, but because the foxes The venom never works.

Little wizards are sent out to do the less strenuous work.

Take down those things in the house that Sirius doesn't like.

For example, those things on the walls of the corridor on the second floor.

Hermione frowned, looking at the heads of the house elves that were kept alive by magic: "My God, how could these things happen. Even house elves shouldn't be like this."

She didn't like creatures like house-elves, which had troubled Harry too much.

But this kind of creature has served the Black family after all, so it is a bit too much to end up like this.

"Dirty Mudblood, you don't understand at all, this is Rong." The old hoarse voice suddenly came from behind them, disdain, contempt, hatred, these emotions mixed together formed the tone of this sentence.

Just couldn't finish the sentence.

Harry turned and raised his hand.


The air wave impacted, pushing the creature who said these words away, and slammed into the wall fiercely, and the sound of wood and bone shattering sounded at the same time.

He flicked his wand again.

Lock shadow lock shape!

Stretching the nearby space, the sticky and muddy phantom ripples spread out.

Only then did Hermione and Ron get a clear look at the creature—an old house-elf, with only a blackened rag around his body, revealing that it was pale, sagging and folded several times. skin, the old rickety body is staring at an equally old head, a pair of pointed ears hang limply on the shoulders, there is no more hair on its head, the white hair representing age, rooted in piles from the ears come out.

"Black's house-elf?" Harry asked, looking at him.

Kreacher nodded hard.

Sirius and Lupine, who were attracted by the noise in the hall, poked their heads out: "What's wrong?"

"Oh, Kreacher?" Sirius sneered. "Harry, what did it do?"

"Said some bad words to Hermione." Harry said calmly.

Kreacher said very hard: "Mudblood is"

Clean it up!

Harry waved his wand.

"Gululu" Kreacher's words turned into a series of soap bubbles floating out of his mouth.

"I hope you can understand one thing." Harry said mildly, "Now we are the guests of Black's old house, at least, keep some courtesy to the guests, okay?"

Kreacher struggled, eyes full of resentment.

"Kreacher! Listen to Harry." Sirius yelled, "From today on, he is also the owner of Black's old house."

Kreacher was startled, struggling and twisting, and reluctantly nodded.

Clean it up.

The same spell was cast, and the foam in Kreacher's mouth was emptied.

"So, do you know what to say now?" Harry asked.

Kreacher lowered his head: "I'm sorry, Miss, I shouldn't have said that." After saying this, he restrained himself from holding his head firmly, so as not to turn aside and say something he shouldn't have said.

"Very good." Harry nodded, waved his hand, and dispelled the spell he had cast.

The house-elf gave Harry a horrified look, shut his mouth tightly, and started cursing after walking away, such as "bastard blood traitor, prodigal son", "dirty and disgusting werewolf", "damn half-blood kid", Only he dared not utter the word "mudblood" again.

"Sorry, Hermione." Sirius apologized, "I didn't discipline it well."

Hermione shook her head, "It doesn't matter."

"It has served in my house for a long time." Sirius couldn't help showing disgust on his face, "Just like my mother, he is a pure-blooded fool with a mouth that is more vicious than Snape's."

"You still keep it?" Harry asked.

Sirius shook his head: "I wanted to throw him a piece of clothing from the beginning and let him go wherever he should, but Dumbledore stopped me and told me not to do it."

"Oh, it's normal. He always follows a pair of vixen in his mind about such trivial matters, and it's like laying eggs several times." Harry nodded, waved his wand, the mop on the ground twisted, and the cloth strips became With one hand, he took off the heads of the elves on the wall.

"I buried them in the garden?" Harry asked.

Sirius waved his hand: "Whatever, it's best to lose it."

He doesn't care about these things at all.

"What did the elf want to say just now?" Hermione watched Sirius and Lupine walk back to the living room, and the pungent fox-killer in the air made her sneezed.

Harry led them downstairs together, with a calm tone: "It wants to say, this is an honor."

"Glory?" Hermione couldn't believe it.

Ron nodded: "Although my family doesn't have house-elves, I heard that other pure-blood families do."

"Why?" Hermione couldn't understand.

"This is a creature whose highest mission is to serve its master." Harry pushed open the courtyard door, "After death, it can also be used as an decoration for the master's house. Isn't it an honor for them? ?”

Startled, Hermione turned her head and looked in the direction where Kreacher disappeared.

Harry waved his wand, dug a hole, buried the heads, pulled out a seed, and planted it.

"My dad and the others will definitely like this creature very much." Hermione suddenly said with emotion.

Ron looked at her: "Huh?"

"No wages, serious work, and even the last ounce of value for the owner after death." Hermione explained simply, "My dad will definitely love this creature to death. Last month, he had a relationship with the hospital because of labor. employees have negotiated."

The Grangers are dentists.

They have their own clinic, which is small in scale, but there are more than a dozen employees, large and small, making a lot of money, and the monthly staff expenses are also high.

Mr. Granger has complained more than once that his employees always want easier work, but want to get more salary.

Hermione didn't quite agree with her father's statement.

But she could understand how eager her father was for workers who didn't have to be paid.

"Your family still employs people to work!" Ron was shocked.

Hermione briefly introduced the environment of her own dental clinic.

Ron was even more shocked: "Your hospital has more than ten employees!"

Hermione nodded.

Ron snapped his fingers, calculated for a while, and exclaimed in a tone: "Hermione, I know your family is very rich, but I didn't expect that there would be this kind of money."

He looked at Hermione, this little girl seemed to be shining like gold, with the light of Galleons all over her body.

They continue to clean up.

Ron asked from time to time, what kind of experience is it like to be so rich in the world of ordinary people, is it the same as being rich in the world of wizards-although he is a wizard, he has never been rich.

Hermione answered patiently.

Before dinner, Dumbledore came over and waved to Hermione and Harry: "Harry, and Hermione, come here, I have something to ask you."

Ron followed them.

"Ron, I just want to ask them two." Dumbledore greeted him with a smile.

Ron paused, a little aggrieved.

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