Not only magic, but also vitality.

But the extracted life force did not flow into the crown, but gathered inside the stage, making the light on it shine brighter and brighter.

Voldemort whispered.

"Using the wand as the material, the power of this world is shaped into bone."

A golden light flashed on the stage.

Click, click, click——

The wand flew up and was inserted on the bank of the black lake. It grew instantly, like a tree, with branches extending out like a skeleton without flesh and blood.

"Using the white frost as the material, the power of the other world molded it into flesh and blood."

Voldemort spoke the second sentence.

Frost is coming.

At the beginning of spring, which is close to summer, suddenly there is heavy wind and snow, and the temperature suddenly becomes cold.

Snow is falling.

A thin layer accumulates in the blink of an eye.

The students at Hogwarts looked out the window in surprise. It snowed suddenly this season, which was really a rare thing. They looked outside eagerly. If it wasn't for class, some of them would have wanted to go out and have a snowball fight. , and some people secretly waved their magic wands to create a layer of fluff in their robes.

Dumbledore looked out the window.

Abnormal wind and snow, but it is not the effect of the weather spell.

What will it be?

Is the Wild Hunt coming?

He looked at the Marauder's Map, and there was still no name on it that shouldn't be in Hogwarts at this time.

He stood up, walked towards the place where Crouch was being held.

This was a sensitive moment, and he had to be careful about any violation. Harry was so attentive, and he couldn't let him hold him back.

And next to the lake.

A large amount of white frost and wind and snow start from the feet of the skeleton, spread and climb bit by bit, surrounding the bones, shaping a concrete and natural body.

Pale, without any blood.

"Using magic as the material, I will reshape my life with my will."

Voldemort said the third sentence.

A click——

On Karkaroff's body, cracks emerged from the dusty shell condensed by the magic spell. The effect was still there, but his life breath was draining faster.

at the same time.

The golden light on the stage became more brilliant and dazzling.

In the ice and snow, the water in the Black Lake began to surge and seemed to be boiling.

Hogwarts Castle also shook slightly.

With a click, the golden light pried open an invisible contract.

Huge, majestic magic power was extracted from it, and a light blue, dreamlike light fell into the crown.

Click, click, click——

There were also several small cracks on the crown.

The black mist surged, gathered with the blue magic power, entangled and intertwined, and was projected into the flesh and blood.

It seems that I can hear a little vibration in my chest.

There was gradually some breathing in the nose.

With the crown shattered and Voldemort fully dedicating his soul to the creation of a new body, the effect of the Imperius Curse was completely ineffective.

Karkaroff only struggled slightly to escape the restraints of the Imperius Curse.


He can't escape.

His body was frostbitten and he had almost no consciousness, and his vitality was almost completely drained. The remaining strength was not enough to support him in making any movements.

I can only stand where I am.

Watching Voldemort's resurrection.

Feel the life force continue to pass away.

Just as Harry and Dumbledore guessed, Voldemort would not be satisfied with the way he was resurrected two years ago.

That's how you can live.

But the chips are not enough.

Dumbledore is aging. He is still young and uses black magic to transform his body. Resurrection like this may still be able to deal with Dumbledore, but an equally powerful, younger, and even far from the peak growth stage of a wizard. Harry was far too much to deal with.

Therefore, Voldemort has always been longing for a more powerful resurrection.

The emergence of the Wild Hunt, the emergence of knowledge of another world.

Open his eyes to new opportunities.

White frost is a very powerful force, but if this power is only used as a magic spell, I'm afraid it won't have many good effects.

Wizards at their level are rarely as naive as young wizards, who simply believe that a powerful spell can change their fate.

For Voldemort, the most important thing is "elements".

In the world of Wild Hunt and Witchers, the use of magic is different from the spiritual and idealistic magic of wizards. On the contrary, it is extremely materialistic. They use magic to affect the elements, and then produce different types and different powers of magic.

Because of this, warlocks have studied the use of elements to an extremely in-depth level.

Natural or man-made, "elemental creatures" appear.

Voldemort was a smart man, but he was also a crazy man.

No matter how he hesitates to use black magic to physically transform himself.

Or subjectively create six Horcruxes?

He had a crazy idea.

Why can't you create a body of an "elemental creature" for yourself, and then resurrect in that body.

fire element, earth element

He doesn't like any of this.

Even if the body is made of elements, the best and most powerful elements must be used. White frost is naturally his best choice. White frost is also a natural element, so powerful that even the Wild Hunt has to constantly travel around the world. Escape from its elements.

It's just that being strong comes with a price.

Voldemort tried.

With Karkaroff's meager magic power, it's okay to use white frost magic, but mobilizing so much white frost or even constructing it into a body is not enough.

So he decided on Hogwarts.

A huge, pure source of magic power.

Using Karkaroff's life force as a lever, he opened a gap and let the huge magic power flow out to reshape his body.

Can't really get Hogwarts.

But on the other hand, I can no longer separate myself from Hogwarts.

The shock in the castle did not escape anyone in the castle.

Dumbledore, who had just reached the fifth floor, paused and frowned even more.

Great Britain is an island country, but its earthquake frequency is not as frequent as that of another island country. What's more, Hogwarts is protected by magic. Even if there is an earthquake, magic will protect the castle from being affected by earthquakes. From Dumbledore in Hogwarts Between the years Watts was a student and when he became Headmaster, he had been at Hogwarts for at least seventy years.

But in seventy years, I have never felt an earthquake.

Is there any now?

He picked up the Marauder's Map again.

This time the map was different. There were two vague names on the shore of Black Lake, as if they had been daubed with an eraser, but not completely.

Dumbledore's face turned serious.

He picked up his wand and tapped it on the map.

Magic solidifies the contract.

Those two names became clearer and clearer.

"Igor Karkaroff"

"Tom Riddle"

Are they two already showing up at Hogwarts?

Dumbledore waved his wand, using the authority of the headmaster, to apparate——

With a snap, they appeared around those two names.

Fox hovered and flew around him, protecting his safety.

After landing.

The snow and snow stirred up strong winds, covering the sky and the sun, and Dumbledore could only see a deep layer of white.

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