Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 599 Hot Kiss

Harry and Hermione are probably the young wizards who have the most contact with Professor Brain in private. They all know that privately, Professor Brain is not a wizard who particularly likes to show off his majesty. Every time they come to this office, Professor Brain Professor En would kindly ask him to sit down and then start talking about things formally.

However, this time, Professor Blaine only let the two of them stand there, looking at them with unkind eyes. This subtle change made both Harry and Hermione panic.

It seemed that the trouble they got into today really annoyed Professor Brain.

Isn't it surprising? Although Professor Brain strictly wanted to punish them for sneaking out of the school, they knew very well that injuring Beauxbatons' warriors was more serious.

Not knowing whether Madame Maxime had come to the castle to inquire about this matter, Harry mustered up the courage to secretly glance at Professor Blaine behind the desk, and what he saw was a face with no emotion or anger in the shadow of a flickering candle. face, which made Harry even more uneasy.

"I'm sorry, Professor--"

Hermione seemed to be out of breath, "We...we ran into something-"

Amosta's face softened a little. He knew that Harry and Hermione probably went to find Ron after returning to Hogwarts. It was foreseeable that they probably had some conflicts.

Amosta shook his head in disbelief.

"How about it, Hermione, are you ready for the events of the Triwizard Tournament?"

Hermione's body trembled violently, and her heart beat rapidly in her chest - Hagrid had only told her and Harry before that Professor Blaine had kept a tight seal on the competition. However, Hagrid still planned to help. She gets some inside information.

"I-I was looking up the previous game information-" Hermione stammered, "I thought it might be a little helpful."


Looking at Hermione who was a little too nervous, Amosta raised his eyebrows.

Under normal circumstances, it is understandable to give Hermione a little extra help. After all, she is the youngest among the warriors, and it is not her original intention to become a warrior. However, after thinking about it, Amosta turned off again. Regarding this plan, regarding the process of the Warriors game, it would be best for him or Dumbledore not to interfere too much, and she might not have anyone to help.

"As for the two of you sneaking out of school, Gryffindor needs to deduct twenty points. Of course, confinement is inevitable, but considering that you are now under the pressure of competition events, I will No additional punishment—"


Harry and Hermione both raised their heads and stared at Professor Blaine in disbelief. Harry said in surprise,

"Is that all, Professor!"

"Of course it's not that simple. Have you forgotten Miss Fleur Delacour who was injured by you?"

Harry's expression immediately became dull, which made Amosta laugh. It was already very late now, and he didn't intend to talk to Harry and Hermione anymore, so he said directly,

"Harry, I know you didn't mean to hurt Miss Delacour. Normally, I shouldn't punish you for this matter, but you should know that she is a Beauxbatons warrior after all. Her identity is sensitive, so it would be inappropriate to just treat this matter as a harmless accident. Therefore, Hogwarts should still apologize to her——"

Even if Professor Blaine didn't say it, Harry and Hermione understood this. Thinking about it, Fleur was indeed unlucky. It had only been a week since she arrived at Hogwarts, and she had already been injured twice in a row. Although it was all caused by accidents, Beauxbatons would inevitably have opinions.

"What do you need us to do, Professor?"

Since Professor Brain said this, they must do something.

"I prepared a gift for Miss Delacour, a dress--"

Amosta knocked the gift box in front of him, looked at Harry and said,

"I hope you can give it to her personally as an apology, in your name of course, Harry -"

Harry and Hermione then turned their attention to the box in front of Professor Braine. Harry thought that this box was given to Professor Braine by someone else. After all, with Professor Braine's current fame, he had not received any gifts from fans. It's not a strange thing, but I didn't expect that this was a gift that Professor Blaine bought to apologize to Fleur.

Harry opened his mouth, feeling frightened and moved.

"--If Miss Delacour asks you why you bought this, you can tell her that you asked me how to express your apology, and it was my suggestion. Go quickly, it is already very late, put the invisibility cloak Take advantage of it. If you are caught by other professors and prefects, I will not admit it——"

Harry and Hermione walked out of Professor Blaine's office in a daze. It wasn't until they went down to the foyer and felt the cold wind blowing outside the castle that Harry suddenly realized,

"Do you think I should pay Professor Blaine back for the gift, Hermione?"

Harry did ask a good question, but Hermione couldn't give an accurate answer for a while.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't let Professor Brain pay for his fault, but Hermione believed that Professor Brain must have felt that he had some responsibility, so he took the initiative to buy the gift.

The light from the windows of the rooms in the castle was not enough to light up the venue. The campus was dark. Harry and Hermione endured the howling wind and stumbled towards Beauxbatons' carriage. Because they were wearing the invisibility cloak, The grass was slippery and muddy from the day's rain. They fell several times on the road and their robes were stained with mud.

