Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 375 Sad things

Generally speaking, Friday night is the most relaxing time for young wizards, and tomorrow is another time when Hogsmeade is open to young wizards of Hogwarts. However, in the common rooms of the major colleges, there are always There will be an area where the atmosphere is heavy.

Ginny had just finished commenting on her brother Percy, but there was no comment after that.


After a long time, Seamo shrugged and finally said what everyone wanted to say,

"I've decided I'm going to give up, guys, and I don't see any point in this class—I mean, if I want to exercise and exercise myself, I have options other than starving at dawn every day Running to the Quidditch pitch and circling the cue foolishly."

The fact is that in the wizarding world, Quidditch is a sport that everyone loves. If Professor Bryan wants to teach everyone a little flying skills, then it will definitely not be the current situation.

"I agree--"

Dean raised his hand too.

"Professor Bryan may indeed have a way of teaching everyone how to deal with dark monster creatures, but I can't mess up my life in school because of this class."

Among the group of people chatting now, Hermione is undoubtedly the one who has been most affected. She is the one who has taken the most courses. Moreover, she spends a lot of time every night preparing homework and reading books. Bray Undoubtedly, Professor En's course greatly interrupted her rhythm.

Of course, Harry and Fred and George also agonized over it.

The three of them are all members of the Gryffindor team, and Wood will not let them go just because they have an extra physical training. Twice a week in daily life, they must also be trained in Quidditch in the evening. participate.

To be honest, most of the reason why the children of the Weasley family can persist until now is to thank Professor Brian for his kindness. Otherwise, neither Fred, George, nor Ron would continue, but It was Ginny who was still looking forward to the future development of this course.

"Malfoy's two little minions gave up the next day, and I thought Professor Blaine was going to throw a fit—"

Ron grunted.

This is indeed a strange thing. No professor of any class will just watch the young wizards abandon their classes at will, but Professor Bryan really doesn't seem to care about it. He turns a blind eye to the number of people who are decreasing every day. Just ask those present to complete the daily tasks.

"What did Sirius say, Harry, did you consult him?"

Hermione looked at Harry and said cautiously.

"No—" Harry shook his head, "I can inquire about it when I go to Hogsmeade with Sirius tomorrow."

There is nothing to talk about this night. Since Professor Brian asked everyone to get up early for a run, the chatting activities in the dormitory that lasted for nearly three years disappeared. I went to bed before, so that I wouldn't fall down those moving stairs when I got up early and went downstairs because of sleepiness.

The alarm bell rang on time when the sky was faintly drunk, Harry slapped the alarm down deftly, closed his eyes and breathed out, took off his pajamas in the sky, and put on Dudley's T-shirt - most of his Muggle clothes were It was from Dudley. When he was at the Dursleys, his uncle and aunt would certainly not have bothered to prepare him with suitable clothes. In fact, they thought it was enough to feed Harry every day before he starved to death. Great kindness.

After entering the wizarding world, Harry knew that his parents had left him a fortune, and the money was stored in the underground vault of Gringotts.

This amount of money is more than enough for him to spend seven years at Hogwarts with more than enough money, but it is still a little far from allowing him to let go of his hands and feet. Muggle clothing such as sneakers and sportswear that he longed for, but today, he no longer feels that necessary.

The boring PE class taught by Bryan was not useless at all. After half a month at least, Harry had gotten used to getting up early, unlike the first day when people in their dormitory almost crawled downstairs.

After dealing with the sanitary problems in the bathroom in the dormitory, Harry was fully awake. Today's schedule was very slow. After exercising and breakfast, he planned to go back to the dormitory to catch up on sleep. Before ten o'clock, he had to Departure for Hogsmeade. Thanks to Sirius, he could now go there in good standing instead of the secret passage behind the hunchbacked witch.

Lunch will also be settled in Hogsmeade, and after that shopping, go to the Duke of Bee Candy Store to stock up on some candy, and go to Zoko's Joke Shop to prepare some big dung eggs-Harry doesn't like this, but Malfoy's prank last time made him feel that Gadgets are indispensable.

Hermione will probably ask to go to the Literary Residence. Her quills, ink, notebooks and other things are always the fastest consumed among the little wizards. These will probably consume their entire afternoon. Before five o'clock, They needed to rush back to Hogwarts, finish their dinner, return to the common room, and finish the planetary diagram for astronomy class while continuing to rant about Professor Brian's physical education class.

When Harry walked out of the bathroom and returned to the dark dormitory room, he was stunned by the scene in front of him, and then fell into a brief silence.

Dean and Seamus had made it clear last night that they would drop out of Professor Brian's physical education class. Once they quit, there would be no chance of regret, which Professor Brian had told them on the first day.

Ron didn't express his position last night, but now, he has made a choice with his actions.

The beds of Harry and Ron were next to each other, and Ron must have heard him get up, but he covered his head with the quilt and lay motionless on the bed.

Through a layer of bedding, Harry could also feel the guilt emanating from Ron.


Neville, who was slowly getting off the bed, obviously realized something. He looked at the other three unmoving beds, turned his gaze to Harry with a slightly dull expression, and opened his mouth.

From the day they entered Hogwarts, Harry and Ron were almost inseparable. They belonged to the same college, lived in the same dormitory, and took the same courses. He and Ron spent far more time together than Hermione. Min always spends a lot of time in the library, and after the start of third year, she took a few more subjects than Harry and Ron, so starting this year, Hermione will spend far less time with them than last year.

"Come on, Neville—"

Harry felt a little stuck, but he didn't wake up Ron, who was pretending to be asleep. Harry himself couldn't guarantee whether he could hold on.

"A late arrival will be regarded as an abandonment by Professor Blaine."

When Harry and Neville trotted side by side to the Quidditch club, most of the people had already gathered, and the Gryffindor students immediately realized what had happened when they saw only Harry and Neville coming. what.

"This fool!"

Ginny, who had time to straighten her hair and put her teeth and claws in order, looked like a lion cub. It was rare for her not to stutter in front of Harry, and she said angrily,

"If it wasn't for Professor Brian, he and we would all die in the secret room!"

"It's no big deal, Ginny—"

Harry said in an understated tone, "Professor Bryan won't care about this, maybe I will give up in two days."

Before he and Neville came, Ginny, Hermione, and that Ravenclaw second year girl. Now that Harry knows her name is Luna Lovegood, the girl is kind of weird and not very likable , But she never seemed to care about this matter, she still dressed herself up with those weird things every day, and said something confusing-three girls were chatting.

Harry thought Hermione would express anger like Ginny, and in fact, Hermione did look angry, her lips were tightly pressed, her delicate eyebrows were raised high, and her eyes seemed to be questioning herself. But in the end, Hermione just moved her lips, but said nothing, her face darkened as if she hadn't said anything all night.

"Your friend made the wrong decision—"

Luna stretched out her hand and waved it in the air. She often does this, and has her own way of saying it, but no one can understand it.

"He shouldn't have given up this interesting class."

interesting? !

To be honest, this judgment was not recognized by other people, even Ginny and Hermione, they also didn't find this course interesting, and they just persisted until now for various reasons.

In the eyes of little wizards, this is probably the most boring class, at least, they can sleep to pass the time in Professor Binns' class!

"Hey, Potter!"

Malfoy was always keenly aware of the bad things that happened around Harry, he stretched his head a dozen feet away with a smirk on his face,

"Your freckle-faced friend abandoned you, ha, look at your ugly face!"

"Go away, Malfoy!"

Before Harry could speak, Hermione and Ginny "roared" at the same time under the astonished eyes of everyone!

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