The speaker was a strange tall, thin, pale man with a goatee.

Surrounded by many people.

Scrimgeour stood by his side, wand in hand, cautiously.

"Dear Pierce, isn't it normal for me to be here?" Dumbledore greeted him warmly.

Thickness shook his head, and hugged Dumbledore: "Professor Dumbledore, I'm really surprised that you still remember me. When I was at Hogwarts, I was always very ordinary."

"I don't think that the outstanding students who get five O's in NEWT will be mediocre." Dumbledore smiled slightly, "You have been very quiet, you are the most typical Ravenclaw, which headmaster will forget the most important thing in every house? What about token children?"

"It's just that I didn't expect you to be the Minister of Magic."

Sinix looked at Dumbledore in surprise: "I didn't expect it, I thought I would sit in the position of deputy director until retirement, and now young people are better than one, no matter Rufus or Kingsley , colleagues may feel that an old guy should sit in this position to feel at ease, it is really pedantic."

"Of course, I didn't even expect that, Professor, you still remember so many things about me."

"Even I almost forgot what grade I got in the NEWT exam. Can I get 5 O's?"

Dumbledore shook his head: "Although I still want to relive the good old days at Hogwarts with you, my dear Pierce, this is not the time to exchange pleasantries. Voldemort has been resurrected."

Same as everyone.

When the new Minister of Magic heard the name, his body shivered honestly.

"He's really resurrected?" Thicknesses stammered. "Connelly's been saying...I mean, he's been denying it."

Kingsley spoke with a heavy tone: "Minister, I think it's true, I witnessed it with my own eyes."

Thickness's already pale face was even bloodless now.

"Is he really resurrected, is he really back?"

His voice was trembling, and the typhoon rustled like dead wood.

The other officials of the Ministry of Magic who followed, including Scrimgeour, put on a filter with a black and white frame.

"Yes." Kingsley replied with a hoarse voice, "The mysterious man is back."

Thinknes gasped, wishing he would die of a heart attack on the spot.

"But there is good news." Kingsley clapped his hands and made a crisp sound, attracting the attention of others, "Mr. Potter can deal with him, just now in the vault, Mr. Potter fought with him, cut off He has one arm."

"He's getting very weak now."

Thicknesses breathed a sigh of relief.

Harry shook his head: "But he'll be strong again soon."

Thicknesses sucked back the exhaled air: "But Mr. Potter, you are not."

"Can you make other people not be afraid of Voldemort?" Harry looked at him.

Thicknesse said nothing, and Scrimgeour lowered his head.

Not afraid of the mysterious man?

They can't even control themselves, and even they are still afraid and afraid of the mysterious person, so how can they persuade others to abandon this emotion.

"Voldemort's name is magical." Harry shook his head. "The more frightened he is, the stronger he will be. It may not be long. Even if his strength does not return to its peak, the difference will not be too great."

The surrounding air became thinner again.

The scarier the stronger

After they knew it, they couldn't control their hearts even more.

"What's the Ministry going to do?" Harry looked at him.

Thicknesses was silent.

He hesitated for a while, and hesitated to speak: "Fear will breed the power of the mysterious man? Is this true, Professor Dumbledore."

"I think so." Dumbledore nodded. "His name has very ancient Dark Arts."

"Those who fear others will become the anchor of his strength."

Thinknes took a deep breath: "Then I'm afraid the Ministry of Magic will have to find a way to suppress this news. We can't let more people know this news and continue to provide him with power."

"No, they should know." Harry shook his head. "Whether those people know or not doesn't affect Voldemort's power."

"Only when they know the truth can they settle down and at least protect themselves, even if they feel they are being protected."

Thickness shook his head: "Mr. Potter, I understand your thoughts, but this kind of thinking is too naive"

"No, Mr Thicknesse," interrupted Harry, "you don't have to convince me that what the Ministry does is your business."

"I'm just stating to you my point of view and what I might do next."

Thicknesses was taken aback.

Scrimgeour was also taken aback, and after a while, he realized: "Harry, are you planning to let Skeeter publish the news of Voldemort's return on the Quibbler?"

"Why not?" Harry countered.

Thickness frowned: "Mr. Potter, you should cooperate with the Ministry of Magic in such matters."

"The Ministry of Magic has let me down," interrupted Harry. "Last year, Dumbledore took pains to remind us that Voldemort is coming back, but what good is that?"

