Hogwarts: Harry Returns From The Witcher

Chapter 453 Simple and crude

The news from the Auror made Scrimgeour twist his features.

Bad news to add insult to injury.

He could foresee that his office would be flooded with owls tomorrow morning.

Before today, Voldemort was only active in Great Britain - going to Nurmengard could also be explained by the reason "he wanted to prove that he was the greatest dark wizard", but Nurmengard was not the only one who was attacked tonight.

Voldemort finally reached beyond Great Britain.

"Harry?" Scrimgeour turned his head and looked at the wizard next to him who was much younger than him.

He had an even worse headache now.

After these news are spread, who will believe that Voldemort has not returned again?

"I promise you, I will definitely deal with him this time." Harry said softly.

Scrimgeour took a deep breath and nodded heavily: "I understand, Harry."

"Remember to tell me if you have any news." Harry waved at him and disappeared.

Scrimgeour pulled his hair.

Ever since he took the position of minister, even the Potter family's hair growth potion couldn't save his hair.

He now understood very well why Potter and Dumbledore were unwilling to get involved in these matters at the Ministry of Magic.


That's not a bad thing either.

When Kingsley came over with the on-site investigation report, Scrimgeour ordered him: "Invite the other directors of the Ministry of Magic."

"Do you need them?" Kingsley asked confused.

Scrimgeour nodded: "Of course, I think Thicknesse and the others will be dealt with at this time, and they won't have any objections at all."

The biggest obstacle that makes Thicknesse difficult to deal with is that the department chiefs believe that "the mysterious man is dead." They want to exonerate the guilty because they cannot guarantee whether they will become guilty in the future. By.

But now "the mysterious man is not dead".

The Minister of Magic got busy, and there was more than just this to do tonight.

There was peace in Hogwarts.

Dumbledore slept until the next morning.

His head felt like it was swollen and about to burst, as if he had been beaten by Harry.

A bottle of potion flew in front of him.

"Thank you, Poppy." Dumbledore said, his voice a little weak, and he took the potion without hesitation.

It tasted bitter and irritated his tongue.

But the sense of fragmentation in my head immediately disappeared a lot.

"Drinking is such a bad experience." Dumbledore turned his head and looked at Grindelwald who was lying on the bed next to his.

Harry, who also spent the night in the school doctor's office last night, said, "He's fine. He just drank the water of life and death and went to sleep."

Madam Pomfrey continued, "I'll be here for another month."

"It wasn't some prank spell after all."

Dumbledore nodded.

"Then, although I'm sorry, I have to tell you bad news when you wake up." Harry deadpanned.

Dumbledore was startled, looking a little annoyed.

Harry continued: "Last night, Voldemort attacked three wand merchants and was still trying to find the Elder Wand."

This isn't such bad news.

Dumbledore looked at the bedside, where his wand was.

"Of course, he can't be found." Harry spread his hands, "But the trouble he caused is a bit too big. We have to get rid of him as soon as possible."

Dumbledore asked him: "Do you have an idea?"

"Going to your office?" Harry looked out through the curtain and saw that some young wizards had begun to come in one after another.

Some were accidents in class.

Some of them had good intentions and went to the Black Lake to help the mermaids clear the ice, but accidentally fell in or were hit by the ice.

Madam Pomfrey started another busy day.

Dumbledore nodded in agreement.

An hour later, the principal's office.

Dumbledore is there, Harry is there, and Snape is there.

Naturally, Ciri, Yennefer, and Geralt also came, and even Avallac'h was there.

"Harry, what do you want to do?" Dumbledore made himself a cup of steaming honey water.

Harry asked him: "Albus, you have fought against Voldemort. How was his level?"

Dumbledore was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke: "He is not familiar with the new body yet, and he does not have a wand, but even so, I am not his opponent."

"However, if the two of us join forces, we should be able to deal with him."

Harry nodded and turned to look at Avallac'h: "Is there any way to delay the rest of the Wild Hunt?"

Avallac'h looked at Harry with a surprised tone: "You want to counterattack Til'Naria?"

Tirnaria is the capital of the elves of Aen El.

Harry agreed.

"I heard Ciri mention it last night." Avallac'h said softly, "The Eredin now is no longer Eredin, but the wizard named Voldemort?"

Harry nodded: "Grindelwald mentioned that Voldemort appeared in front of him in the form of an elf."

Avallac'h pondered for a moment: "There are three generals under Eredin."

"You have eliminated Ilereth and Caranthir, who were loyal to Eredin, and there is only one left, Gale."

"Eredin was a powerful ruler, but he was not a proper king."

"He has a great thirst for power but little patience for governance."

"So Eredin needs and has to need a resourceful and capable manager, and Gale is his best choice."

"He is in charge of the city of Tilnaria, and he is also in charge of the Red Knights' logistics."

"If he knew that Eredin was no longer Eredin."

Harry asked him, looking into his eyes: "Are you sure?"

"Of course." Avallac'h nodded.

He didn't use Legilimency.

But I could feel the emotions brewing within Avallac'h, and there were no lies.

"Very good." Harry clapped his hands and said softly, "No need for a complicated plan."

"Ciri takes us through the world of Ain El."

"Then we find Gale and convince him. If that doesn't work, then take control and delay the Wild Hunt's actions."

"Albus and I went to take care of Voldemort."

A simple and crude plan.

The most direct, but also the most useful.

"You don't need to make too many preparations. You can practice for a day today and you can set off tomorrow." Harry said the last sentence and turned to look at Dumbledore.

Avallac'h spoke: "But convincing Gale is not an easy task."

Snape's voice was cold: "Wizards have too many ways to convince someone."

Avallac'h remained silent and did not speak further.

Wait until the next day.

They all stood ready in Dumbledore's office.

"Givielle, just like I taught you." Avallac'h spoke calmly, "From finding the gap and slipping in, to opening the door in front of you."

"It's easy for you."

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