Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 568 Four Warriors

Looking at the suppressed and excited faces below, Amosta smiled slightly and said,

"Here, I would like to congratulate in advance the three young wizards who were selected as warriors by the Goblet of Fire. This Triwizard Tournament is the first tournament in centuries. Regardless of whether the tournament will continue to be held in the future, your Your names will be remembered, and your performance in the game will be talked about."

Being remembered by history - this temptation makes many people breathe quickly.

"Of course, I would also like to say here to those young wizards who had the courage to participate but unfortunately were not selected by the Goblet of Fire——"

Amosta looked more solemn,

"In our long and short life, there are always difficult challenges. Overcoming these challenges is far more glorious than participating in the competition. Therefore, whether you are selected or not, I hope you can stay optimistic. Face life with a positive attitude, and don’t neglect or give up on yourself because of this.”

Dumbledore was smiling and took the lead in applauding, followed closely by Professor McGonagall, who wiped her red eyes and slapped them hard.

Below the auditorium, sparse applause also erupted from the four desks of the deans. However, as time went on, the applause became louder and louder, so that in the end, even the candles suspended in mid-air were applauded in unison. It was shaken by the strong wind.

"What a wise statement--"

Dumbledore sniffed sensibly and said to Professor Snape on his right. After hearing this, the latter's face darkened as expected.

It has to be said that Amosta's remarks did have some effect, and many young wizards who were worried about gains and losses seemed much calmer because of it.

"Okay, the Goblet of Fire is about to make a decision——"

Amosta put his hands behind his body and pressed down, stopping the roaring applause.

"I guess it's going to be a minute. Listen, when the Warriors' names are announced, I want them to go to the top of the auditorium, walk along the staff table, and go into the next room--"

Amosta pointed to the room where Barty was staying before, "The warriors will receive preliminary guidance there--"

He took out his wand and waved it widely. Immediately, all the candles except those in the jack-o-lantern were extinguished. The auditorium suddenly fell into a state of semi-darkness, and the Goblet of Fire was the most radiant in the auditorium. An eye-catching thing, every little wizard's sight is on it.

Amosta was standing next to the Goblet of Fire. He looked quietly at the little wizards below - they controlled their breathing to the slightest level, anxiously waiting for the mystery that was about to be revealed. Fleur, who was full of confidence as a warrior, would inevitably fall into nervousness at such moments.


Someone among the little wizards suddenly shouted. Amosta, who had already sensed it, immediately turned his eyes to the red flames. His hand flew up from mid-air, holding everyone's gaze away from the flames. There were sparks crackling and splashing in the cup.

"The warriors of Durmstrang are—"

Unfolding the parchment in his hand, Amosta, who saw the result before everyone else, smiled slightly, and then shouted in a clear and powerful tone,

"Victor Krum!"

The extremely suppressed emotions were completely aroused at this moment. Except for the few boys from Durmstrang who were unsuccessful, every little wizard was shouting desperately, even though they themselves might not know what they were happy about. !

"Not surprising at all!"

Ron shouted loudly, and Hermione stood up right after Harry and cheered a few times. Although she did not admire Krum's status as an international Quidditch superstar like Ron and Harry, she was very fond of Krum. Mu still has a good impression. On the night of the Quidditch final, before Professor Blaine arrived, it was Krum who accepted her commission and invited Mr. Weasley to the box to help. In that crisis-ridden situation, Krum was willing to help a group of ordinary people. The fact that strangers were willing to take risks is a testament to his kindness and courage.

"Awesome, Viktor!"

Professor Karkaroff's voice roared like a bell. Even though the applause in the auditorium was loud, everyone could still hear his voice.

"I knew you were destined to be a warrior!"

Viktor Krum was far less excited than his professor. He stood up listlessly from Draco's side and walked slowly towards the room Amosta had mentioned before. He just passed by Amosta. Mosta nodded respectfully when he was next to him, and Amosta smiled back.

This guy is much more likable than Karkaroff.

The applause gradually died down. Now everyone's attention returned to the Goblet of Fire, and Amosta once again neatly caught the second piece of parchment ejected from the red flame.

Without opening it, Amosta could already confirm who the name on the parchment was, because the parchment was torn from his notebook.

"The Champions of Beauxbatons,"

The moment their eyes met, Fleur confirmed who the name was that was about to ring out in the auditorium, and then, her name came out of the mouth of the man she admired, causing a storm.

