Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 549 Amosta’s Wrist

Fudge glanced at Rufus Scrimgeour rather displeasedly.

He knew that this subordinate of his had no dealings with Amosta Brain, which was harmless. Fudge was even happy to see this. However, Rufus should not have made his hostility so obvious on this occasion. . The new magic developed by an individual is a very private and precious thing. Even if Amosta said that he could use this wonderful machine to learn his magic, Rufus should not have pointed it out in detail.

It cost fifty thousand galleons apiece—a price that made Fudge click his tongue in surprise.

Even those powerful families who donate are rarely so generous. Moreover, this is an alchemy tool with wonderful functions.

Fudge looked at the light and shadow in front of him, his eyes showing shrewdness.

"Oh, thank you for your generous donation, Amosta—"

Fudge patted Amosta on the shoulder affectionately and smiled.

"No problem, Amosta. There is no problem with the patent application and production license. Leave the procedures here. I will arrange for Dolores to help you with it later. After the completion, I will send the qualifications to you by owl. "

"That's great--" Amosta said gratefully.

The two of them walked side by side to the desk. Fudge looked much more relaxed than before, and his eyes when looking at Amosta were much kinder.

"It's surprising, Amosta, I didn't expect that your attainments in alchemy are so high - haha, are you finally planning to compete with Dumbledore in inventions and creations?"

"I will never be a match for Headmaster Dumbledore at pinball."

Amosta's little joke made Fudge hold his belly and laugh for a while.

Seeing this scene, Sirius, who had gradually figured out some clues, curled his lips secretly. If he hadn't talked to Amosta in private about his views on Fudge, he would have even thought that Amosta and Fudge had been close for many years. Where is my old friend! Correspondingly, the aura lingering around Rufus and Delis became deeper and deeper. They did not believe that Amosta Braine had chosen such an opportunity to come over just to find the Minister of Magic and go backstage.

"That's right, Minister—"

Just when the atmosphere was getting lively, Amosta changed his face and smiled, his expression suddenly became solemn.

"I have one more thing to do today, and this thing"

Midway through his words, Amosta stopped. He glanced at the people sitting around the conference table, obviously he was worried about something.

"Oh, what is it?"

Fudge's heart skipped a beat. Ever since Amosta walked into the office, he had been glaring at Amosta for talking about Remus. To be honest, even now, he hadn't thought clearly about how to deal with Amosta. Mostar Brain, and that's why he allowed Remus Lupin's werewolf to squat in St. Mungo's and pretend to be confused.

"It doesn't matter, Amosta, Rufus and the others are all people I trust. There is nothing they cannot know."

After discovering that Amosta had always been wary of Rufus's existence, Fudge, who was originally hesitant to temporarily invite a few people out, made up his mind and said in a pleasant tone.

"Well, in that case-"

This time, Amosta took out another piece of folded parchment. This was what he took out from his arms. It seemed to be more cautious than the previous application procedures. Fudge kept looking at Amosta. His movements revealed imperceptible doubts in his brows.

"Yesterday, I suddenly received an invitation from Rita Skeeter, the well-known current affairs reporter of the Daily Prophet. She asked me to meet at the Leaky Cauldron. The letter stated that she had something very important to discuss with me. Communicate, so I met with her--"

Amosta handed the folded letter to Fudge's hand.

"After the meeting, Rita Skeeter gave me such a list and shared some secrets with me. You can take a look first, Minister--"

When he heard the name Rita Skeeter, several fine lines appeared on Fudge's broad forehead out of thin air. He took the parchment and unfolded it quickly. When his eyes touched the content on the letter, Fudge's expression froze. Immediately, he took out his glasses from the pocket of his robe and put them on hastily, his whole face buried in the letter.

There was silence in the office for a while. Amosta intertwined his fingers on the table and looked calmly at Fudge, whose expression was hidden by the letter. Judging from the trembling of the fat fingers holding the edge of the letter, this thing It probably gave Fudge a big shock.

The silence lasted forever.

Sirius couldn't see Amosta's expression, so he could only exchange glances with Kingsley, and the wrinkles between Rufus Scrimgeour's brows became deeper.

what happened?

Rufus stared at the back of Amosta Blaine. What on earth did he show the minister? Why did he suddenly talk about the woman Rita Skeeter? Could it be that Blaine was really not for that werewolf? Coming?

Impossible. It is impossible for Amosta Brain to watch the werewolf suffer. Black must have reported the situation to Amosta Brain. This is a sure thing. So, what is the current situation?

Bang! Bang!

Just as Rufus was thinking about the purpose behind some of Amosta Brain's actions, his immediate boss, the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, suddenly made some moves.

Fudge slapped the letter in his palm on the desk. He stood up from his seat with a crash, and the violent movement directly knocked over the seat behind him. Rufus even saw that the Minister of Magic had a big bean on his forehead. Drops of sweat, it's hard to describe whether the expression on Fudge's fat face is anger or fear!

"What happened, Minister!"

Rufus's eyes sharpened suddenly, and he was about to rush over as he stood up. However, opposite Fudge, the young man who was still sitting slowly turned his head and looked at him with a deep look like a basin. Ice water was poured on his head, causing his steps to falter and shudder!

"Rita Skeeter gave this to you. Where did she come from? What does she want to do?"

Fudge's fat lips trembled, and he roared in shock and anger.

"As you might imagine, Minister—"

Amosta stood up slowly and said calmly,

"She wants to put this list in the Daily Prophet. Rita Skeeter is a smart person. She obviously knows the consequences of her actions and how much trouble she may cause herself. So, She wanted me to protect her."

Before Fudge got mad, Amosta continued,

"I am also very aware of the consequences of this thing meeting the public, so I rejected her, which made her very hesitant whether to continue this matter-"

"You did the right thing, Amosta!"

Fudge gasped and shouted,

"Does this stupid woman know what she is doing? If she dares to do this, oh, I swear, she will be in bad luck. There is no negotiation on this matter. I won't be so easy to talk to!"

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