Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 356 The Wizengamot

After nearly half a month, Amosta stepped into the gate of the Ministry of Magic again.

The majestic entrance hall was destroyed by crowds of heads. Dozens of magic newspaper reporters from all over the world, as well as some celebrities in the magic world who paid close attention to the case of Pettigrew Peter, gathered here, looking forward to the trial. result.

Amostar had foreseen this scene, and he changed his appearance in advance to avoid a riot.

The Ministry of Magic attached great importance to this trial to an unprecedented degree. In order to maintain order, all departments, except employees dealing with emergency matters, were sent to the hall to maintain order.

At the position where Eric Munch was on duty, at the entrance of the elevator hall, the Ministry also arranged for personnel to pull a cordon, and those who had nothing to do with the case were stopped outside.

Amosta struggled to squeeze through the crowd, and he saw Mr. Weasley, whose forehead was covered with sweat, was squatting behind the cordon with an anxious expression, his eyes constantly scanning the bustling crowd, as if he was looking for something.

"Mr. Weasley—"

Amosta squeezed to the front of the crowd, waving his hand to attract Arthur Weasley's attention, facing his confused eyes, Amosta raised his eyebrows and smiled and said

"It's me, Bill's old friend--"


Mr. Weasley's face immediately beamed with joy, and his whole body relaxed. He greeted the Auror on duty, pulled Amosta's arm into the cordon, and led him non-stop. He walked into the elevator lobby,

"Dumbledore said that you have never been involved in such a thing, so he told me to show you the way here!"

While waiting for the elevator, Mr. Weasley wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked at Amosta whose facial features were twisting and returning to their original state,

"Ah, it's a clever way to say, Amosta, where have you been hiding? The Wizengamot management office has sent you a dozen letters informing you of the trial time, but none of the owls can be found. Damn you, Amelia couldn't help but think of Dumbledore--"

Amosta smiled apologetically,

"I've been staying at 12 Grimmauld Place for the past few days. You know, that old house has very strict protection measures. I really forgot about it, if Dumbledore didn't let Headmaster Black Notify me of the portrait."

"Ah, it's understandable, after all, this is your first time participating!"

Mr. Weasley said with a smile, and then he stuffed a purple robe hanging on his arm into Amosta's arms, and pulled him into the elevator that stopped in front of them,

"Amelia told me to give it to you, put it on quickly, Amosta, the Wizengamot participating in the trial must wear this dress—"

Mr. Weasley grumbled dissatisfiedly while beating the button on the ninth floor with his fist roughly,

"They put the trial in Courtroom 10, they couldn't even get an elevator to that house and it hasn't been used since You-Know-Who fell, oh, so they put Perkins in order to clean up that house Shout out to clean the room. That's the only help I have--"

"There's no need to worry, Mr. Weasley—"

Seeing Mr. Weasley's appearance, Amosta laughed and said,

"The Wizengamot will not be dismissed because of me, and Peter will not be dismissed because of me."

The elevator still hummed and reached the ninth floor. Unlike the other floors, the cold voice that announced the elevator stopped after saying "Department of Mysteries" and then closed his mouth, without giving any introduction to this floor.

Although the color of the Wizengamot's 'overalls' is very flamboyant, it still looks majestic when worn. The only bad thing is that the Ministry of Magic forgot to measure his height when preparing the robe for Amosta, so that The tail of the robe was dragged to the ground.

Amosta raised his hat and followed Mr. Weasley quickly into a corridor. This corridor was completely different from the one above. Amosta glanced at the black door, and the center of his brow moved undetectably.

The Department of Mysteries is indeed not simple, a simple door actually has the ability to isolate magic perception.

Along the way, Mr. Weasley and Amostar didn't meet a single person, but when they turned from a gap in the corridor to the stairs leading to the deeper underground, the place was full of people, and the one behind the gap was Tonks' senior in the Auror's office, Kingsley who had a double encounter with Amostar.

"Good morning, Mr. Blaine—"

Before Amosta could speak, Kingsley greeted in a slightly calm voice,

"Ms. Burns greeted me, if you see you coming down, you can go in directly"

Immediately, Kingsley turned his gaze to Mr. Weasley,

"I'm sorry Arthur, you are not authorized, you can only stop here."

Mr. Weasley didn't feel any surprise, as if he knew it, and Amosta knew about Mr. Weasley's contacts and invisible influence in the ministry. He saw that there was a guard standing every two steps on the stairs The beaters asked in a little astonishment,

"Good morning, Kingsley said, is this necessary? It's just Peter Pettigrew, and Dumbledore is also below, he can't fly--"

"It may not be a big deal to you, after all, you are capable of killing so many werewolves alone—"

After saying goodbye to Mr. Weasley, Kingsley led Amosta to continue down. Hearing Amostar's question, Kingsley said with a complex expression,

"But there's no denying that the Wizengamot is preparing to try the most wicked and cunning Dark wizard we've encountered in twelve years, and he's disgraced the Ministry."

As Kingsley said, every Auror standing guard here has a tense face, and there is a chill in the air.

Aurors should be the most sought-after profession in the magic world. However, Amosta Bryan, who has become famous recently, is just around the corner, but none of the Aurors stepped forward to talk to Amosta. They abide by the rules , Be alert to all troubles.

Kingsley and Amostar went down the stairs, and walked forward along a corridor that was also full of people. The architectural style here is exactly the same as those underground corridors leading to the Slytherin common room in Hogwarts , rough stone walls, with torches on the brackets. The doors to the rooms they passed were heavy wooden doors with iron latches and keyholes.

In front of a gloomy black door with a large iron lock, Kingsley stopped in his tracks, turned around and nodded at Amosta,

"That's it, Mr. Blaine, I can't go in without receiving instructions."


Amosta walked past Kingsley with a smile. When his palm touched the icy doorknob, something sounded suddenly. He turned his head and stopped Kingsley who was already walking back.

"Oh, by the way, Kingsley, there is something that may need to trouble you. If you can, please help Tonks apply for a few more days of leave--"

Facing Kingsley's confused eyes, Amosta's mouth twitched,

"She's been busy solving her single problem recently."

Amosta looked at the courtroom in front of him—the surrounding walls were made of black stones, and the light from the torch was dim and gloomy. On the left and right sides of the aisle are rows of empty benches that gradually rise up, and in front of him, on the highest benches, there are many dark figures looming. They have been whispering just now, as the heavy door Amos As the tower closed behind it, a cold emptiness enveloped it.


At the same time, among the greetings that resounded in the courtroom, there were those from Amelia Bones, Cornelius Fudge, and Dumbledore, and several others, the politicians he had met recently. Big names in business.

When he entered the room, the whispers here suddenly became louder, and many wizards pointed at him and said these things to the acquaintances around him. Looking over, most of the wizards who made eye contact with him showed friendly smiles, and some looked indifferent, indifferent to his appearance.

As the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, Dumbledore stood behind the rostrum in the middle, smiling gently at him,

"Take a seat, Amosta--"

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