Hogwarts: Harry Returns From The Witcher

Chapter 435 Who is he contacting?

Greenhouse No. 7.

Professor Sprout hurriedly gave Neville instructions, and she picked up her bag that was placed in the corner of the greenhouse and rushed out.

There was only a group of bewildered students left.

Neville and Ron looked at each other.

They don't know much about these things, but white frost and snow.

Harry mentioned that it was a celestial phenomenon caused by the appearance of the Wild Hunt.

"Parvati." Ron stood on tiptoe and glanced towards the girls, "You and Hufflepuff's prefects will stay in the greenhouse."

Neville was already walking out of the greenhouse in a hurry.

Parvati frowned: "You want to go out?"

The Hufflepuff prefect stood up and said, "Weasley, not only you Gryffindors can be heroes, we can too."

Ron shook his head and waved his hand to interrupt him: "No, we are not here to help the professors."

"You guys shouldn't have such thoughts."

"Professor Dumbledore has been in the castle and the professors have passed now. There is nothing they can't handle now."

"Neville and I are going to the castle."

The Hufflepuff prefect wanted to say something more.

Ron whispered: "This is the safest place. In this case, ensuring your own safety is the best thing for the professors."

The Hufflepuff prefect shook his head: "Just let Miss Parvati stay in the greenhouse."

"We still have many students in the castle."

"Especially the little wizard."

The fifth and seventh grade students are not too worried. After all, they are very experienced - the fifth grade wizards were attacked by basilisks as soon as they entered school, and the second graders were attacked by dementors. They know what to do at such times.

However, students in fourth grade and below do not have much experience, especially the younger they are, the harder it is to make clear judgments at this time.

They need prefects.

Ron nodded: "Of course, you are right."

Neville was already out.

The two Hufflepuff prefects and Ron followed closely behind him.

Parvati took out her wand and took a deep breath.

Hogwarts is in danger again.

On the black lake.

Dumbledore and Voldemort had a brief confrontation, and both of their faces looked a little heavy as the curse came and went.

"Tom, it seems that you don't have a good handle on your new body." Dumbledore said lightly, but the hand holding the wand was shaking slightly.

Fighting against Voldemort, who was resurrected by hoarfrost and absorbed a large amount of Hogwarts magic power at this moment, was a big burden for him.

Just dealing with the hoar frost was enough to give him a headache.


Voldemort relied not only on hoarfrost, but also on new magic built around hoarfrost.

The only good news.

It seems that he has just been resurrected, and this body is not flesh and blood. Voldemort cannot adapt well. When performing some magic, it is easy to get stuck, which is very weak and takes less than a second. According to Hogwarts, Those little wizards who love photography say that it is a moment of frame snapping.

In a duel between the most powerful wizards, this kind of inconspicuous lag is too fatal.

The good news isn't as great as it seems either.

Dumbledore's face became uncontrollably heavy.

If it were Harry fighting with himself.

If something like this happened to him, his head would probably have been chopped off and used as a Quaffle.

But even so, all he could do at this time was barely resist Voldemort.

The magic in him is endless.

I am indeed old.

If he continues to consume it, once he gets familiar with his body, he may not be his opponent.

Voldemort also looked heavy.

Things didn't turn out the way he imagined.

With his powerful strength, huge magic power, and his own wisdom and ability, he should absolutely crush Dumbledore.

But why.

He can still resist himself now.

"But it's enough to deal with you old guy." Voldemort raised his hand again, and with a slight tap, the white frost condensed.

In the wind and snow.

A spotted cat jumped out from behind a snowdrift and landed lightly, transforming into a woman.

It was Minerva McGonagall.

Her human body is too old and cannot compare to a cat's body on the road.

"Tom Riddle?" McGonagall raised his head and looked at the man floating in the sky, his voice hesitant, "He is resurrected again?"

Dumbledore raised his wand and used the vanishing spell to fight against the hoarfrost called by Voldemort.

McGonagall also raised her wand.

As the most famous transfiguration master in this century, her transformation spells have always been outstanding. Ice cubes and driftwood have turned into trebuchets. With a flick of her wand, the boulder was in place, and with a bang, it hit Voldemort.

Professor Sprout was the second to arrive.

The greenhouse is closest to the Black Lake.

She took out a handful of seeds from her pocket and scattered them on the ice. There was no soil or fertilizer, but these deadly and dangerous plants grew instantly and became full of vitality. They waved their whips and swung towards Voldemort.

Hagrid also came.

He didn't believe the thickness of the ice, so he pulled out a tree from the shore that was about as thick as his arm, and threw it at the people in the sky like a javelin, with a roar that broke the air.

"Ordinary magic is ineffective on me." Voldemort whispered, waving his hand.

Hoarfrost gushes out.

Hundreds of branches and vines were frozen in the air for an instant. As magical plants with stronger vitality, they resisted, but to no avail.

The end is coming.

They didn't even reach Voldemort's feet.

Compared to Sprout, McGonagall and Hagrid's attacks had some effect. After being frozen by the hoarfrost, the inertia drove stones and trees to still fly towards Voldemort.


Under the extremely cold temperature, their internal energy was absorbed by the hoarfrost. With just a slight blow from the wind, they were crushed into powder and fell down.

Mag and Sprout both looked at him in fear.

Back again.

Voldemort became more powerful.

Before this, Voldemort would never have been able to eliminate their attacks so easily.

Voldemort was still about to taunt, but looked away from Dumbledore and his expression changed.

Dumbledore took the opportunity to chant some spell.

Instead, he called out his patron saint.

When he looked over, Dumbledore had just finished saying something to the silver phoenix, causing it to flap its wings and disappear in the blink of an eye.

Voldemort couldn't do the Patronus Charm.

But that didn't stop him from understanding this spell. Dumbledore was conveying a message.

what news?

To whom?

Especially at this time.

A name emerged in his mind: "Harry Potter".

He wasn't afraid of Dumbledore, not even if he added the professors from Hogwarts, but there was one more Potter.

Voldemort frowned.

When he has not yet fully mastered his body and the huge magic power in his body, it is not a good choice to face Potter and Dumbledore to join forces.

He pointed.

The white frost formed into a ball and flew rapidly towards the castle.

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