Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 230: Kyle's career

Chapter 230 Kyle’s career

Hermione's guess was accurate. When she and Ron arrived at the school hospital, the place was already crowded with students who came to see Harry.

 There are his friends, people from the team, and some who have nothing to do to join in the fun.

Of course, there are those who come to make things worse...such as a first-year Slytherin student who wishes to remain anonymous.

 They blocked the door, looking for various reasons to get Madam Pomfrey to let them in.

"Just let me in, Madam Pomfrey, please...the Quidditch match is tomorrow, and I have to see Harry, it's very important."

 Oliver Wood was at the front.

If there is anyone who wants to see Harry the most, then he can definitely be ranked in the top three.

Although they were more than 500 points less than the first-ranked Hufflepuff, there was still hope before the end of the last game.

 What if a miracle happens...

 But if Harry, the most important seeker, is missing, then they will have no hope at all, and may even fall directly to the bottom, setting a record for Gryffindor's lowest score in ten years.

If this were the case, Professor McGonagall would definitely hang him on the astronomy tower...Wood felt cold all over just thinking about it.

So no matter how much Madam Pomfrey refused, he held on to the door frame and refused to let go.

Not far away, Dumbledore, who had just come out of the school hospital, saw this scene and smiled happily:

“It seems that Harry’s popularity is still very good, there are so many people who care about him.”

 There was another person beside him.

Snape surprisingly didn't say anything sarcastic, he just gave Dumbledore a complicated look.

“Is this your plan, let Potter face the mysterious man alone, he may die..."

 “Trust me, Severus…”

Dumbledore said solemnly: "Harry will face Voldemort sooner or later. This is inevitable. He must learn to overcome his fear."

"Ha, let a child be the savior..." Snape snorted disdainfully, not sure whether it was to Harry or Dumbledore.

“Like his father, he is mediocre, arrogant, loves to violate discipline, likes to be in the limelight, attract attention, and is rude... To be honest, I don’t see any possibility of him defeating the Dark Lord.”

“You saw what you expected to see, Severus.”

Dumbledore walked into the castle and said without looking back: "Other professors say that the boy is humble, easy-going, and has good talents. I personally also found him to be a lovable child."

 “Good talent?”

Snape had a strange expression, as if he heard that the Ministry of Magic was distributing free elixirs...ridiculous.

If Dumbledore's words were applied to Kyle, his reaction would not be so big.

Although he didn't like Kyle, Snape had to admit that the little **** was indeed very smart.

  After all, even he couldn't brew the perfect water of life and death in the second grade.

As for that Harry Potter... he can make even the simplest boil potion go wrong.

 That’s all you have a good talent for?

But thinking of Kyle, Snape suddenly asked in a deep voice: "So, do you really not know what happened in the underground classroom at that time?"

"Of course, Severus, I have no reason to lie to you."

Dumbledore shook his head: "Hogwarts Castle is very big, even I can't see all the places."

 “Where’s that mirror…”

"He has not looked at the Mirror of Erised, not even once." Dumbledore's eyes became a little deeper: "At this point, he is more awake than all of us."

 Snape fell into silence again, and after a long time he continued: "Aren't you worried that Quirrell will take away the Sorcerer's Stone? I thought you would always pay attention to him."

“Ever since I brought the Philosopher’s Stone back, I have been worried about this happening every day, and I have never relaxed for a moment.”

Dumbledore raised his head and said, "But there are always exceptions to everything, Severus." As he spoke, the two of them had already reached the restricted area.

Lu Wei had been sent away, and the entrance room seemed empty. The two passed through the trap door and entered the room below.

 Neither Dumbledore nor Snape used a broom, nor was it necessary.

 This height is as easy for them as walking down the stairs.

After landing on the ground, Snape's expression changed. He bent down and picked up a leaf from the ground.

“Biting cabbage...if I remember correctly, what Pomona put here should be the Devil’s Internet Cafe.”

“Perhaps someone thought Devil’s Net was too simple and helped to increase the difficulty.” Dumbledore said with a smile.

 “I think this man must not be Quirrell.”

Snape stroked the leaves in his hand thoughtfully:

“You want to grow such dangerous plants and put them randomly in the school... If Quirrell hadn’t come down early, Potter and the others probably wouldn’t have needed to go to the school hospital anymore...

With such disregard for life, aren’t you worried that he will become the next Dark Lord? "

 Snape didn't say who this "him" was, but Dumbledore could guess it.

"You are wrong. In fact, Harry and the others came down on broomsticks. Even without Quirrell, they will not be affected in any way."

Dumbledore shook his head and said calmly: "And Kyle will not and cannot become the next Dark Lord.

 He has a warm family and close friends who talk about everything. He is keen on learning magic, but has never been obsessed with improving his strength.

Oh, by the way, he also has a career that he loves, which is completely different from Voldemort. "

"Career? Are you referring to those deceptive amulets and crude maps..." Snape suddenly felt a toothache.

If these are Kyle's undertakings, then their Slytherins have contributed a lot.

Dumbledore blinked:

 “At least the students like it, don’t they?”

“Well, even if you are right, what about Occlumency?” Snape pondered: “If there were no ulterior secrets, who would need to master Occlumency in the second year?”

"You should know, Severus, that we cannot use Legilimency on students." Dumbledore's tone became a little stern.

 “It’s just a test.” Snape snorted coldly:

 “That kind of confidence...he showed it too obviously.”

"But you have to understand, Severus, having a secret is not an unforgivable thing. It's just that your prejudice against Kyle is too deep."

 Snape frowned, noncommittal.

“Oh, that’s right.” Dumbledore seemed to suddenly think of something and sighed:

"Because of Li Huo, I can't hide what happened in the underground classroom from Kyle and Harry's family. They should be here soon."

"Do you remember, Diana came to the academy once last year because of Oren. I have to say that even though so many years have passed, the child has not changed at all, he is still so... lively."

 Snape's face turned ugly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he asked coldly: "When!"

"It should be arriving soon." Dumbledore thought for a while, "But the person coming over could also be Chris."

"very good."

 Snape turned around and left the room.

 “Are you going to meet her?”

"No...whether she comes or not has nothing to do with me."

Snape said without turning around: "I just suddenly remembered that I forgot to pick up a batch of potion materials I ordered in Hogsmeade."

 (End of this chapter)

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