Hogwarts Homecoming

Chapter 754 Leaky Cauldron

London, dawn rises.

The Christmas holidays are over, and London, a world-famous city, is back to its usual rhythm.

Maybe it's because people spend too much energy on the carnival of the holidays. Walking on the road with the cool breeze, bathing in the pale morning light and rushing to the workplace, the slightly pale faces of the Muggles have deep exhaustion engraved on them. .

But no matter what, on the bank of the Thames, north of Westminster Bridge, on the east side of the Muggle Parliament Building, on the Victorian Gothic-style bell tower, the big clock surrounded by 312 opals still rings on time. The sound woke up the sleepy city.

Opening the curtains and looking at the Palace of Westminster through the priceless floor-to-ceiling glass windows, Amosta was thinking quietly while holding a cup of green tea that had turned from scalding to lukewarm. thought.

The list I got from Verolence last night was spread out on the glossy mahogany coffee table behind Amosta.

Two in Albania, one in France, one in the UK, two in Germany, and the remaining one is far away in Russia.

After a night of thinking, Amosta's priority was to visit three people from France and Germany, for no other reason than that the attack Hermione suffered inexplicably seemed to be related to her status as a warrior. France and Germany are the main sources of students for the two magic schools Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

Although, he didn't think Mrs. Maxim and Karkaroff would do such an unwise act.

I don't think the attack was caused by a personal extreme behavior, but the irrefutable fact is that after the first round of the Triwizard Tournament ended, Hermione had the most fans in these two countries.

The spotlessly wiped glass window reflected a slightly tired face. Amosta stared at the blurred image of himself in the glass window, thinking deep down in his heart.

For a while, most of his energy has been focused on thinking about Voldemort who is about to return to the wizarding world, thinking about Merlin's various behaviors before disappearing more than ten centuries ago, and thinking about the memories shown to him by the four giants at Hogwarts. And completely forgetting that in this real magical world, the danger does not come entirely from the things he worries about, unexpected situations may happen at any time.

He should not limit his thoughts to those few issues, but should broaden his horizons. After all, he was different from Dumbledore, who only had the goal of killing Voldemort for the rest of his life.

After taking a deep breath, the breath he exhaled left a fine drop of water on the glass window. Amosta glanced at the tea with only a faint heat in his hand. He did not take another sip, but let go of the cup and let it go. The tea cup slowly fell on the coffee table.

Then, Amosta opened his arms, and the coat hanging on the hanger behind the door flew over with a clatter. He put it on Amosta himself, and the parchment on the coffee table was folded into squares and slipped into the coat's pocket. While Amosta was adjusting his cuffs, the leather shoes on the shoe rack came kicking over on their own.


Amosta was waiting for his shoelaces to be tied on his own. Suddenly, he suddenly came back to his senses, pointed his wary eyes at the glass window, and the wand had fallen into his palm.

A shimmering silver object appeared in the distance of the pale field of vision. In just a few breaths, it appeared outside this room, penetrated the glass without any hindrance, and landed on the ground in front of Amosta. .

"Good morning, Mr. Blaine, I hope I didn't disturb your rest--"

Looking at the light and graceful lynx on the ground, Amosta moved his eyebrows, and then he heard who this loud, rich voice belonged to.


Amosta moved his fingers and retracted his wand into his sleeve. A strange color flashed in his eyes.

"What, the Ministry of Magic finally traced where that package was sent from?"

Seemingly hearing the dissatisfaction in Amosta's tone, Kingsley said apologetically,

"I'm sorry for the delay. As you know, the package sent to Miss Hermione Granger did not have a return address. It took us time to find its source. Mr. Blaine, we have brought People have surrounded this place. Minister Fudge and Ms. Bones have told you that any progress in this matter needs to be reported to you--"

Amosta remained silent, waiting for Kingsley to reveal the location.

"We found out -" Kingsley paused. The consciousness inhabiting the Patron Saint was a little confused by Amosta Brain's calmness at this time. However, he did not question this, he just said the answer. ,

"The answer is surprising, Mr. Blaine. The package came from the Leaky Cauldron—"

There was no address on the package mailed to Hermione. This was something Amosta discovered after yesterday's incident. He expected that the person who did this must have thorough protection in order not to expose himself, so he changed his approach to investigate. The source of this matter.

But perhaps it was his and Dumbledore's gestures yesterday that made the Ministry fully aware of just how annoyed Hogwarts was about this.

Only one night passed before the Ministry of Magic found out where the package had been sent.

The Leaky Cauldron - This was indeed an unexpected place, but Amosta was not overjoyed when he got the answer. He just thought about it for a moment and nodded slightly.

"Thank you for your efforts, Kingsley—"

The probability of getting a direct answer is almost zero, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth paying attention to. Amosta nodded.

"I'll go over now--"

When the Muggle room manager discovered that the guest in this room had never checked out but had disappeared inexplicably, Amosta was not prepared to think about the confusion and uneasiness he would face.

Taking one step forward, Amosta disappeared into the twisted air, and when he reappeared in the real world, he had already appeared in the Leaky Cauldron.

In the morning, the rays of the rising sun in the east jumped over the low back wall of the Leaky Cauldron, forming light and shadow on the dark floor of the bar.

At this time, there is generally no business in the Broken Ax Bar. Only tourists staying in the hotel in twos and threes leisurely go downstairs and have a comfortable breakfast. Occasionally, those who enter the bar are just using the road to travel through the Muggle world and the magical world. They walk in and leave in a hurry and do not stay here.

But today's situation is different. Half of the space in the deserted bar is filled with people. Everyone who appears here has capable and cold eyes.

There was an unspeakable chilling atmosphere in the air. A gasping tourist walked down from the second floor with swaying steps. After he discovered the situation in the bar on the first floor, he rubbed his sleepy hands. He was frozen and unable to move. In an instant, the expression on his face changed from the calmness of years to horror and fear!


The sound of the passenger swallowing saliva was very clear in the Leaky Cauldron Bar where the drop of a needle could be heard. The sudden scrutiny of twenty or thirty people made him tremble in fear.

"I'm sorry, sir--"

Kingsley, who was wearing a purple wizard robe with a wide band of gold embroidered on it, walked out from behind several colleagues, looked at the passengers at the stairs calmly and said,

"I'm afraid the breakfast business in the bar will be suspended for a while. We need to take up some of the boss's time. Of course, it won't be long. Maybe you can go back to the room and rest for a while--"

The passenger nodded so fast that an afterimage appeared. He didn't dare to say any words of rejection at all. Instead, he turned around and ran upstairs as if he had been granted amnesty. The moment he turned sideways, the corner of his eye glanced at the people who were blocked at the bar. , the bar owner Tom who was about to faint.

"Don't be nervous, Tom—"

In a sense, Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, is also a well-known figure in the British wizarding world. Kingsley would not fail to recognize him. Watching the tourists return to the second floor, Kingsley turned his eyes to the bar and smiled gently at Tom. ,

"We're just here to investigate some things, and we'll leave as soon as we find out the problem -"

"I - Phew, I don't quite understand, Kingsley -"

The boss was so frightened that his few hairs fell out one after another, his eyes were red, and he curled his lips pitifully,

"I'm just a--"


There was an unexpected sound in the small yard behind, and the experienced Aurors immediately judged that it was the sound of the Apparition.


More than twenty guys in black coats of the same style popped out their wands from their sleeves and pointed at the intruder with cold eyes.

These eyes that showed strong vigilance and hostility together were more dazzling than sunlight. Amosta stood at the intersection of the hall and the backyard, his eyes swept across the bar hall, and then walked in with a calm expression.

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