Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 326 Sweeping

The British magic world has been at peace for a long time, and there has been no such explosive news for many years. Within half a day after the werewolf incident was exposed, things escalated rapidly and were almost uncontrollable.

After lunch, the Daily Prophet, Wizards Weekly, and many well-known domestic and international newspaper reporters flocked to block the gate of Hogwarts, trying to break into the college to interview Amosta Bryan, In the past, this young wizard was only well-known within a certain range because of uncovering the mystery of the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets and serving as the director of the Hogwarts Student Security Office.

After Dumbledore came forward and declined the interview invitation on the grounds that Professor Bryan was unwell, these crazy reporters did not die down.

Appointment invitation letters drifted in from Amostar's office window like snowflakes, and at one point Amostar even recalled the scene when he helped that fellow Lockhart answer a fan letter last year.

And some crazy and extreme reporters saw that the gate of Hogwarts was still refusing to open, and even tried to sneak into the campus through the Forbidden Forest. Several reporters suffered from their lives. If Dumbledore hadn't reacted quickly and replaced Hagrid in negotiating with those creatures, there might have been serious consequences.

In the end, the helpless reporters had no choice but to interview the aborigines of Hogsmeade, trying to dig out something of value from them.

In the school, the corridor on the third floor was almost filled with excited little wizards. They all knew that Professor Brian was not a professor who paid special attention to majesty in private. They hoped to find out some exciting news. Unfortunately, The door of Professor Blaine's office has been closed tightly, as if no one exists inside.

In the evening, a special extra issue of the Evening Prophet was released.

Although those crazy reporters didn't get any news about the werewolf being wiped out, they still got something valuable.

A reporter bought a photo from a villager in Hogsmeade for 200 gold coins.

The villager was an astronomy enthusiast. That night he climbed to the highest nearby hillside, the hillside where the Shrieking Shack was located, and used an astronomical telescope to observe the orbits of the planets. He quickly noticed the movements on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

His astronomical telescope can record changes in the position of the planets, and of course it can also photograph what is happening two miles away.

A young sorcerer full of cold aura floated high above the sky, spraying raging flames hundreds of feet high towards the earth. The werewolves struggled and screamed in the terrifying flames, and fell down one after another. This scene was like God's punishment!

When the newspaper was sent into Hogwarts by the owl, the whole Hogwarts boiled.

As night fell, the school auditorium was filled with chattering little wizards. When Amosta, who was hiding in the office, appeared on the steps next to the foyer, the auditorium reflected the clean night sky and was quiet for half a minute. The little wizard We watched Professor Bryan walk from the foyer into the auditorium, pass through the dining tables between the colleges, and walk up to the faculty dining table, the auditorium suddenly burst into thunderous roars and prolonged applause!

"That's cool, Professor!"

On the Gryffindor table, the twin brothers of the Weasley family raised their hands and shouted.

"Can I learn that from you, Professor!"

Cedric of Hufflepuff shook the Evening Prophet in his hand and roared with admiration.

The girls in Ravenclaw also lost their rationality and calmness in a rare way. They whispered together head to head, staring at Amosta on the dining table, and bursting out into a coquettish smile from time to time.

"Please don't forget!"

Marcus Flint yelled to the whole auditorium,

"Professor Brian belongs to Slytherin!"

Marcus yelled hard, and many Slytherins supported him. However, the response was very enthusiastic from time to time, and people from the other three houses didn't want to talk to them.

At the staff table, all the professors raised their glasses to Amosta.

"I think you'll be more famous than that Lockhart before long, Amostar—"

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and showed a restrained smile,

"I hope you get used to the limelight, after all, it doesn't quite match your humble, low-key style."

Although he has never received as much attention as he does today, Amosta did not appear panicked or flattered, and remained calm as if he was not the one receiving the attention.

"Hehe, I'll try my best to get used to—"

Amostar smiled slightly.

"Actually, I have long considered that this day may happen, Amosta!"

Professor Flitwick deliberately suppressed his sharp voice, which made his tone sound a bit strange, he said excitedly,

"Ever since you told me about your conflict with werewolves last year, I guessed that one day you would fight those evil werewolves again, but I didn't expect you to do it so simply, Amos tower!"

Dumbledore, who hadn't appeared at the staff table for a while, didn't mind being robbed of the limelight. He quietly listened to the conversation between Amosta and the crowd, and cheerfully dealt with the pork chop on the plate, It seems that he is satisfied with Amosta's calm performance at the moment.

In Hogwarts, Madam Pomfrey kept the three of Harry, who knew all the truth, in the school hospital for observation, and the Ministry of Magic, who was supposed to be interviewed, only published a paragraph about Greyback and his gang being wiped out. After a brief explanation, no information was disclosed.

However, the storm caused by this incident in the magic world has intensified.

Whether in Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, or the village of St. Catchpole and Godric's Hollow, wizards are discussing the exterminated Greyback werewolf clan and the Ministry of Magic, which has made great achievements. Even the Muggle government disclosed in the morning news that the heinous 'terrorist' - Fenrir Greyback was shot dead by the police.

And for three whole days, Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic have not accepted any interviews on this matter. This actually comes from Amosta's suggestion. He believes that people's curiosity needs to be given a little time to "ferment".

On Thursday, the morning light rose slightly in the sky, and the earth was still bathed in darkness.

In the student security office on the third floor, Amosta, who got up early in the morning, was arranging his clothes in front of a round of water mirrors floating in mid-air. Considering that he was going to make news headlines today, it was rare for him to take time to get dressed. Take care of yourself.

"Professor Blaine!"

Walking out of the castle, just down the marble stairs, Amostar saw Hagrid standing by the path leading to the school gate, waving excitedly at him.

Just yesterday evening, the Ministry of Magic officially sent invitations to Hogwarts, inviting Hogwarts teachers and students who made outstanding contributions in the task of destroying Greyback to issue honor invitations, except for Remus who was in the intensive care unit. ·Besides Lupine, Hagrid and Snape were also invited. Facing the olive branch handed over by the Ministry of Magic, Snape left with a cold face. For him, saving Sirius' life could only It's a shame.

Hagrid didn't intend to participate at all, he was afraid that a public half-giant would bring criticism to Dumbledore, but Amostar convinced him with an irresistible reason.

And because Harry and others are just underage wizards, their commendation will be issued directly by Hogwarts. The specific performance may be that each person will add 50 points, but they will deduct another 30 points for breaking into the Forbidden Forest late at night. .

"How do I look, Professor?"

The two walked side by side in the deserted campus, Hagrid stroked his beard and said nervously.

Today's Hagrid finally took off his usual sloppy overcoat, and put on a oversized suit that was so ruffled that it could almost be used as a sail. Amosta could faintly smell a cologne perfume from it. Hagrid probably used it to cover up the musty smell of the suit.

"Very nice, Hagrid—"

Amosta has known Hagrid for quite a long time, and this is the first time he saw him dressed like this, the corners of his mouth twisted slightly,

"I bet you look photogenic in this one"

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