Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 699 Opinion

Looking at Winky who happily took a wool sock from Dumbledore's hand, bowed to him and quickly disappeared into the principal's office, Amosta was speechless.

This was the first house elf he had seen with his own eyes who was still full of joy when he was expelled. Winky, who may have appeared in old Barty's house now, didn't even think about Dobby, who had shared the hard times with him. Say goodbye.

It seems that Winky is indeed loyal to Barty Crouch.

However, from another perspective, this also reflects the free will of a creature like a house elf. It still misses Old Barty even though it clearly belongs to Hogwarts. This shows that the house elf also Will choose the owner he likes.

Amosta, who paused and thought for a while, turned around and looked back. He expected to see Dumbledore with a sigh on his face. Unexpectedly, Dumbledore was staring at the old wool sock in his hand with only one in his hand. His face was full of reluctance.


Amosta raised an eyebrow.

"Is there a special story about that sock, Headmaster?"


Dumbledore sighed and stuffed the only one woolen sock left into his pocket. It seemed that he had no intention of discarding it.

"These are the few woolen socks I have, Amosta. For a long time, people have insisted on giving me all kinds of books at Christmas. They probably decided that I am someone who likes to read to pass the time. It’s not wrong to be an old man, it’s just——”

Dumbledore faced Amosta, with hope in his blue eyes.

"--Ignoring my real needs."

"I understand how you feel-"

Amosta rolled his eyes.

"Just like I particularly love golden galleons and beautiful gems, but so far, no one can guess my mind."

After a joke, the two people sat down again.

"The test I just made. Do you think Voldemort can see the clues, Headmaster Dumbledore?"

If you want to know some secrets about Barty Crouch Jr., checking Winky's memory is the most convenient thing. However, neither Amosta nor Dumbledore will entertain this idea, because if they want Winky Going back would be too risky, so Amosta could only use some seemingly normal questions to get some clues.

"I doubt Tom will check Flash's memory at all, Amosta--" Dumbledore also stopped smiling, and his expression became solemn again,

"If he was going to check an elf's memory in a big way, that would be the thing that scares me, and Barty Crouch Jr.—"

Dumbledore lowered his eyebrows and thought for a while, then slowly said in a sad tone,

"--He will definitely cross-examine Twinkle, there is no doubt about it, he is a smart boy, and if I remember correctly, he has obtained twelve certificates in the O.W.L.S level examination."

"Do you think he might be suspicious?" Amosta's voice was urgent.

"Yes, Amosta, but I don't think you need to worry too much—"

Dumbledore said in a deep voice,

"If Barty Crouch Jr. has not completely abandoned the beautiful things in his soul like Tom, then he should be grateful to Twinkle. He will doubt it, but he will convince himself that it is just his illusion. Because If he told Tom all this, he would realize that he would immediately lose Winky—"

It has to be said that Dumbledore is a veritable master of controlling people's hearts, even without his unpredictable magical power. After thinking for a moment, Amosta nodded slightly.

As for how old Barty helped his son escape Azkaban, we have already begun to get a clue from Winky's hesitant answers just now, and Dumbledore and Amostar, these two extremely intelligent people, The wizard has basically restored what Barty did back then.

This is undoubtedly a sad thing.

Even Amosta had never thought that a tough-minded senior official of the Ministry of Magic like Barty would have such a soft side in his heart, not for his son, but for his wife.

Speaking of which, Barty's wife's love for her son is no weaker than the love Harry's parents have for him. These great parents are willing to sacrifice themselves in exchange for their son's chance to live.

However, neither Dumbledore nor Amosta was willing to discuss this topic in depth. Now that they understand what is going on, it is enough. They sympathize with the enemy who is fighting to the death, whether it is Amosta. Neither Dumbledore nor Dumbledore has such a holy heart.

"I'm sorry, Amosta--"

After finishing matters with Amosta, Dumbledore finally began to talk about his journey.

"I spent a few days at Horace's place using the excuse of reminiscing about the good times we had together, but he has been reluctant to discuss Tom with me. Horace is a clever wizard. I guess he saw me appearing in his room. By the time I got to the door, I had already figured out my plan—"

Dumbledore said with a hint of regret.

"But the importance of this matter is self-evident, Headmaster Dumbledore--"

It was an old friend of Dumbledore's, and Amosta couldn't say much, so he could only remind him tactfully,

"We have to find out if there are any key clues in him. Have you considered, in another way-"

"Horace is a respectable wizard, Amosta. Unless I have to, I try not to use strong methods. In that case, what is the difference between what we do and what Tom does?"

Regarding Dumbledore's noble remarks, Amosta could only sigh helplessly.

The two of them had been running around for a few days, and when they came back they were anxious to discuss the matter of Barty and his son. Until now, Amosta was still hungry.

Looking at the back of Amosta who was about to leave his office, Dumbledore stood up to change his robes, blinked, and suddenly stopped him.

"Any further advice, Headmaster Dumbledore?"

"Oh, I just want to remind you, Amosta-" Dumbledore's blue eyes suddenly flashed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You can't turn a blind eye to Minerva's difficulties. In the next few days, maybe you should spend some energy on the Yule Ball. You can't let the children down, can you? Even if I am in this office, You can also hear the voices of those children’s expectations--"

"Hermione, Hermione!"

Harry and Ron almost jogged to keep up with Hermione, who was striding forward. Harry called her name loudly, but Hermione always turned a deaf ear. Her eyes were pointed straight ahead and refused to deflect even a bit, letting the cold The ground wind blew her messy curly hair into even more chaos.

No matter how confused he was, Harry knew that Hermione was losing her temper, and it was under inexplicable circumstances.

Harry, who was eager to know what Professor Dumbledore and Professor Brain were investigating, had no choice but to cast a pleading look at Ron, but for some reason, Ron avoided his look, as if he was afraid of provoking Harry at this time. Sensitive.

"Hermione, what do you think Professor Dumbledore and Professor Braine are investigating?"

Harry had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to struggle.

"have no idea!"

Hermione walked quickly with her head held high, still not looking at Harry.

It was not difficult for Harry to see that Hermione's anger was mainly directed at him, which made him even more confused. He really didn't understand where he had offended her again. Could it be that in the principal's office just now, he Some of the narrative dissatisfied Hermione?

Harry racked his brains to recall what he said in the principal's office, and found nothing that would make Hermione angry.


When they moved to Gryffindor Tower, Harry finally couldn't help but ask again,

"What do you think about Professor Dumbledore and Professor Braine?"


Hermione finally responded. The soles of her feet landed heavily on the ground, and she turned her head, her pure pupils reflecting the light of fire.

"Compared to the questions raised by Professor Dumbledore and Professor Blaine, Harry, I would like to ask, what do you think about Fleur inviting you to the Yule Ball?"

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