Since Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrived at Hogwarts, no one had entered their residence. There seemed to be some kind of warning magic surrounding Beauxbatons' carriage. As soon as the two people approached the door of the carriage, the door with two golden crossed wands opened on its own, and a boy wearing a light blue robe alertly opened. He stuck his head out from the crack in the door.

"Student of Hogwarts, I remember you, you are the second warrior of Hogwarts!"

The boy spotted Hermione and Harry standing under the golden spiral staircase. He easily recognized Hermione, so he became even more alert.

"What's the matter with you?"

"We'd like to meet Fleur Delacour, well, because of the day-"

Harry took a deep breath of cold air and said unnaturally.

"What happened during the day?"

The Beauxbatons boy was stunned.

"What happened during the day?"

His question made Harry and Hermione wonder. Could it be that Fleur didn't tell her about being hurt again? However, during the day, many people witnessed this scene. However, it seemed that the people in the Three Broomsticks pub at that time were all Durmstrang people.

Hermione nudged Harry's ribs intelligently.

"We came to deliver something to Miss Delacour. This is something she bought in Hogsmeade during the day, um, but she forgot to take it, and we happened to meet-"

"Oh, didn't that elf send everything--"

The boy muttered and said a little unhappy. However, he did not question Hermione's statement. After saying "wait", he closed the door with a bang.

The light inside the carriage clearly reflected the white air seeping from the mouths and noses of the two people. The weather was so cold that Harry could even hear the sound of ice flakes floating on the rippling black lake squeezing and colliding with each other.

Before they were frozen into popsicles, Fleur finally appeared. She wore a thick cloak and pushed open the carriage door. However, the cold wind that took the opportunity to seep in still made her shiver.

Even though Fleur wasn't happy about the cold weather here, she wrapped herself tightly in her cloak and carefully walked down the spiral staircase. Then, she stared suspiciously at the box in Harry's hand.

"Lavi said you sent something I left in Hogsmeade?"

"Ahem -" Harry looked a little unnatural, "Actually, we bought you a gift, um, to apologize for what happened during the day."


I don't know if it was because her nose had not fully recovered, but Fleur's voice was a little nasal, which made her voice hoarse than usual. She blinked in surprise and looked at the muddy water on Harry and Hermione's bodies. A little gentler,

"Oh, it's not necessary. It was just an accident-"

But then, she asked with great interest,

"What are you going to give me?"

"A dress!" Harry said quickly.

Professor Brain has gone to great lengths, and it would be a bit unreasonable if they couldn't even give out a gift. He held the gift box in his arms to Furong and looked at her eagerly.

Perhaps it was Harry's sincere attitude that impressed Fleur. She was not prepared to accept it, and she stretched out her hand in a light blue shirt from the gap in her cloak, gently pulled open the ribbon of the gift box, and then opened the box. side.

"Oh, this is-"

With just one glance, Fleur confirmed that this was the dress that she had admired at the Fengya Wizard Clothing Store during the day. She screamed in surprise, but in an instant, she realized that something was wrong.

"How did you know I liked this dress?"

So, Harry hurriedly told the answer given by Professor Blaine, but unexpectedly, Fleur did not let go of the topic. She looked at him with suspicion in her eyes.

"Is it--"

Fleur muttered,

"This dress is not cheap. It would be too expensive as an apology gift. How much did you spend on it?"


Harry hesitated. Professor Blaine didn't answer this question, so he looked at Hermione without knowing how to answer.

"We are very familiar with the owner of the clothing store. She gave us a discount and we only spent dozens of galleons--"

At the critical moment, Hermione said without blushing and her heart not beating. She expected that this dress would not be cheap.

In Harry's opinion, Hermione's answer was already perfect, but for some reason, Fleur burst into laughter after hearing this answer. Her doubts disappeared from her pretty face, and she even reached out to take it happily. She passed the gift in Harry's hand, and this also caused her cloak to slip to the ground.

At just one glance, Harry's face turned red. He quickly looked away, not daring to look again. However, Fleur herself came over and kissed his cheek gently, and Harry immediately felt attracted by Fleur. The place you kissed becomes hot!

Then, Fleur wanted to kiss Hermione.

"Oh, don't do that!"

Startled, Hermione jumped away and stared at Fleur in horror.

"All right--"

Fleur smiled sweetly and shrugged. She picked up the cloak on the ground and covered herself again.

"Thank you, I accept your apology--"

Fleur held the gift box and walked happily up the golden spiral staircase, but before entering the carriage, she suddenly turned back and said to the astonished Harry with a smile,

"Thank you Mr. Blaine for me too--"

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