Hogwarts: Harry Returns From The Witcher

Chapter 263 What Are You Afraid Of?

Neville gripped his sword tightly, his robes drenched with sweat, and stared at Harry firmly and heavily.

This is his seventeenth "death".

"That's it." Harry put away his sword.

Neville shook his head, gritted his teeth, and forced himself to spit out the words from the gap in his throat: "I can do it, I can do it!"

"One mistake, you've made it three times." Harry raised his finger, "Is your brain still good enough?"

Neville looked a little confused.

Harry continued softly, "I've been killing you in the same way since three times ago."

"Spell attack."

"Sword harassment."

"The last death-killing curse, of course, I replaced it with an impeding curse, just changing the color and the nature of the magic power."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while and looked at Neville: "Do you still remember how you dealt with it these three times?"

Neville turned slightly pale.

he remembered.

These three times, my coping methods were similar. I fought spells with Harry and swordsmanship with Harry, and then I was overturned and hit the ground. I couldn't dodge, so I had to swallow the deadliest spell.

"There is no quality, Neville." Harry shook his head, "No matter how many times you are in your current state, it will not be able to promote your growth. Take a good rest and use your brain well."

Neville took a deep breath, nodded, and scabbard his sword, about to hand it to Harry.

"I don't like your birthday present." Harry raised his hand and pushed it back.

Neville was taken aback.

Harry's tone was calm, just like the snowy night outside the window: "A sword that has not been stained with blood is not a qualified sword."

Neville gripped the scabbard tightly, rolled it behind his back, and nodded heavily.

Harry looked at the two audience members: "Are you coming?"

Ron shrunk his neck, looked at Neville's thick blood-stained robe, and was just about to refuse.

Hermione had already responded: "Of course."

She didn't flinch.

Harry glanced at her, but didn't refuse.

There will be no cowards in Gryffindor. Even if Ron has the heart to shrink back, he is not afraid, but just feels that he is unnecessary.

Harry drew his sword again.

"Harry, you said it, it's actual combat." Hermione stared at the sword in Harry's hand, her tone dissatisfied.

Harry put the wooden sword back and drew the Gryffindor sword.

"Ready?" Harry asked her.

Hermione took a deep breath and raised her wand.

"Then I'll start." Harry informed him, waving his wand.


The milky white mist engulfed the only light source in the room. Originally, an oil lamp could only provide limited vision, but when the mist came, the vision became worse.

There is light, but nothing can be seen clearly.

Hermione took a deep breath and held her wand to her chest.

I have seen this scene myself, and I still remember it.

Used it when Harry and Snape dueled in second year.

How did Professor Snape cope?

In short, it is not rash to hand over "Curse Standing".

"Call God for protection."

She whispered the spell, and the silver-white lioness sprang out from the wand and landed quietly. The magic creature's perception of magic power was much stronger than the wizard's. It squinted its eyes, growled in one direction, and bristled.

Terrific threat.

The flames are blazing!

With a wave of her magic wand, the flames surged forward, devouring the mist, and also devouring the "threat" in that direction.

"Wrong guessing punch." Harry suddenly appeared from the other side, and together with him, there were several deformed creatures, looking towards Hermione.

"No." Hermione spread her other hand.


The Weasley fireworks burst out and exploded in front of him, like a hedgehog, hot sparks hit Harry, igniting the few branches and vines.

Neville was surprised.

Can it still be like this?

Compared with Hermione, his tactics seemed too dull.

"Don't compare with her." Ron leaned over, "Hermione is the most devoted to Professor Potter's dueling class. There are so many papers that she can build a cat's nest for Crookshanks. She has almost every spell. wrote a dissertation."

"Then I'll borrow it for reference." Neville was startled and clenched his fists.

Not only is the ability inferior, but even the level of effort is inferior.

I thought I was working hard.

Ron flipped through the schoolbag: "I have it, copied it."

The battle in the classroom continues.

Hermione's idea was good, but the effect was mediocre. The sparks splashed on the robe, burned the robe, but adhered to the leather armor. That weak magic power couldn't burn through the basilisk leather armor at all.

As for the deformation creation.

Maybe a year ago, Harry would still have some headaches, but not now.

To complete the transformation brought about by Animagus, just wave the wand lightly, and the wooden vines will shake and turn into iron.

In the blink of an eye, Hermione was tied up.

Neville murmured, "It's over."

It was like this when he was dueling with Harry, as long as one was not careful, whether it was restricted by the Transfiguration Curse or by a magic spell, his movement and ability to cast spells would mean death.

Ron's and Neville's views were about the same.

But Hermione, who was tied up, didn't think so.

"Thunderbolt Explosion!"

She resolutely said the spell.

Boom—the thunder was loud, and the spell was not aimed at Harry, but at itself.

