Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 539 Visiting the Goblin

In the early morning, the sunshine rising in the sky had just dispelled the fog that poured out from the Seine River and shrouded a large area of ​​the city. Paris, this city has just woken up from its slumber. The wide streets are not yet filled with the constant flow of traffic. There are only the occasional early-rising Muggles on the sidewalk, jogging, or riding bicycles to exercise.

Gringotts World Bank--This is the base camp of goblins and the absolute financial center of the wizarding world.

In order to earn more wealth, the hard-working fairies have no concept of rest. The lights in the tall building have been brightly lit all night, and the lights from the windows are slightly dim before the rising sun. However, the goblins working inside seem to have drunk too much joy, with their eyes red and still looking... Working at the desk non-stop.

Of course, within the society and system of any species, there are privileged classes.

The higher the level of the tall building, the quieter it seems, because this is not only the place where the fairies in high positions work, but also the place where they live. Therefore, there is no reason to stop those noble goblins with unimaginable wealth from enjoying a delicious breakfast in the comfortable time of the morning.

The top level of Gringotts World Bank is where Mr. Gerson Barna, who is in charge of the powerful goblin clan, works and lives.

Mr. Barna is already very old. In order to ensure that he has enough energy to cope with the day's work, this period from three o'clock in the morning to eight o'clock in the morning is Mr. Barna's private time. No one or anything will disturb Barna. Mr. Na, this rule has been faithfully enforced in recent years.

But today, things are slightly different.

A group of goblins in elegant black dresses rushed up from downstairs carrying plates of exquisite pastries. After strict inspection, they were released into Mr. Barna's office, which was filled with fireplaces leading to branches around the world. In the center of the huge room, there was a table that had never existed before. The four legs of the table were carved with elegant and artistic patterns.

The dining table is covered with a complete tablecloth woven from unicorn hair, and the decorative bonsai and candlesticks on the dining table, as well as the neatly arranged tableware, are all the best of the best.

The two goblins Jin Ge and La Di were instructing the waiters to place the pastries neatly on the dining table. Mr. Bana solemnly gave instructions that an extremely distinguished guest was visiting this morning. They must present the most prudent dishes. attitude to receive this distinguished guest.

"what happened?"

After the last incident, both Jin Ge and Ladi, the two goblins became more calm. They issued orders one by one in an orderly manner. Soon, all the work was ready, and Ladi faced the waiter goblins. They waved their hands and ordered them to leave the office. After that, it glanced at a door in front of Mr. Bana's office and came to Jin Ge. Finally, it couldn't help its curiosity and asked Jin Ge who had conveyed the order. Ge asked quietly,

"This has never happened in nearly twenty years. Who is Mr. Barna entertaining?"

"I don't know-"

Jin Ge shook his head, and then gave Ladi a warning look,

"Besides, this is not what we should care about, Ladi, we just need to follow the instructions--"

Ladi's lips trembled. It was obviously unconvinced by Jin Gedi's statement, but in the end he chose to remain silent and obediently returned to the armrest of the chair where Mr. Barna should be sitting.

At this moment, one of the many fireplaces distributed on the walls on both sides of the office, the runes on the upper sill suddenly lit up, and a green flame suddenly emerged from the extinguished fireplace. Both Ladi and Jin Ge wrinkled. They frowned, thinking that the guest was coming in through the office door. Unexpectedly, Mr. Barna actually gave this guest such trust and allowed him to use the fireplace in the room.

However, when the green flames dissipated and the figures walking out of the flames were clearly reflected in their pupils, an uncontrollable panic surged into their hearts like a torrent, almost overwhelming Ladi and Jin Gedi. reason.

"Ah, it's you two little guys--"

After patting the ashes on his robe, Amosta raised his head and looked at the office he had visited a few months ago. The furnishings in the surprisingly spacious office had not changed much, except for the floor hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room. Under the gorgeous and stunning crystal chandelier, there is an additional dining table.

Of course, Amosta also found two elves standing by the armrests of the chairs on both sides of the dining table, inexplicably frightened by his appearance.

