Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 555 Banquet

At least in terms of eye-catching, the way Durmstrang's visitors appear is on par with Beauxbatons.

"How on earth did this ship get here?"

When an extraordinary large ship completely surfaced on the surface of the Black Lake, emitting the faint light of a ghost ship under the bright moon, Neville asked in a shocked tone,

"The Black Lake is not connected to the sea!"

"They definitely didn't come here normally -" Hermione frowned and thought, "I guess this ship can change its size and then teleport to the nearest water."

"Cool!" Seamus exclaimed with air-conditioning.

The people on the ship were landing, and Harry and the others could see the silhouettes of these people passing by the porthole lights.

Harry noticed that they were both about the same height as Crabbe and Goyle. Then, as they walked closer and walked along the lawn into the light cast by the entrance hall, Harry realized that the reason why they looked so big was Big because they all wear a kind of fur cloak with the fur on it tangled and messy. However, the man who led them towards the castle was wearing a different kind of fur: silver-white, soft and smooth, much like his hair.


As the man walked up the ramp he called enthusiastically, "How are you, my dear old fellow?"

"Great, thank you, Professor Karkaroff."

The blue light in Dumbledore's eyes flashed, and he smiled gently.

Karkaroff's voice was mellow and sweet. He was tall and thin like Dumbledore. After walking in, he looked up at the Hogwarts Castle standing in the darkness and smiled with emotion, but there was something in his eyes. There was no trace of a smile, he was still cold and sharp.

Karkarlovlov lowered his head, preparing to ask if Beauxbatons had arrived, even though he had already noticed that the twelve Pegasus horses and the huge carriage with the Beauxbatons emblem were parked not far away, and then, he He lowered his head and noticed that just as he was in a trance, a man flashed out from behind Dumbledore, also smiling at his team, but he didn't notice it as he was climbing up the hill.

"Ah, Professor Blaine, I was wondering why I didn't see you!"

Karkaroff grinned, showing yellow teeth, "How have you been recently?"

"I've been wasting my time, Professor Karkaroff--"

Amosta chuckled.

"You are still so humble and graceful, Professor Blaine——"

Karkaroff strode forward,

"Even if you do such amazing things. Oh, come and see, Viktor, this is the Amosta Brain you've been talking about for months!"

Karkaroff waved to a group of tough men behind him, and then looked at Amosta,

"Ever since meeting you at the Quidditch match, this kid has been obsessed with you and has never forgotten you!"

Viktor Krum!

"Oh my god, can you believe it, Harry!" Ron's ears turned red with excitement, "It's him, it's Krum. We had dealt with him in the World Cup, and he even called his father for rescue. We, oh, it’s amazing, he’s the Durmstrang representative!”

Without Ron's reminder, Harry had already found Krum with his striking hooked nose and two thick, black eyebrows among the crowd in Durmstrang.

Just like the Beauxbatons students who felt awe, curiosity and admiration after seeing Professor Blaine, many young wizards at Hogwarts also fell into this kind of attitude after hearing Krum's name. After getting emotional, they scrambled forward, hoping to get a clear look at the boy who was speaking respectfully to Professor Blaine.

At this time, Harry noticed that Hermione was acting very calmly, as if she was not surprised at all that a world-class Quidditch star would appear in Durmstrang's queue, so he asked his question.

"Have you forgotten?"

Hermione said calmly,

"That night, before Krum separated from us, he told Professor Brain that he was a student of Durmstrang. I guess he would never give up on becoming Durmstrang's warrior."

Harry frowned and thought for a while, but there were too many things that happened that night. He didn't have Hermione's good memory, and it was impossible to remember how Krum introduced himself to Professor Blaine.

By the time several deans greeted their respective college students and followed the Durmstrang people back to the auditorium, the Beauxbatons people had already sat down at the Ravenclaw table. After a while, everyone Found a seat.

Including Ron, many young wizards were so busy that they couldn't notice whether they were looking at Viktor Krum or the stunningly beautiful Beauxbatons witch.

"That girl is a Veela!"

Ron's choice was Fleur, he said hoarsely to Harry,

"Tell me, how did Professor Blaine know her?"

"have no idea!"

Hermione answered the question sharply for Harry, "Maybe like you, you caught her attention with your goofy expression!"

Ron didn't reply. He was still staring obsessively at Professor Blaine's Fleur who was looking at the staff table with great interest. He didn't seem to hear what Hermione was saying at all.

"Good evening, gentlemen, ladies, ghosts, and especially, our distinguished guests from afar," Dumbledore looked at the foreign students with a smile.

"It is with great joy that I welcome you to Hogwarts, and I hope and have every confidence that you will find yourself comfortable and happy here."

Fleur came back to her senses, she moved her eyes away from the handsome man in front of the auditorium, turned to look at the auditorium where she was with a critical look, and let out an obviously sarcastic sneer.

"No one forces you to stay!"

Hermione's face looked ugly. She was annoyed by that girl.

Today's dinner is more sumptuous than ever before. In order to welcome the guests, the elves in the kitchen have prepared many new dishes. However, there are not many little wizards who can really focus on the food. Most people's attention is The students from the two visiting schools, and young wizards like Cedric Diggory who aspire to become Hogwarts Warriors, are all eagerly looking forward to the moment when the Warrior selection mechanism is announced.


Halfway through the dinner, representatives from the Ministry of Magic arrived in a hurry. Ludo Bagman breathlessly greeted Madame Maxime and Professor Karkaroff, and then whispered to Dumbledore,

"Barty said he was worried, so he personally went with the Department for the Management and Control of Magical Creatures to investigate."

"Like Barty's style——"

Amosta smiled and looked at Ludo Bagman, but Bagman quickly turned back, as if he was afraid of making eye contact with him.


The sharp pain in his calf finally made Ron's vision return to normal. He hissed at the cold air and glared at Hermione angrily.

"You're going crazy again!"

"When you look back -" Hermione said bluntly, "maybe you will be able to find out who came just now!"


Ron was still frowning, but at Harry's reminder, he looked towards the staff table and immediately spotted the smiling Ludo Bagman.

"Oh, it's Bagman!"

Ron became excited all of a sudden. He turned to look at Harry,

"It's Bagman, Harry, we have to go find him and ask about the situation!"

To be honest, Harry didn't want to waste any more energy on this matter, but he knew that Ron cared about this matter very much, and he also understood the significance of several hundred galleons to Ron. Just when he was hesitating, Ron Enke looked embarrassed again. He looked at Ludo Bagman who was exchanging glasses of wine with others at the faculty table, frowned and said hesitantly,

"Isn't this occasion inappropriate? Harry, I mean, Bagman is here to participate in the opening ceremony of the Goblet of Fire. Maybe, we should change the time."

Harry heard Hermione sighing clearly next to him. Before he could answer the question, Ron moved closer to Fred and George.

"What are your plans to confront Bagman? You have also lost a lot of gold!"

"As long as we can catch him."

Fred said simply.

"We have no intention of letting him go!"

George made the same statement.

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