She controlled the magic power delicately, just right enough to explode the iron shackles without causing too much damage to herself.


In this instant.

A red light shot out from the smoke.

Harry's face was expressionless, the spell hit the Quinn's seal, the golden light rippled and rippled, and with a light wave of his wand, a bottle of potion that was about to fall at his feet stopped in mid-air and flew to his chest in a hover.

With the other hand, the long sword slashed and stopped abruptly in front of Hermione's neck.

"It's over now."

Neville watched in shock.

Harry hurriedly put down the sword in his hand, fished Hermione out of the smoke, and treated her injury—it wasn't serious, only the part of the arm that was blown apart was slightly burned. Potion of healing.

"Hermione." Harry drawled, a little helplessly.

"The gap in strength is too great, I can't help it." Hermione gasped, "I can only resist like this."

"It will make you look like a Gryffindor." Harry didn't show mercy, and Bai Xian carefully applied it to every place.

Hermione retorted: "I was originally a Gryffindor."

Harry patted her on the head lightly: "Take a good rest, I have to think about how to teach you practical lessons."

Hermione conjured a chair for herself and sat down beside it.

Harry greeted the last person: "Ron."

He didn't ask Ron if he wanted to.

At this time, Ron has no other choice. It is impossible for the other two to agree to actual combat, but he himself refuses.

Hermione sat down.

Neville looked left and right, took several deep breaths, and looked at Hermione: "Hermione, why did you do that in the end?"

"Why?" Hermione was taken aback, "There is no reason."

"If you had to find a reason, didn't Harry say that you should treat him as an enemy."

"Since facing the enemy, it is natural to use all means. Being caught will be the time when the other party relaxes its vigilance the most. At this time, at the cost of a little injury, if you seize this opportunity, you may be able to solve the enemy."

She sighed, a little disappointed: "But Harry is obviously not a person who will let his guard down."

Neville stared blankly at Hermione.

He thought that he could surpass Hermione in belief anyway, but now it seemed that he hadn't even surpassed this.

"Aren't you afraid?" He asked subconsciously.

Hermione looked at him inexplicably: "What are you afraid of?"

Neville hesitated, he didn't know what he was afraid of, it was just subconscious, he had this state and feeling.

"You're not afraid of getting hurt." Hermione analyzed it for him, "Harry is a bit ruthless, but in your current situation, you really need to be encouraged hard."

"Are you afraid that Harry will be hurt? Or did you really kill Harry by mistake?"

"Don't worry, we can't do this yet."

"You and Harry have been dueling for so long that even Quinn didn't break it."

Neville's expression didn't change.

Hermione nodded thoughtfully: "You're not afraid of this, so what are you afraid of?"

"Are you worried about the enemies you may encounter in the future?"

"Barty Crouch Jr.?"

Neville shivered subconsciously, he couldn't remember what happened that night - grandma and uncle had cast an amnesia spell on him, extracting the memory, but his parents' stupid and stupid appearance had been deeply imprinted on him. in his heart.

He reached into his pocket and gripped the wrapper tightly.

"You're afraid of him." Hermione affirmed her thoughts, "So you're not firm enough."

Neville shook his head and exhaled, "I'm not afraid of him!"

Ron was beaten badly.

Although his class time was as long as Hermione's, he was not as meticulous in theory as Hermione's. With all means, he could barely make himself live a few more seconds.

"Harry." Neville stood up and drew his sword, "I'm ready."

Harry grabbed Ron, and Hagrid lifted him around his waist like he was gnashing his teeth, and looked back: "Really ready?"

Neville nodded.

Harry pushed Ron away.

A few herbal seeds were thrown by Neville through the blind spot of his vision, and they grew out of thin air. They were devil vines, controlled by him, and swept towards Harry.

Suddenly, without any greeting.

Harry nodded with relief: "That's how it should be, we are enemies."

How can there be a life-and-death struggle before, but also respectful salutes, greetings, and polite reminders.

The struggle between life and death is a struggle that abandons all dignity.

Use your wand, your sword, your fists, your teeth, use everything you can to kill your enemies, and let the flames of vengeance consume them.

Neville was no longer afraid.

Then he was beaten even worse.

In the end, he had to be carried out of the abandoned classroom by Harry.

"It's over?" Filch had been waiting outside the classroom, and greeted Harry briskly, "Professor Black was attracted, and I managed to persuade him to leave."

Mrs. Norris was not there. Filch was very worried about the pet issue some time ago, so he handed Mrs. Norris to Crookshanks, and asked her to stay in the girls' dormitory with the ginger kitten, and stay in Hershey's. Only by Min and Harry's side can he feel at ease.

"Thank you." Harry and the others greeted him, hurried upstairs, and went straight to the school infirmary.

Even in the middle of the night, Madam Pomfrey could hardly get a rest.

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