Of course Amosta would not forget that when he came to Paris to attend an inquiry meeting about the Triwizard Tournament a few months ago, it was these two goblins who 'kidnapped' him from the goblin hotel.

"Jingo and Ladi——"

Amosta walked to the dining table, looked at the two little guys who were silent, and said with a smile,

"I must have remembered your names correctly. You seem to be recovering well?"

That night, he had an affair with Jin Ge and La Di, who had a broken arm, and a group of guard goblins in this office. The two goblins were seriously injured at the time. Under normal circumstances, they would not have died. They may also be disabled, but judging from the way they stand upright, there shouldn't be much problem with their bodies.

"They should be grateful for your restraint, Mr. Blaine--"

The secret door at the other end of the room suddenly opened. Mr. Barna, who was wearing a silver-green robe and a gray beard with a few strands of dark green beard, slowly walked into its office. After entering the room, it fiddled with the long The reading glasses on its nose confirmed that the person visiting was indeed Amosta Brain. The steps of its old body became much more vigorous, and it did not stop until it reached Amosta.

"Welcome to your visit, Mr. Blaine--"

The old goblin stretched out his somewhat withered palm towards Amosta. And Amosta also bent down with a smile, took Mr. Bana's hand and shook it a few times.

"I hope my presumptuous visit will not cause you any trouble, Mr. Barna——"

Ladi and Jingo pulled out the soft chairs and let Amosta and Bana sit down. Their movements were trembling, not because of Mr. Bana, but because of Amosta Brain.

The goblins have always been well-informed, and Amosta Brain's duel of the century in the Quidditch World Cup finals would have reached their ears long ago even if it took snail mail.

After learning the details of the battle from the goblins' unique channels, all the goblins who participated in the kidnapping incident that night and were still alive broke into a cold sweat. They were coming back to their senses at that time. If they hadn't relied on Ba Mr. Na's wisdom, perhaps, the goblins of Gringotts World Bank were all finished on the night they carried out the kidnapping.

Amosta noticed the cold sweat on the forehead of the goblin named Jin Ge. He smiled slightly, but unexpectedly, his self-proclaimed gentle smile made the one-armed goblin tremble violently. His dark green skin turned pale.

So, he had no choice but to focus on the exquisite pastries on the dining table and the steaming green tea in the exquisite tea cup.

"It seems that you have figured out my habits very clearly?"

Amosta said cheerfully.

"You lived in Paris for several months, Mr. Blaine--"

The shrewd old goblin nodded slightly and said in an old voice,

"So, it's not difficult to inquire about your personal habits. We are also proficient in wizards' hospitality etiquette, and you, as a distinguished guest, are worthy of our doing this. I just hope you won't think we are negligent -"

"Haha, of course not -"

Amosta picked up the tea cup and took a sip, savoring the unique bitterness. He looked at the eyes of the old goblin opposite the dining table and could clearly detect the vigilance and temptation in those eyes. He smiled lightly. road,

"Ah, it's really nice——"

Amosta pointed at the green leaves floating in the exquisite tea cup,

"I must admit, Mr. Bana, I have never tasted such fragrant and sweet tea. Oh, I already regret it a little. If I had agreed to your invitation to cooperate before, maybe I could have tasted it earlier!"

What Amosta was talking about was that old Bana sent him a letter before, hoping to take advantage of the Triwizard Tournament to advertise in the arena. Amosta refused at the time, not just because he did not want the Triwizard Tournament held at Hogwarts to be filled with too much of a commercial atmosphere.

It was also because Gerson Barna, who was in charge of Gringotts World Bank, wrote to him just for this reward. The purpose of this matter was not pure. He was just sending gold to himself under this seemingly reasonable banner.

"It's an honor to be appreciated by you--"

The old goblin smiled smoothly,

"Of course, it's really my regret that I couldn't reach cooperation with you——"

Benedict --

Amosta put down the tea cup and placed his fingers on the edge of the table with his fingers crossed. He stared at the mature Gerson Barna. His eyes that seemed dim but kept flashing with light, smiled slightly and said,

"The purpose of my trip is precisely to make up for my regrets——"

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