"Dumbledore did all this, in exchange for criticism from the Daily Prophet."

"In order to cover up the truth, anything can be said."

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, looked from bottom to top, looked at Sinex, and asked, "So is the Ministry of Magic interrogating Fudge now?"

"Interrogation?" Thickness opened his mouth slightly, surprised, "Why did Connelly have to be interrogated, he just neglected his duty"

"Dereliction of duty?" Harry interrupted him again, with a sharp tone, "Can those things Fudge do be summed up in such a fluffy word?"

Thicknesses wanted to say something.

Harry raised his hand and poked lightly on his chest: "In order to cover up his fear, ignore the fact that those six people are Death Eaters, can this be called dereliction of duty?"

"In order to cover up my fault, I wrote gossip about me and Professor Dumbledore in the "Daily Prophet". Can this be called dereliction of duty?"

"Even to show how right he is, to put the "butcher of Little Hangleton" on my head and try my "crime", can this also be called dereliction of duty?"

A series of questions made all the officials of the Ministry of Magic present hang their heads and dare not speak.

The things that Fudge once did, now it seems that they are indeed too much.

"For Professor Dumbledore's sake, I've always regarded him as a piece of air." Harry continued with a calm tone, "But that doesn't mean I don't have any objections to him."

"Everyone be decent."

"The Ministry of Magic interrogated him for his crimes, as he should."

"Don't ask me to do it myself, it will be ugly."

Thinknes' complexion became ugly—no high-ranking person was willing to accept this kind of threat, and still be so naked in public.

"Mr. Potter, Fudge is Fudge, and I am me." Thickness shook his head, "You can completely trust me."

Harry waved his hand: "Do you trust you?"

"Maybe I can trust you, but how long have you been in office and has the Ministry changed?"

Thinknes opened his mouth, unable to speak.

"Harry," said Dumbledore, "you shouldn't be so against the Ministry of Magic."

"Wizards stay out of politics." Harry looked back.

This is what he said in the second grade.

"But to deal with Voldemort, we need help, and the Ministry of Magic is a very reliable helper." Dumbledore smiled, "Pierce, let's have a good discussion when we have time, shall we?"

Thickness nodded: "Of course, no problem, dear Professor Dumbledore."

Harry gave him a deep look: "I hope that when dealing with Voldemort, you will not forget the responsibilities of the Ministry of Magic."

Thinknes opened his mouth, but did not speak.

They leave.

The Aurors were busy starting to deal with the aftermath. Gringotts was too badly destroyed, and the repair work was a headache for them. Not only that, they also had to determine the identities of the victims, more than twenty of them, Muggles There are both wizards and wizards, and they need to have an explanation to the outside world.

Thicknesses dealt with reporters from the Daily Prophet.

Harry, Dumbledore, Sirius and Tonks who were waiting outside walked back to the Leaky Cauldron together.

The already dirty environment became even more filthy after a step on it, and the tense atmosphere in the air has not dissipated.

Old Tom sat at the counter and sighed. There were so many people just now, but no one stopped and was willing to pay even a knut into his pocket.

"Four glasses of whiskey." As soon as he entered the bar, Sirius couldn't wait to rush to speak.

"Three whiskeys and a glass of honey water." Harry corrected him.

Sirius pinched his waist: "I'd rather drink butterbeer."

Harry called again: "Two whiskeys, a glass of honey water, and a bottle of butterbeer."

"Isn't the honey water for me?" Sirius was a little dumbfounded.

Harry glanced at him. "That's obviously Professor Dumbledore's."

Dumbledore blinked innocently his blue eyes.

"Tom, it's three glasses, three glasses of whiskey!" Sirius hurriedly turned his head away, "No one drinks butterbeer."

They sat in the remotest corner, farthest from the bar, and waited for Old Tom to bring the drinks.

"Professor Dumbledore, that Mr. Thicknesse, is he still Mr. Thicknesse?" Harry asked straight to the point.

Dumbledore nodded: "You didn't even notice anything unusual, let alone me?"

"He reacted a lot like Pierce should have reacted, and that's who he is."

"However, this does not rule out the Imperius Curse."

"It's a spell that even I don't know."

Harry frowned, the magical power of the Imperius Curse was very weak, and he wouldn't even notice it unless he cast it in front of him.

"Do you think there are Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic?" Dumbledore asked back.

Harry sneered: "When hasn't it been in the Ministry of Magic?"

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