Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 510 Explanation

"Training situation?"

Hermione was also thinking about why Sirius suddenly entered the Ministry of Magic. It could be easily seen from the previous exchanges that Sirius did not particularly appreciate Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. She subconsciously asked a question, and then immediately react to,

"Training situation! Oh, that's it!"

Hermione tensed her body nervously. Facing Professor Blaine, she recalled everyone's progress in training in a very short time. However, this did not make her feel relaxed. Instead, she looked a little ashamed.

"No one has been able to run to the finish line under the attack of the big dung egg, Professor——"

The expected harsh criticism did not come. Professor Blaine just nodded slightly, still looking at himself.

Hermione took a deep breath to relieve her nervousness, and then reported the situation of most people in detail.

The best performer was no longer Hufflepuff's Cedric Diggory. In fact, he could only finish third. Luna was the one closest to the finish line without being attacked by the big dung eggs. , and the second shot was Neville. Of course, her and Harry's performances were equally at the forefront.

Amosta was not particularly surprised by this result, but smacked his lips in disappointment.

"I originally planned to end your training in the first half of the school year, but now it seems that the time may need to be delayed-"

Looking at Hermione who was staring down at the coffee table and clenching her fists guiltily, Amosta shook her head slightly.

"There's no need to feel guilty. I'm not blaming you, Hermione. This is not an easy task to begin with. That's why I selected the young wizards who I think are the best to join. Next, there will be new ones in this class. Course Contents."

Both Harry and Hermione were the beneficiaries of Professor Blaine's class. Without this training, there is no telling what terrible things would have happened on the night of the Quidditch final!

Neither of them would despise Professor Blaine's class. Even when he heard that there would be new content, Harry immediately stopped thinking and looked at Professor Blaine expectantly.

"I'll tell you on Wednesday night. Now, you can go back and do your work -"

Amosta doesn't plan to reveal the secret now, he said with a smile.

Harry knew it was time to leave. He and Hermione got up and walked towards the door, but just when his hand touched the cold door handle, he thought of his doubts. This was a good opportunity to answer. The person who knew everything was In this office, if he didn't ask for advice, there would be no one who could help him deal with his confusion.

"Professor Blaine——"

Harry turned to look at Professor Blaine, who was making some bitter tea in front of the fireplace, and said softly,

"Can I ask you some questions?"

"It is the professor's duty to help students answer their doubts. I don't think there is anything wrong with that--

"Amosta blew the floating leaves in the tea cup with a smile on his face.

Hermione also knew immediately that what Harry was asking for definitely wasn't magic knowledge. What he wanted to ask was still what he said in the auditorium before, but she didn't stop him because she was equally confused.

"About Bertha Jorkins——"

Harry plucked up the courage and said,

"You know she is dead, right? The witch who died at the hands of Voldemort and with Voldemort. She was captured and imprisoned in Azkaban by you. She also knew about it, but the newspaper said that the Ministry of Magic Still think Bertha Jorkins is missing--"

Amosta was silent for a few seconds, then smiled and said,

"You must be confused about more than just this one thing. Why don't you tell them all?"

So, Harry and Hermione, who were about to leave, returned to the sofa.

After listening to Harry's string of questions, Amosta did not answer immediately. He lowered his head and rubbed the edge of the hot cup with his fingertips. The deep gaze in his lavender eyes fell on the piece in the cup. A piece of green leaves floating and bumping in the water. After a long time, he said lightly,

"What do you think the purpose of an organization like the Ministry of Magic is?"

What is the purpose of the Ministry of Magic?

Harry blinked in confusion, not understanding what Professor Blaine wanted to say, and Hermione's frown relaxed after thinking for a while.

"The Ministry of Magic is the organization responsible for managing wizards, Professor. I think its purpose is to maintain order."

"There is no class now, otherwise I will definitely give you five points, Hermione -"

Amosta nodded and glanced at the aura-filled little witch with admiration.

"Yes, that's right. The purpose of the existence of the Ministry of Magic is to maintain order in wizarding society, or to maintain stability. And the core of all your questions points to one point, and that is - Voldemort."

Hermione pursed her lips and contracted her shoulders slightly.

"But so what -" Harry still didn't understand, "He is still alive. This is something that many people know."

"Knowing it doesn't mean you are willing to face——"

Amosta said calmly,

"Everyone thinks that although Voldemort is not dead, he has been completely defeated by you. He is hiding in a dark corner abroad and never dares to return to this country. And if they know that Voldemort is not as they expected So fragile, and one day it is possible to recover mana and resume activities in this country. People will panic. The Ministry of Magic is also composed of ordinary wizards, and they cannot accept it either - I don't think you don't know that, except for limited A few people away, how afraid are wizards of that person?"

Harry fell silent, how could he not know.

He still remembers that on the night of his birthday during the summer vacation when he was eleven years old, Hagrid came to him and told him that he was actually a wizard. And that night, Hagrid was forced to say the words "Voldemort" to himself. At that time, the expression of fear.

One person's panic won't cause much, but the panic of most people is definitely a big problem.

"Maybe you will think that lying to the public is a shameful act, but the panic caused by telling the truth leads to the collapse of social order, and the consequences are more serious."

Little wizards of this age are always idealistic and have a mental mysophobia.

“Lies are not always shameful—”

Amosta said patiently, but neither Hermione nor Harry understood the next sentence.

"Before it's time to accept all this -"

Although he has known Hermione for more than three years, Harry still sometimes feels troubled by Hermione's stubbornness.

After leaving Professor Blaine's office, he was anxious to go back to the dormitory to discuss the answers to tonight's questions with Ron. However, Hermione stubbornly pulled him to the Quidditch pitch and played running for today, waiting to return to the dormitory again. When we arrived at the castle, there was no one in the auditorium.

"If I were you, I wouldn't wander around the playground in the dark-"

In the hall, Harry and Hermione also met Professor Moody, who had obviously seen them running on the playground just now. Professor Moody didn't seem angry or embarrassed about losing to Professor Brain in front of so many young wizards. His mood was much more stable than before, but his two asymmetrical eyes were still in their sockets. Wandering around,

"There may be someone watching you in the dark, ready to steal your liver!"

Harry looked a little embarrassed. He was not sure whether Professor Moody was joking with them.

"This is what we have to do every day, Professor Moody—"

Hermione said timidly, the image of Mad-Eye Moody was a bit too exciting for her, "We were planning to go earlier, but Professor Blaine just called us."

Hermione immediately stopped talking. She suddenly remembered that it might not be appropriate to mention Professor Blaine in front of Professor Moody.

"Ah, Brain!" Professor Moody stared at Harry with his magic eyes and asked with great interest, "What did he talk to you about?"

There was no need for Hermione to secretly remind him that Harry would not reveal the conversation between him and Professor Blaine. He thought Professor Moody would be unhappy, but unexpectedly he nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, Potter, secrets should be kept close to your heart!"

Professor Moody turned to leave, but before stepping onto the stairs, he suddenly shouted,

"Always be alert!"

"It's not surprising that he's called Mad-Eye Moody, is it?"

When Professor Moody disappeared from their sight, Harry, who was startled by the last roar, said with lingering fear, "He does look a little crazy."

"Professor Moody has just been to the Forbidden Forest--"

Hermione did not echo Harry's words. She raised her head and looked at the stairs and said thoughtfully, "But what is he doing there? Hagrid has always been responsible for patrolling the Forbidden Forest--"

"How do you know?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Don't you see, Harry, there are leaves on the soles of his feet--"

Hermione said in a 'it's obvious' tone,

"That leaf is only found in the Forbidden Forest!"

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