Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 381 Systematic Training

The classrooms, filled with bright torches, had an aura of mystery because of the tinkling armor set every ten feet beneath the walls.

Neville's sharp screams rang for a long time in the slightly empty large room, and the little wizards all showed uneasiness. They spontaneously huddled in the middle of the classroom, trying to stay away from the usual, but in this environment Inside, however, the armor seemed a bit treacherous.

Qiu Zhang is one of the few little Ravenclaw wizards who did not give up Professor Bryan's physical education class. Her inseparable good friend has long since given up this class. At this time, Qiu Zhang with pale lips subconsciously searched for Someone she could rely on, she saw Harry, but Hermione, who was huddling beside Harry, made her unable to make up her mind to lean over.

"Is Professor Brian going to let us fight these armors?"

Hufflepuff's little wizards are the most preserved. They don't have the courage of Gryffindor, the wisdom of Ravenclaw, the ambition of Slytherin and the thirst for power, but at least most of them Both have the same rare advantage of 'perseverance'.

Cedric's low voice showed a bit of fear, but Qiu Zhang seemed to have found the backbone, her watery eyes like the silhouette of autumn water were full of worry,

"But what are we going to do with the armor, I - I left my wand in the dormitory."

"Don't worry—"

Even though his face was pale, Cedric still showed his gentlemanly demeanor. He gave Qiu Zhang a reassuring smile, and then looked vigilantly at the armor that couldn't wait to move.

"These things don't seem to be too fast. Well, Professor Brian trained us to run so that we can escape the pursuit of the armor smoothly?"

Both Fred and George heard Cedric's speech, and they looked at Cedric contemptuously--the Quidditch team led by Cedric defeated Gryffindor once in the last semester, and it has been up to this day However, the twins of the Weasley family still remember this 'grievance'.

"It doesn't feel good, does it bro?"

Fred frowned and said, "I remember that Filch's cat was imprisoned in the armor three times by us. Could it be our turn today?"

"Actually four times, bro," George said, shrugging his shoulders. "Last year, Filch chased you once, and he let that malnourished cat chase me, and I almost couldn't get away. , luckily Peeves helped me out."


The door of the classroom opened suddenly, and under everyone's attention, Professor Brian walked in quickly. He was still wearing the sportswear that he only wore when running, not the wizard robe.

"Now roll call."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Hermione always feels that Professor Brian's behavior is not the same as usual at this moment. She can't describe the specific difference at the moment, but it just feels a lot stricter.

Four distinct teams formed spontaneously. Hufflepuff's team was the longest, and Ravenclaw only had four people including Cho Chang. They were Cho Chang, Susan Bones, and Luna. , and one is the twin sister of Parvati Patil.

Gryffindor and Slytherin left about the same number of people, Gryffindor standing here are basically Harry's friends - Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George, Neville, Parvati Patil, and the two girls on the Quidditch team.

Of course, Malfoy appeared in the Slytherin team. Except for Marcus Flint, who was close to a gorilla, the rest were basically the same group of Malfoy. Of course, Crabbe and Goyle left a long time ago, and Harry thought that this might be an important reason why Malfoy didn't provoke him frequently in Professor Brian's class, the Slytherin guys used to look at the wind.

"First of all I want to congratulate you—"

Professor Brian stared at them with his hands behind his back,

"In the past month, what you have experienced is not only a kind of training, but also a kind of test, and now, all of you standing in front of me have passed the test and training, which means that you have certain abilities , a quality worth cultivating—”

No one whispered, and everyone listened intently to what Professor Blaine had to say.

"--So, from now on, you will receive some more professional training. Of course, I need to make it clear that from now on, you will be deprived of the right to give up. All of you must persist until the last stage After the training is over, the whole cycle will take about one year."

"But, Professor Blaine—"

Thinking about the past month of exercise, plus the armor in this house, Hermione said thoughtfully, "What do you hope we can improve?"

"You must have been troubled by this problem for a long time, right?" Professor Blaine finally showed a little smile, and listened to the chattering of the little wizards for a while. Professor Blaine nodded. He walked in front of them with his hands behind his back,

"For a long time, Hogwarts has lacked a systematic course that teaches young wizards how to fight—"

Professor Brian's words caused an uproar among the young wizards. Their private guesses were actually true. Professor Brian, who could wipe out nearly a hundred werewolves by himself, actually wanted to teach them how to fight? !

Harry didn't quite agree with Professor Brian's words, because Hogwarts had Defense Against the Dark Arts, and that big liar Lockhart had given them dueling lessons. But after thinking about it, Defense Against the Dark Arts was actually more about It's just a joke to teach some lessons on dealing with black magic and experience in dangerous creatures, and only have a duel lesson once.

"This course has never appeared before, and no one should know how to proceed. Therefore, I have designed some teaching plans based on my personal experience. You are the first batch. If it succeeds on you, then this course may will remain forever."

"But Professor—" Cedric raised his hand enthusiastically, "how do you define success, I mean, what level of skill do you think we have to prove that this course is successful?"

"Well, good question, Mr Diggory—"

Amosta rubbed his chin, and said thoughtfully, "I think at least one must kill a wizard of Professor Black's level in a duel to qualify."

"It is not possible for us!"

Harry immediately yelled, and most of the little wizards couldn't help smiling.

Kill Professor Black in a duel, oh. If they really do this, they can follow Professor Blaine to overthrow the rule of the Ministry of Magic!

"Dreams are always necessary, Mr. Potter," Professor Blaine said with a smile, "What if they come true?"

The little wizards laughed even harder, only Hermione and Luna didn't laugh, both of them could see that Professor Bryan was not joking to some extent.


Amosta waved his hand to silence the cheerful discussion,

"Time is precious, everyone. Now, I will show you the specific content of the second phase of training. By the way, when I was studying at Hogwarts, I used this method to train myself. Excuse me, everyone. Once you step back, you won't like the immediate movement."

The little wizards flocked to the back of the classroom, under the only wall where no armor was placed. They looked excitedly at Professor Bryan who drew a striking red line on the ground with his wand, chattering non-stop.

"Simply put—"

Amosta turned to look at the students, "The goal of the second training is to reach the other side of the classroom through the passage blocked by the armor with your own speed and reflexes without using a wand."

Through the blockade of the armors, the eyes of the little wizards fell on those armors again, but how would these armors obtained by Professor Brian block the passage?

The little wizards were all thinking about this question, and Amosta, who fastened his bag, rolled up his sleeves and said loudly,

"Pay attention, I won't demonstrate it a second time."

As he said that, Amosta swung his wand suddenly, and there was a sharp and piercing sound of striding and striding in the classroom, and the armors under the other three walls suddenly took a step forward with their left feet, twisted their waists and immediately raised their right arms to do so. Make a throwing action!

"Look, those armored hands!"

Harry, the genius Seeker, immediately screamed, and his screams were full of obvious fear. Under his reminder, everyone cast their eyes one after another, and they were inexplicably terrified.

"Big shit," Fred murmured in a daze, "So it's used here——"

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