Fleur shook her silver hair briskly and stood up gracefully. When she passed Amosta, her steps slowed down.

"Thank you -" Fleur said to Amosta, smiling like a flower.

"I wish you well, Miss Delacour—"

Amosta nodded and smiled gentlemanly.

As before, except for the Beauxbatons students who failed to win, many students at Hogwarts once again celebrated Fleur with warm applause. Of course, the congratulations from the girls may be much less than before.

The air in the auditorium has never been so anxious, even the deans of the four major houses of Hogwarts - Minerva McGonagall, Filius Flitwick, Pomona Sprout and Xiang Lai Severus Snape, who liked to watch hot-button events with a cold eye, cast expectant glances at the third piece of parchment held in Amosta's hand.

Needless to say about the little wizards below, many of them clenched their fists and trembled slightly, as if they were betting all their fortune on gambling cards and waiting for the final moment of the cards.

If you betray someone at this time, everyone will hate you.

Amosta opened the parchment neatly. When the name on the paper fell into his eyes, the corners of Amosta's mouth tilted slightly with a sincere smile.


Amosta looked at the thin, tall and handsome young man in the middle of the Hufflepuff table.

"You can cheer for Mr. Cedric Diggory!"

At the Gryffindor table, Angelina sighed in disappointment, while Ron's loud protest was not heard at all, because the cheers from the table next to her were deafening. Every Hufflepuff was jumping up and down, screaming and stamping their feet.

Harry saw the classmates in Hufflepuff's physical education class, Hannah, Ernie, Justin, Susan, and Meghan. Everyone left their seats and rushed to Cedric's side, cheering for him shrilly. To be honest, Harry was a little envious. He had only been so popular once, and that was last year, when he defeated Malfoy in the Quidditch final and won the championship for Gryffindor.

Harry subconsciously looked at Malfoy and the Slytherin students around him. Unsurprisingly, each of them looked at Cedric with contempt, as if he was a lucky clown. Seeing this scene, Harry felt much better. He smiled and clapped his hands vigorously. In any case, Cedric was about to represent Hogwarts against Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, and, He was also a classmate in Professor Blaine's physical education class.

Cedric, who was in the center of the storm, was a little at a loss. He had been looking forward to it for so long, but his dream came true, so he was a little at a loss. Subconsciously, his eyes jumped over the faces in front of him and looked towards Raven. At Crow's long table, when he saw the delicate and beautiful girl's red cheeks and the brilliance in her eyes looking at him, Cedric's heart trembled suddenly, and her handsome face was extremely rosy.

"Oh, congratulations, Pomona!"

The disappointment only lasted on Professor McGonagall's face for less than a second. Then, she congratulated like an overjoyed Professor Sprout, and other colleagues at the table also did the same.

Perhaps at this moment, there are only two people in Hogwarts who can remain calm, one is Albus Dumbledore and the other is Amostar.

"Very good--"

Amosta calmly glanced at Harry, who was applauding as hard as his classmates. He did not leave the Goblet of Fire and smiled happily.

"Okay, now our three warriors have been selected. I know that you will have unreserved trust in the warriors of your respective schools and spare no effort to support them. I also believe that our three warriors will contribute to everyone. .”


As if someone had cast a silence spell on everyone at this moment, the Goblet of Fire spurted out red flames again, under everyone's astonished gaze.

A long tongue of fire suddenly shot into the air and held up another piece of parchment.

Harry saw the same shock on Professor Brain's face as everyone else. He instinctively took the parchment. He frowned and raised it high, but when Professor Brain saw the parchment After reading the above content, all his surprise disappeared in an instant. Professor Brain did not speak. Instead, he turned to look at the staff table. The little wizards all lost the opportunity to observe Professor Brain's expression.

Amosta looked directly into Dumbledore's blue eyes. In the long silence, the eyes of the two people who had received much attention met in mid-air.

This silence is so long.

This thought came to more than one person's mind.

Finally, Professor Dumbledore seemed to have accepted the message conveyed by Professor Brain. He blinked his blue eyes behind the half-moon glasses, and slowly leaned back on the chair from a straight posture.

Professor Brain turned his head back, his face pale and calm under the blue-white firelight.

Professor Brain once again raised the fourth piece of parchment he got from the Goblet of Fire, and the next second, a name rang through the auditorium.

"Hermione Granger."

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